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2007-04-22 12:54 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
The computer is telling me the photo is toooo large, how do I adjust the picture to make it smaller, I attached the picture and submited twice, but it's not getting smaller

2007-04-22 4:29 AM
in reply to: #771620

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Weighed myself this morning.

14 st 9 lbs which is, I think, 205 lbs so I think Sean may have a point. Fat% has gone down a bit too to 27.1.

All in all a good start to my Sunday. Next week I expect to be up to my previous weight but I am setting myself a goal of 4lbs loss.

I hope that the rest of you have a good start to the day.

Tally ho.
2007-04-22 4:41 AM
in reply to: #771586

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-21 11:36 PM

I'll do it alone if need be. Ultimately you do it alone anyway. It's all a personal mental/physical/spiritual endurance deal.

Exactly. Which is why it's such a great feeling of accomplishment.

But don't become a snob and mock the shorter distances. All races are tough, whether it's the exceptionally hilly terrain, the murky water conditions where you can't see your hand during the swim, or the steaming run on a paved roadway when it's 93 degrees outside. Yes, that's the voice of personal experience talking.

Or it's the pressure you put on yourself to have a truly fast race, or the focus on a great swim-bike transition, or dealing with the unexpected gastrointestinal repercussions of a new gel/bar/drink. (Coca cola helped take care of the last issue.)

If you do a race, any race, and finish, you're a triathlete. The accomplishment is not measured in any hardware you bring home, or how many people you beat, or whether the swim in your race was 500 yards compared to someone else's 400. The challenge is simply one of personal toughness.

Sort of like life.

But in a wetsuit.
2007-04-22 4:44 AM
in reply to: #771640

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-04-22 10:41 AM

If you do a race, any race, and finish, you're a triathlete. The accomplishment is not measured in any hardware you bring home, or how many people you beat, or whether the swim in your race was 500 yards compared to someone else's 400. The challenge is simply one of personal toughness.

Sort of like life.

But in a wetsuit.

Prof, if you carry on with such wise words, we'll all have to tithe you 10% of our salaries!
2007-04-22 7:41 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Jeanette--I needed to resize my photos using Irfanview, which you can download free. Then the pics needed to be resized to 8 % of original to get under 100 kb. It's a pain in the redbike, but that's the way this site is.

Prof, don't worry about me being a snob to shorter distances. Every mile is still hard for me. (but maybe not quite as hard or slow as the last week). And I end up having to take a nap when I do bricks or swim/runs or whatever. Seriously. It's pitiful. The kids then get into everything. Yesterday I actually slipped on some hotwheels tracks left on the kitchen floor as I raced to get a quick drink and get right back on it. I have a wee bruise on my arm now where it hit the stove on the way down. I simply have tons of emotional garbage to deal with and my life is hard, and not likely to get any easier. I need to accomplish this, and I can't even express all the reasons why. But I've never steered myself in a totally wrong direction when I listen to my inner self and what it wants for me. Sort of like when I decided to be a chiropractor and my mom thought I was certifiable. She doesn't say that now. She just asks me to fix her whenever she sees me and then brags about how good I am to everyone she knows. But I don't get any real sense of pride out of my work anymore. I need more. And this is it. Even imagining myself an IM makes me walk a little taller. And David DeSutter, if you are reading this--Hippopotomous, my redbike--that's Ironman Hippo, buddy!!!:P
2007-04-22 10:05 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Jeanette--I don't think I'm going to do June 24 in Naperville. This is why--I was looking at half ironman distance races and there is one in Sherwood, WI near Appleton June 24 (I'm looking for next year), BUT the HOYT'S are guest speakers at 5 pm June 23 and will be there for the High Cliff Triathlon! I think I would really enjoy hearing that speech and perhaps watching a half ironman and if I'm so moved, I can sign up right away for next year. Perhaps volunteer to help out a little there. This just feels right for me at this time. I get a panicky feeling thinking about doing three tri's in a row (June 10, June 24 and July 4).

I'm also going to do IM Madison for my first one. It's close, I can train on the course, it won't cost me an arm and both legs to get my gear, self, family and friends (if I still have any left by then) to the event and home again without hotels. Maybe 2008. There's the whole summer now to train and see where I'm at by September when I'd have to register for next year. Exotic locales with huge expenditures and courses I've never seen make me feel REALLY stressed. Keep it simple.

