Other Resources Challenge Me! » T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge Rss Feed  
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2010-03-15 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2727575

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
mchally - 2010-03-15 2:44 PM
pdbman - 2010-03-15 12:12 PM Hey everyone.  How's your Monday going?
We took our son back to the doctor this morning.  They are continuing with blood tests to make sure things are progressing as they should.  Hopefully things will continue to progress so he can stay out of the hospital. Doctor's prescription:  Drink 3+ gallons of water a day (to flush out the system), avoid protein (to ease pressure on kidneys), keep track of potty breaks (to make sure kidneys are still working ok), and NO exercise for probably the next couple of weeks until things are back to normal.  Things are looking good overall. They expect things to continue to improve but he'll have to take it easy for a while. We had a little scare but everything should be fine.

I hadn't realized how much overdoing a workout can effect your entire body!  I take it that he was weightlifting?

Yes, it is from weightlifting. Its the first time my doctor has seen something like this from weightlifting.  Usually it's from a crushing type injury, car wreck, etc.  Just another story to help us remember not to overdue it or you just might injure yourself. Maybe even seriously.

Edited by pdbman 2010-03-15 3:50 PM

2010-03-15 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2727578

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-15 1:47 PM
mchally - 2010-03-15 4:40 PM After a few days of working on it I think that I have a 2010 race/event schedule set up. 

Howdy Melissa - how is your father doing?  And the rest of your family as well?

My dad has been sleeping a lot.  He is having more trouble with swallowing...both when eating and drinking.  Communication has become very difficult.  We can rarely understand his attempts at speech anymore.  Sometimes the we can only get his responses by having him squeeze our finger when we are on the right track for what he wants.

My family is ok.   My sister and her hubby, Jared, just came back up.  Jared will stay a couple of days and my sister, Teresa, will stay up to two weeks.

My aunt is coming up from California to lend a hand as well.  She is my dad's sister in-law (his side of the family).  I think that she is staying for a week.

Edited by mchally 2010-03-15 3:58 PM
2010-03-15 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2727579

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
pdbman - 2010-03-15 1:48 PM
mchally - 2010-03-15 2:44 PM
pdbman - 2010-03-15 12:12 PM Hey everyone.  How's your Monday going?
We took our son back to the doctor this morning.  They are continuing with blood tests to make sure things are progressing as they should.  Hopefully things will continue to progress so he can stay out of the hospital. Doctor's prescription:  Drink 3+ gallons of water a day (to flush out the system), avoid protein (to ease pressure on kidneys), keep track of potty breaks (to make sure kidneys are still working ok), and NO exercise for probably the next couple of weeks until things are back to normal.  Things are looking good overall. They expect things to continue to improve but he'll have to take it easy for a while. We had a little scare but everything should be fine.

I hadn't realized how much overdoing a workout can effect your entire body!  I take it that he was weightlifting?

Yes, it is from weightlifting. Its the first time my doctor has seen something like this from weightlifting.  Usually it's from a crushing type injury, car wreck, etc.  Just another story to help us remember not to overdue it or you just might injure yourself. Maybe even seriously.
wow...I never would have thought that too much muscle strain in a workout could lead to organ failure.    I hope things continue to improve for him.  
2010-03-15 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2727587

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge

mchally - 2010-03-15 1:52 PM
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-15 1:47 PM
mchally - 2010-03-15 4:40 PM After a few days of working on it I think that I have a 2010 race/event schedule set up. 

Howdy Melissa - how is your father doing?  And the rest of your family as well?

My dad has been sleeping a lot.  He is having more trouble with swallowing...both when eating and drinking.  Communication has become very difficult.  We can rarely understand his attempts at speech anymore.  Sometimes the we can only get his responses by having him squeeze our finger when we are on the right track for what he wants.

My family is ok.   My sister and her hubby, Jared, just came back up.  Jared will stay a couple of days and my sister, Teresa, will stay up to two weeks.

My aunt is coming up from California to lend a hand as well.  She is my dad's sister in-law (his side of the family).  I think that she is staying for a week.

Hey Melissa.  When my dad was unable to speak clearly, we put words on cards for him to point at.  He really liked it and it helped bring his frustration level down a bit.

