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2010-02-01 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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Kaneohe, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

February is here!

How did every do for their goals in January? Setbacks? Highlights?

What are your goals for February?

2010-02-01 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Well, I have done the deed.  I just signed up for and paid for my first triathlon --- April 3rd.  It is a pool sprint so I can try to ease into this.  Smile
2010-02-01 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
My January training went really well.  I will probably continue the same sort of pattern thru February.  I have basically been doing 2x week for each of the S/B/R and for ST.  I am still pushing to build distance and am just barely trying to push on speed.
2010-02-02 3:24 PM
in reply to: #2574919

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Sweet Home, Oregon
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
I do great on my training during the week. Maybe the structure. I'm having trouble getting outside for those long bike rides. I really like them, just have trouble getting the bike out the door and on the road. Starting to swim again sucks. There's just no way around it. Maybe it's because I've always thought of myself as a swimmer (never a runner) that it bothers me to feel so sluggish in the water. Oh way around it. Just gotta swim.

Shin splint question: For what it's worth, when I have pain (knee, shin, whatever) on the run, I'll spend a week of recovery doing run workouts on an elliptical machine. Not exactly the same but it takes the pressure off and I don't feel like I've lost much when I get back on the road.

Ialso have to move my plan hours around to fit other committments, but it seems to work. For example, I can only swim M-W-F. And there's no point in asking me to do a double workout on days that my husband gets to sleep in (Fridays). So I move things around on my calendar. And if I miss a day here and there, no worries.

My biggest challenge is still eating. I need to start logging it again since it doesn't SEEM like I'm eating that much but I haven't lost anything and I've really upped my training.
2010-02-06 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2574919


Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

My January was good - I got back into workouts at least 4X per week.  Swimming is back up to over 2000 yards consistently.  I am still getting my "bike butt" back.  Did a 35 miler and was a bit sore at the end of the ride. 

Big setback on running.  I live in Northern California - you know where it never rains and the sun shines every day - at least in the movies.   Reality is that it has been raining most days and foggy cold the others.  So I have been running on treadmill - but have been lucky and been able to do at least my weekly "long" run outdoors - until last week.  I did it on a treadmill - 6 miles (boring).  I also hurt my Achilles tendon.  Wondering if others have experienced injuries on treadmills.  I think I should have occasionally changed the speed and angle or something to break up the repetitive stepping and consistent stride.  Hope to hit the real road on Sunday for a short run. 

Any special tri valentine plans? 

2010-02-06 5:06 PM
in reply to: #2658928

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
waterbill - 2010-02-06 2:01 PM

My January was good - I got back into workouts at least 4X per week.  Swimming is back up to over 2000 yards consistently.  I am still getting my "bike butt" back.  Did a 35 miler and was a bit sore at the end of the ride. 

Big setback on running.  I live in Northern California - you know where it never rains and the sun shines every day - at least in the movies.   Reality is that it has been raining most days and foggy cold the others.  So I have been running on treadmill - but have been lucky and been able to do at least my weekly "long" run outdoors - until last week.  I did it on a treadmill - 6 miles (boring).  I also hurt my Achilles tendon.  Wondering if others have experienced injuries on treadmills.  I think I should have occasionally changed the speed and angle or something to break up the repetitive stepping and consistent stride.  Hope to hit the real road on Sunday for a short run. 

Any special tri valentine plans? 

I sometimes run on the treadmill.  I use it to help me learn my pace.  And sometimes to  push my pace.  I definitely vary the speed.  Usually I have a target avg pace and I vary above and below it... anywhere to 1/3 mile to 2/3 mile at the most at any one speed. 

I am signed up for my first duathlon on 2/13.  run 1 mile; bike 10 miles; run 1 mile.

The distance is no problem.  We will see where I am with the group on speed.  Undecided
This will be the first time that I have biked with a group.... at least it will be if I can keep up!  LOL

2010-02-06 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2574919


Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
I just got a bike trainer.  Set it up today and took and hour "ride".  Do any of you have favorite bike trainer workouts or training videos that you watch.  Do you use a trainer?  How about spin classes? 