2007-04-22 10:12 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
alright, Ive been thinking about whether or not to do this weigh in. I know its stupid, Im just not used to telling anyone my weight (my husband doesnt even know!) but I think I have grown to trust y'all and I know no one will make fun of me so Im going to do this with you. I realize it will definitely motivate me because just in the past 3 days, I pulled out all my old weight watchers propaganda and started my food journal and tryed to stick to the plan. Of course I havent dropped any weight in 3 days, but Im hoping my 1 week point will reveal something new.
Here the weight: 200.5 lbs
Not doing the fat % because Im not sure whats accurate, but Id guess its in the 30's. Im wearing size 16/14 clothes currently. Id be happy just to get to 12/14.

Now, I will go out and run 1hr and work off my anxiety about sharing that with you all.
2007-04-22 10:45 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Watergirl, we are here to support you! You are in phenomenal shape and have my utmost admiration. It wasn't too long ago that I weighed exactly that and was in size 18-20! But I was never in the athletic range at all before, and you are doing fantastic!

Seconds after making the decision to do IM Madison and posting it, Steve from Madison wrote me and said this: he was injured so didn't train much AT ALL for IM Arizona! He did one 75 mile bike, one 55 mile bike and a couple 6 mile runs and one 11 mile run. He's always been a swimmer and was like third at my little indoor tri (but I didn't see him there) while I was third from the BOTTOM! He said AZ is windy and recommended I do Madison first. How cool is that to get instant confirmation that your decision might be correct????? And that just perhaps all this train, train, train stuff is a bit OFF! He just went there thinking maybe it would be fun and maybe he'd finish and did it in under 12! Relaxation is SOOOOO important! So, I'm off to go practice relaxing in the pool now--have to up my yardage quite a bit, but they do have buoys around the swim for most HIM and IM's, so it isn't like you can't rest a bit and keep going. I didn't know this until today! Makes me feel much better. Love having resources!

Thanks to all of you, btw! Each person on here adds some bit of knowledge or humor or support and it all makes for a wonderful thing! Keep up the great work and don't be afraid to ask for some support if you need or want it. Human beings just plain need eachother. It's an inborn thing.
2007-04-22 1:01 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Ok - stats

weight: 135.2


waist: 28

BP: No idea, but no one's ever looked alarmed

Pulse: 54

I'm with watergirl - gonna go with pounds/inches, forget the fat% - we should be able to see that anyway, right?  And WG - I think you're brave and wonderful and totally on the right path - you are already a phenomenal athelete - hope this "sharing" we're doing keeps us all honest and motivated.  And PS - I went 187 after my last kid - just look at it from a long-haul perspective and this part is just one of your laps!

Here's to (hope, hope!) us big bunch of losers!

2007-04-22 3:59 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I am 6 feet tall and the scale says 257 on wend ( the only day I weigh in). Ihave lost 3 pounds in the last two weeks. My goal is 230.
2007-04-22 6:10 PM
in reply to: #771676

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-22 7:41 AM

Jeanette--I needed to resize my photos using Irfanview, which you can download free. Then the pics needed to be resized to 8 % of original to get under 100 kb. It's a pain in the redbike, but that's the way this site is.

Prof, don't worry about me being a snob to shorter distances. Every mile is still hard for me. (but maybe not quite as hard or slow as the last week). And I end up having to take a nap when I do bricks or swim/runs or whatever. Seriously. It's pitiful. The kids then get into everything. Yesterday I actually slipped on some hotwheels tracks left on the kitchen floor as I raced to get a quick drink and get right back on it. I have a wee bruise on my arm now where it hit the stove on the way down. I simply have tons of emotional garbage to deal with and my life is hard, and not likely to get any easier. I need to accomplish this, and I can't even express all the reasons why. But I've never steered myself in a totally wrong direction when I listen to my inner self and what it wants for me. Sort of like when I decided to be a chiropractor and my mom thought I was certifiable. She doesn't say that now. She just asks me to fix her whenever she sees me and then brags about how good I am to everyone she knows. But I don't get any real sense of pride out of my work anymore. I need more. And this is it. Even imagining myself an IM makes me walk a little taller. And David DeSutter, if you are reading this--Hippopotomous, my redbike--that's Ironman Hippo, buddy!!!:P

Pene Thank you for the info. I will try it again.
Thats O.K. if you cant make it to this tri. I wish you well on your other two. I agree three in a row is a lot.