2010-03-15 5:06 PM
in reply to: #2727689

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
owl_girl - 2010-03-15 2:42 PM

mchally - 2010-03-15 1:52 PM
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-15 1:47 PM
mchally - 2010-03-15 4:40 PM After a few days of working on it I think that I have a 2010 race/event schedule set up. 

Howdy Melissa - how is your father doing?  And the rest of your family as well?

My dad has been sleeping a lot.  He is having more trouble with swallowing...both when eating and drinking.  Communication has become very difficult.  We can rarely understand his attempts at speech anymore.  Sometimes the we can only get his responses by having him squeeze our finger when we are on the right track for what he wants.

My family is ok.   My sister and her hubby, Jared, just came back up.  Jared will stay a couple of days and my sister, Teresa, will stay up to two weeks.

My aunt is coming up from California to lend a hand as well.  She is my dad's sister in-law (his side of the family).  I think that she is staying for a week.

Hey Melissa.  When my dad was unable to speak clearly, we put words on cards for him to point at.  He really liked it and it helped bring his frustration level down a bit.

We have a couple of communication boards, but sometimes he ventures into areas that they don't cover.  Maybe I will try creating something more customized to his needs.

Part of the issue is that he is very stubborn, obstinate, tenacious, etc.  It isn't good enough to just have the same end result, things have to be done in the 'right' way.  

There are routines that he has been ritualistic about in the past that in the last few weeks he has been changing and vetoing.  It is ok, but it take a while to figure out what he does want you to do. 

Then there are things to be done that are in his best interest health and comfort wise, but he doesn't want anything to do with them.   I finally was able to get a clean shirt on him yesterday.  Hopefully he has let someone change his linens and the rest of his clothes today.
2010-03-15 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
Howdy!  I got a quick treadmill workout in this morning.  Hopefully, I can start building my mileage base again soon.

2010-03-15 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
Just got back from the pool. It was a little frustrating. First I forgot my towel and didn't have time to go back and get it so I choose to make due without it. I even checked my bag before I left to see what I needed, noticed I needed a towel and put everything else in that I needed except for my towel.  I had to eat my words for all those times I used to think "How could you forget your towel, swimsuit, etc?"  A few things I learned from this.  
1-Be patient when people do "stupid" things. You will probably do the same thing at some point.
2-Fleece jackets, do not work work as a substitute for a towel.
3-It takes exactly two paper towels to dry my short hair.  I like having short hair.

My other frustration had to do with lane etiquette. I won't go into details but I think pools should have a jellyfish lane. I just kept telling myself "This is just practice for a tri when you're having to swim around other people and getting kicked, etc." Self talk doesn't usually work for me. I should have gone to the pool an hour earlier.
What did I learn from this?  I still need to learn patience.
2010-03-15 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2724466

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
owl_girl - 2010-03-13 5:36 AM

Busy day on tap for me today.  This morning I am going to help sign people up for the big race tomorrow.  Gotta remember to sign myself up so I can get shirt.  Then I'll ride my bike on the trainer for an hour.  Nothing intense since I'm running the 10 mile race tomorrow.  Have a great day!

Awesome job on the race ~ even if it was short!

2010-03-15 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2724841

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
tri808 - 2010-03-13 12:02 PM Just got back home.  Had a pretty good ride this morning and was hammering pretty good on the flats.

Time for a nap...

Yaaaay, you were finally able to get your ride in!
2010-03-15 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2726105

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
pdbman - 2010-03-14 5:42 PM

Sorry I've been gone for so long.  My son is doing better now.  He over did it at the gym and his muscles swelled up and went hard so we took him to the ER since that was the only place open at the time. They checked him into the hospital so they could watch him to make sure everything was ok.  They were concerned about compartment syndrome, but it turned out not to be that bad. The official term for what he had is rhabdomyolysis.  The muscle cells burst and the contents are released into the blood, which can cause problems with the heart and kidneys. We are all relaxing at home now trying to recover from the excitement. He has a followup with the doctor tomorrow and also the following Monday.  He won't be going back to the gym for a while.

