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2005-03-28 4:44 PM
in reply to: #132794

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
No disinformation....Michael had refused communion on Friday...he reconsidered over the weekend. My guess is that one of his attorneys told him to let it happen because it made him look like crap to refuse it. Again, this is just a guess, but either way, she got communion so it is a moot point.

Edited by OldAg92 2005-03-28 4:45 PM

2005-03-28 5:16 PM
in reply to: #134938

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Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo

Sure, it's disinformation when only half the truth is told. Half-truths are an effective way of creating whole lies.

My guess is that he's human and had a change of heart for his own reasons.

2005-03-28 8:03 PM
in reply to: #132794

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo

Geez.  It was not a half-truth when it was posted.  At the time it was posted that he refused to allow communion, that was a 100% true fact.  Two days later he changed his mind, for whatever reason.  That does not make the facts on Friday "half-truths" when they were posted on Friday.


2005-03-28 8:09 PM
in reply to: #132794

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Got Wahoo?
San Antonio
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
Who's on first?
2005-03-28 8:28 PM
in reply to: #132794

Elite Veteran
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
Folks, I'd actually gain more by keeping my husband around in a vegetative state for 15 years since he will be due a fairly substantial military retirement once he retires. My rough math seems to show that he'd get over $1 million in 15 years vs his current life insurance.

With respect to communion, Terri is, in fact, alive. That is what the debate is all about.

I'm glad her husband allowed her to receive communion; I'm not particularly religious but I'm sure God wouldn't bust her for receiving it in these circumstances.

As I said earlier, I don't debate the legality or the morality of removing the feeding tube; I remain uncomfortable with relying on hearsay from a witness whose subsequent life has raised doubts about his impartiality in this case.

2005-03-28 8:42 PM
in reply to: #132794

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo

lol tmwelshy

2005-03-28 9:45 PM
in reply to: #135017

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
lynda - 2005-03-28 5:28 PM
Folks, I'd actually gain more by keeping my husband around in a vegetative state for 15 years since he will be due a fairly substantial military retirement once he retires. My rough math seems to show that he'd get over $1 million in 15 years vs his current life insurance.

And you're married? I'm glad you've actually spent the time to calculate what his life is worth to you. I can't begin to tell you how horrible your posts sounds. Maybe you had other intentions, but it is coming across to me all wrong.

With respect to communion, Terri is, in fact, alive. That is what the debate is all about.

No it's not. So many people on this board that are smarter than I have articulated so much better than I ever could what this debate is all about.

I'm glad her husband allowed her to receive communion; I'm not particularly religious but I'm sure God wouldn't bust her for receiving it in these circumstances.

Probably her husband's thoughts too. Amazing, the guy is human. He can change his mind.

As I said earlier, I don't debate the legality or the morality of removing the feeding tube; I remain uncomfortable with relying on hearsay from a witness whose subsequent life has raised doubts about his impartiality in this case.

And I'd question your relationship with your spouse. You're not questioning their relationship, you are reflecting on your own. Imagine the years of his loneliness. It's been fifteen years, I can't imagine living fifteen years wallowing in depression as you'd have him be. How horrible of you to judge. You are not better than him as you weigh your husband's pension vs. his life insurance policy. It is clear what would guide your decision, and it is not your husbands wishes at all.

I would only hope that my wife has the resolve to see my wishes through to the end, regardless of what you think of her.
2005-03-28 10:20 PM
in reply to: #135037

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Mount Vernon, Iowa
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
Living will living will I have a living will. Amen! Pull the plug on me, baby. Elvis has left the building. I would MUCH rather be dead than at the center of a media freak show.
2005-03-28 10:25 PM
in reply to: #132794

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
CLLinIA...that's a smart move getting the living will.  I tell almost every client that comes through my practice that they need a will, a living will,and a medical power of attorney.  Most people  take "decision-making ability" for granted, and don't realize how important it is to have these documents in case they become incapacitated. I guess it is human nature to think that "it won't happen to me."  But we should all be prepared in case it does!
2005-03-28 11:36 PM
in reply to: #132794

Elite Veteran
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
Chucky, you may have misinterpreted my remarks. You're probably quite young. If not, I apologize. You sound like it. I think I was criticised earlier in this thread so I did some back of the envelope rough math. I was merely demonstrating that I wouldn't financially gain from removing my husband's feeding tube. It really wasn't hard. $6K a month X 12 X15.
I'm not exactly sure how that equates to me being a cold-hearted bitch.