Do you know about E.F.T. ?

It's called the Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a series of tapping certain areas on your body ( like face and arms) and repeating a phrase. It is used in alternative healing. You can look it up on the computer or talk to an acupuncturist and some chiro's are certified/knowladgeable also. I have seen this help many people.

2007-04-22 9:48 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Ok so I just weighed in

I am at 225 lbs this morning. 

I am 6'4, no idea on BF%, but I would like to reduce it.  I am not too concerned with my weight anymore.  I am sure my knees would like me to be lighter but they will just have to learn to cope :D


This is going to be another rest week for me.  I have a 10k run this Saturday which is going to be a challenge.  My running book said that there is nothing you can do in a week leading up to a race to help you, but there is everything you can do to hurt you.  It takes at least 2 weeks to increase your fitness so where I am at is where I am at.  

Good luck to everyone on their weightloss! 

2007-04-22 11:10 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Rob--You'll do great with the 10K. I agree, take a rest week. Maybe just do some stretches, or even try some Yoga. Racehorses are more efficient when they have very flexible legs. That's how you tell if the colt will make a decent race horse some day--from his even flexibility! And I know people who do Yoga every day and they are wonderfully fast runners. I have been very slack about this. My kids sort of hog the DVD player. We don't have TV so to speak, but I do buy/rent them movies. That's been my excuse anyway.....Your legs are so long, you can cover the ground twice as fast as this shorty So have fun with the rest week! But if you need some happy exercise endorphins, a little run won't hurt you, or else just go swimming more this week.

The way I lost weight originally is following some diet I found on the It costs a little bit, like about 20 bucks I think, and the diet is pretty simple. You get 4 "meals" a day and can eat til you are almost full, no more. It is more protein than carbs, and you eat one type of food per meal. They repeat these foods so much during the week that you get sick of them and don't eat as much. Tuna--again?????? I found myself taking like 2 bites and that was it! And there is one day of just three "meals" one all fruit and two all veggies. That one really cleans you out, but I looked forward to that day the most for some reason. You do get foods like a pastrami sandwich and oatmeal, too, but mostly it's like chicken, fish, salad, and even spaghetti one day. Anyway, just sharing what initially worked for me. I'd STARVE on that now! I'd have to take a complete rest week on it. Maybe like a two mile walk. I can't get over how much more I can actually consume now and apparently have it go to muscle. But, me thinks maybe I'll get those papers out and try it for just a little bit because I have that aversion to meat. No matter how hard I try to concentrate on protein foods, I end up with about 20% and no more of protein, with the majority carbs and even more fat than protein! Mostly because I go for avocados, cashews, cheese--healthy stuff but not low in fat. What sorts of "diets" have worked for you guys? Or do you just sort of wing it? My favorite food lately has been burritos at a place called Burrachos. Anyone have those near you? They load it up with rice, black beans, your choice of beef, pork or chicken, and the most delicious corn salsa, lettuce, cheese, sour cream. And it is HUGE! And totally makes me feel great after a long swim. Then I don't need anything later except a spinach salad with blue cheese dressing for supper.
2007-04-23 5:03 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Heh gang

I'm in: wt - 166.5
hr- 5'7".

-had my first fall off the bike with new shoes/clips. Was in a perfect stopped position (ie no movement!!) with some training pals out at the park. Well- had my left foot/shoe clipped in and decided to turn left (dumb, blond moment)- well down I went in slow motion. Ka-boom!!! Landed on Lt elbow, and later was concerned about Lt wrist- but both seem to be ok. Couple scraps to the knees. Didn't rip my long bike pants (thank-goodness- that would have truly ticked me off!!. Anyway- we all had a good laugh- and off I rode!!!

-have a good training week. gang. I feel so much better having made the decision to run the 1.2!!!

2007-04-23 6:00 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I ran outside today for the first time. 2.5 miles, it was harder than at the gym.
I finally figured out why.. the treadmill is moving so you just move your leg forward and let the treadmill move your leg backward for you.. now if we can just get concrete to do that
2007-04-23 6:54 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I Have A Question.........

Is a tri suit worn for all 3 swim, bike and run and is it like a wetsuit material? Does this get hot during the run? Can you go from the swim and just put shoes on with a tri suit? I would get a onepiece. Is it flexiable enough?