It looks like most of you had a good weekend. My congrats to everyone that had races. It was fun to read the discussion of the kids following in their parents footsteps.  It really is exciting to see you kids copy your good habits, frightening when they copy the bad ones though. Hope you haven't experienced any of those moments.

Mel-Sorry to hear about your dad.  Hang in there, our prayers are with you in this difficult time.

I did get my swim and a couple of runs in that weren't posted but am short on the bike rides. Sorry about that.  We would have at least been closer if I had been able to post my workouts.  I will catch up on my rides this week and won't hold the team back any more.

We're still up on the secondary challenge though. Way to go Twisters!
Have a good night and I will be back after out visit to the doctor in the morning. 

After reading your entry about going back to the doc today I had to edit my question on "what did the doc say?"   Anyway...how scary that this happened from weightlifting! 3 gallons of water? Holy cow!! I'm glad he's doing better but I'll keep you guys in my prayers as well!!

Edited by Happychick 2010-03-15 6:24 PM
2010-03-15 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2727797

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge

pdbman - 2010-03-15 3:52 PM Just got back from the pool. It was a little frustrating. First I forgot my towel and didn't have time to go back and get it so I choose to make due without it. I even checked my bag before I left to see what I needed, noticed I needed a towel and put everything else in that I needed except for my towel.  I had to eat my words for all those times I used to think "How could you forget your towel, swimsuit, etc?"  A few things I learned from this.  
1-Be patient when people do "stupid" things. You will probably do the same thing at some point.
2-Fleece jackets, do not work work as a substitute for a towel.
3-It takes exactly two paper towels to dry my short hair.  I like having short hair.

My other frustration had to do with lane etiquette. I won't go into details but I think pools should have a jellyfish lane. I just kept telling myself "This is just practice for a tri when you're having to swim around other people and getting kicked, etc." Self talk doesn't usually work for me. I should have gone to the pool an hour earlier.
What did I learn from this?  I still need to learn patience.

Can they keep the noodles in the jellyfish lane, too?

2010-03-15 6:28 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge

Jellyfish and noodle topage!

2010-03-15 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge

I was planning on running this morning before work, but left my socks in the car.  So I decided to do some ST instead.  Ended up getting my socks later and running at lunch...so I guess that's a good thing.

Got masters class after work.

2010-03-15 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
I'm looking at my goals and I think I'm going to come up short on the run.  The swim might be close if I can squeeze in a couple more sessions.

I really need to find a Sunday morning running partner.  I set my alarm every Sunday morning and lately it's been too easy to hit the snooze.  The tri group I ride with does run regularly on Sunday's, so I'll have to start joining them...although I think they're all too fast for me.  But the main thing is that I get my butt out there.
2010-03-15 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2727854

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
owl_girl - 2010-03-15 5:27 PM

pdbman - 2010-03-15 3:52 PM Just got back from the pool. It was a little frustrating. First I forgot my towel and didn't have time to go back and get it so I choose to make due without it. I even checked my bag before I left to see what I needed, noticed I needed a towel and put everything else in that I needed except for my towel.  I had to eat my words for all those times I used to think "How could you forget your towel, swimsuit, etc?"  A few things I learned from this.  
1-Be patient when people do "stupid" things. You will probably do the same thing at some point.
2-Fleece jackets, do not work work as a substitute for a towel.
3-It takes exactly two paper towels to dry my short hair.  I like having short hair.

My other frustration had to do with lane etiquette. I won't go into details but I think pools should have a jellyfish lane. I just kept telling myself "This is just practice for a tri when you're having to swim around other people and getting kicked, etc." Self talk doesn't usually work for me. I should have gone to the pool an hour earlier.
What did I learn from this?  I still need to learn patience.

Can they keep the noodles in the jellyfish lane, too?

That would be fine with me but I think the jellyfish might get upset. It'll be nice when the weather is nicer so they can open up the other pools (they have 2 indoor and two outdoor pools).  Then the noodles will be in one pool, the jellyfish in the smaller indoor pool, and the lap swimmers can use the 50 meter pool outside and that still leaves the pool with the water slide for the rest of the kiddies.
2010-03-15 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2727891

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
tri808 - 2010-03-15 5:57 PM I'm looking at my goals and I think I'm going to come up short on the run.  The swim might be close if I can squeeze in a couple more sessions.

