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2009-01-13 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1903272

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Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
jess11 - 2009-01-12 4:39 PM

Hi everyone!

So tomorrow is my first official day of training, with a swim. I've been looking at all the swim tips being offered, thanks so much! Very helpful. thats the most intimidating part for me, so its going to be hard to train. Esp at this point when i can really only swim a lap without either freaking out because of my breathing or just getting tired in general....we'll see how it goes.

The triathlon that I am doing with my dad is in April, so only 12 weeks away.  When I signed up for it, there seemed to be so much time but now I'm slightly worried...but I'm sure everything will be fine.  Just need to be sure to stay on schedule.  I'm doing the sprint distance Vineman in California so it should be fun

Good luck with training!

Hi Jess - my best advise is to just stick with it!  Make sure you workout for 3 days a week and if you can slide in a few extra 20 or 30 min sessions on your own, that will  help leaps and bounds.  You will laugh at your level you started assuming you keep it all up..  It's all about repetition and you will get better!!!  

Hang in there as your 1 lap limit will soon turn into 2 etc.  Just push yourself as much as you can and keep up the good work!



2009-01-13 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

Ok, so I am having some shin problems.  About a month ago when i first started to get back into train mode, both my shins were bothering me so I gave some time off on my feet and they heeled.  Now, just my right shin has been bothering me, and it isnt just when I am running or doing physical activity on my legs.  If i touch it, i can feel a sharp pain right where it is hurting the most, and that is right below the knee on the outside of the shin muscle(not sure the right terminology for it).  Is there some exercises that are good or maybe tools that would help it heal and get healthy again?

 I know that injuries are going to be a part of training, but I wish they werent!

2009-01-13 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1905120

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Extreme Veteran
Bethpage, New York
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
jabraunski - 2009-01-13 3:41 PM

Ok, so I am having some shin problems.  About a month ago when i first started to get back into train mode, both my shins were bothering me so I gave some time off on my feet and they heeled.  Now, just my right shin has been bothering me, and it isnt just when I am running or doing physical activity on my legs.  If i touch it, i can feel a sharp pain right where it is hurting the most, and that is right below the knee on the outside of the shin muscle(not sure the right terminology for it).  Is there some exercises that are good or maybe tools that would help it heal and get healthy again?

 I know that injuries are going to be a part of training, but I wish they werent!

Let me preface this by saying I"m not a doctor, and if the pain continues I would recommend seeing one. You can stretch the area by simply pointing your toes. Foam rollers work wonders on the legs as well.

Keep in mind that the symptom may originate in a different area of the leg. Stretching your body completely is important.

Check out these link to a Runner's World strengthening your shins and treating/preventing injuries:,7120,s6-241-286-289-12604-0,00.html,8052,s6-1-0-5,00.html?ext=Y&videolink=

2009-01-14 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1905120


Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
jabraunski - 2009-01-13 2:41 PM

Ok, so I am having some shin problems.  About a month ago when i first started to get back into train mode, both my shins were bothering me so I gave some time off on my feet and they heeled.  Now, just my right shin has been bothering me, and it isnt just when I am running or doing physical activity on my legs.  If i touch it, i can feel a sharp pain right where it is hurting the most, and that is right below the knee on the outside of the shin muscle(not sure the right terminology for it).  Is there some exercises that are good or maybe tools that would help it heal and get healthy again?

 I know that injuries are going to be a part of training, but I wish they werent!

 I'm not a doctor either but used to get shin splints just like you described.  One thing that helped was icing it. I would take a water bottle and freeze it.  Then I would use the water bottle like a foam roller and roll it along my shins.  This would massage it and ice it at the same time.  It hurt like crazy at first but feels a lot better after a few minutes.  Stretching your calves helps, and there are many ways to do that.  Another stretch that I liked to do would be to sit on your knees on the floor making sure you're toes are pointing back so that you are sitting on your heels.  Then cup your hands under one knee and slowly lift your knee off the floor keeping your ankles and feet touching the floor.   This stretches out the front of your shin.  Hope that made sense and hope you feel better soon!

