General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-09-04 11:02 AM
in reply to: #3693947

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Oshkosh, WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

"Ironmen" are not average Americans. When I was tracking my calories I was always under 1500mg of Sodium a day. I assume the average Ironman hasn't been eating a bunch of processed foods either. 


I will be taking a salt stick the day before and when I wake up race morning. I assume if you are drinking sports drinks days before for hydration, this probably wouldn't be necessary.  It isn't going to be crazy hot though, I keep checking the temps and it's around low 70's. Perfect if you ask me! 

Edited by wcocco 2012-09-04 11:04 AM

2012-09-04 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4394262

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

daviddclough - 2012-09-04 10:14 AM Bad idea unless you are depleted of salt, which most americans are not.  All you'll be doing is increasing the sodium concentration in your sweat and impair your body's sodium-regulating mechanisms.  The average person only needs about 250mg of saft a day.  The endurance athlete needs about 500mg a day.  The average american consumes about 7000mg of salt a day because of the highly processed foods that we eat.


I assure you I am way beyond average when it comes to sodium consumption.  I tracked it for a week then stopped because the numbers are/were quite impressive.  I put salt on everything.

2012-09-04 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3693947

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

I've never tried it, but...

Some of the pro's "sodium load" before the race.  They also avoid too much water so as not to wash it all out.

So some extra  the day before might not be a bad idea.  I wouldn't do something too different than practiced in training, though.

2012-09-04 11:22 AM
in reply to: #4394309

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

kevin_trapp - 2012-09-04 10:38 AM Awfully quite in here today, given how close we are to the race.  Is everyone just too panicked?  Some time off in July nursing an injured foot and too many family committments derailed my training, so this race has a distinct possibility of turning very ugly on me.  My wife made up these shirts for my family to wear.  If you see a little four year old yelling pain don't hurt at you, give him a little high five.


Welcome to the club.  I'll be easy to spot if you want to walk/shuffle/do something vaguely familiar to jogging during the marathon, I'll be the short guy with the shaved head that has the "what the hell was I thinking" look on my face.

Torn calf, 4-6 weeks of stage 2 hypertension (not sure when it started), crashed my moped in early august and broke my foot, and 2 unplanned week long "vacations".  Other than that training has gone very well and been pleasant.  My initial goal was 14 hours, then 12 hours now it's back to just finish.  Regardless, I am very excited and ready to suffer for however long it takes to finish.


Where is everyone going to meet at Monona Terrace Friday morning?  

2012-09-04 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3693947

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Kevin: those are great shirts! My wife made up some too! Bright yellow! Should be 2 little boys and 5 adults wearing them so say hi back at em if you all see them!
2012-09-04 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3693947

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Also want to know where everyone wants to meet On Friday?

2012-09-04 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3693947

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Does anyone know if they normally run out of the finisher's jackets?  I'd love to get one.

BTW, those are great shirts!!! and I'll meet wherever we decided.  Down by the water makes sense to me.  IIRC from last year, there is an entry point by the east helix (I didn't see the swim, I was volunteering on the bike course).

Edited by rubeone 2012-09-04 11:58 AM
2012-09-04 12:45 PM
in reply to: #3693947

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Just dropping in to wish everyone a safe and healthy race!


I did it last year.  Although it was very challenging, I had a lot of fun...anyone that has never done an IM or trained for one, will never understand that.


Good luck everyone!!!

You've done the got this...

2012-09-04 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3693947

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
East helix it is! Unless someone else has better place to meet
2012-09-04 1:16 PM
in reply to: #4394520

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
rubeone - 2012-09-04 11:55 AM

Does anyone know if they normally run out of the finisher's jackets?  I'd love to get one.

BTW, those are great shirts!!! and I'll meet wherever we decided.  Down by the water makes sense to me.  IIRC from last year, there is an entry point by the east helix (I didn't see the swim, I was volunteering on the bike course).

I can tell you two years ago men's medium jackets sold out quick.  They must have been short in general because in November they had a one-time online order for the jackets only.  Even then I don't think I ever got a men's medium.  Zipper's on the wrong side.  But I still wear my ladies jacket with pride.

