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2008-02-24 7:50 AM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Good Morning!  Rich, I had a lovely time at dinner with Marcy.  What a small world we live it!  She and her husband are very nice.  It was great finally putting names and faces together.

I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday.  Let us know about the surgery once you're feeling ready.

Katz, so cool that your mom is coming to see you race.  You're going to have a great weekend!

BTW, I finished Cowtown Marathon in 4:19:55!!!  I was 11 minutes faster than White Rock in December!  It was a beautiful day for a race.  I didn't hit a wall on this run, but my knees were really sore by mile 24.  Some of the roads we ran on were quite uneven and bumby.   I sucked it up and pushed the last mile to reach my goal.  I was aiming for 4:15-4:20.  I barely made it with 5 seconds to spare!  Life is good!  I read an interesting article about women runners in the New York  Times.  Check it out:

I would love to know what the ladies think.  Happy Traininig!


2008-02-24 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1231789

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey girl! YOU ROCK!!!!! Congrats on your marathon time - that is excellent! So proud of you.  You have earned some downtime, so take care of those knees....

Interesting article. I'm fairly competitive by nature, so I don't think I'm sandbagging it at all (and I'm totally sucking wind at a (9:30 mile still!!), but I can relate to the idea that some women might not have the desire to push themselves. I see it a bit in my local tri club of neighborhood ladies.  Some of us are really pushing for PRs, doing longer distance workouts and trying hard to improve, and the rest admiringly call us "The Freaks." It's interesting to see how the team is sort of split into two groups like that. 

What do you other ladies think?

2008-02-28 7:34 AM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey Rich...I'm thinking about you! Hope the surgery went well and you are resting comfortably!  Keep us posted on your recovery.



2008-03-01 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1240719

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: post surgery update
i'm going stir crazy....only 96 hours into recovery.

things went well as to be expected...surgeon came in just prior to scheduled surgery and said they studied the mri more closely. original plan was athroscopic....first step was to look at the roof of the rotator cuff area or the top tendon....if they saw white, it meant no tears. the mri indicated that the top tendon was paper the plans changed and they were going to go in and create a tear and then fix it.

sooooooo when they got into the shoulder, they found that i had already worked up a full thickness tear. before fixing the tear, they checked out the rest of the rotator cuff. found a laberal tear...fixed it, they looked at A/C was partially torn....they fixed it, they removed the calcium deposits, removed the bursa sac, removed the very end of the collar bone, shaved the under side of the acromion, resectioned the collar bone by the A/C ligament, and then found the bone spur.....about the size of a thumb nail that created the tear on the top tendon. they removed that bone spur and the smaller spur.....they then stabalized the shoulder by drilling into the rotator cuff socket, placing an anchor .... like a molly bolt with a string on the end, pulled the string so the spokes of the molly bolt secured against the backside of the socket and then tied off the string through the humeres and arm bone. after that they fixed the large top tendon tear and sewed me back was actually 2 1/2 hours was 1 plus hours, post op was another hour and then they carted me off to the hospital room for an unplanned overnight stay. my blood pressure was not stablizing.

released late wednesday night. pain minimal...although I keep on packing my shoulder with 2 5 lbs. bags of ice. i'm frozen. enough typing for now. need my pain meds and my noon time nap.

thinking of you all.....get out there and train for me!.....make me prouder than i already am of you all!


2008-03-01 5:31 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Holy crap bat man! Geez, Rich, you were falling apart and didn't even know it! Well, I'm glad you got that over with and now it's onto recovery!!! Rest rest rest, and oh, have a beer (or many) too...I hear that speeds up recovery nicely haha!

Sorry I haven't been around. Work has been super busy (I'm spearheading the design and programming of our new corporate web site, to be launched within a week or two...can't WAIT until it's done!). My training has suffered, I miss the time with my kids and I'm starting to worry a little bit about the half ironman (Caru, you still doing it???).

Not sure if I told you, but I switched out of Wildflower. I was just too worried I'd fry my legs before the half which is only two weeks later. So, through the team in training program, I'm now going to do my Oly in St. Petersburg, FL on April fun! Can't wait!

Working out sparatically. Actually rode part of the Wildflower HIM bike course this Wednesday. They say the calibrated simulator is pretty darn close to the actual thing. It took me forever to get up lynch hill, but honestly I just took my time at a low gear and kept my cadence up and heart rate down. Just wanted to see if I could do it...I only went 19 miles in an hour and a half (VERY slow for me) but it was fun.