2007-04-23 9:59 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
did another 20 laps to day, I have 140 of my 880 down.
I swam in mt suit and sport bra- very tight but I want to get use to it for Sunday when I do my second tri. When I ride bike tomorrow I will be doing it in my suit, shorts and sports bra not soaking wet but yeah I want to really be ready for Sunday. I am scared but I am doing it for fun so what will be will be.
I am also running my first 10k on May 5- which seems so close and yet so far, it is one week after the tri, so Robb, I am with you, I feel you. Tell me all about your experience so I know what to look out for.
I have also shifted training gears. More relaxed and more forgiving. I am really hard on myself, I need to step back sometimes and breathe.
Okay as for the weigh challenge, I weighted into at 212.0 I am 5 feet and 6 inches, tried to get my bmi buy my new computer has some anti bmi/ java script thing going on so I can not tell you that. Also I do not have a body fat analyzer tool so you will just have to trust me.
My goal to lose 12 pounds. This is floating weight that floats anywhere between 206 and 213, I want it to float between 199 and 205! Okay time for bed.
One cool thing, the new computer does- it underlines any word I spell wrong and as you know from reading my post, I get a lot of words wrong, so you will see better post from me.
Good night. BGT
2007-04-24 12:57 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

BGT - Good luck on your upcoming races!  Make sure to take it easy after your tri to recover in time for your run.  The competition looks tough so don't expect much from me on mine lol


Jeanette - Running outside is a bit harder than on the treadmill, mainly because of the hills and wind.  I also personally find it hard to pace myself and run too fast outdoors.  When you are running on a treadmill you are still using the same energy to propel you, so you are still getting the work out, but lack the wind and hill resistance.  I have read that you should run with a slight incline on the treadmill to make up for it to be more accurate.

As for your second question, a tri-suit is more what goes under your wetsuit.  Its a  thin polyester material, like bike shorts.  If the water is warm and you don't need a wetsuit, you can also swim in it and jump out and throw shoes on.  Or have your wetsuit over it.  I have seen one piece tri-suits, but I think the 2 piece looks more comfortable. 

So I hit the grocery store tonight and have 2 tips for you all.  One, and I am not sure if its a Canadian only thing or not, but if you buy a box of Vector Cereal, you get a coupon for a free dry-fit soucony t-shirt.  ($40 shirt for $4 box of cereal).  And the cereal is not too bad.  40g of carbs and only 2g of fat which would make it a great pre-race breakfast.

Also found a sweet way to get more protein.  I personally hate the taste of fish but found this flavored tuna stuff that is awesome!  They sell little snack packs that come with crackers and is good for 20g of protein.   So for you people looking to bulk up more, eat some less-gross tuna!

2007-04-24 9:32 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Brandon, FL.
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Hey all - I've got to agree with Robb on the tuna thing.  Here in America we have Starkist tuna in foil packs.  5 oz. / 200 calories / no carbs / 14g protein.  Good stuff.  I eat it straight out of the pack.  They have Hickory/Lemon Pepper/Herb&Garlic/Sweet&Spicy.  Try it if you like tuna and don't want to dump all kinds of mayo in it.

Rode over to the gym to weigh myself last night.  314.8.  Then I finished the remaining 10 miles of my 13 mile bike ride so hopefully it's a little less.  LOL !

Hope you all have a wonderful week !



2007-04-24 9:56 AM
in reply to: #660273

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...

I was reading back through some of the earlier pages of the group and was amazed by how much we all seem to have developed and it got me to thinking about a challenge for next week.

One of the earliest challenges that we did was the 7 in a week challenge.

prof40 - 2007-01-19 11:00 AM


Do 7 components of any of our disciplines: swim, bike, run.

The first person to get all 7 done, with no more than 3 on any one day, wins. And gets to set the challenge for next week.

I'm not interested in how long you swam, or how fast you rode, or how far you ran. I just want you to exercise at least 7 times this week. I'd love it if you'd try a "brick", when you do 2 components back to back, so your body can feel what it's like. Don't worry about rushing headstrong from sport to sport. A few minutes transition time is just fine.

And no, you don't have to try to divide the sports evenly. You can run all 7 if you want. Yes, your treadmills, trainers, etc count. It's winter where I am, so I'm stuck inside, too.

I want you to check in daily and tell us what sports you did, how you're feeling, and how many sessions you have left to do. A little competition is a very good motivator. And keep up with your logs. I look at them -- really, I do -- and I bet the rest of the team does, too.

