BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2009-01-05 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
Happy New Year All!!!
I had a really rough New Year's holiday. I was in FL for 5 days and only played golf 4 times and went to the Capitol One Bowl to watch GA win!!! I know I should have run but with a 0705 tee time every morning it was not going to happen I really need a vacation from my vacation but instead I was out this morning for my usual run. Only a few days until my marathon so I think that the time off will work in my favor my insuring that I am not injured for the run. How is everyone else doing??

2009-01-06 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
You can tell we are a very quiet group when we drop to the bottom of the second page of groups. How is everybody doing this week? Has everyone recovered from their New Year's vacations?

2009-01-06 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Hey All! 

Slowly recovering from the holidays here.  I had hoped to spend some time outdoors today, but freezing rain here put a stop to that.  Guess I'll head to the gym.  Does anyone else hate going to the gym in January due to the influx of New-Years-Resolutioners?  Ugh... will probably have to wait in line for a bike.  Oh well...

 Hope everyone is doing well! 

I'm curious... how many races does everyone here have planned for '09 and which ones??


2009-01-06 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1885559


Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
I am a slow runner. I also have the desire to run faster. I have had some luck with running intervals on the treadmill. You should have a good running base to begin with. The classic approach is to start with 1/4 mile or 400m at a pace that is close to or slightly above your 5k pace. Start with 4-6 intervals with a rest in between (walk or jog). work you way up to 12 invervals. I usually run a mile warm up before starting intervals. Be careful, these can really cause fatigue Don't go to fast too soon. Work your way up slowly. Do a 1 mile cool down afterward. Do an easy work out the next day or rest.

The other advice I was given is to improve running economy. I still have problems with this. Have someone see you run. Perhaps they can give you suggestions. One of my problems is that I bouce too much when I run. I'm still trying to stop that. I have changed by arm swing and become a mid foot lander vs a heel lander when I run.

Hope that thelps. Val (shinsplint)
2009-01-07 2:11 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Hi team! I am back from my little trip. Its great to see that we've been chatting!

I did NO training and ate and drank way to much cheese, wine & beer!!! Ah, so be it. We did some canoeing, fishing and gentle swimming in the river so it wasn't a totally lazy holiday!

I'm back on the program either tonight or tomorrow


2009-01-07 2:28 AM
in reply to: #1883458

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
krystyna47 - 2009-01-03 11:27 AM

This might be obvious, but I totally did not realize just how SLOW running is in icy, cold, snowy weather. In the last few weeks, having actually recorded my time and kms run, I am consistently shocked at how high the xx min/km rate is. Oh well, at least I am getting out there, right?

I have never run in icy, cold or snowy weather but I can imagine its pretty tough! I normally prefer to run in winter because our winters are cool and mild, average 60F! LOL! I guess our comparison would be running in hot, muggy weather, which is just as bad, it really slows me down. Its about 100F today so I am not going to go out for a run until the sun sets! Well done for getting out there! Thats what its all about

 As for the bike I ride... sigh... I'm in the process of transitioning from a hybrid (!!) to a road bike. Isn't that sad? Yes, ladies and gents, I rode on a *hybrid* when I did my first triathlon. Apparently that's taboo among the elite triathletes, because I got many many MANY dirty looks and jaw-drops!

 I'm getting a proper road bike this spring. Are there any recommendations you can make? I really no VERY little about bikes (uhm... they have wheels...), I just ride them! I'm looking for a road bike that is for a female frame. 

Ha ha I did my first triathlon on a mountain bike, LOL, so you're one up on me! Everyone on the course beat me including a young boy. Of course I was also totally unfit and had only trained for 4 weeks ...  I don't think the elite athletes care about anything except winning, and they would only be giving you dirty looks if your hybrid was beating them on their $10,000 beasts

Getting a proper fit is very important when buying a bike. There are many women's specific frames but sometimes a male frame may be better suited to some women's body types. What I would recommend is to have a price in mind, not a brand, and then go into a few reputable bike shops, speak with the staff and get fitted properly. This takes a few hours and they'll adjust your seat and handlebar height.