2010-02-06 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2659034

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

My January was pretty good, but I didn't bike or swim much. I got hit with some sickness - enough to keep me from wanting to swim. Hopefully I'll swim a little more as the weather warms up.  

Congrats on your trainer, Bill. I don't have one, but I know there are DVDs of many Ironman bike routes available. I think it would also be fun to watch the Kona DVDs while biking.

Have a great weekend. Any Superbowl picks? I say Colts 31, Saints 14.


2010-02-09 1:08 AM
in reply to: #2574919


Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Got out Sunday for a run - just a beautiful day - about 60 and clear skies.  The 2 week layoff was not good though - my long run was shorter than prior to my injury.  Got back about 30 minutes before kick-off.

Super bowl was a surprise - commercials were not as good as in the past - or is just a perceived memory - like that hill did not seem to be as steep when I was a kid and rode my bike up it? 

2010-02-09 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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Kaneohe, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

Regarding bike trainer DVDs... I have the Spinervals Aero Base Builder 5-Pack and I love it! With 5 DVDs to pick from I don't get bored. The workouts increase in set duration from disc 1-4 with disc 5 being a compilation from the 4 DVDs. I pick the DVD depending on how I feel that day... or... I start at disc 1 and gradually work my way through the set in about 2 weeks. I highly recommend this product.

My January was good as it was my first full month of training since my comeback. I've lost about 25 lbs so far so I am well ahead of my planned weight loss schedule. My fitness is returning, I have more energy and I can feel the strength returning to my legs. January was good to me.

My goals in February are to continue with my training. I'll be switching from the Winter Maintenance plan to Olympic training on the 21st even though I haven't decided to register for the Honolulu Oly. I have no doubt that I could do the distance but I still don't feel that I'd be able to "race" it. I feel better just focusing on weight loss and base building. I'm hoping the Oly training plan will help me do both while gradually increasing my distances.

Sadly, I haven't been to the pool once in February. I work graveyards and it is very hard for me to have enough energy/motivation to drive to the pool/ocean when I finish work at 7am. And lately, it has been somehow impossible for me to wake up early enough to hit the pool prior to the lap swim closing at 1:30pm. I've got to do something, make some sacrifice, and get in some swim yardage especially since my swim currently sucks terribly. 

My body is taking a beating from carrying this extra weight around during training. The sooner I take it off the better. My knees are sore, my ankles give me little twinges once in a while and I have an unrelenting PF in my left foot. Strangely my PF doesn't really bother me much when running but I fear that may change as my milage increases.

2010-02-09 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2574919

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full

January training went well for me aside from getting shin splints late in the month.  I should start the running again this week  slowly with less volume of course.  It is a nice feeling to check off a couple of goals.  I did my 12 hr MTB race this past weekend.  Fun stuff!  I've finished the race report and you all can look at my training log if you want.  My relay team placed 2nd in the masters division.  I have another short race this weekend.  It's a local short track series race and the format is a bit different than most of the lager race venues.  They don't have A.G.'s or Ability categories i.e. Cat 1, Cat 2, Cat 3 etc.  They split you up by a qualifying time trials and have you ride in 4 - 5 person heats.

Bill- you asked about spin classes and trainers.  Spin classes:  I've done several and I like them.  I try to work them into my schedule when I can.  The music selection is sometimes distracting to me.   I have pretty eclectic taste so I like almost everything.   Most of the time the music mix is livable.   Musical tastes vary and so one song that may be inspirational to some may  be comedic to others.  One  example is one particular instructor had both William Tell Oveture and Survivor's Eye of the Tiger in the music mix during one session.  Both are great pieces on their own and in different contexts would be good songs but during this particular spin class I ended up giggling when these songs came up.    You simply have to go in with an open mind.  Also, don't cheat.  Make sure you keep you heart rate, cadence and/or wheel resistance  where it should be.   Have fun.  They can be very intense and rewarding sessions.  Trainers: I use them too.  It is not my favorite thing to do but it gets the job done when the weather is not cooperating.  Time can go by surprisingly fast if you listen to or watch something you like.  I like the movie 24hrs solo (Documentary on Chris Etough supremacy on solo 24hr MTB racing).

