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2011-01-28 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
KARA, I too am glad to have someone else from Texas.  I guess I just assumed you were from the Houston area since you were doing the Houston marathon.  What part of Texas are you from?  In my other groups, seems everyone is from the northeast or Canada and they don't understand when I start griping about temps in the 60s-70s.  We also have Raul to join us from the DFW area.  It will definitely be warmer than I like for the weekend, the warmest half distance that I've done.  I'd be much happier if it was at least less than 50 degrees, but happier in the 30s.

TIFFANY, I think I'll have to check out the Run Far Run Less program.  I've trained for my halfs using the Smart Coach on Runner's World which has worked out well for me in the past. 

Is everyone up in the northeast burried under snow right now??  We are supposed to have a beautiful day today, sunny in the low 70s.  The rain is supposed to move in tomorrow night, just in time for the race on Sunday.  Oh, well ...


2011-01-28 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
JENNIFER, sounds like your masters swim is more instructive that TIFFANY's was.  I can't wait to get back in the pool next week. 

2011-01-28 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
So, I've been MIA this week, sorry!   Happy birthday, good luck on the races this weekend, phew, what a busy time! 

For me, it's been MORE SNOW!   I did get in a good swim Monday, and another pretty good one today... Also a run today and one on Tuesday.  Then a whole lot of shoveling.  We got another 5" on Tuesday and 18" on Wednesday.   The snow in my yard is about 35" deep, it's by far deeper than my son is tall!  Ugh!   I just want the spring and to be able to bike to work and get in a safe run!   Ah well, soon enough it will be BLAZING hot!  

Have a good day!
2011-01-30 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3273560


Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
I too have been shoveling and making too much use of my snowblower and unfortunately the snow has canceled my Open Water Swim class I signed up for 2 of the last 3 weeks but the first week I went was great and I learned that I do not know how to swim anywhere near as well as I thought.  I have spent the last three times at the pool working on my stroke and have seen some improvement.
I just signed up for the Mini MightyMan, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow, NY

Sprint Pool Triathlon: Swim: 400 meters (.25miles), Bike: 6 miles (9.6K), Run: 2 miles (3.2K) on april 23rd and my main goal is the Robert J. Aaron Memorial Triathlon

Olympic Distance: Swim: 1 mile, Bike: 22 miles, Run: 6.2 miles (10k) on June 11th.
If all goes well there are a couple of others I may consider but I am concentrating on these two right now.

2011-01-30 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Good Question!?!?!?!?
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Hey Lisa and'd y'all do in your marathons today?
2011-01-30 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3329890

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
We're waiting for race reports!

2011-01-31 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Here's a quick report: 

My race was brutal ... 68 degrees and rainy, just enough to keep you wet, no lightening or hail.  My time was 15 minutes slower than my half in December.  Accomplished 1 of my 3 goals, which was to finish (the other two goals being to have fun and better my time).   Lots of weaving through people the whole race.  Actually ran 13.51 miles per my Garmin (2:52:54).  Fastest miles were mile 12 and the final .51 miles.  Guess that shows how much I just wanted to get it over with.  For some reason my hips were really bothering me about mile 10 and I was feeling a hot spot on my foot, which turned out to be a huge blister.  My running partner's husband's full marathon time is normally under 4 hours, he came in at 4:31.  She was about 25 minutes behind her best time.  Just glad to have it done with ... came in 262/387 in my AG. 

Ready to take a week off, then start my masters swim clinics next week.  Just need to get into the pool sometime this week and make sure I remember how to swim ... it's been months since I've been in the pool. 

2011-01-31 11:05 AM
in reply to: #3330382


Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

Sounds like a tough race, great job on getting through it!  Blisters are the worst, hopefully this one clears up quickly for you! 

Everyone, Lani perhaps?   I have been reading race reports on the long race I have scheduled in July and keep hearing talk of salt pills and folks really needing them.  I've never heard of such a thing and have no idea where one would even get such a thing, never mind know when to use them!  (I am such a newbie )

Also, Lani, I've been beginning to think about nutrition on the half and am wondering if you have any advice on what to bring, how to space it out... ANY advice at all, I really have no idea and probably should start planning a bit on that.  

