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2009-01-08 4:49 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Last post I promise...

Last night I did some strength training and 30 minutes of spinning watching the new season of biggest loser. Do you watch that show? There's nothing like Jillian screaming at you to get the workout done lol I love Jillian!!

I found online a training plan that's called 'Prison workout'. I think it's called that because you can do it anywhere, you don't need specific equipement only your bodyweight.

So day 1 :

You do as much as you can of these exercices (in a row) in 20 minutes :
5 pushups
10 knee tucks
10 air squats (no weights)

I did 12 rounds with a bit of a pause between each set.

This was harder than it looks I can feel it this morning already. Swimming will be fun tonight!!

Have a great day


2009-01-08 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi everyone,

Sorry I wasn't on yesterday.  I really didn't feel too good all day.  I woke up with a stiff neck and just a general "blaa" feeling that lasted most of the day.  I had several kids out sick yesterday so I'm wondering if something is making the rounds.  But today woke up feeling fine, and went to spin, so maybe I just needed a rest.

Patricia, I eat a half of PB and J (jam) sandwich right away in the morning when I get up along with a little coffee.( programable coffee machines rock!)  This is my staple.  I get up a 5 and will  be working out between 5 and  6, depending on the day.  This seems to give me the energy I need without being too much.  If I'm working out longer, say 1 1/2  or more hours, I will have a gu after an hour (always with water). If my workout is an hour, which it is on school days, I will eat a small snack (usually some almonds that I keep in a jar on my desk) along with some sports drink when I get to school. In the summer and on weekends if my workout is long and intense, I will have a protein drink immediately after.  I agree that getting the nutrition piece right can be confusing.  Part of it is trail and error.  Seeing what your body needs, tolerates etc. Another big part of the nutrition piece is not only what to eat before during and after workouts, but how to eat the rest of the day.  What you eat today will effect your body tomorrow.  That's especially critical for me in the days before races.

Ahh yes, clipless pedals.... (yeah, why do they call them clipless when you "clip" in??? always wondered that too.)

I had some classic falls when I first got my road bike, all in slow motion,  all in front of other people.  Of course, everyone goes through it.  I would be very skeptical of anyone who said they NEVER fell when first getting used to being clipped in.  After awhile it does become second nature. Also, the pedals can be adjusted to be looser or tighter.  I found out that my pedals were too tight.  I really had to jerk my foot to get out.  After loosening, it was much easier.

Bike Shoes:  I have a pair of Specialized that I wear in spin class and a pair of...ohno,  the name is escaping me right now and I'm at school. I will check the name later and let you know.   I have LOOK pedals on my road bike, not spds, which they use in spin. Thus, the need for 2 pairs of shoes.

Juls, how nice that you can run with your dog.  I tried running with mine and it was a comedy show, ending up with the dog tripping me with the leash (he was attempting to chase a squirrel) and me falling hard on my hip.  No more runs with the pooch.

 I'll check in later tonight.  Have a great day!






2009-01-08 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

My bike shoes for my road bike are Louis Garneau.

Patricia, the prison workout is similair to the circuit training that I do in the Strength, Endurance and Stamina class.  Simple, basic excercises, but boy can you feel it.

Tomorrow is Friday already.... Yahoo!


2009-01-08 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

My road shoes are Sidi with Speedplay clips ( ) -- I absolutely love them.  They are much easier to clip in and out of and they allow movement in my heel which helps my knees.  Also  - on the shoes, I ordered mine online and was able to get $200 shoes for less than $50.  I even got my mountain biking shoe that I use just for spin class online for $16, they are Shimano which is a decent brand.  It helps to have little feet (37) so I get the left overs.  I order through Nashbar ( ) but I think there are other online sites that have discount prices.

Had a good body pump class tonight but I was bumbed when I went to swim and the indoor pool was full with swimming lessons and the covered outdoor was filled with the swimming team.  I need to check my times better next time!