I ran my furthest ever today in an effort to get to my goal of hitting 10 miles before March (ok, so I'm a day late). I only made it 8.81, but it was getting dark and the puddles were turning to ice and I didn't want to wipe out (almost did once) so I stopped. I'm typing this all sweaty because I had to log this run! Now I'm freezing so I'm going to go hop in the shower...

I hope everyone is doing good. I need to take some time soon and catch up on all of the entries. Please accept my apologies for not keeping up with everyone...

Talk with you soon!!!
2008-03-01 8:30 PM
in reply to: #1245862

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: post surgery update

OMG, Rich - I'm so glad you got that taken care of when you did and didn't wait any longer.  Sounds like your shoulder went through the shredder! No fun, for sure....but I'm glad you are put back together and on the road to recovery.  Rest well, take your meds, and take it easy!

I'm about 4 weeks away from my oly in Galveston.  I wish I could say that my training has been going super smooth, but it's been a little bit more haphazard than I'd like.  Quite frankly, most of my life since the new year began has been a bit more haphazard than I like.  My father-in-law had heart bypass surgery on Jan. 2, had complications, was in ICU for four weeks and then acute care or another week.  Unfortunately, the stress of all of the complications and multiple system failures was too much for his heart to handle - he suffered a massive heart attack on Feb. 6 and passed away.  He was only 60 years old, too - way too young in my opinion.  So, life's been crazy and tough and nuts with lots of travel and trauma.  I'd really like for things to slow down now, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not the one in charge.

Nevertheless, I did a 31 mile bike ride with Team Pink yesterday that was a ton of fun.  And I pulled my 5K time back under 30 min today without feeling completely gassed out at the end. Tomorrow, I'm planning on a 20-25 mile time trial to see how fast and how long I can hammer it out on the bike.  Should be interesting.

So, fearless leader of ours, rest well.  My thoughts and prayers are with you. Enjoy the downtime as much as you can and I hope you are feeling better very soon! Love to all of you guys! 

2008-03-02 5:03 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Thanks for the well wishes. Here is a pic! CAUTION...if you get grossed out by medical stuff, don't open to view pic

Starting to bruise on chest which is a good thing(?) i hope.;

keep you posted

Edited by Cyclingmaniac 2008-03-02 5:05 PM
2008-03-02 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1247439

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

10 staples, Rich! Impressive!  How long until the staples come out?

Looks like it's nice and clean, healing up and going to leave a pretty scar....

2008-03-02 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1247447

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
yeah i was surprised.....i was expecting stitches.... definitely will leave a scar...... now i have to come up with a real wild story for the grandchildren when and if we are blessed to have them.

don't know when the staples come out......i hope they numb the shoulder to do that....i'm afraid to ask.

i'm open to any suggestions on stories....lions, tigers and bears should probably be a part of the story don't ya think? :p

2008-03-02 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1247447

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Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Sorry about your loss Kat...
2008-03-03 7:24 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Sorry about your loss Kat.  That IS too young and really sad.  Hang in there.

Rich, WOW!  I'm excited for you that you got repaired -- cool photos and leave it to you to know every detail of what they did!  Do what the docs tell you for your recovery and rehab.  Funny, one of my engineers just came in last week to show us the 58 staples they put in from his shoulder to his elbow (broke his humerus snowboarding).  I don't think the staples coming out is too painful -- more like uncomfortable.  I think you injuring it training for TRIATHLON is a good enough story, but if you must spice it up, a shark attack always freaks people out.

Compared to what you guys have going on, my problems seem like nothing -- but I am bummin' because my knee has not healed completely and is still giving me problems.  I want to be out running and improving; I am slow and fat enough as it is -- I don't need these problems too!  I'm still swimming, doing yoga and spin class -- but some of that makes it hurt.  (I think I sprained my posterior cruciate ligament in Taekwon Do when I missed kicking a bag and hyperextended my knee about 5 weeks ago.)  Any advise on any of this?  What to do? How to cheer up and not be such a baby-head about it?  :-

Anyway, I am keeping up on all your posts -- you guys are doing great! 