2010-02-13 10:33 PM
in reply to: #2574919

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
My first multi-sport event is in the books!  I did the duathlon today.

I quite a bit better than I expected!!  Laughing

I was able to maintain my fastest training pace on the bike, so that was good.  But even better I ran at least 2 minutes faster than my expected run pace.  I didn't even know that I could do that!  I have never even run that fast on the treadmill!!  Whoo hoo!

(And as an added bonus, I wasn't quite last.  Undecided  feel a little guilty being so pleased about that, but I am!)

Oh yeah, I did a race report too on our little event!
2010-02-14 2:59 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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Kaneohe, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Nice! Congratulations! Great job on suprising yourself on your abilities! Ain't it great to see your training bring out more than you expected! Fantastic! Smile
2010-02-14 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2671984

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
way to go Dee! That is awesome.  COngrats!
2010-02-15 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2574919

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: corrective eye wear and apparel question

hey gang,  any input from you all is greatly appreciated.  I've got a couple of ?'s regarding tri suits and corrective eye wear

Tri Suits- What is the advantage with going with a one piece tri suit versus a two piece?  For the typical   I’m not seeing it.  Anyone have any input in this? 

Corrective lenses- For those of you who wear them do you race with your contacts or do you wear your glasses / RX sun glasses?  I’m more comfortable with my glasses.  My fear it that should my goggles get ripped on my face while swimming one or both of my contacts will get flushed out of my eyes.  I blinked a contact out of my eye last year during an MTB race and had to finish it with one lens.  That was pretty sucko.  

2010-02-15 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2673962

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washington state
Subject: RE: corrective eye wear and apparel question
cycleologist - 2010-02-15 12:27 PM

hey gang,  any input from you all is greatly appreciated.  I've got a couple of ?'s regarding tri suits and corrective eye wear

Tri Suits- What is the advantage with going with a one piece tri suit versus a two piece?  For the typical   I’m not seeing it.  Anyone have any input in this? 

Corrective lenses- For those of you who wear them do you race with your contacts or do you wear your glasses / RX sun glasses?  I’m more comfortable with my glasses.  My fear it that should my goggles get ripped on my face while swimming one or both of my contacts will get flushed out of my eyes.  I blinked a contact out of my eye last year during an MTB race and had to finish it with one lens.  That was pretty sucko.  

my  .02 for what it's worth:

lenses - I wear my contacts for all three sports including swimming.  Of course I wear goggles, but I have on occasion had water in my eyes and the contacts stayed in.  The kind (thin and soft) that I wear don't blink out very easily ... more easily if dry (not blinking).  Sun glasses when biking (amber/yellow lens).

tri suit - from what I have read on BT, one advantage for the two piece is for any possible bathroom stops  ... other than that  ?

2010-02-15 10:24 PM
in reply to: #2574919


Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
I am also wondering about glasses - I have been wearing nonperscription wrap around sports glasses - they work well except I can barely read my bike speed and distance.   I like the sports glasses because my eyes do not water when riding my bike.  Anyone have sports perscription glasses.

My vast experience of 2 races I wore two piece - thinking about a 1 piece.

The whole pit stop has me starting to think about "issues".   I have only done sprints so it was not an issue.  I could see how an olympic or certainly a HIM will have "nature calls". 

Spring has hit northern Calif.  Did an outdoor run with shorts and t-shirt, and abike without my tights and winter gloves.

2010-02-16 12:18 AM
in reply to: #2674646

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
waterbill - 2010-02-15 8:24 PM I am also wondering about glasses - I have been wearing nonperscription wrap around sports glasses - they work well except I can barely read my bike speed and distance.   I like the sports glasses because my eyes do not water when riding my bike.  Anyone have sports perscription glasses.