I would recommend going for a road bike, not a tri bike to start with, because its more versatile. You can always add clip-on tri bars later, or upgrade to a tri bike later. I would also recommend biting the bullet and getting the clippless pedals (where you need to get the shoes that click in). They are scary at first and you WILL fall off when you're learning to use them, but it doesn't hurt ('cos you'll be falling off when you're stationary when you haven't clicked your shoes out in time) and the long term benefits far outweigh a few embarasing falls when you're learning to use them

I ride a SubZero2 which is a women's specific bike made by Avanti, I am super happy with it, but I am not sure if its available in the states.


2009-01-07 2:41 AM
in reply to: #1884024

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
SweetJLee - 2009-01-04 12:34 AM

Wow... I missed a lot of activity here!  Sorry to be MIA... we were on a week-long vacation to Orlando/Disney World!  Am home now and looking forward to getting it in gear.

Magda... will set up a training log this morning and put it in my signature.  Now I just need a plan....  Hmmmm.


Hi Jennifer! Great to hear from you! I have visited your logs and left you an "inspire" - you'll notice it turns red when someone leaves you a message

So, it looks like you have 5-6 months to train for your first tri, is that correct? Thats plenty of time to get you fit enough to finish! Start by trying to get into a routine. Aim to do at least one training session in each discpline a week, if you can, increase to twice weekly. If you've never run before, start by run/walking. Take it easy, but challenge yourself to do better each week and push yourself to improve a little each week.

There are some training programs here on BT which may be able to give you some guidance as well. How fit are you currently?


2009-01-07 2:47 AM
in reply to: #1885559

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Kate_r - 2009-01-05 7:02 AM Hi all, sorry I've been away for a while. I was on holiday with my Brother and his GF and although we are staying at our house I was pre-occupied with spending time on them. Happy New Year. My resolutions are to plan more, stick to my training plans and concentrate on my running and core. In terms of questions - does anyone know a good way of speeding up my running? I train with a couple of friends and they're both faster than me and I'd love to be able to be faster but at present feel like I'm going as fas as I can maintain. Failing that have you any ideas for training with other people that are faster so you all get a work out?

Yeah ... thats a hard one! I have always been slow at all three disciplines. Its difficult to train with other people unless you're all at the same level, because inevitably at least one person will be waiting for the other and it can be frustrating.

Speed work, intervals, temp runs etc can help increase running speed, but they can also lead to injury if you start doing them too early, before you're an experienced runner. Weight loss and just putting in the training miles to increase your general fitness will really help too. Its a really slow and steady process, you won't improve overnight, take it from me! I've been doing this since 2006 and I'm still slow! I am however a little faster than I used to be!

I try to focus on myself and my own achievemnts and improvements. I try to aim for my own goals. It can get depressing if you focus too much on other people's achievements. Is it easier for you to train in a group than on your own?


2009-01-07 2:53 AM
in reply to: #1886336

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

jrcody - 2009-01-05 10:40 PM Happy New Year All!!! I had a really rough New Year's holiday. I was in FL for 5 days and only played golf 4 times and went to the Capitol One Bowl to watch GA win!!! I know I should have run but with a 0705 tee time every morning it was not going to happen I really need a vacation from my vacation but instead I was out this morning for my usual run. Only a few days until my marathon so I think that the time off will work in my favor my insuring that I am not injured for the run. How is everyone else doing??

Well done! What a tough holiday! Must have taken a lot of guts to get through it

Sounds a lot like my holiday, I trained very hard in the disciplines of eating and drinking!  But I think thats what holidays are all about, sometimes you just need a holiday from routine.

Like you said, the rest will probably really help you on race day. You've done so much hard work I am sure you are going to do just brilliant, and a few days off won't have made any difference


2009-01-07 2:53 AM
in reply to: #1888821

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

jrcody - 2009-01-06 11:07 PM You can tell we are a very quiet group when we drop to the bottom of the second page of groups. How is everybody doing this week? Has everyone recovered from their New Year's vacations?