If you haven't planned for your estate, I suggest you do so at the earliest opportunity. If you have no idea how life insurance/pension/SSA fits into your future, I suggest you figure it out.

Rather than attacking me personally, please attack my point. I'm uncomfortable with Terri's husband's seemingly conflict of interest in this case. I'd feel much more comfortable if Terri were seperately represented at her first trial. She wasn't. End of story.

So without further adieu, I'll head back over to the tri talk thread.

P.S. Just reread Chucky's post. How dare you, sir. I could write a lot more, but I'll leave it at that. Truck-driver, much?

Edited by lynda 2005-03-28 11:41 PM
2005-03-29 12:02 AM
in reply to: #135069

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Extreme Veteran
SW part of US
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo

If it is any consolation... I read the sarcasm in your post...

Sort of falls into the category of trying to tell a joke to a teenager... I think ya' know what I mean... ;-)

Joe Moya

Edited by Joe M 2005-03-29 12:03 AM

2005-03-29 12:19 AM
in reply to: #135069

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
lynda - 2005-03-28 8:36 PM

Chucky, you may have misinterpreted my remarks. You're probably quite young. If not, I apologize. You sound like it. I think I was criticised earlier in this thread so I did some back of the envelope rough math. I was merely demonstrating that I wouldn't financially gain from removing my husband's feeding tube. It really wasn't hard. $6K a month X 12 X15.
I'm not exactly sure how that equates to me being a cold-hearted bitch.

If you haven't planned for your estate, I suggest you do so at the earliest opportunity. If you have no idea how life insurance/pension/SSA fits into your future, I suggest you figure it out.

Rather than attacking me personally, please attack my point. I'm uncomfortable with Terri's husband's seemingly conflict of interest in this case. I'd feel much more comfortable if Terri were seperately represented at her first trial. She wasn't. End of story.

So without further adieu, I'll head back over to the tri talk thread.

P.S. Just reread Chucky's post. How dare you, sir. I could write a lot more, but I'll leave it at that. Truck-driver, much?

I don't mind saying it, I'm 32. I've been married to my wife since I was 19. Before that I dated my wife since we were in Junior High School. Am I young, maybe by your standards, and if so, thanks for the compliment although I know that's not how you intended it. I love and trust my wife more than any other person on this planet. If she told you that I wanted to have the plug pulled, then that's what I wanted. You have no RIGHT to question it. I wouldn't even want you to question it. The fact that you would question it tells me that you have issues in your own relationship - that you would want independent representation over the word of your husband. That was my point. I have no idea what my age has to do with anything.

Truck-driver much? I don't know what that means. I'm guessing it's an insult. Please enlighten me.

2005-03-29 12:35 AM
in reply to: #135055

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.

Edited by Tri Lizard 2005-03-29 12:37 AM
2005-03-29 8:16 AM
in reply to: #135017

Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
lynda "Folks, I'd actually gain more by keeping my husband around in a vegetative state for 15 years since he will be due a fairly substantial military retirement once he retires. My rough math seems to show that he'd get over $1 million in 15 years vs his current life insuran"

To aid lynda's point of view - As a former military wife this discussion is part of one's pre-deployment conversation - the "what if's" and how would I and the children be cared for. it's the responsible conversation given this time and something every military wife/husband should discuss with their spouse before they leave for Iraq, Afghan, NTC, even the field etc... one never knows what will happen while in a war zone or just training. Military families face difficult decisions and while the country may just now be asking themselves the "what if" questions with regards to living wills etc... you can bet military spouses have been discussing this topic for alot longer and know exactly the financial and emotional consequences.

