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2011-03-10 6:09 AM
in reply to: #3256440

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

took me 2 hours to drive homelast night, normally 30 minutes, due to a couple of wrecks that had the interstate shut down, put a dent into my training to say the least but my knees are feeling stiff/sore so a light bike week is ok with me as I am in training all week, although the lack of activity is driving me nuts I can't stand sitting all day. 

I got approved to become a bike instructor for my department so I will make up for it in April the class says I'll average 200 miles during the week, some with training of cadence and gearing which is great to get some hands on coaching...  but it also comes with climbing and going down stairs, I anticipate to yard sale a few times

2011-03-10 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3391219

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Prince of Denmar - 2011-03-09 9:26 PM

10k sunday. in a  bit of a dilemma. I have hardly trained this last two weeks.

should I run thursday, friday, saturday. to try to get a bit of running again on the legs cause I still have a bit of  phlegm inside of me?

I think clean lungs are better than three days worth of running come sunday. whatcha think?

I also think that if I run that race with guts I can come with a similar result as if I had trained.


I'm not an expert, but I don't think it would hurt you to run a little. Mainly to stay loose and like you said free up the phlegm. Keep your pace down and then kill it on Sunday.

Good Luck!

2011-03-10 6:07 PM
in reply to: #3391314

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Tripopo - 2011-03-10 5:09 AM

took me 2 hours to drive homelast night, normally 30 minutes, due to a couple of wrecks that had the interstate shut down, put a dent into my training to say the least but my knees are feeling stiff/sore so a light bike week is ok with me as I am in training all week, although the lack of activity is driving me nuts I can't stand sitting all day. 

I got approved to become a bike instructor for my department so I will make up for it in April the class says I'll average 200 miles during the week, some with training of cadence and gearing which is great to get some hands on coaching...  but it also comes with climbing and going down stairs, I anticipate to yard sale a few times


Sounds like alot of time on a bike in your future, on the stairs keep your but back, square it up and keep your speed up.

2011-03-11 5:05 AM
in reply to: #3256440

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2011-03-11 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3393152

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

melbel1038 - 2011-03-11 12:05 AM Hawaii Friends...u ok?  evacuating? Frown

Thanks for the concern melanie.  I'm fine, and I would like to believe mike is too as most of the damage done was to the immediate shorline or harbors.  I live in the heights, so I was safe the whole time. 

Prayers though for those in Japan.  The video on CNN was amazing and very scary.

2011-03-11 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
All good here.  I'm up at about 800'.  Damage at the Ironman start finish line.

2011-03-11 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3393936

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

I am glad to hear that you two Hawaiians are above sea level.  What kind of damage was done?  Any lives lost from the tsunami?

I am nearing the end of a recovery week.  I have a long ride tomorrow that I am knocking down to 1:15 from 2 hours.  I may or may not run a couple of miles after the bike.  I am leaning pretty heavily toward not running because I could use the break.....It is a recovery week anyway.

Next week I plan on raising my run mileage another couple of miles but unless the weather really breaks I am going to keep the bike on the trainer and keep the long ride at 2 hours.  The swim is something I am trying to get back up to around 3500-4000 yards per swim.  I have had a couple of weeks with minor distance increases with easy efforts.  I am still making slow progress to get back and keep the shoulder in good shape.

2011-03-11 11:23 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Glad you guys in Hawaii are okay!


I rode 59 miles today.  The first couple hours were great (18.5mph avg) but the last hour was brutal... dropped my avg down to 16.7... about 10 miles out, my right hip flexor muscle tightened up so I struggled the rest of the way back.  I've got 2 more good weeks of training left, but it looks like this HIM might kill me... figuratively and maybe literally too... lol

2011-03-11 11:59 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

I don't think any lives were in danger here in Hawaii.  The civil defense sirens went off about 5 hours before the first surge arrived...and it was all over the news 7-8 hours before it arrived once the quake was reported.  It was about 8pm local most people were still awake.

Most of the damage was done to the harbors.  I think the surge gets concentrated in harbor like areas which allows it to create more of a difference in water levels.  As Mike mentioned, the start/finish area of the Kona WC took damage.  And the host hotel took a foot of water into the lobby.