Thanks and have a good day!  Guess what??  SNOW here again tomorrow until Thursday, SWEET!!!!  

2011-01-31 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Lisa - ugh, sorry about the rain..and people-dodging can be annoying, too, not to mention energy-zapping.  Sounds like it was a rough race for everyone!

Lori - I think the purpose of the salt pills is to replace salt lost through excessive sweat, but most times you can probably accompilsh this by drinking gatorade or the like before/during your event.  I think the salt pills may be kind of an outdated strategy for accomplishing this, but maybe someone else has different information? 

As far as nutrition, the strategy that has worked for me in races (or training) lasting over an hour is to take a gel approximately every 45 min.  For the oly in May I will probably take a gel after the swim, halfway through the bike, at the end of the bike and possibly halfway through the run if I am slower than I anticipate getting through any of the events.  I figure that will work out to around a 45 min spacing...I'll probably drink mostly water, maybe some sports drink here or there if they have it at stations.  I know some people like to eat real food - Swedish fish, gummy bears, combos, teddy grahams are some I've heard of - but I prefer to just swallow my gel and keep going, I don't like trying to chew and breathe at the same time!

Yep, I heard there was more snow and ice for this week...CAN'T WAIT!

Last week my training went pretty much as planned during the week, though I tweaked the weekend a bit:  I moved my long run to today and did lower body/abs weights on Sat. and  dropped the swim I had planned for yesterday as I really prefer to have my rest day on the weekend, so I took that yesterday.  This week's plan:
M - noon: run 60m
T - AM: swim 44m; noon: UB weights
W - noon: spin 68m
R - AM: CrossFit; noon: run 26m
F - AM: swim 26m; noon: spin 41m
Sa - rest day
Su - Super Sunday 10K race
2011-02-01 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Woohoo, finally got back in the pool tonight ... no swimming for me since September, yikes.  Did a easy continuous 600y swim and it felt SO GOOD.  I don't know what kept me away for so long.  Hope to get another swim in on Thursday evening before driving to Fort Worth on Friday morning to see my daughter on tour. And, of all things, we have a 60% chance of snow on Friday. It was 70 degrees here this morning, the temp dropped to 40 degrees in a matter of 15 minutes, and it is now below freezing with temps tonight into the teens and wind chill of 0. We have the craziest weather around here!

2011-02-02 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Sorry for disappearing again, getting back to reality sucks!  SO... my race didn't go quite as planned
Though I live in Texas, I am in the Panhandle and the weather is NOTHING like the weather in Houston.  Most important - I finished!  Sadly, in 5:21 only 50 minutes off of my goal! LOL  I wrote a VERY VERY VERY long race report if you are crazy enough to read it!   Also, add me as a friend if you're on DailyMile!
http://Forum Spammer/people/klark/entries/5123485

I'm glad to have finished and I stuck it out when every single ounce of my body wanted to quit!!! I feel like surely I'm stronger for sticking it out..right??