Ok team -- get busy!

Starting on Monday let's do it again.

3 months down the line this should validate all the effort that we have put in over the last quarter and give us all some idea of where we are improving, what needs more work and how well (or not) we are doing!

Looking at the logs etc I reckon we will blow our old selves into the weeds!
2007-04-24 11:30 AM
in reply to: #774268

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Funny, Sean, I just finished eating a snack with some of that Starkist on a whole wheat pita - Herb and Garlic is my favorite, followed by lemon pepper.

I've been working on my weight for 4 years now (with my 3rd pregnancy thrown into the middle of that). I started out, post my first baby at 172-174. I "carry weight well", but that was too much for my 5'4" frame, and I felt unhealthy and out of shape. I've always been an athlete, but had watched the needle on the scale drift slowly up after I got married and fell out of good habits and into bad ones.

Mainly using exercise and fitness goals, I got down to 148 a couple of months ago. My goal weight (and the one that's probably right for my frame if I'm exercising regularly) is between 130 and 135 on my scale at home. I kind of plateaued out at that point, and decided to take charge of my eating habits - I have a tendency, when I'm exercising a lot, to give myself permission to eat whatever the He11 I want. It happened to be that my work was sponsoring a weight watchers at work session that started 6 weeks ago, so I anted up and hopped on board.

I did really well for a few weeks, and then fell off the wagon (badly) last week. It has been working for me, though - mostly by just being conscious of what I'm putting in and making healthy choices. My weight on the scale this morning was 138... so I'm almost there. And it feels really good.

I'm sorry this is so long. What I want to convey is that you/we can do this. It's been a looooong hard road, but so worthwhile. Somebody actually called me an inspiration over the weekend, which was so nice - I never imagined I'd be at this point some day. Mostly, I want to be a healthy example to my children and show them what an active life looks like (that and I love competition!)

Edited by kanders 2007-04-24 11:32 AM

2007-04-24 11:48 AM
in reply to: #774563

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Brandon, FL.
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

First, Kanders - Awesome ! Keep up the good work. You're almost there. I hope to have your stick-to-it'ness myself and eventually get to my goal.

I would have to say that the hickory is my favorite, followed by the lemon pepper. My only problem is that I would have to eat like 3 or 4 of them for lunch to get enough calories.

And secondly, has anyone ever looked at the other groups and the post counts ? I just did and started cracking up. Our little group here has more than twice the amount of posts as the next nearest and about 9 times more than any other group.

On the flipside, as I was poking around in the other groups, I didn't find them anywhere near as inspirational or supportive as ours. Not to mention that our forum absolutely exudes personality !!! So kudos to everybody !


2007-04-24 12:39 PM
in reply to: #774563

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
kanders - 2007-04-24 12:30 PM

My weight on the scale this morning was 138... so I'm almost there. And it feels really good.

Stay focused and hit your goal! I'm jealous at how close you are!
2007-04-24 1:02 PM
in reply to: #774596

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Sp3c0ps27 - 2007-04-24 12:48 PM

Has anyone ever looked at the other groups and the post counts ? I just did and started cracking up. Our little group here has more than twice the amount of posts as the next nearest and about 9 times more than any other group.

On the flipside, as I was poking around in the other groups, I didn't find them anywhere near as inspirational or supportive as ours. Not to mention that our forum absolutely exudes personality !!! So kudos to everybody !


Well, they don't have Phoenix, do they?

I do have to agree with the inspiration/support thoughts. Many times I have pushed myself to go longer, or simply just get into the pool, because I knew that you all were doing it, too. So from a personal perspectice, let me say thanks.

Let me also share how impressed I am with this team. You've grown from a gathering of novice athletes to a closely bonded group who share advice and experiences with training, dieting, dating, cooking, stretching, impregnating, theater reviewing, and manatee swimming, among many other topics. And now that the season has started, you're posting your race thoughts, and discussing gear and clothing. A very, very cool group of people, indeed.

Keep up the good work. And since I've just read Mark's challenge, and have only been on my bike 2x so far this week, I have to go get some serious work done if I'm going to try to beat the rest of you in doing my last 5 sessions!
2007-04-24 5:53 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
becareful with them tuna things! some contain a heap of oils and no good fats! and i also learnt carbs are addictive and thats why some people crave them... like me

eat a few carbs for breakfast and protein for dinner

been very lazy been exercising but not logging
catch u all later

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