2009-01-14 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Bethpage, New York
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
excellent stretching suggestions and I love the frozen water bottle (it also works well on the soles of your feet!)
2009-01-14 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1869304

New user

Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

Ok team, I'm falling off the wagon - haven't gotten a workout in for over a week.  Any tips/motivation for helping me get back on track? 


2009-01-14 12:46 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Bethpage, New York
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
put a race on the calendar...that will get you going!!
2009-01-14 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1906990


Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
ready2go - 2009-01-14 10:47 AM

Ok team, I'm falling off the wagon - haven't gotten a workout in for over a week.  Any tips/motivation for helping me get back on track? 


Try to schedule your workouts ahead of time so that other things can't get in the way.  On Sunday I sit down with my calendar and write down my workout plan and make an appointment for each one.   Just like work meetings or classes you wouldn't miss, do the same for your workouts. 

Signing up for a race will definitely motivate you. 

Maybe exercise with someone else, you'll feel guilty if you have to out on working out with someone.   Or, use us!  Post what you plan on doing today or tomorrow.  Start with something easy so you feel motivated and not discouraged after your first workout.

Hope you get back on track!  Good luck!

2009-01-14 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Miami Fl
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
ready2go - 2009-01-14 10:47 AM

Ok team, I'm falling off the wagon - haven't gotten a workout in for over a week.  Any tips/motivation for helping me get back on track? 


Hi there:

Like the others said, try to write a calendar with your training plans or better yet complete your BT training log then you can see your progress day after day.Check our logs to have an example of training and be motivated (for me that helps). Start with short trainings and add little by little as soon as your are comfortable with your time and intensity workouts.

You have to set your goals and if is possible put them in any visible place to remember you. Sign up for a race no so far then you can be more anxious and consistent with your training ( could be a 5k to do something different). Be in touch with the group !!!! also help a lot !!!



2009-01-14 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

Ditto what they said.  I always tend to wander in my physical fitness until there is something on the calendar that motivates/scares me to get in gear.  One big thing for me is having paid for a race, run, etc is that I do not want to waste the registration fee.  While it is not a huge dollar amount (so far), I find motivation to get in my training so that I do not waste the investment in the race. 

Also, ditto on the use of the calendar appointments.  We use Outlook at work so I have an appointment in my calendar each day with my training plan for that day.  I like it because it is something that I see every day all day long.  When I am not focused on the training program I am working I tend to lose sight of my short and long term goals.

Just keep at it, try to get through one week of your program, the following weeks get easier as you build endurance and start to see results.

2009-01-14 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

I would agree with all of those suggestions.  Just signing up for a 5K in 2 months time will get you motivated.

I also think that alot of people try to do too much too fast as far as workouts and intensity when they start out.  Even if it takes a run/walk strategy where you run for 5 minute and walk 2 (repeat).  You should end your workouts knowing that you could have done another 20 minutes or more.  This way you are able to complete the next days workout and build on the previous ones.   It makes working out alot more fun when we are not at threshold every time we go for a run or bike or swim.

Just my 2 cents.


2009-01-14 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

Thanks for the leg advice i will use it and see how it all works. Appreciate it.

With the falling off the bandwagon, I know how you feel.  The thing that works good for me is to keep things around my place to work out.  For example, netflix has workout 30 minute intervals of things like abs, kickboxing, biggest loser workouts etc. so i will watch them online on my computer.  Also i have some light dumbells too.  I know its hard to get up and drive somewhere and leave your place, but i feel that as long as i can do something, even if it short and simple, just doing maybe 15 min makes me feel better about being active.  Just staying consistant with getting my heart rate up just a little will make the difference in the long run. 

2009-01-14 8:39 PM
in reply to: #1869304

New user

Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

Thank you all for the support/motivation - I got a 2 mile run in today!   I'll have some catching up to do, but at least I broke the pattern of not working out.

 Also, that's a great idea about signing up for a race soon.  There's a duathlon at my school (run 20 minutes, bike 20 minutes, run 20 minutes) to see how many miles you can accumulate, on Feb. 1st, and also a 5k on Feb. 28th.  I haven't signed up b/c I've been scared to commit, but I'll work on mustering up the courage to do so.