I know! I am trying to get everyone chatting


2009-01-07 2:55 AM
in reply to: #1889255

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
SweetJLee - 2009-01-07 1:40 AM

Hey All! 

Slowly recovering from the holidays here.  I had hoped to spend some time outdoors today, but freezing rain here put a stop to that.  Guess I'll head to the gym.  Does anyone else hate going to the gym in January due to the influx of New-Years-Resolutioners?  Ugh... will probably have to wait in line for a bike.  Oh well...

 Hope everyone is doing well! 

I'm curious... how many races does everyone here have planned for '09 and which ones??



I haven't been to the gym yet this year ... but I am not looking fwd to it! My usual time is 5.30am so I am hoping that there won't be too many newbies there at that time

My main planned race is a half Ironman in May. I'll be doing a few sprints in the lead up to it, and I've noticed my coach has inserted an Olympic distance on my plan as well

2009-01-07 2:57 AM
in reply to: #1889393

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

shinsplint - 2009-01-07 2:22 AM I am a slow runner. I also have the desire to run faster. I have had some luck with running intervals on the treadmill. You should have a good running base to begin with. The classic approach is to start with 1/4 mile or 400m at a pace that is close to or slightly above your 5k pace. Start with 4-6 intervals with a rest in between (walk or jog). work you way up to 12 invervals. I usually run a mile warm up before starting intervals. Be careful, these can really cause fatigue Don't go to fast too soon. Work your way up slowly. Do a 1 mile cool down afterward. Do an easy work out the next day or rest. The other advice I was given is to improve running economy. I still have problems with this. Have someone see you run. Perhaps they can give you suggestions. One of my problems is that I bouce too much when I run. I'm still trying to stop that. I have changed by arm swing and become a mid foot lander vs a heel lander when I run. Hope that thelps. Val (shinsplint)

X 2. Great advice.

Just bear in mind that improvements will be slow so be patient!


2009-01-07 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1889255

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
SweetJLee - 2009-01-06 8:40 AM

Hey All! 

Slowly recovering from the holidays here.  I had hoped to spend some time outdoors today, but freezing rain here put a stop to that.  Guess I'll head to the gym.  Does anyone else hate going to the gym in January due to the influx of New-Years-Resolutioners?  Ugh... will probably have to wait in line for a bike.  Oh well...

 Hope everyone is doing well! 

I'm curious... how many races does everyone here have planned for '09 and which ones??


I can feel your pain I use the 24 Hour Fitness (heated pool!!!) and even at my hour (4AM) the temporary people are there and doing more chatting than working out. I can not wait until February when they all give up and leave

2009-01-07 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1889393

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
shinsplint - 2009-01-06 9:22 AM

I am a slow runner. I also have the desire to run faster. I have had some luck with running intervals on the treadmill. You should have a good running base to begin with. The classic approach is to start with 1/4 mile or 400m at a pace that is close to or slightly above your 5k pace. Start with 4-6 intervals with a rest in between (walk or jog). work you way up to 12 invervals. I usually run a mile warm up before starting intervals. Be careful, these can really cause fatigue Don't go to fast too soon. Work your way up slowly. Do a 1 mile cool down afterward. Do an easy work out the next day or rest.

The other advice I was given is to improve running economy. I still have problems with this. Have someone see you run. Perhaps they can give you suggestions. One of my problems is that I bouce too much when I run. I'm still trying to stop that. I have changed by arm swing and become a mid foot lander vs a heel lander when I run.

Hope that thelps. Val (shinsplint)

Also remember that when running on a treadmill set the incline to around 1%. We may not notice it but according to Runners World it simulates running outdoors more closely. Also, a place to have someone watch you run and get some good advice is find your local Fleet Feet Store. Almost all of them have running groups and they have group runs (for all abilities) and I have found that they give good pointers.
2009-01-07 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Good morning team! Just bumping us up to the top of the page

Its 5am here and I am off to the pool!


2009-01-07 8:27 PM
in reply to: #1891576

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Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL


I can not wait until February when they all give up and leave

LOL!  Oh good... I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks like that!!!!