2009-01-08 10:56 PM
in reply to: #1896591

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I am going to look for a bike soon but didn't realize that you need special shoes to ride. Can you ride with your running shoes?? As a beginner I think I would be a little scared to try thre clip in shoes until I get used to riding again. What do you suggest? Start off with clip ins or wait???
2009-01-08 11:03 PM
in reply to: #1863127

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Do any of you do Yoga?  I needed to do something for flexibility as I am so tight and sore all the time. I tried a Bikram yoga or Hot yoga for the first time yesterday and loved it. You do poses for 90 min in a 105 degree room. I sweated buckets but felt so relaxed after, i even went back again today. I think I found another addiction

2009-01-09 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1896684

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Hi Terri- there are a few opinions on this, but when I bought my road bike the bike shop and my coach told me to go straight to the clipless pedals. In the beginning it is always scary so why put it off.I did not give myself any options and endured the first year learning curve. Also, and more importantly, your cycling will be far more efficient. You will be amazed at how much faster you can go.
That being said, you must ultimately do what you are comfortable with. It won't be any fun if you're scared to death!
Did I mention how envious I am of you living in Hawaii? I would love to be able to ride my bike all year round.
2009-01-09 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Thanks for the info on the shoes, they are ordered and on the way. My hubby has the Louis Garneau shoe as well so that is what I went with. Can't wait to try them out. I really can't wait to try them outside, must be nice to live in Hawaii


Hope everyone has a beautiful weekend.



Edited by twohearted 2009-01-09 3:58 PM
2009-01-09 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

I went to my first step class today- ever. I realized there would be a "learning curve" involved, and figured oh well, I feel like an idiot when I do everything else, why should this be different? I figured I'd have fun with it and burn some calories while I was at it.

It isn't advertised as an advanced step class- it just says step, so I realized it also wasn't a beginning step class. The instructor didn't start with any basic steps, he went right into his routine, hopping up and over and twirling on top of and beside the step, really pretty intricate stuff I thought, and then proceeded to tell the class how pathetic we were because we couldn't keep up with him. I should tell you that he is gay. Not that it matters, but you'll need to know that when you hear this next part so you can picture it... He spent all the time looking at himself in the mirror while he barked out the steps- 1/2 the time he didn't do the routine with us at all. He literally was "primping" in the mirrors.

At one point, recognizing I am a clutz, he moved over right in front of me so I could see better (the problem wasn't with my eyes- it was with my feet!) and did 2 combos right there. I suck- I admit it. It was sad....He goes back to the front of the class, but first says-into the microphone of course- "Oh honey, you're pathetic- there just ain't no helpin' you!" and put his hand up and did that "attitude" thing with his neck. And as if  that wasn't enough, he says, "I got ladies in my senior fit class that can do better, okaaaay?!"

Fortunately, one of the other ladies felt bad for me and said during our 1 water break, "He's not the regular instructor- come back next week. This guy's unreal!"

All I could do was still laugh about it. This poor guy- he's so impressed with himself he doesn't realize that we don't care if HE can do the steps- he'd be a good instructor if WE could do them. Oh well, there's always next week! I'm just really having good luck with this gym, aren't I?!

2009-01-09 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi all,

Ruth, I've heard of nashbar but have never tried it.  I'm a sucker for a good deal, so I'll have to take a look at that site.  Of course my husband is constantly telling me not to spend any money.  (This college tuition thing is putting a serious crimp in my style)

Terry, as far as going clipless or not, you can get pedals that have clipless on one side and a regualr pedal on the other.  My road bike actually came with these little pedals that you could pop off.  My husband opted for the two sided pedal.  Down side to that is they are heavy. Also, you only have one side, so if you opt to clip in you have to make sure the right side is up.  I thought I would use the pedals and never did.  You really are more effecient being clipped in.  I now have the LOOK system and like it way better than spd. 

I have never tried yoga, although I've always wanted to.  I've been doing pilates since the fall.  I too am not very flexible.  In pilates last week I was next to this young women who I swear did not have any bones.  It's great that you are trying different things.

Karen, congrats on ordering the shoes.  I hope you like them.