2011-02-02 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

So sorry it wouldn't let me post the link so here's the RR,
Houston Marathon Race Report-First, let me start with I dedicatedly trained for this race for months. Spent much time preparing and getting strong enough to accomplish a marathon. Planned every mile, every detail, etc. Unfortunately, so much of life is not plannable! Like a tweaked hamstring early in training, an Achilles ache later in training, pneumonia 3 weeks before your first marathon and most certainly race day weather!
My morning started early in order to get in my very important breakfast, but that didn't happen. I started the morning throwing up and unable to eat anything. Strike 1. I got ready as planned and headed downtown, about a half mile walk with thousands of other marathoners,very cool! I hit the port a potty and chatted with some sweet ladies from Katy and we talked about running and my little names pinned to my spibelt. They were so nice, they were doing a walk/run so I left them and worked my way up in the start line. Settled in a few hundred people behind the 4:45 pace group.
Once the start gun went off, we slowly made our way forward and settled in to a slow run, packed with way too many people. It was nuts! We were like sardines,bumping into each other,swimming around each other. I use the word swimming b/c that's what I did yesterday. The humidity was 98% and 70 degree at the start. Strike 2. Keep in mind that I had been training in 0 humidity and 20-30 degree temps. This was unideal, to say the least!
I told myself that I would try to run a 10:45 pace for the first 2 miles and then reevaluate if I could pick up my pace to a 10:15-10:30 (goal pace). HA I looked down at my Garmin and saw 11:15-11:30 and I was huffing and puffing so I couldn't figure out what was going on. I refused to go any slower and thought that I would eventually hit my pace. I was honestly struggling at mile 2. Strike 3!
The first few miles, I was struggling to get to my pace. Around mile 5, I remember thinking screw your pace Kara you may be struggling to finish this! I was strongly considering quitting the race b/c I was struggling, so I let my 4:30 dream go and still thought I could hit a 4:45-5:00 finish. I continued on trying to keep an "easy" pace but I was struggling for every mile. There was never a moment where I thought, oh yeah I could do this all day long. So I went with my mental strategy of just run for 10 miles, then I hit mile 10 and said just run for 10 miles and I'll walk at mile 20....I made it to mile 11. Took my first walk break unrelated to an aid station. This is very telling. The Half Marathoners turned off at mile 9 and I nearly joined them. If it hadn't been my first race I probably would have, honestly. At some point I realized that I would not make any time goal that I thought I would and decided to just enjoy the race as best I could and try to finish in 6 hours which is the time cut off. I made sure to high five the kids, take any food offered to me. Spectators were great, lots of funny signs. A priest threw holy water on me at mile 16, I stopped and asked him to get me a second time just for good measure! It didn't help! I remember thinking few things have ever come easy for me, why should today be any different.
As the race wore on, the pain drastically increased. My feet, Achilles, and legs hurt so badly by mile 9!!! Houston is a concrete race and it took it out on me. I had side stitches from mile 11-15. Somewhere around mile 16- the run/walk ladies from the port a potty passed me and cheered for me and I got a bit of a second wind. This was also when I tried to fall in with the 5 hour pace group, I lasted about 1 mile. LOL I met a lady from Amarillo and tried to get her to join my running group. It was so nice to have a group of people for a few minutes. By mile 18, every muscle from my stomach and back through calves was cramping- badly! At mile 19.5 there was a station with frozen cherries or cranberries, orange julius's and MASSAGES. The temptation was too much for me. I had to stop any way, I always tape my feet before a long run. BUT due to the rain all day long my shoes were soaked and the tape had come off and worked it's way into a ball,the blisters were too painful. So I decided to take off the tape and get a massage. That was wonderful.
Mile 16-26 was a mix of running and walking. Honestly, walking was just as or more painful than running. I hate life at this moment. In fact, I've decided that I will not only NEVER run another marathon. I am NEVER running again period!
Mile 20- station had gummy bears, cookies, AND beer! I remember someone once having a goal of drinking beer by noon and b/c of race conditions they went ahead and had beer on the course so I thought, screw it how can this possibly make my day any worse? So I had my FIRST beer. Amazingly, it actually made me feel better and I started running again. It was short lived but it was nice to have good run. Then the cramping came back.
Everything’s a blur at this point. I had my second beer somewhere in this time, it also made me feel better and was the best beer I've ever had!
Mile 21- lady says "guys run these flat parts, you got one more hill, run the flats, walk the hills" Thank you to that lady, it was enough to get me going again.
Mile 23- Older man beside me says "come on it's only a 5k, we can do this right?" So he and I started running together for a short period of time, he didn't last long.
Mile 24- I started crying like a baby...not from what you might be thinking. I was literally crying from the cramping. My left quad was cramping, and it kept stopping me dead in my tracks. I cried from pain and frustration and from the fact that I still didn't know if I would finish the race at all and the only thing keeping me in forward motion was that I would not be able to take a shower!
Around mile 24-25 one of the ladies from the port a potty caught up to me again and we ran together and though I don't know her name, I love her! We challenged each other and ran the last mile strong and finished strong! I looked for my fam and saw Walt but not the others. It made me so mad b/c I thought they had left me b/c I was so slow that they gave up on me! Turns out they were there with signs and everything but I missed them.