Edited by houston-tri-mamma 2005-03-29 8:18 AM
2005-03-29 9:32 AM
in reply to: #132794

Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
Three things that I concluded by following this story:

1) Have a living will, and make doubly sure that the person you leave in charge of things, is the RIGHT person.

2) When in doubt, err on the side of life. (I'm pro life, but this re-enforced my opinion on this.)

3) BE CAREFUL WHO YOU MARRY. (this is probably thee most imporant one of them all!!)

Just my thoughts. I have so much more to say about this, but there isn't enough space to write it all!

Have a blessed day, all.
2005-03-29 9:38 AM
in reply to: #135146

Got Wahoo?
San Antonio
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo

No no. Who's on third.

2005-03-29 10:05 AM
in reply to: #135009

Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
OldAg92 - 2005-03-28 8:03 PM

Geez.  It was not a half-truth when it was posted.  At the time it was posted that he refused to allow communion, that was a 100% true fact.  Two days later he changed his mind, for whatever reason.  That does not make the facts on Friday "half-truths" when they were posted on Friday.

Brandt, when I initially posted that "disinformation was roiling" my comment was not directed towards you. Rather; it was a general observation though I think you took it personally.

When you posted a reply, however, at that point I assumed that you were intentionally providing a half-truth; I did not look at the date you posted the original remark about Michael Schiavo denying communion. For this I apologize. It would have been helpful if you had provided the update, then I would not have been left with the impression that Michael Schiavo had not consented to communion for Terri. For the sake of the whole truth, and nothing else. But, that's why we should all do our own homework and not rely on message boards for facts.

2005-03-29 10:09 AM
in reply to: #135165

Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
He most likely changed his mind because he would REALLY look bad in the eyes of his family, the public, etc...if he denied her communion AGAIN. Although, narcissists typically don't care what others think. And he falls into that narcissist category if you ask me. I hesitate to judge someone just by viewing news coverage, because we don't know all the specifics...

but..... when it looks like a snake...and crawls like a snake....

you see where I'm going here. :=)
2005-03-29 10:40 AM
in reply to: #135167

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
sharonnagy5 - 2005-03-29 7:09 AM

He most likely changed his mind because he would REALLY look bad in the eyes of his family, the public, etc...if he denied her communion AGAIN. Although, narcissists typically don't care what others think. And he falls into that narcissist category if you ask me. I hesitate to judge someone just by viewing news coverage, because we don't know all the specifics...

but..... when it looks like a snake...and crawls like a snake....

you see where I'm going here. :=)

Yes, I see that you like to openly judge "normal" people that are in difficult and unenviable positions. What ever happened to "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"...

2005-03-29 10:43 AM
in reply to: #135167

Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
Sharonnagy5: "...narcissists typically don't care what others think/ And he falls into that narcissist category if you ask me..."

Where does that come from? Why are you so absolutely sure that he is wrong. Why are you so absolutely sure that he has done something wrong? Why are you so absolutely sure that he is trying to do something other than carrying out his wifes wishes? How is that the pro-life movement is so absolutely sure that Michael Shciavo is wrong and the Shindlers are right? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe the Schindlers are wrong. That their fighting against what their daughter would want? Of course not, because the pro-life movement has determined that this is a pro-life issue, as opposed to an end-of-life issue, and because of that the only testimony that matters is whatever testimony supports that possition, regardless of its source or its veracity. And any person or testimony that is contrary to that possition is wrong (Or narcissistic)