I really need to find a Sunday morning running partner.  I set my alarm every Sunday morning and lately it's been too easy to hit the snooze.  The tri group I ride with does run regularly on Sunday's, so I'll have to start joining them...although I think they're all too fast for me.  But the main thing is that I get my butt out there.

Sorry I can't help you with the running partner.  I never made it out without a partner when I was running in the mornings. I do much better in the evenings. I kind of do like Bill mentioned, I'll go out while she watches her show or works on some project. I'm also too slow for the group rides that I've seen

2010-03-15 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
just a hello checkin, because i am never going to catch up with 20 odd pages of stuff :P
2010-03-15 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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2010-03-15 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
I really need to get some work done.  Haven't accomplished anything today. Its been hard to focus on what I should be doing.  And BT hasn't even been the distraction. Now that's a switch.
2010-03-15 7:09 PM
in reply to: #2727910

Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-15 6:05 PM Evening/Afternoon TWISTER's.  Just got back from the football field with my son and his buddy.  Springtime and we are luving it

I need to work on my speed though.  The 11 (12 in May) y/o almost beat me in a 45 yd sprint.  Very scary how fast he got over the winter or how slow I got over the winter

No bike maintenance tonight - fixing lunch, eating a snack, getting clothes ready for commute and sleeping.

Chat with you guys tomorrow.  Have a great one.

BTW - Paul I totally agree with pool etiquette and etiquette in general

Its been a comfort to know that however slow I am or how bad I am at something I have always been able to beat my son. Except at chess.
Have a good evening Bill. 
2010-03-15 7:36 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
Just got a call from the doctors office.  My son's blood tests have come back.  They're still way above normal but they've come waaay down from what they were Friday. We don't have to take him back in until next week for more blood tests.  Continue drinking lots of water, etc.  (Big sigh) Things are looking much better.

2010-03-15 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2727968

Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
pdbman - 2010-03-15 3:36 PM Just got a call from the doctors office.  My son's blood tests have come back.  They're still way above normal but they've come waaay down from what they were Friday. We don't have to take him back in until next week for more blood tests.  Continue drinking lots of water, etc.  (Big sigh) Things are looking much better.

Good to hear!
2010-03-15 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2698009

Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge

We haven't had a QOTD in a while...

In regards to your major triathlon purchases (bikes, computers, HRMs, clothing, etc)....

Knowing what you do now...if you had to do it all over again...how would you have approached your purchases regarding triathlons.

2010-03-15 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2728064

Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
tri808 - 2010-03-15 4:37 PM

We haven't had a QOTD in a while...

In regards to your major triathlon purchases (bikes, computers, HRMs, clothing, etc)....

Knowing what you do now...if you had to do it all over again...how would you have approached your purchases regarding triathlons.

Bike - Right now I have a Specialized Allez Elite with clip on aero bars.  It has 105 componentry...so I have no regrets.  I do eventually want to get a tri bike, but I would not sell this bike to do so.  I'm glad I went for 105, and also glad I did not spend extra for a full carbon ultegra/dura-ace bike.

Computer/HRM.  Right now I have a timex HRM and a cateye cyclometer.  If I had to do it over, I would have just got a garmin 310xt.

Trainer - I have a cycle ops fluid 2, and wouldn't trade it for the world.

Clothing - I screwed up a lot here by trying to buy online.  Even when I did try stuff on first, I sometimes ordered the wrong size by accident.

Accessories - I bought a lot of cheap stuff that I regret.  Pumps, tools, etc that I ended up buying higher quality anyway.

Trunk rack - I bought a saris bones, but have only used it once.  I often times ride then do something else before I get home, so I have to put my bike in the trunk anyway.
2010-03-15 10:44 PM
in reply to: #2727968

far northern CA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge

pdbman - 2010-03-15 5:36 PM Just got a call from the doctors office.  My son's blood tests have come back.  They're still way above normal but they've come waaay down from what they were Friday. We don't have to take him back in until next week for more blood tests.  Continue drinking lots of water, etc.  (Big sigh) Things are looking much better.

Excellent news!!!

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