Jennifer:  now lets stop with all this negativity First off, you went to the class, so you've already beat so many people.  2nd, you stuck it out despite an obviously terrible teacher, 3rd you plan on going back - despite the less than optimal first experience. How terrible that your first step class was like that. Perhaps that instructor thought humiliation and trash talk would be motivating. I hate that type of attitude.  It has no place in any class.    So, give it a second or 3rd chance with a better instructor.  If it's not for you, it's not.  But it's not because you aren't any good.  It's just not your thing.  Try something else.  It's great to spend the off-season trying new things because soon you will be too busy swimming, biking and running to have time for anything else.  But, I'm glad to hear that you can laugh about it and not be discouraged.  I checked your logs and the great thing is that you are doing something most every day (with a rest day, which is important) consistently. Keep it up.  And don't worry about your speed right now.  For you it's about building up the endurance to go for longer amounts of time and distance.


2009-01-10 5:37 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Why am I up at 6am on a Saturday morning? oh yeah I'm swimming and biking this morning..... I don't mind the training but I do mind getting out of my warm bed when it's this cold and I have to get my butt in a swimming pool. But I know that once I'm there I'll be fine

Jennifer - what an experience. I think you handled it well because I'm pretty sure I would have left the class!

About the shoes, it was suggested to me that I get triathlon shoes. Seems that they have velcro on them so it's easier to put on and take off. I'm sure they are not necessary at our level but the girl told me that if I'll be investing in some shoes I might as well get the tri shoes right away. I'm going to go look into this this week. I want to buy the shoes and the pedals before I get my new bike.

I have to get ready. It's -20C outside with a windchill of -30C. brrrrrrrrr

2009-01-10 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Susie-thanks for the motivation. Funny thing is the only reason I didn't leave the class was I didn't want to look like a wimp! I figured then he really would've gotten the best of me, and I wasn't giving in that easy.

I'm wondering about something. I tend to be prone to shin splints, and I can't remember where I was reading about exercises to strenghten the muscles in your lower legs to help prevent them. Something about the muscles that lift your foot up? Am I making any sense? I'm wondering if step class would help with that? Other than that, I just plan to work-up to running gradually, as it says in my training plan, and icing my shins after I run- when I eventually run instead of walking.

This weekend will be really light on the exercise- I'm hoping to get in at least a short 20-min bike ride this afternoon, but I have so much to do. I'm the president of the women's organization at church. We do a lot of charity work, and I help organize things when someone has welfare needs in their family, or a surgery, etc. Well, this week a lady at church lost her husband, so I'm helping the family with arrangements for the services on Monday, and preparing/organizing/serving a meal for the extended family after the services. That's going to be the challenge for me- like everyone else- figuring out how not to let go of training when "life happens." Monday the services are being held about 3 miles from my house. I'm thinking about either walking or riding my bike over there and then home afterwards.

Question: I have my bike set up on a trainer, and I took my bike's back axle out and put the training axle in it to put on the trainer. If I wanted to ride my bike on the road, do I have to switch them out again, or is it okay to use the trainer one on the road?
Thanks & have a great weekend.

2009-01-10 11:34 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi all,

Yeah, Patricia I hear ya.... I too was up at early this morning. 5:15 am for a 6:00 tri-spin class followed by the SES class. Plus, to add to the fun we are in the mist of a snow storm. The roads are terrible.  It was VERY hard to get up and out. I'm driving in the dark and snow to the club thinking...I'm nuts. But don't you feel good after you've finished?

As far as tri shoes versus road shoes...I had a pair of tri shoes and no longer use them.  Yes they are lighter and only have 1 larger velcro strap, but I found the pair I had uncomfortable and I figure the amout of time that I may save by doing only 1 stap versus 3, was not all that much. I suppose if I was gunning for a podium spot it might be important.  Also, the tri shoes are also designed for people who have their shoes already clipped into their pedals and put their feet into the shoes after they have started riding.  Never attempted that.  I'm not trying to push you in either direction.  If money is not a concern, go for it, since you will want both. 

