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2007-04-24 7:35 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Prof, Thanks so much. Your words of encouragement have come at just the right time for me. Not having the best day. Wrestling with my demons again--Worthlessness and Hopelessness. Sort of at my "wall" I think. If I can just get past it, I'll finish just fine. And the race I'm talking about here really has very little to do with triathlon. Just keep me in your prayers, please. That always works--I really do believe in the Force I've had to.

2007-04-24 9:51 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Prof- Thank you for your sincere words. I am a bit new to the group but I am learning a lot from everyone and I am inspired. I love the challenges they give me focus and a set goal.

Phenex- Hang in there girlfriend.. the sun WILL come out tommorow.

Malphh- Yea I am addicted to sugar and carbs, I am trying this new lifestyle(not a diet) of a lot less sugar, a lot less white flour, no soda( which is extremely challenging), more veggies and fruits, less red meat and more white like fish, chicken, and beans. I am on my third week and I sooo want a donut, boston creme to be specific, but NO. I will myself I will have fruit instead.

BGT- I need to get in the pool more, I know. I will make up laps.
2007-04-24 11:52 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
something i like little bit sweet is blue berrys with half a teaspoon of cocoa something different but good!
2007-04-25 12:00 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hey Malphh- When you go bike riding or running- Do you see Kangaroo's?
Have you gone snorkeling or scuba on the great barrier reef?

I have always wanted to visit Down Under and go to Sydney's famous opera house to see a world class opera. The plane flight is really long but someday I will go.
2007-04-25 12:05 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
not so many roos went camping and saw a heap can post a photo if u want later but if look hard enough in the trees i see plenty of koalas. never snorkled the barrier reef but i have snorkled in 1 of the parks in the northen territory and i have seen the opera house but no opera plenty of wildlife around for me to see
2007-04-25 12:12 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Yea when you have a chance send me a pic, I have never seen a kola in a natural habitat, just at the Zoo. Where did you go snorkeling? Do you rember the name of the park and was it a good place to go snorkeling? Did you see a lot of fish and corals?

2007-04-25 12:28 AM
in reply to: #775529

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
i went snorkeling in a national park called litchfield national park its in northen territory its not the open ocean but crytal clear rivers that flow right up to a waterfall there is the odd chance of seeing a croc but i didnt see any,. doing it was like the best thing i have ever done to swim through small native australian fish

i will post pics later but now im off fishing!
have fun
2007-04-25 9:04 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Brandon, FL.
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Hi Everyone -

I came across this author via the Triathlon for weightloss series but then looked at all the articles that she has done and she provides some very specific training plans that you can follow if you are interested.  As a bronze member, I can't even get detail like these from the BT.Com training plans, just the number of minutes to train.

(I logged out and was still able to access the articles so those of you that aren't performance members should still be able to see them...  I hope...)

And just to clarify, I am not knocking the pay-for-membership thing.  I believe in giving back to a service as wonderful as this one, but I do wish that they would provide more "bang-for-the-buck" when it comes to the training plans.  BLAH !  That being said, I'll probably upgrade to Silver in the next go 'round.  In the meantime, I'll be checking out the training plans that she provides.



2007-04-25 10:32 AM
in reply to: #775784

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Sp3c0ps27 - 2007-04-25 9:04 AM

Hi Everyone -

I came across this author via the Triathlon for weightloss series but then looked at all the articles that she has done and she provides some very specific training plans that you can follow if you are interested.  As a bronze member, I can't even get detail like these from the BT.Com training plans, just the number of minutes to train.

(I logged out and was still able to access the articles so those of you that aren't performance members should still be able to see them...  I hope...)

And just to clarify, I am not knocking the pay-for-membership thing.  I believe in giving back to a service as wonderful as this one, but I do wish that they would provide more "bang-for-the-buck" when it comes to the training plans.  BLAH !  That being said, I'll probably upgrade to Silver in the next go 'round.  In the meantime, I'll be checking out the training plans that she provides.



Good info - thanks, Sean!

2007-04-25 10:50 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Speaking of training plans, I didnt buy any plans off this site because Im cheap and instead bought an $11 book that has multiple plans in it for different events, and its pretty good! I mean, each week has a description of what the goals are and then a grid with the workouts. Im following a "Fit Beginner Olympic Distance" Plan- meaning, I already had a base level of fitness but there is also a "Unfit" plan. The only thing I wish I had was someone to ask questions occasionally but that only happens if you have a coach and thats way expensive. Anyway, I think I have posted the name before but here it is " Triathlon Traininng Basics" by Gale Bernhardt and i found it the cheapest on I think she also has a book called Training Plans for Multisport Athletes.