2009-01-14 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1905993

New user

Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
The water bottle is a great idea, but I also like putting water in paper cups and freezing them.  Then, you can peel the paper off around the top of the cup and apply ice directly.  Just my 2 cents
2009-01-15 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1869304

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
So it seems like most of the people in the group are from the Northeast or Midwest.  I am from Michigan and it was -10 degrees on my way to work today.  Anybody have an outdoor workout planned today?  I think I am going to be on the treadmill today as much as I love being outside.  I don't even think I would want to be skiing when its that cold.
2009-01-15 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1869304

New user

Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
I'm from MN (it was -25 this morning, now it's up to -14), and I plan on doing my workouts inside for a while.  The triathlon I'm doing involves a pool swim anyway, so I should be ok.

2009-01-15 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1869304


Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
I live down south, north carolina, and it's even cold down here!  Although with -14 degrees up North our weather probably seems nice and warm to you!  It was in the 20's this morning, same this evening after work.  I ran the other day outside and it was around 35, that's my limit.  I can't imagine working out in below 0 temps, that's just nuts.  You guys should definitely stay indoors this weekend!
2009-01-15 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1908554

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Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
ready2go - 2009-01-14 6:39 PM

Thank you all for the support/motivation - I got a 2 mile run in today!   I'll have some catching up to do, but at least I broke the pattern of not working out.

 Also, that's a great idea about signing up for a race soon.  There's a duathlon at my school (run 20 minutes, bike 20 minutes, run 20 minutes) to see how many miles you can accumulate, on Feb. 1st, and also a 5k on Feb. 28th.  I haven't signed up b/c I've been scared to commit, but I'll work on mustering up the courage to do so.

Congrats on getting in the workouts!!!  Just keep up that training plan.

Here's a bit of inspiration I enjoyed a while back..  I think if this guy can do that much in one day, one year, we can all do a bit of training...

 It's a 10 min video..

2009-01-15 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1909326

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Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

rymac - 2009-01-15 7:40 AM So it seems like most of the people in the group are from the Northeast or Midwest.  I am from Michigan and it was -10 degrees on my way to work today.  Anybody have an outdoor workout planned today?  I think I am going to be on the treadmill today as much as I love being outside.  I don't even think I would want to be skiing when its that cold.

I grew up in warmer weather of the West Coast.  It isn't too bad out here in Victoria (but it still is cool for me).  Most people in this area train indoors until April or May and then take advantage of being outside after that point. 

I do great with my own tunes as that is motivation when I am indoors.  We have indoor swim pools here except for lake swims which start whenever you can stand the temp of the water.


2009-01-15 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

from wisconsin, and every school around my area was closed. hit around -34 with windchill.  no going outside for me for a workout thats for sure. wanting to ski on sunday, hopefully it warms up or no thanks!

2009-01-16 9:33 PM
in reply to: #1910070

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Miami Fl
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

 Hi expatraveler:

I saw the video in youtube that you sent to other guy. It was just amazing !!!!Thank you to share something like that,it's really helpfull for motivation.

Thank you  AMPRYLER

Edited by ampryler 2009-01-16 9:35 PM

2009-01-16 11:56 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
Yeah, it was kind of cold here today, only got up to like 65.  Sorry guys.  It was absolutely beautiful today, had a very good ride.  Going to go for a run and then transition into a bike ride tomorrow.
2009-01-17 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
Have a great weekend everyone.  To those that have great weather....BOO TO YOU! To those in the freezing cold, stay warm haha.  Safe training!
2009-01-17 5:27 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Bethpage, New York
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

I hope everyone's training is going well! As mentioned above, stay warm and safe this weekend...unless you're cycling in 65 degree weather, then just enjoy the ride!

If any questions have come up feel free to post them!! Keep up the great work everyone, spring will be here before we know it!!

2009-01-17 9:57 PM
in reply to: #1913416

New user

Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
ampryler - 2009-01-16 9:33 PM

 Hi expatraveler:

I saw the video in youtube that you sent to other guy. It was just amazing !!!!Thank you to share something like that,it's really helpfull for motivation.

Thank you  AMPRYLER


I agree, it was a great movie.  

Just an fyi, I'm a girl .

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