2012-09-04 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3693947

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Hi all! Just wanted to pass on a spectator guide that a friend of mine wrote. It's very complete and quite funny in spots. Click on the pdf link at the top of the page. Enjoy!

2012-09-04 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3693947

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

back on the sodium loading topic.  I just drink gatorade for a couple days leading up to the race.  Plenty of carb's and electrolytes in there and if I get too much I figure I just pee it out.

Then on the race I take 3 Electrosalts every hour for the duration of the bike/run.  They absolutely rock for cramps.  If I even get a slight twinge of a cramp I pop a pill and it's gone in 10 minutes.

2012-09-04 2:14 PM
in reply to: #4394491

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Sun Prairie-ish, WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread




A friend of my mine made the logos for front and back.  They will be on royal blue shirts.  I think my wife said that there will be about 30 ppl.

2012-09-04 2:56 PM
in reply to: #4394735

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Oshkosh, WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

rowdypaint - 2012-09-04 1:25 PM Hi all! Just wanted to pass on a spectator guide that a friend of mine wrote. It's very complete and quite funny in spots. Click on the pdf link at the top of the page. Enjoy!


That's great. Thanks! 

2012-09-04 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4394035

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

melle - 2012-09-04 9:34 AM Nutrition question:  A "friend" recommended I start taking the salt tablets Saturday late afternoon/night.  Does anyone with experience know if this is a good plan or not?  I'm not crazy about changing anything at this point but it does sound like it could be beneficial.  

ChrisM from BT DNFed on the SWIM of his first IM attempt (he is a FOP swimmer) because of salt loading.  I definitely would not do it.

2012-09-04 8:05 PM
in reply to: #3693947

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

ok, i know I asked this before but it's the only thing that I keep thinking about and researching so I want to throw it out there again.  I've done a lot of reading and watching of youtube videos on the IMWI swim start and I still keep asking the question...

Where oh where should I seed myself for the swim start?

I can swim the 2.4 Miles in the pool continuous at a 1:55/100m pace sans wetsuit (~1:14 total).  So I'm guessing if I had clear sailing for an OWS with a wetsuit I'd probably be around a 1:10 pace or better.  Obviously with the bumping and congestion I'll likely be slower than that.

I have come to the conclusion that I don't want to start at the back because I know I'd be swimming into slower swimmers feet and I don't enjoy getting kicked in the face.  Plus, there's no chance that I'll be able to draft off of anyone if I'm at the back.

So, I was thinking about starting up slightly off the front row, but towards the shore.  But, from what I'm reading there's a ton of people hugging the shore trying to stand and it gets congested pretty bad there at the start too.  /le sigh

So, do I just go for the ski ramp slightly off the lead row and look for some feet to grab onto?  I'm not at all worried about people swimming up on me and I'd much prefer that over swimming up on people myself.

What do you guys think?

**edit**  also, I have a GPS watch so I worry that if I'm treading water for 15-30 minutes it will lose it's sync.  Maybe I can sit on the ski ramp...

Edited by tuwood 2012-09-04 8:07 PM

2012-09-04 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4395050

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Daffodil - 2012-09-04 4:30 PM

melle - 2012-09-04 9:34 AM Nutrition question:  A "friend" recommended I start taking the salt tablets Saturday late afternoon/night.  Does anyone with experience know if this is a good plan or not?  I'm not crazy about changing anything at this point but it does sound like it could be beneficial.  

ChrisM from BT DNFed on the SWIM of his first IM attempt (he is a FOP swimmer) because of salt loading.  I definitely would not do it.

Some have claimed that it works (for them).  Others, well, DNF on the swim.

If you haven't done it before, and assuming that IMWI is an 'A' race, I agree that now would probably be a bad time to experiment...

2012-09-04 8:30 PM
in reply to: #4395412

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Let me know what you come up with cause I want to be somewhere around that too!