My vast experience of 2 races I wore two piece - thinking about a 1 piece.

The whole pit stop has me starting to think about "issues".   I have only done sprints so it was not an issue.  I could see how an olympic or certainly a HIM will have "nature calls". 

Spring has hit northern Calif.  Did an outdoor run with shorts and t-shirt, and abike without my tights and winter gloves.


Nice!  Cool
2010-02-16 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2674646

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
waterbill - 2010-02-15 8:24 PM I am also wondering about glasses - I have been wearing nonperscription wrap around sports glasses - they work well except I can barely read my bike speed and distance.   I like the sports glasses because my eyes do not water when riding my bike.  Anyone have sports perscription glasses.

My vast experience of 2 races I wore two piece - thinking about a 1 piece.

The whole pit stop has me starting to think about "issues".   I have only done sprints so it was not an issue.  I could see how an olympic or certainly a HIM will have "nature calls". 

Spring has hit northern Calif.  Did an outdoor run with shorts and t-shirt, and abike without my tights and winter gloves.


So since you have worn a two piece, what factors make you consider getting a one piece?
2010-02-16 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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Kaneohe, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Personally, I can't think of any reason to wear a one-piece other than it might be more comfortable since you won't have a tight waistband from the tri-shorts. I would think that anything longer than an Oly you'd want the convenience of a 2-piece.
2010-02-20 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2574919


Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
I am feeling some pain in my inner thigh right leg- high up.  Internet searches makes it sound like a groin injury.  Never had pain or injury here before - I am 56 years old.  Looking at possible stretches for the groin it appears I have not been stretching that area of my leg.  Do you have favorite stretches?

Should I back off all exercise until the pain goes away?  Been using cold pack 2X/ day and ibuprofin.  Swimming yesterday (2000 yards - 100's pace was off by about 5 seconds) was OK as long as I just did flutter kick and skipped the kick set,  breast stroke was a no go.  Running has pain and I have stopped- have not yet tried my bike - thinking about trying it on the trainer today. 

Thanks for your insight. 


2010-02-20 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2675195

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
I considered a one piece tri suit before I looked at myself in the mirror!  Unless you have a pretty darn good body, you may want to stick with a two piece.  I wear the two piece (including the top) under my wetsuit.  The tri suits dry very quickly and the shorts have a little padding (similar to biking shorts) for the cycling segment.  Another good reason to not go bare chested under the wetsuit is it is very difficult and time consuming to get a shirt on a wet torso.

Glasses were always a problem with me and exercising in general.   I took care of that two years ago with lasik eye surgery.

2010-02-24 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2671984


Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Nice job with the duathlon Dee...btw thanks for your comment - have been loathe to key in all the training on the logging software since i'm chained to my computer for work as it is. .

have been working on just getting a rhythm in place to swim 1000 yards comfortably and moving up to 1200-1500  yards the next few weeks.

slowly getting back to biking / running - did a quick 20 min of each yesterday to loosen up and found i'm still tensing and cramped up immediately after the switch from cycling to running.  

2010-03-04 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2574919

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Last weekend I got to go to some bike shops and test out some rides.  This Saturday I am getting  bike fit measurements, and will test out some more bikes.  FUN!!!

I have enough money to go around $1000-1200.  Road bike not tri specific.  So far I have ridden Specialized Dolce Elite, Felt Z100, and Trek 1.5 WSD.  This weekend I will ride another Trek, a Giant, and who knows what else!
2010-03-07 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2574919

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washington state
Subject: RE: Greg Shotts' Mentor Group - Full
Well, I bit the bullet.  I now have a brand new road bike!    2010 Trek 2.1 WSD 

Shimano 105 for the shifters, front (triple) and rear (10 speed) derailleurs.  tiagra brakes.  women's design seat and handlebars which seem to fit me great.  The handlebars especially are really comfy compared to the Giant Avail 1 and the Specialized Dolce Elite that were my other front runners.  I had also checked out Felt ZW series.
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