2008-03-10 3:10 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Staples Out Today!!
The staples were removed pain what so ever. Passive movement of shoulder and arm for a week or so. Then PT begins.

Can begin running as soon as arm movement improves and no pain. Wooooo Hoooooo!
2008-03-11 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1263629

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Staples Out Today!!
Fantastic!  Good to hear that things are going so well.  Have you been going stir crazy not being able to exercise for the last couple of weeks? Are you still on pain meds?  Take it easy and be sure to do everything that the PT folks say!!!  Thanks for keeping us posted....
2008-03-11 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1264884

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Staples Out Today!!
katzchen55 - 2008-03-11 8:33 AM

Fantastic!  Good to hear that things are going so well.  Have you been going stir crazy not being able to exercise for the last couple of weeks? Are you still on pain meds?  Take it easy and be sure to do everything that the PT folks say!!!  Thanks for keeping us posted....

Drove to the office for the first time since 2/26....15 days away from the office.....I did telecommute beginning 2 days after surgery, but it still was GREAT ..... for about 2 hours.....started going stir crazy.......News, Jerry Springer, The View, Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah, AND more News, News, News........AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

So first day back wasn't all that bad as long as I took ibuprofen (600 mg every 4 hours). Left early to avoid L.A. traffic at 5:30 AM.....too late......bumper to bumper for first 15 miles into Pasadena. Open traffice for next 30 miles, and then heavier traffic next 20 miles.

Got to office and hit the gym to walk on treadmill and abs. After walking, got ready for work.....OK....that was the challenge of the day.....took me an hour. But was successful!!!! Woo Hooo! Made it through most of the day (up until 4:15 PM).

Telecommuting tomorrow so I don't push too much.

I'm going to come back quick.....but, Katz.....I will listen to the doc and PT......I'll be a good boy!

2008-03-11 10:24 PM
in reply to: #1266464

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Staples Out Today!!

Cyclingmaniac - I'm going to come back quick.....but, Katz.....I will listen to the doc and PT......I'll be a good boy!

You'd better....40 lashes with a wet noodle if you don't!

2008-03-12 7:06 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey Everyone!

Rich, sounds like the healing and recovery are off to a great start!  I'm with the others, listen to your dr. and PT.  Sometimes the menfolk say they're recovered and doing well when they should really be resting.  But I'm sure, Rich, you're not like the menfolk that I'm talking about (my husband included)...Are you???

Christine, how's the knee?  Are you taking care of yourself?  When's your first race for the season?

Katz, how's training going?  I've noticed there are quite a few BT folks doing the tri in Galveston.  Sounds like a great weekend. 

I began training for my first race of the season.  It's the same race I did for the first time last year that got me hooked on tri's!  We had a swim clinic on Sunday that was fantastic.  I got some great advice with very doable drills.  I'm looking forward to doing well on this race.

Everyone...train smart!


2008-03-18 10:41 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Gang! Running again!

2008-03-19 4:23 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL



first of all, i totally owe you all an apology for being such a terrible friend and bloggie person.

Somehow life just takes care of making it impossible for you to actually keep uop with everything....and I dont have kidz yet!!1 that's scary..


Anyways, first:

Kat, i am so sorry to hear about your loss. I send you my love. I see you are training strong! that is awesome!

Rich! OMG, i saw the pictures of your stapples, OUCH! i hope you are doing well!! I miss your great advice!!

Andy!!! gossh, long long time no talk.. hope you are fabulous and your kids as well...loved loved meeting you.


Ang: where are ya? hows my magical potion girl?

Chris: what are you up to? are the houses finished..


Honestly, I feel so disconnected and I think im like probably 20 pages behind, so thers no way I could catch up!!!! gezz....

update on me- HIM sometimes in the summer FL im in nov, very pumped up. training hard, once again, abck on the horse and loving it!!!Working super hard, loving it!

I helped organize the Miami International Triathlon and got to meet Matty Reed, Kraft, Laito, Galindez, a bunch of prof. triathletes, we ahd a lot of fun and the race was a success. It was organized by some friends, so let me tell you,  A LOOOTT of work and synchronization happens at these events!!!


ANyways, guys, Im back full force. I missed you all.but will keep up.


send u my love!!!!!



2008-03-20 11:12 PM
in reply to: #1281506

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Caru!!!!