Now that it's all said and done, as I reflect on my experience and realize that I am capable of more than I thought I was. I can't express what a feat it is to have finished yesterday, honestly not an exaggeration that EVERY mile was a struggle and a hard fought battle. I can consider why that is, and ultimately it's just one of those times when stuff happens. I had to make lemonade from lemons. I'll be very honest -my mind went to some dark places and at times I had given up but thinking about the people most important in my life really kept me going when all I wanted to do was quit. Also, knowing so many were tracking me kept me going b/c I was going to be humiliated! LOL

2011-02-02 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3334935

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
A marathon is more about the mental than the physical
2011-02-02 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Whew- I'm all caught up now!   Still have to work on learning who everyone is though.

Lisa- Congrats on the half, it was a tough day!  I remember thinking that even if I were running a half marathon it would've been a hard race!

Lori- I will use salt tabs this summer, probably this spring. I have just started experimenting with them.  Enduralytes is one option that doesn't have as much sodium/potassium in them. To me it's a good place to start.  What I've always heard is - "if it ain't broke don't fix it" (Silly Texas Saying). So if you're not having problems don't mess with it.  If you are having problems like cramping, GI issues, passing out or getting dizzy then you might try adding them in.  I know that I am a very salty sweater and have been feeling like I am suffering from hyponatremia so I have recently tried changing my nutrition.  I do believe that every person is very different and it's most important to find what works for you.

Tiffany- thanks for the info on RLRF, it looks pretty intense and I'm not sure I could hit all thoses paces it calls for. But I personally like to run 3-4 times/week max so it seemed like a good option for me.  

Lani- Do you follow a specific program when training or just kind of do your own thing? 

Raul- Hi! Glad to see another Texan here! (nothing against anyone else, just nice to see someone a little closer to home)   Do you ever ride/run at White Rock Lake?  I make sure to hit the lake everytime I'm in town. 
2011-02-02 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
KARA, congrats on finishing your marathon in such tough conditions.  Four of my halfs have been out of state in temps in the 30s and 40s.  My half in Houston last year in January (USA Fit in Sugarland) was 25 degrees and we were having to walk through the water stops due to the ice on the street.  Even though I've done some of my longer runs in warmer temps/humidty, it was really tough on Sunday ... not to mention the nice concrete streets the entire way.  You did a great job and should be really pleased that you stuck with it!!  Now enjoy your recovery week!

2011-02-02 2:15 PM
in reply to: #3334935


Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

Awesome job and thanks for the really thorough race report... I always love to read the nitty gritty details of the races.   You should be so proud that you stuck with it  and FINISHED!!  Awesome!  Now that you've had a couple days to recover, are you still never running one again?  Usually day 2 or so after I swear off anything, I'm reconsidering.

Congrats again!

2011-02-02 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Lori- Haha! I was planning my next marathon at the same time I was swearing off running!  UGH  I will run another marathon at some point, I am not sure when that will be.  I'm a little concerned that I may have a stress fracture so I am waiting to see how this plays out.  I considered running the Cowtown Marathon in the end of February/early March as a redemption run, but I've decided that it doesn't really matter what my time is, what's most important to me is that I am spending enough time with my kids and not obsessing about race times .  I suppose if I recover and feel great I may do another one real soon but I'm not going to plan on another one until the fall I think.  I have the OKC Half Marathon on my horizon and it's time to focus on my biking and my swimming.  

Sorry for the REALLY REALLY long race report LOL
2011-02-03 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Ok I hope my 2 book long race report didn't scare everyone away!  We moved to the bottom of the second page today! YIKES
2011-02-03 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Easton, PA
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Kara - no, you didn't scare us off, we're just still reading!  Wink  The day after I did the NYC marathon last fall I started thinking about when my next full would be...I really thought I could beat my time...but the more time that passed the more it felt really nice not to have to dedicate 3-4 hours each weekend to a long run.  I do think I will do another full eventually, but it won't be this year!  I'm going to do a couple HM's and some tri's and 5k's...nothing that requires more than 2 hours of training at a clip.