Jennifer, I can understand the problems of life getting in the way.  Tomorrow I have that problem.  I think I can get in half of my Sunday routine if I plan well today.  My son made Eagle Scout and tomorrow is his ceremony.  Much to do.  Plus, my younger son is going to the inaguration (how cool is that!!!!) with his school band and we have some shopping to get done this weekend too.  I don't know about anyone else, but during the work week I find it hard to get any errands done.  By the time I get home, I'm done for the day.

Anyway, sounds like a good plan to walk or ride places you can.  I do that a lot in the warmer weather.

As far as shin splints... not sure. I really don't have much knowlege about that.  (ask me about IT band though....) I bet there are excersices to do.  Check out BT for any articles or do a google search and see what you find.  You're right, excercises for prevention are critical. 

Have a great weekend!


2009-01-10 2:43 PM
in reply to: #1899502

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Hi I was wondering if you ever seen a podiatrist I believe that they can fit you with orthotics for your shoes to help prevent shin splints. I had shin splints when i first started running, simply changing shoes and putting an insole helped me.
2009-01-11 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Good suggestion Terry.  I can second that proper fitting and good quality running shoes are essential whether you are prone to certain injuries or not.  It is worth spending the money on a good pair of shoes.  Also, remember to get new shoes when your old ones are worn out.  I've heard that can be anywhere between 300 to 500 miles, depending on terrain running on, your weight etc.  Some people recommend new shoes every three months. I get new shoes about every 350 miles, and I can definitely feel when it's time.  If you go to a good running store they will watch you run to check your gait and to see if you pronate etc. That way you can get the right shoe.


2009-01-11 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1863127

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi gang, 

 Today on a whim, my sister and I did a biathlon run 2.5 miles and swim 1000 meters. We have been practicing swimming in a pool only so I was a little hesitant(my sister is very persistent). The run was very easy but the swim I thought I was going to die. I was out of breath from the run and could not freestyle worth a darn without gasping for air and swallowing water so spent most of swim back and breast stroking. My goal was to finish and I did with my sister right behind me we were the last of 5 coming in but I was just proud that we finished. That was my first event ever!! There is a Valentine days relay biathlon coming up that a bunch of us at work signed up to do, so I volunteered for swim because I want the experience. I am hoping that it will be easier because I won't be running prior to the swim... Hoping this was my problem today.  Sorry for rambling on... but lack of oxygen to brain today any insights on open water swimming will greatly help. I would love to hear other 1st swim stories...may keep me motivated.





2009-01-11 9:16 PM
in reply to: #1863127

New user

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Well I have had a not very productive week as far as training goes. This has been my first week of grad school and I am a little overwhelmed right now. I have decided that I will plan for 4 training days a week 2 bike on the trainer at home, 1 swim, and 1 run. This way I only have to leave my house twice a week for training. I think this will help me to not feel so overwhelmed and let me be at peace for not training as much as I would like to. Hopefully after I get settled into my classes I will be able to add in some more training. I will do this, I just have to keep telling myself that!

Patricia- I bought some shoes this weekend. I am excited about them. I looked at the triathlon ones but they were quite a bit more expensive so I went with a mountain bike type of shoe. They have more traction on them than the road bike shoes and I thought that would be helpful when we have to run in them during transitions. They are slightly heaver but not too bad. Also the ones I bought are velcro only so it will make it easier in transitions.

Jennifer- Sorry about your bad experience with that instructor. I don't understand why people think that is ok. Good for you for sticking with it and planning on going again!

Susie- Got to love winter. Oh it makes it so hard to get out of your nice warm bed when it is so cold outside.

 Have a great week ladies!


2009-01-12 8:19 AM
in reply to: #1901451

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Wow, good for you! 1000m, open water is a long swim. You should be very impressed with yourself. I have never done a biathlon, so running THEN swimming sounds a little foreign. The only advice I have to improve your open water swim is to practice in open water. Do you swim in the ocean or a lake? Again, I have never swam in an ocean race so maybe someone else has tips for that. In the summer (there's my Hawaii envy again), we have local groups that swim open water together 3xweek. It's the best way to increase your comfort and confidence and you end up dreading returning to the pool in the off season. Check with the organizers of the biathlon, I'm sure there are open water swim groups in your area.
Again, great job.
2009-01-12 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Great job on the biathlon!! I would like to find some kind of "precurser" event too, just to get an idea of what it will be like, but so far no luck.