Weight loss- I pulled out my old weight watchers stuff. About 6 years ago, I weighed about 40lbs more than I do now and i lost it by joining weight watchers. In the past year, I have been about not being able to loose weight and I have read all these articles about weight loss and completely understand the major principles (and would even tell my patients about it) but could not do it myself. I hate counting calories and I hate depriving myself of certain foods. So, last week when we started talking about the weigh in, I pulled out my old stuff and started keeping my food journal and quickly figured out where I was having issues. You count points instead of calories, it takes into account the calories, fat,and fiber content of a food. No food is completly off limits and you get extra points for the amount of excercise you do. And it really works. I mean< i dont feel like Im eatting much less, but I have lost 3 lbs now this past week. And I still get to eat my favorite foods-just in MODERATION! Novel idea, portion size.

i want to echo what everyone has been saying, this group has been a great motivator for me and it often makes me laugh. I get to here about other worlds I know nothing about and I feel like i have team rooting for me. Thanks to y'all!

Hey Sean-im going to be in Key West next week- do you think I will be able to swim with manatees too???
2007-04-25 10:52 AM
in reply to: #775322

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Brandon, FL.
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-24 8:35 PM - Not having the best day. Wrestling with my demons again

Hang in there Phoenix.  We are all pulling for you and sending our positive vibes your way.  And quit wrestling when you should be boxing those demons !


2007-04-25 12:46 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thanks Sean, You have a good point! Usually I need to be mad or frustrated to really feel like boxing. When it's sadness I have trouble doing that. I'm just having trouble balancing things lately. And, to be completely honest, I am lonely. My kids are there, but it is just not the same. Neither are girl friends. Just more of the same old stuff. I slowed down with exercise to gain some of that balance with the kids, house, work. And that gives me time to actually feel the empty places in my heart. Those of you that are married or otherwise hooked up just need to count your blessings. On the other hand, my sister is moving to a different apartment across the road primarily because the neighbors next to her fight all the time and knocked her prized antique frogs off the bathroom wall and they broke. At least I don't have THAT to contend with anymore, so I tell myself it could always be worse! I also switched to a different kind of thyroid meds cuz the pharmacy in Mexico where I get them online was out of the other kind. I think the new ones will be better for me, but I can tell my hormones/emotions are a tad out of balance with them--will take awhile to get the blood levels up because I was stupid and absolutely ran out of the others for about 4-5 days and my thyroid really doesn't work at all anymore on its own. And then I'm trying to diet. Nuff said. Not to mention my stupid sinus thing is worse again. People keep coming in in droves to the office with all manner of RSV, pneumonia, bronchitis, colds, and even whooping cough and the flu and I'm apparently supposed to be super woman and not get sick when exposed to 20 sick people a day for weeks on end. They just don't think about the doctor! Sick people are rather selfish that way. So are kids. There just isn't much left over for me, except the pride I feel when I exercise and when I give that up, even temporarily, I feel rotten. Wow! Didn't mean to pour my heart out here. Guess there really has been a lot on my plate, huh? Thanks for caring

I'll be okay in a day or two. Don't worry!
2007-04-25 2:06 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Watergirl- You should ask your questions here. If we don't know them maybee we can look it up or maybee prof knows or knows someone who knows. Ya know?
2007-04-25 2:47 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
What do you get in the bronze membership and what is the price?
2007-04-25 7:39 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well Guys, Just another day in the life....

My day started at 3 am cuz I couldn't sleep anymore, so I downloaded/installed some stuff on my computer because it has been sort of weird lately. It was nice to just have some quiet time to myself. At work today I adjusted 30 patients including: a woman wanting to get pregnant (she has 2 children and apparently has been trying for a year now, and apparently I helped her conceive her first child, which I totally didn't remember), a pregnant woman who wishes she wasn't (she has 10 others, but I found the heartbeat for her today--she's 10 weeks along now), 5 babies one of whom I adjusted when he was 2 days old because he was a 10 pounder, a woman from Saudi Arabia who is married to an Egyptian pharmacist 24 years younger (she was here visiting her mom--she actually is a nurse and works on the Saudi princes who come in for Viagra overdoses that make their skin peel and then they hit on the nurses!), a mennonite couple excitedly expecting their first child, my former receptionist who quit to have kids (she now has 3 darlings), and........a pig who was injured in her low back, a mating incident. I told Princess next time she should be on top!!

The big news in the Amish community is the set of triplets that was born in a neighboring settlement. They now have 12 children, the oldest being 13 years old. (and they are actually happy about it!!)

I ate two pieces of toast, a mushroom and swiss burger, a raspberry flavored white tea, and a can of tuna packed in water. No food makes me rather depressed but also gives me that sense of accomplishment that deprivation diets give you!!