Narcissistic...the Shcindlers have been the ones that have been parading themselves infront of the cameras at every possible opportunity, not Michael. It's the Schindlers that have argued for the rule of law to be over turned in this case without regards to the legal principles that have been followed in end-of-life issues for over 30 years. It's the Shindlers that have insisted that their daughter does not suffer from a persistent vegetative state in spite of the sworn testimony of 7 neurologists to the contrary. 5 of those neurologists being neutral court appointed neurologists. It's the Shindlers that are claiming that their daughter is not in a perminent vegetative state based on the testimony of a doctor that they hired. That's right folks the only doctor in any court proceeding that ever testified that Terri was not in a persistent vegitative state was the doctor hand picked by the Schindlers! It's the Schindlers that are ignoring the CAT scan evidence that shows that Terri's cerebral cortex is liquified to the point that there is no cognitive abilities possible. It's the friends and family of the Shcindlers that say that Michael didnt' care for his wife while she was in a nursing home. While neutral third parties, like the court appointed Gaurdain Ad litem, and the reporter for the St. Pete Times that has been covering this story for years, both indicated that Michael was very attentative to Terri's needs to the point that he was unreasonably demanding on the nursing staff regarding what he wanted done for Terri. It's the Schindlers that are now claiming that after being in a persistent vegetative state for over 15 years, and despite the fact that Terri's higher cognitive brain areas are totally destroyed(remember brain tissue does not regenerate, unlike other tissues in the body, once it's gone it's gone), despite all of this they claim, that Terri spoke, and not only did she speak she said..."I want to" when they asked her if she wanted to live. Oddly the only people around when this occurred where the Shcindlers and their hand picked religious mouth piece. No neutral party has ever heard Terri speak. And a court appointed neurologist has indicated in sworn testimony that it would be imposible for Terri to speak given the severity of her brain trauma.

But none of the neutral testimony matters to the pro-life movement. To the pro-life movement the only thing that matters, and the only thing that could possibly be the truth is what the Schindlers say. To the pro-life movement Michael is evil or a narcissist. Judge Greer is an idiot. Judge Whitemore has ignored Congress. And the U.S. Supreme Court are cowards.

I feel for these people. Having a child die before you is not natural, its not the way things are supposed to happen. But to call Michael a narcassist is ridiculous.
2005-03-29 10:49 AM
in reply to: #135146

Mount Vernon, Iowa
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
sharonnagy5 - 2005-03-29 8:32 AM

Three things that I concluded by following this story:

1) Have a living will, and make doubly sure that the person you leave in charge of things, is the RIGHT person.

2) When in doubt, err on the side of life. (I'm pro life, but this re-enforced my opinion on this.)

3) BE CAREFUL WHO YOU MARRY. (this is probably thee most imporant one of them all!!)

My living will basically says not to prolong my life by artificial means. If I would die while lying in my bed at home, I want to be allowed to die the same way even if I'm in a hospital rather than kept on a respirator, feeding tube, etc. My durable health care power of attorney gives my husband the exclusive right to decide any borderline issues if I'm unable to communicate.

Re: conflicts of interest in the Schiavo case, it seems to me that there's a conflict between the radical political agenda of people affiliated with the woman's parents and the possibility that she really would prefer to be allowed to die, which they refuse even to consider. They've put her husband through absolute torture.

2005-03-29 10:53 AM
in reply to: #135185

Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
...and do you also believe that Terri would have wanted to lay in a bed...starving to death while her "hubby" carries on with another woman, having children....etc? Maybe those were her wishes, too, right? Too bad we'll never know what this poor woman thought.

He is not committed to Terri, except to carry out these wishes....that only he knows of? Huh? It sounds BEYOND suspicious, and if you have kids, you would not be "siding" with a Michael Schiavo type. Terri may or may not have wanted these "wishes," but I highly highly highly doubt she'd want her "husband" to get ENGAGED to another woman, and fathering children...while she lays awake starving to death. If you can make sense of that, and justify that, please...explain it to me. I am not judging by the way--I'm discerning the situation. I can have my opinions...and I just think that Michael Schiavo's motives are not pure. If he "loves" her...why he is with another woman? For like 10 years? Like I said...maybe you could enlighten me a bit....maybe I'm missing something.

I am not casting stones...I just know that you can't have things both ways. like he wants it...he only wants to stay "married" to her to carry out these wishes?? But he has been with someone else for quite some time....Hmmm...that is very odd to me. You can't have your cake and eat it too, and expect everyone to pat you on the back for it.

This conversation/issue is too emotionally charged, unfortunately.

2005-03-29 10:55 AM
in reply to: #135167

Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo

sharonnagy5 - 2005-03-29 10:09 AM  I hesitate to judge someone just by viewing news coverage, because we don't know all the specifics... but..... when it looks like a snake...and crawls like a snake.... you see where I'm going here. :=)

You hesitate to judge? Where?