Edited by twalker0475 2011-02-03 3:07 PM
2011-02-04 1:25 AM
in reply to: #3273560

New user

Good Question!?!?!?!?
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Hey Kara....congrats on your marathon! I very much enjoyed reading the race report. I envy people like you and Lisa and Tiffany and the others who have done marathons an half marathons. I live about 45 minutes from White Rock Lake. As a kid I use to fish out there all the that time I lived about 10 minutes from the lake. I watched as they built the paths and spruced up the area. However, I have yet to walk, run, or ride out there.... Kara, Lisa, (I specify you two because yall are here in Texas) and anyone else, you have to let me know if you plan on coming to the metroplex to do any tris or runs. Everyone have a great weekend! Stay warm and dry. My daughter has a soccer tournament in Austin this weekend, so we'll be headed south as long as it doesn't get snowed out!
2011-02-04 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3338546


Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Well, just wondering, does chipping ice (4+") for  4 hours yesterday and 8 hours today count as a workout?  or a few??   I am an apartment community manager and have been working with maintenance to try to get this cleared... it is HARD work and my arms are killing me!   No swim for me this am, I would have drowned!

Back to chipping!

2011-02-04 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3338704

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
Giant hair dryer?
2011-02-06 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3337862

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL
twalker0475 - 2011-02-03 3:07 PM Kara - no, you didn't scare us off, we're just still reading!  Wink  The day after I did the NYC marathon last fall I started thinking about when my next full would be...I really thought I could beat my time...but the more time that passed the more it felt really nice not to have to dedicate 3-4 hours each weekend to a long run.  I do think I will do another full eventually, but it won't be this year!  I'm going to do a couple HM's and some tri's and 5k's...nothing that requires more than 2 hours of training at a clip.

OK that was hilarious!  Good one Laughing!!!  I'm kind of thinking the same thing, I know in my mind I could've had an under 5 hour time and in my heart of hearts I believe that I could've run a 4:30-4:45,  But in the end does that matter...NOPE not really LOL I've got some pain in my shin that has been bugging me for about 6 weeks so I am going to lay low on the running and get into the Dr and make sure it's not a SF (I suspect that it is or a very bad case of shin splints in one localized area).  If it is, I just want to make sure that I can still swim and bike, which is what I was planning to spend the most time working on anyway.  I'm leaning toward a fall marathon again, but nothing's in stone right now.  I've decided to train for the MS150 and do the 100 miler, RedMan 70.3 (like Ironman but not the brand), and OKC Half Marathon if my leg is ok, all of the local sprint tri's, a few non-local ones and most of the local road races as well. That will keep me PLENTY busy but not overally killing myself...until the peak of Half Ironman training and even that shouldn't be TOO bad...I hope
2011-02-06 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3338546

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

Raul_T - 2011-02-04 1:25 AM Hey Kara....congrats on your marathon! I very much enjoyed reading the race report. I envy people like you and Lisa and Tiffany and the others who have done marathons an half marathons. I live about 45 minutes from White Rock Lake. As a kid I use to fish out there all the that time I lived about 10 minutes from the lake. I watched as they built the paths and spruced up the area. However, I have yet to walk, run, or ride out there.... Kara, Lisa, (I specify you two because yall are here in Texas) and anyone else, you have to let me know if you plan on coming to the metroplex to do any tris or runs. Everyone have a great weekend! Stay warm and dry. My daughter has a soccer tournament in Austin this weekend, so we'll be headed south as long as it doesn't get snowed out!

Thanks Raul!  Everytime I go to DFW area I run White Rock Lake, I love that place!!!  We don't have anything like that and I am so jealous of it!  I'll let you know when I come up next, I go up there pretty often so if I do some races up there I'll give you a shout!  We're all snowed in here today!  We've been dealing with no snow but -30 temps!!!  Now, it's actually a warm 33 degrees but the snow is coming down!!!

Edited by txtrimom 2011-02-06 12:01 PM
2011-02-06 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3273560

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Subject: RE: wwlani's Real Dedicated and Down to Earth - FULL

Lori- I bet chipping ice is the best workout of all, though it doesnt sound fun at all!!!

All- I got in an awesome spin class on Wednesday (took it pretty easy on intensity since my legs are still sore) and I got in an awesome half mile swim yesterday! I've decided since it has been so long since I have gone for a swim, to start out SLOW and work on form only.  So, for the first time EVER I swam breathing every 3 strokes and breathing on my left side! This is a major milestone in my swimming and I am stoked that I was able to do that.  I feel pretty hopeful for my swimming this season, I think if I can master the 3 stroke technique then I will feel more confident and hopefully conquer my disabling fear of the OWS.

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