And the ironman dude asked me out again, but I'm not getting too excited about it because he does that and then cancels at the last minute and I'm not really into him anymore anyway. The 26 year old marathon dude messaged me 2 nights ago and pretty much wanted a fling which I am just not interested in. So, I guess my loneliness is sort of by choice, but I really don't need to have a fling and feel even more worthless and empty when the thrill of it wears off. life is more interesting than I thought and I'm starting to feel better about it. However, upon reflection, I'm actually a pretty busy lady and no wonder I feel tired sometimes and need a break from training........

I bet if you all look closely at your daily lives you will find a similar situation. We need to give ourselves a little credit for all we do accomplish and not focus on the things we didn't get to.
2007-04-25 8:59 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I found a road bike at a garage sale for only 20$
The tires probably need to be replaced. There is a little rubber missing from the handlebars but overall it is good. I need to find someone who can adjust it to me though, I found a bike place in a nearby suburb. I have to say that I felt wierd and a little uncomfortable riding with the front round handlebars. My legs were shaking when I got off after test riding it. I have a helmet that gives me a sense of security. It's that head first feeling that is so wierd to me.
My sister voiced her concern about it aggrevating my back. Does anyone have any suggestions.
I told her that I could use the upper part of the handles if need be. Is it all about the fit of the bike. I felt ok on it and I had this feeling that this is ment to be. Now I have to learn how to change a tire, thats a good thing to know for a race day. When you guys race do you carry an extra tire spare on the course? I am concerned about the tires carrying me, I trust mountain bike tires a whole lot more.

2007-04-25 10:34 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Pene, your job sounds very interesting.  I have worked in a few places that I met lots of people, but never was able to talk to them about much more than the task at hand.  Its these little things that can cheer you up through the day when you reflect on them and see that it's not so bad.

Jeanette, the bronze membership gives you a couple more features on the site, like in the training logs and access to a few more training plans.  I almost bought it but didn't really see the use out of it for $25 for 6 months.  It does support the site I guess, but theres enough ads IMO to do that :D

Congrats on the road bike purchase.  Even if you need to replace a bunch of things, you can still have a decent bike for under $100 (which is better than $2000 )  I have been thinking of getting a cheap used road bike so I can run 700c wheels, but I enjoy my mountain bike too much.

As for flats, I don't think people carry spares ON them for races, but longer rides its good to have a fresh tube/pump in case you flat 50miles away from home.  I wouldn't worry about it if you are not going far.  Maybe put together a 'repair kit' to take with you to races/trips, and learn how to change a tire.

As for comfort, the only suggestion I can give is make sure your ride height is high enough.  Your seat should be so high that when you put your foot flat on the peddle at the bottom, your leg should be almost extended fully.  Then its just a matter of riding.


Well I went shopping yesterday :D  Went to costco and picked up a wetsuit, camelbak pack, and a new helmet.  The camelback is awesome, holds 2L of water, a bunch of pockets for tools and such, and you hardly notice on there.  The wetsuit fits, but will take some getting used to.  Its alot thicker than I thought it would feel. 

I have potentially 4 races in June, and none in May.  So I am resting until after this weekend's race, then starting May 1st I am going huge on my training.  Prepare for some big numbers! 


2007-04-25 11:09 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Tonight I boxed, thanks to Sean's suggestion. For about 45 minutes, hard! To songs like the one from Kelis: "You don't have to love me, you don't even have to like me, but you WILL respect me, Cause I'm the Boss!"

And the one from Pink: "I'm not here for your entertainment, you don't really wanna mess with me tonight. Just stop and take a second, I was fine before you walked into my life. Cause you know it's over, before it began, keep your drink, just give me the money, It's just you and your HAND tonight!!"

It felt great! Now those charts will climb!!
2007-04-26 1:54 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hah--146.8#, DOWN 3 pounds for a change!! New thyroid meds + starvation diet + boxing/biking + super competitive chick = success! I'm gonna write a book now and make a ton of money (it will probably be up in the morning, but I don't care, the number makes me happy)
2007-04-26 4:00 AM
in reply to: #776966

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-04-25 9:59 PM

I found a road bike at a garage sale for only 20$
The tires probably need to be replaced. There is a little rubber missing from the handlebars but overall it is good. I need to find someone who can adjust it to me though, I found a bike place in a nearby suburb. I have to say that I felt wierd and a little uncomfortable riding with the front round handlebars. My legs were shaking when I got off after test riding it. I have a helmet that gives me a sense of security. It's that head first feeling that is so wierd to me.
My sister voiced her concern about it aggrevating my back. Does anyone have any suggestions.
I told her that I could use the upper part of the handles if need be. Is it all about the fit of the bike. I felt ok on it and I had this feeling that this is ment to be. Now I have to learn how to change a tire, thats a good thing to know for a race day. When you guys race do you carry an extra tire spare on the course? I am concerned about the tires carrying me, I trust mountain bike tires a whole lot more.