What's sad is Hawaii has a lot of ties to Japan.  About 50% of the population has some form of Japanese blood, myself included (full).  So it really hits home.  I don't know any of my distant family members who still live in Japan, but many friends and coworkers do have close family there.

Furthermore, Hawaii is heavily dependant on tourism...especially Japanese tourists.  So we will certainly feel the economic hit.  It's a distant afterthought though compared to the loss of human life.

2011-03-12 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3394693

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Sometimes we forget about the economic effect from these events.  As you said, it is a far cry from the loss of lives and those who remain to carry on.


 J, a personal question if you don't mind me asking.  During the WWII internment camps there was a lot of racism against the Japanese, is there still any of that out there from your experience?  I have often wondered how people got beyond some of the problems that occurred during that era.  With Hawaii being so dominated by a Japanese heritage maybe there isn't much of a problem there.  I really don't know any people of  Asian descent other than my neighbor.  We have a fairly large percentage of Asian people in my area but most of them are Burmese or Vietnamese and they are typically located in a fairly central area.


2011-03-12 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Managed a tough 56.5 mile ride today.  Winds were brutal, but I toughed it out, avging 19.6 mph.

2011-03-12 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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2011-03-12 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

congrats Mel!

I have a 10k tomorrow. I have no recent training to back it up but Id like to go under 50. atleast to have a new goal. course is pretty much flat and weather looks nice. plus its an earlish start at 7am so sun wont be any hot. we shall see.

2011-03-12 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3395175

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

melbel1038 - 2011-03-12 7:47 PM Ran 6 today.  Split it up into 2 x 3 miles because I really wanted to see what my "5k pace" is these days.  Out I did 25:21, about 2:15 faster than the last 3 mile time trial I did in Sept! and back was 29 something.  I was out of water and it was hot.  The whole 6 miler was also a PR for me.  Yay!  Riding 28 miles tomorrow followed by 2 mile run.  Run might not be quite as stellar as today LOL.  Hope everyone having a great weekend so far.


Thats a pretty sweet time for the 5k portion of the run.  That should give you an idea of how hard you have been working for a while.  Congratulations!  Now you just have to find a 5k race to really put it to the test.


Prince, good luck tomorrow.  Flat's how I like my race courses.


2011-03-13 3:40 AM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
So I immediately followed my ride with a round of golf.  Nothing fancy, just fooling around with some friends at a local municipal course.  Being that I don't practice or take the game seriously anymore, I wasn't surprised how inconsistant I was.  Had some good holes and some bad ones.  But nearly made my first hole in one.  Stuck my tee shot a foot from the hole, it rolled a bit and lipped out and around the cup.  AHHH...still had fun though.
2011-03-13 6:00 AM
in reply to: #3395384

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

I have played golf one time in my entire life.  I had fun but never wanted to spend the time trying to get into it anymore than that.  The one time I played was for a charity tournament and it was a scramble.  I think out of the entire 9 holes we played, my ball was used twice.  I had a pretty wicked slice if I recall correctly.


2011-03-13 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3395404

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

I got my 5 mile run in already and I am feeling pretty good right now.  During the run I found I was working hardewr than I normally would have, much earlier.  After looking at my data when I got back my first mile was faster than it should have been because I didn't warm up well first.  My HR was higher over the whole run because of the initial effort.  Overall it seemed like a good run and I am planning on putting some tempo work in the schedule this week and upping my midweek run mileage to 6 miles, with 2 miles at tempo pace.  My long run will be at 10 miles this week but I will run that up another mile next week.


Later today is another 1 hour bike but I am going to have to bust my tail to get that one in because I have another commitment later this evening.

2011-03-13 1:57 PM
in reply to: #3395431

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Totally unrelated to training but...................I have had enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I need a break from the monotony of ?????? for a while.  I am about to take off.  My blood pressure is up everytime I show up.

BTW, this has nothing to do with my wife and family either.



2011-03-13 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Got in a nice 11 mile run this morning.