2005-03-29 11:00 AM
in reply to: #135185

Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
ASA22 - 2005-03-29 10:43 AM

Sharonnagy5: "...narcissists typically don't care what others think/ And he falls into that narcissist category if you ask me..."

Where does that come from? Why are you so absolutely sure that he is wrong. Why are you so absolutely sure that he has done something wrong? Why are you so absolutely sure that he is trying to do something other than carrying out his wifes wishes? How is that the pro-life movement is so absolutely sure that Michael Shciavo is wrong and the Shindlers are right? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe the Schindlers are wrong. That their fighting against what their daughter would want? Of course not, because the pro-life movement has determined that this is a pro-life issue, as opposed to an end-of-life issue, and because of that the only testimony that matters is whatever testimony supports that possition, regardless of its source or its veracity. And any person or testimony that is contrary to that possition is wrong (Or narcissistic)

Narcissistic...the Shcindlers have been the ones that have been parading themselves infront of the cameras at every possible opportunity, not Michael. It's the Schindlers that have argued for the rule of law to be over turned in this case without regards to the legal principles that have been followed in end-of-life issues for over 30 years. It's the Shindlers that have insisted that their daughter does not suffer from a persistent vegetative state in spite of the sworn testimony of 7 neurologists to the contrary. 5 of those neurologists being neutral court appointed neurologists. It's the Shindlers that are claiming that their daughter is not in a perminent vegetative state based on the testimony of a doctor that they hired. That's right folks the only doctor in any court proceeding that ever testified that Terri was not in a persistent vegitative state was the doctor hand picked by the Schindlers! It's the Schindlers that are ignoring the CAT scan evidence that shows that Terri's cerebral cortex is liquified to the point that there is no cognitive abilities possible. It's the friends and family of the Shcindlers that say that Michael didnt' care for his wife while she was in a nursing home. While neutral third parties, like the court appointed Gaurdain Ad litem, and the reporter for the St. Pete Times that has been covering this story for years, both indicated that Michael was very attentative to Terri's needs to the point that he was unreasonably demanding on the nursing staff regarding what he wanted done for Terri. It's the Schindlers that are now claiming that after being in a persistent vegetative state for over 15 years, and despite the fact that Terri's higher cognitive brain areas are totally destroyed(remember brain tissue does not regenerate, unlike other tissues in the body, once it's gone it's gone), despite all of this they claim, that Terri spoke, and not only did she speak she said..."I want to" when they asked her if she wanted to live. Oddly the only people around when this occurred where the Shcindlers and their hand picked religious mouth piece. No neutral party has ever heard Terri speak. And a court appointed neurologist has indicated in sworn testimony that it would be imposible for Terri to speak given the severity of her brain trauma.

But none of the neutral testimony matters to the pro-life movement. To the pro-life movement the only thing that matters, and the only thing that could possibly be the truth is what the Schindlers say. To the pro-life movement Michael is evil or a narcissist. Judge Greer is an idiot. Judge Whitemore has ignored Congress. And the U.S. Supreme Court are cowards.

I feel for these people. Having a child die before you is not natural, its not the way things are supposed to happen. But to call Michael a narcassist is ridiculous.

But.....it is the Schindlers who truly love her.

I pray for Michael, Terry and for the Schindlers, but I can have my thoughts....It's really God's opinion of him that really matters. I don't get the sense that God would want us starving one another down here. It's sad...scary, and downright barbaric...and we're creating a slippery slope by treating one another with such disregard. Life is important...no matter what the quality.

I won't comment anymore. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. If mine doesn't agree with yours, then we have to agree to disagree. :=)

2005-03-29 11:08 AM
in reply to: #132794

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: Terri Schiavo
Costello: Well then who's on first?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: I mean the fellow's name.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The guy on first.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The first baseman.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The guy playing...

Abbott: Who is on first!

Costello: I'm asking YOU who's on first.

Abbott: That's the man's name.

Costello: That's who's name?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: Well go ahead and tell me.

Abbott: That's it.

Costello: That's who?

Abbott: Yes.

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