Is the only way to start in the water when the gun goes off to be in the water floating for 15-30 minutes?

Not real sure I like the strategery of expending extra energy before the race starts. We are doing an ironman you know! 

2012-09-04 8:41 PM
in reply to: #4395460

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
HUSKRFJ - 2012-09-04 8:30 PM

Let me know what you come up with cause I want to be somewhere around that too!

Is the only way to start in the water when the gun goes off to be in the water floating for 15-30 minutes?

Not real sure I like the strategery of expending extra energy before the race starts. We are doing an ironman you know! 


You can stand on the shore and enter the water after the gun goes off.  

2012-09-04 8:45 PM
in reply to: #4395460

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Closer to 15 minutes. Takes very little energy if you are in wetsuit. Kind of fun/relaxing, as long as you don't think to much...
2012-09-04 10:46 PM
in reply to: #3693947

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread


Do any of you locals know if there are any bike shops that stock Latex tubes?  (700x23)  Or does anyone have a spare I could buy?

I had two in my race tires that I had to order online because none of our LBS's in Omaha cary latex.  So, as luck would have it as I'm going over my tires tonight in my pre-race check I noticed a slit on one of the tires that looks like it had something in it.  I used the tweezers and next thing you know air is rushing out.  grr, I just popped my latex tube.

I'm going to replace the tire and I've got plenty of spare regular tubes, but I would much rather run latex.  I knew I should have ordered some spare latex tubes.  /facepalm

2012-09-05 5:12 AM
in reply to: #3693947

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Another ?, for those who are traveling by plane, are you bringing your own pump?  Do they let those on the plane?  or for locals/seasoned IMWIers, how bad is the line to get them pumped by bike service and where are they located? 
2012-09-05 5:28 AM
in reply to: #4395655

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

mighty mom - 2012-09-05 6:12 AM Another ?, for those who are traveling by plane, are you bringing your own pump?  Do they let those on the plane?  or for locals/seasoned IMWIers, how bad is the line to get them pumped by bike service and where are they located? 

you shouldn't have a problem to bring a pump on the plane, but you won't be able to take CO2 cartridges on the plane.  Can't speak for Wisconsin, but at Florida on race morning it was only about a 5 minute line up to get my tires filled.  This is my plan for this year.  Despite driving to Wisconsin, I'm not bringing a pump with me.

Will you be online in Madison?  I can PM you a location to meet on Friday once I have seen the place.

2012-09-05 5:32 AM
in reply to: #4395666

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Daffodil - 2012-09-05 6:28 AM

mighty mom - 2012-09-05 6:12 AM Another ?, for those who are traveling by plane, are you bringing your own pump?  Do they let those on the plane?  or for locals/seasoned IMWIers, how bad is the line to get them pumped by bike service and where are they located? 

you shouldn't have a problem to bring a pump on the plane, but you won't be able to take CO2 cartridges on the plane.  Can't speak for Wisconsin, but at Florida on race morning it was only about a 5 minute line up to get my tires filled.  This is my plan for this year.  Despite driving to Wisconsin, I'm not bringing a pump with me.

Will you be online in Madison?  I can PM you a location to meet on Friday once I have seen the place.

Yeah, I really don't want to bring one.  But I also don't want to be sitting in line for 30 minutes.  

I will.  Sounds like a plan. 

2012-09-05 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3693947

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

So I read through the athlete guide and I'm a little confused about the transition logistics.

For T1, I'm supposed to put all of my stuff (helmet, shoes, etc..) in my Bike Gear bag, but where is my bike gear bag at?  Does it hang on my bike, do I give it to somebody and wait for them to find it in transition.
I typically have my shoes clipped to my pedals and run barefoot, but it doesn't look like they allow that.  Do I put my shoes on and waddle in my shoes or run barefoot carrying them and get run over at the mount line trying to put them on? 

Same question with T2.  Do I put my shoes and goodies in a bag and grab it from somebody or is it set up on a chair somewhere?

I'm sure this all gets explained in the meeting, but I'm just trying to understand it ahead of time.

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