Sounds like a deal. Definitely go for the bike fitting if you're not comfortable pulling out the Allen wrenches and doing it yourself. But don't pay a ton of money to do that. I had one done a week ago for $60 -- which is a great price.

Aggravating your back? All things are possible, I guess. How exactly are you perched on that thing? You may feel some initial pain and soreness from being in the aero position too long but as you get in better shape and develop those muscles, the adrenalin you get from zipping down hills is all you'll feel. Besides, only the pros stay in the aero position for hours, and that's only on the flat portion of the course. Watch any bike race and you'll see the time trial riders switching body and hand positions often.

The fit feeling is key. I felt good on my bike, and I bought it. No regrets.

Yes, I carry tires and tubes on long rides and in races. Don't forget air, which comes in these little metal things that fit in your seat bag, and the gun that screws onto them to inflate the air into your tube. And you'll need tire tools -- can't recall what they're actually called, but they're plastic and help get the tire off the rim. Your bike store will sell you all you need. In fact, get someone to show you how to change a tire. There are probably a few bikes just sitting there with flats, and if its a slow day, they might let you do a few.

Enjoy the new bike!

2007-04-26 4:07 AM
in reply to: #777069

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-04-25 11:34 PM

Well I went shopping yesterday :D  Went to costco and picked up a wetsuit, camelbak pack, and a new helmet.  The camelback is awesome, holds 2L of water, a bunch of pockets for tools and such, and you hardly notice on there.  The wetsuit fits, but will take some getting used to.  Its alot thicker than I thought it would feel. 

I have potentially 4 races in June, and none in May.  So I am resting until after this weekend's race, then starting May 1st I am going huge on my training.  Prepare for some big numbers! 


Sounds like someone is going to have fun playing with all the new toys. I'm betting you get used to the wetsuit faster that you expect.

Wow, someone has a busy June lined up. Make sure you have time to enjoy a summer's day -- and mow the lawn, or the neighbors will get upset that you're off racing and neglecting your house, which is decreasing their property values. Or don't your neighbors get concerned about things like that?

2007-04-26 7:03 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
145.2# this morning!! {Pene does a little victory dance naked in her kitchen!} That's 4 pounds now. I know, it's like all water weight, but don't you just love that initial scale droppage? And surely some of it is fat loss, cause I didn't sleep much (on my trainer at midnight and I did 29mph which isn't too shabby) and I certainly didn't eat much.

My neighbors are DEFINATELY the nosey judgemental types. I'm getting a goat to mow my lawn this year, maybe throw in some chickens, the pig I adjusted last night and a sheep or two. Not to mention I need like 99 more cats now so I can be the scary eclectic old lady that lives in that dilapitated old house all alone and EATS children (she's a Witch!). Don't all towns have one of those types? I plan on being the strangest old lady triathlete ever! {and she has a strange little red IM tatoo on her right calf.......she must have been branded in a cult} Rob, I suggest you DON'T mow the lawn or clean your house for a whole month and let em talk!!! But the competition is ON now, so watch your little biker butt, cuz I'm gonna like WAY out train you {he's just as competitive as me, so you guys keep an eye on our logs, k?}

Yep, La Fenice is BACK!! Thanks, guys
2007-04-26 10:53 AM
in reply to: #775959

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Brandon, FL.
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

watergirl777 - 2007-04-25 11:50 AM - Hey Sean-im going to be in Key West next
week- do you think I will be able to swim with manatees too???

I'm not sure. I tried to find info on their territory but all I came up with showed them as hanging out primarily in central Florida. I do think that they migrate depending on the time of year because they like the warm water so you might have some luck.

That book sounds interesting. I'm going to see if I can find a copy around here.

Good luck !


2007-04-26 12:40 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well, today I finished my first Half Marathon. I ran a 5K, jogged a 5K, power walked til 10 miles at which point I got cramps all the way from hamstrings down to feet. So I added magnesium and calcium to my water and switched from the endurance running subliminal to the pain management hypnosis and learned to numb my body parts just by touching them and how to turn down the pain switch to a more comfortable level. It sorta worked. Anyway, I slowed way down, especially that last mile. And finished in 3:03:55. Three hours was my goal, so all in all I didn't do too bad, considering.....So, all I have to do now is go twice as fast, twice as far and I'll qualify for Boston. (Oh let the old gal have her fantasy......) I didn't include a few minutes twice to pee, refill water and add magnesium/switch CD's. But, cut me a break here
2007-04-26 6:15 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Phoenix!  You good girl!  Awesome - do you feel, like, all totally validated and stuff?  You should!!!  Congratulations - good job!
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