Dirk...I know how you feel sometimes.  Sometimes it's just good to hit the reset button.  Unfortunately that's not always possible with certain situations.  Best thing I can do is just take a deep breath...look at the grand scheme of things, and realize that I have a lot of things that are great in my life.  And while I would like everything to be fine and dandy...that's not always the case.  But I just try not to lose sight of the good things. 

2011-03-13 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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2011-03-13 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Looks like a bunch of good work outs!


I had a good brick workout today, I started with a good 35 mile bike ride. The ride felt really good, my heart rate monitor did the same thing as last time or my heart did? The last two rides my heart rate monitor has shown a high of 226 last time and 233 this time. My guess is something is interfering with it. Because I know how I feel at 172 running and I never feel like that on the bike. Anyways, I did a few sprints going up to 26 mph with the best one at 30 as I thought I was going to have to chase my wife to get my water she was bringing me. I had forgot it that morning and she was nice enough to come find me while riding. After finishing the ride I ate quick and ran 6 miles. The first 2 or so was pretty tough my calves felt like they were tied in knots. Once they loosened up I hit my stride and really enjoyed the last 4 miles.


Are there any tricks to loosening up after the bike or do you just have to push threw? Hope everyone had a good weekend.


How was the 10k Prince?

Edited by garrunning 2011-03-13 7:19 PM

2011-03-13 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3395803

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
tri808 - 2011-03-13 5:01 PM

Got in a nice 11 mile run this morning.

Dirk...I know how you feel sometimes.  Sometimes it's just good to hit the reset button.  Unfortunately that's not always possible with certain situations.  Best thing I can do is just take a deep breath...look at the grand scheme of things, and realize that I have a lot of things that are great in my life.  And while I would like everything to be fine and dandy...that's not always the case.  But I just try not to lose sight of the good things. 


Thanks J!  It may sound cliche but it helps put things into perspective a little better.  I am sure from time to time everyone get a little too wrapped up in things that can't be controlled and maybe right now thats my gig.  In light of what has happened in Japan, what can I possibly have to complain about?  Thanks for the attitude adjustment.


2011-03-13 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

sub 50 baby.

official results are not up yet but I think it was 49:3xxx something

weather was nice, and I felt allright. there were some pacers so I ran with the 50min group till the 8th km, I tried to go faster from there but the only two hills on the course were from 8km to the 10km. I really couldn't push it more than I did. overall I am very glad to have done it.

new goals now.



ETA. I need new running shoes. I am currently running in nike run avants. I LOVE them and wish I could find more pairs but Nike has the bad habit of changing their lunar line too often.

I do like the lunar line but I dont like the fly's, glides, which are the most similar to what I have. maybe the lunarelites?

I also was looking at the asics speedstar5. thoughts? kinvaras? suggestions?

I don't like too much support. just enough. I usually go for the ones that say ''lightweight, tempo shoe''. I also seem to get a ton of miles out of any pair so that is not a big issue.


I have to decide soon cause my dad is off to the states and there are much more options there. and cheaper too...



Edited by Prince of Denmar 2011-03-13 8:55 PM
2011-03-14 12:17 AM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Hamlet...congrats on the 10k.  I figured you had sub 50 in you based on your 5k results.


2011-03-14 12:21 AM
in reply to: #3396012

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
garrunning - 2011-03-13 2:18 PM

The last two rides my heart rate monitor has shown a high of 226 last time and 233 this time. My guess is something is interfering with it. Because I know how I feel at 172 running and I never feel like that on the bike.  

Are there any tricks to loosening up after the bike or do you just have to push threw? Hope everyone had a good weekend.

1.  HRM are known to show spikes like that from either interference with things like power lines, or simply just adjusting in the beginning of your workout.  When I was using a HRM, I would notice that the first 5 minutes of my workout all had a HR of 200+...just when I was warming up.  Once you get a sweat going, the monitor starts reading better.  It's for that reason most HRM suggest you wet the strap before using it.  Some people actually lick it with their tounge.

2.  Assuming you paced well off the bike, you just push through it.  The hardest part is gauging your pace properly when your legs feel like jello.  The feeling will eventually pass...but many people run too hard or too slow in those first 10-15 minutes because they are unfamiliar with the feeling.

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