2009-01-08 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
Good Morning from another foggy day in northern CA!! 10 days left until the Redding Marathon.
2009-01-08 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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West Orange NJ
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Went to my first spinning class today (wow!).  My classmates must all be ringers from previous classes... they kept up a fantastic cadence, stayed up on their pedals, went "hup, hup, hup!" the "hills." 

 Now I'm going to try adventure #2 for the day, and put on the F2R wetsuit I rented to swim in the ocean off the Keys next week. 

Tri-ing isn't boring...   

 Good training to all!

2009-01-09 6:28 AM
in reply to: #1894342

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

jrcody - 2009-01-08 10:55 PM Good Morning from another foggy day in northern CA!! 10 days left until the Redding Marathon.

Thats great! How do you feel?


2009-01-09 6:30 AM
in reply to: #1896138

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
sfpowers - 2009-01-09 9:20 AM

Went to my first spinning class today (wow!).  My classmates must all be ringers from previous classes... they kept up a fantastic cadence, stayed up on their pedals, went "hup, hup, hup!" the "hills." 

Keep it up and soon you'll also be an old pro!

 Now I'm going to try adventure #2 for the day, and put on the F2R wetsuit I rented to swim in the ocean off the Keys next week. 

Sounds great! I have yet to try out my Christmas wetsuit because there have been lots of shark sightings along my local beaches and a bloke got eaten a few weeks ago near where I am due to race next weekend! Argh! I hope your local waters are a lot safer!

 Keep up the good work!


2009-01-09 6:32 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Hi team! How is everyone going?

I'm sorry for my lack of inspires this week - work has been very hectic and I haven't been getting home until 8.30pm most nights. I'm checking this board at least once a day so I AM keeping an eye on you! You can also leave me an inspire on my blog or a private message if you need immediate attention


2009-01-09 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1896861

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
eurydice79 - 2009-01-09 4:28 AM

jrcody - 2009-01-08 10:55 PM Good Morning from another foggy day in northern CA!! 10 days left until the Redding Marathon.

Thats great! How do you feel?


Good Morning, just back from my AM run and I feel good. I will probably do a nice slow ultra pace (13.5 minute avg) for my 15 miler tomorrow.
2009-01-10 12:57 AM
in reply to: #1897007

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
jrcody - 2009-01-09 10:57 PM
eurydice79 - 2009-01-09 4:28 AM

jrcody - 2009-01-08 10:55 PM Good Morning from another foggy day in northern CA!! 10 days left until the Redding Marathon.

Thats great! How do you feel?

Good Morning, just back from my AM run and I feel good. I will probably do a nice slow ultra pace (13.5 minute avg) for my 15 miler tomorrow.


I love long slow runs, I had one this morning. It doesn't feel like you're working very hard but at least the running is enjoyable!


2009-01-10 8:25 PM
in reply to: #1896138


Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
I have also started a new spin class. We are using our own bike and trainer. I found this very challenging. I have done spin classes on spin bikes. On my road bike I discovered "dead spaces" in my stroke, esp with 1 leg drills. The coach is great. She caught me shrugging my shoulders as I ride and helped me to stop. I am certain this class will be great.

The gym we belong to is having an indoor tri in 2 mo. I signed up. It will be a super sprint distance. I have not done an indoor tri in several years. The bike portion is on a regular spin bike. It is only 5 miles. Of course, most people will put the bikes on low tension and spin very quickly. I did the same with my first indoor tri.

What I noticed when I spin that fast is calf pain/fatigue. It is a different feeling compared to a road bike. Also, the run is more difficult for that reason (calf tihtness). To me, the bike portion does not really simulate a true cycling experience. My upper legs feel ok while my lower legs are toast.

Anyone have advice with indoor tri's (aside from have fun?)

2009-01-10 11:23 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Good afternoon team! I went to a 30th birthday cocktail party last night and tried my hardest not to drink too much!

This morning I did a 28 mile/46k ride through the hills. It was really tough but I really recommend doing hilly rides/runs as part of a training program because it really gets you working!



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