Good to hear from you...I know you were busy and studying away! I should take another pic of my shoulder and shoulder is healing fast and I am amazed on how fast the range of motion is coming back......every day I seem to be getting more and more back......can reach into my back pocket which I couldn't before the operation. Starting physical therapy on Tuesday (3/25)....almost 30 days exactly from the surgery.

Running already and feel like I'm maybe one to two weeks from getting on the bike.....I'll wait for clearance from the PT. Swimming......well, purely a guess, but I would say 4 more weeks? The 12 week recovery time period originally given, might be conservative! Woooo Hooooo! I did scratch from Wildflower....there is no way that I will be prepared to race or go up and do all the camp set-up! I'm disappointed about that because it is a kick of a week up there!

I know what you are talking about regarding the organizing of a triathlon.....there are a lot of components and details!

Hey everyone....let's do our best to post your training updates at least once a week....make sure ya'll are out there moving forward.......

I'll give you a topic for us all to discuss in the next week........Take stock of where you are today in comparison to when you first started preparing for your triathlons when you joined the group! Any improvements?

2008-03-21 10:47 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Need help on your swimming technique? Here is a free e-book! Disclaimer: The swimmer in the video may appear to look like me and may have the same first name, but it isn't me....for real!

Deleted link due to a potential virus...... (Rich) I'll look for another way for you to get to the website.

Click the link on 3rd line that reads: Download your free copy of Endurance Nation Swim Clinic eBook here!

A File Download pop-up should display on your screen. Select "Open".

A new window will open up that reads "ENSwimEbook[1]. Click on the ENSwimEbook folder.

Select swimclinic_2008. That will open up the free EBook!

Edited by Cyclingmaniac 2008-03-21 5:54 PM
2008-03-22 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1284580

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey, Rich! So great to hear that your shoulder is recovering so nicely! Great news!

Well, here I am one week away from my first tri of the season.  I'll be doing the Lonestar Quarter (oly) on March 30.  Unfortunately, I've been fighting off a chest cold for the last week, which has been keeping my training to an absolute bare minimum.  I was feeling pretty decent yesterday and went running, but it was disappointingly slow.  I'm resting today and tomorrow, and upping the decongestants trying to clear out the system.  I don't feel all that bad, but I keep coughing and that is wearing me out.  So....right now I'm not feeling terribly confident about the race.  We'll see how I feel in a couple of days.

I was pleased to look up my training logs and see that I have nearly doubled my training volume from this time last year.  As long as I can get healthy, that means I should be better prepared than I was for this same race last year.  I'm a few pounds lighter and feeling a lot stronger, too. Now, if I can just get healthy......

2008-03-26 10:58 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Howdy gang! Healing is going well! Started physical therapy and no pain (so far!).

Ssssssssshhhhh! I may be coming to Richardson, Texas for a quick trip! Waiting for our "summit" agenda.....may be able to sneak away for start brainstorming some ideas.

More details as I get them!

2008-03-27 7:33 AM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Richardson Texas!  That's where I was born!  YIPPEE!  Let me know when you'll be in town.  I would love to meet the Master Mentor in person.  Great news about recovery. 

2008-03-27 9:03 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey guys!  CARU, Good to hear from you again!  Sounds like you are ready to be the next pro triathlete.  RICH, SO excited for you that your recovery is going well.  Now be good and don't go over-doing it!

Both houses are all together and done. Work has been really busy. Training has been slow in March because of a knee injury and then a really bad cold that turned into a sinus infection.

I am signed up for several charity bike rides this year and to be a judge at our big Taekwon Do tournament in May.  Picked out one race me and the gang are going to do (Steelman) -- I would like to sign up for one or two more races but my husband lost his job a few weeks ago; so we need to be frugal right now.  We'll see what happens next and then add a race if we can.

Hope everyone's training is going great!  I worked 10 hours yesterday and then went for a 1/2 hour swim.  It was SWEET!  Even when I'm not doing as good as I would like to; or training as much as I would like to; it's still fun to be training at all!   :-)

2008-03-31 3:25 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: First Tri of the Season
Hey folks!  I finished my first tri of the season....the Lonestar Quarterthon yesterday.  It was a good race - would have been better if I hadn't had asthma trouble.   Oh well...I still beat my time from last year.  View my race report!

Edited by katzchen55 2008-03-31 3:26 PM
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