By the way, we do have a good running store here locally, and I did get fitted for shoes. I am a neutral runner, and these have more cushion than my other shoes did. Last time I still ended up with shin splints, even with my Brooks running shoes. I think I just really started out too far too fast. Not making that mistake again.

As it turns out, there won't be any riding my bike to/from the funeral. Too many people have dropped food off at my house that needs to go to the church. Oh well, I will ride the trainer this afternoon.

I'm having good luck getting some other ladies I know to get on the bandwagon with this tri. That's good, because I know at some point I'll want some company on those training rides/runs. Hubby has decided he's doing it too, but (I love him to death, don't get me wrong) we go about things so completely differently, working out together just doesn't work.

I'm thinking about doing a 5k in May before my tri in June. Also may want to add another sprint distance in October to keep me going through the summer. We'll see how it goes.

2009-01-12 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1901886

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Thanks for the advice. It was an ocean swim before the reef so no waves at all. I just looked and the sponsors of the swim does have a group that meets weekly. Regarding the Hawaii envy...I want 4 seasons, same weather all year round is pretty boring. Terri


2009-01-12 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Congrats on the biathlon!! 1000m swim is a lot of swimming

I'm going on a trip on February 9 (Puerto Plata, Dominican republic) and I want to try ocean swimming (with my boyfriend in a kayak following me!!) I know they have reefs set up so the waves don't come near the shore so I'll try swimming to the reef and back.

My weekend was very busy training wise. On Saturday was swimming and then spinning and on Sunday I had a 45 minute run planned. During the swim, we did some drafting. We were only 2 in my lane and the other person was a guy so I thought there was no way I could follow in his feet but I'm happy to report that I did it and it wasn't so hard. I'm definitly improving in my swimming even though sometimes I find the workouts very hard and swallow a lot of water LOL.

The spinning was something else!!! I'm sore in places I don't want to talk about I had to have an hour nap Saturday afternoon.

I cut all sugar from my diet. This is my second week and today I'm craving sweets. Must.resist.

Have a great day

2009-01-12 1:09 PM
in reply to: #1902217

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Sounds like you had a good training weekend! Your trip sounds awesome...I am jealous!  Can you explain a little about drafting? I hear about it regarding biking but not swimming, either way I don't know bout it.
2009-01-12 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1902217

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I was wondering are you cutting out all sugars or just the refined sugars?? Are you trying to lose weight? Just curious cause I am trying to lose last 10 lbs and it won't budge despite working out and cutting calories...ugh
2009-01-12 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1902609

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Territ414 - 2009-01-12 2:14 PM

I was wondering are you cutting out all sugars or just the refined sugars?? Are you trying to lose weight? Just curious cause I am trying to lose last 10 lbs and it won't budge despite working out and cutting calories...ugh

I'm trying to stay away from the cookies, chocolate, cake and ice cream I still have my teaspoon of sugar in my coffee in the morning, I added a bit of honey/dijon dressing on my salad at lunch today. I'm trying to eat better and I find that when I eat too much refined sugar, my energy level is down and I have a hard time staying awake in the afternoon. I've noticed an improvement since last week. I need all the energy I can get with all this training!! I started looking at labels and it's surprizing all the sugar we eat.

I'm not looking to lose much weight but a 5-10lbs would be nice. I lost 2 pounds last week just by cutting all the sweets.

2009-01-12 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1902596

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Territ414 - 2009-01-12 2:09 PM

Sounds like you had a good training weekend! Your trip sounds awesome...I am jealous!  Can you explain a little about drafting? I hear about it regarding biking but not swimming, either way I don't know bout it.

It's when you follow someone's feet in the water. The 'wave' pulls you, like the wind in biking.
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