BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-04-13 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
So how many poeple are typically in a mentor group?

2009-04-13 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2081227

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
blujay65 - 2009-04-13 2:02 PM So how many poeple are typically in a mentor group?

It depends on the mentor, really.  I've been in large groups of 30 and some smaller than 10.  We're up to 17 now and I'll probably close it off at 20.
2009-04-13 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
I hope there is room for one more!




lets see... I am a 31 yo stay at home mom of 2, a girl 4 and boy 20 months. I have always been into sports, swimming and softball have always been my favs. But I also loved Skydiving (before kids).  I was also a lifeguard and swim instructor through college.

I have had a hard time making time for myself since my little ones and my mood as well as health were showing it. In Oct. of last year, after loosing all my baby weight +10lbs due to my 2nd childs food allergies (I was nursing so they became my own as well) I deceided, I was not going to gain that weight back and I was finally going to do something for me! so I joined my local Masters Swim Team and started competing. Surprisingly I won a couple 1sts and seconds in my first meet and got that compitition bug going again.

There are a couple of Triathaletes on my team and after a couple months saying there is no way I can do that, I put on some running shoes and when for a 10 min. lung busting run, and said,"hey, maybe". SO I did a Tri clinic and a mini-tri in which I placed a surprising 3rd in my age group! Now I am signed up for the Charlottesville Sprint the end of June.

Family Status

Married for 7 years to my best friend whom I met skydiving :0)
2 kiddos 4, and 20 months, 2 cats and a dog

Current Training

3 1-hr swims a week, 2 runs and struggling to do 2 bikes, but I just ordered a trainer so might be able to get more reliable one after bedtime.

This Year’s Races

Did Tune-up Tri

Signed up for Charlottesville Sprint in June

Planning on Culpepper Sprint in Aug and Big Acorn Sprint in Oct.

Weight Loss

I am 5'3" and 130 pounds, which I am happy with, I look better than I did when I weighed 115, in college. Hubby also likes how I look, but I am a bit worried about this 4 lbs swing I have going on between 128 and 132.... but then it was easter and the kids don't need all that candy!

I am having a hard time in my mind dealing with training and feeling like I am somehow jiping the kids. My husband says Im not but I still feel it.

Well gotta go, Little one is up from his nap.

2009-04-13 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2081337

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
freeflykami - 2009-04-13 2:49 PM I hope there is room for one more!




lets see... I am a 31 yo stay at home mom of 2, a girl 4 and boy 20 months. I have always been into sports, swimming and softball have always been my favs. But I also loved Skydiving (before kids).  I was also a lifeguard and swim instructor through college.

I have had a hard time making time for myself since my little ones and my mood as well as health were showing it. In Oct. of last year, after loosing all my baby weight +10lbs due to my 2nd childs food allergies (I was nursing so they became my own as well) I deceided, I was not going to gain that weight back and I was finally going to do something for me! so I joined my local Masters Swim Team and started competing. Surprisingly I won a couple 1sts and seconds in my first meet and got that compitition bug going again.

There are a couple of Triathaletes on my team and after a couple months saying there is no way I can do that, I put on some running shoes and when for a 10 min. lung busting run, and said,"hey, maybe". SO I did a Tri clinic and a mini-tri in which I placed a surprising 3rd in my age group! Now I am signed up for the Charlottesville Sprint the end of June.

Family Status

Married for 7 years to my best friend whom I met skydiving :0)
2 kiddos 4, and 20 months, 2 cats and a dog

Current Training

3 1-hr swims a week, 2 runs and struggling to do 2 bikes, but I just ordered a trainer so might be able to get more reliable one after bedtime.

This Year’s Races

Did Tune-up Tri

Signed up for Charlottesville Sprint in June

Planning on Culpepper Sprint in Aug and Big Acorn Sprint in Oct.

Weight Loss

I am 5'3" and 130 pounds, which I am happy with, I look better than I did when I weighed 115, in college. Hubby also likes how I look, but I am a bit worried about this 4 lbs swing I have going on between 128 and 132.... but then it was easter and the kids don't need all that candy!

I am having a hard time in my mind dealing with training and feeling like I am somehow jiping the kids. My husband says Im not but I still feel it.

Well gotta go, Little one is up from his nap.

Kami, welcome to the group!  Congrats on those wins for your Masters team and in the mini-tri!  Sounds like you've definitely got the bug.  I know what you mean about that certain range of weight swing.  That's great that you're comfortable with your weight now, though.

I think we jip our kids when we don't make time for ourselves, so don't be too hard on yourself.

Again, welcome aboard.  We're glad you're here!
2009-04-13 3:54 PM
in reply to: #2080707

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
lkagop - 2009-04-13 11:29 AM

As for the second question, ChiRunning was never really difficult so much as it was trying to get my brain to remember to tell my body to do this or to do that.  The biggest problem that I've found myself running into was bending at the waist, even when I thought I wasn't.  I've also found the ChiRunning forums VERY helpful.  I've asked probably 2-4 questions over the past year in the Ask the Expert section and Jacquie is very prompt in her replies.  Each time I've taken what she's said and have gotten better.

I think it's exactly it that every time I leaned I felt like I was just bending at the waist.  Maybe I am trying to lean too far forward.
I'm going for a run this evening, so we'll see how it goes.
2009-04-13 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Also, maybe I'll get someone to record a video of me so I can see what's going on.

2009-04-13 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2068936

New user

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hello Ladie - I hope there's room for one more!

I signed up for my first sprint tri Sept 12th. I'll need every minute between now & then to get in shape for it. I'm still at work so I'll have to fill you in later

Take care

2009-04-13 4:37 PM
in reply to: #2081337

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
freeflykami - 2009-04-13 1:49 PM I

Married for 7 years to my best friend whom I met skydiving :0)

Hey, that's how I met my DH too! Laughing  We just celebrated our 19th anniversary last Friday. 

2009-04-13 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2081735

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
soccermom15 - 2009-04-13 5:37 PM
freeflykami - 2009-04-13 1:49 PM I

Married for 7 years to my best friend whom I met skydiving :0)

Hey, that's how I met my DH too! Laughing  We just celebrated our 19th anniversary last Friday. 

That's so bizarre!  What are the chances that you put 20 random strangers together and two of them met their husbands while skydiving?

I've never been skydiving, although it's something I've always wanted to try.  My husband has done it.  In fact, the time he went skydiving was the first time he was ever in a plane.  So, for a few years, he got to tell people he'd taken off in a plane but never landed.
2009-04-13 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Finished my 20 minute walk today - .8 miles. Rainy & cold out but I did it. Have a 15 minute swim scheduled for later tonight.

I am having issues with a sore back due to lack of stomach muscles (seriously I haven't seen them in years) any good links to ab exercises?

 Peace, Charliegirl

2009-04-13 6:32 PM
in reply to: #2081635

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
XcaliburGirl - 2009-04-13 4:54 PM
lkagop - 2009-04-13 11:29 AM

As for the second question, ChiRunning was never really difficult so much as it was trying to get my brain to remember to tell my body to do this or to do that.  The biggest problem that I've found myself running into was bending at the waist, even when I thought I wasn't.  I've also found the ChiRunning forums VERY helpful.  I've asked probably 2-4 questions over the past year in the Ask the Expert section and Jacquie is very prompt in her replies.  Each time I've taken what she's said and have gotten better.

I think it's exactly it that every time I leaned I felt like I was just bending at the waist.  Maybe I am trying to lean too far forward.
I'm going for a run this evening, so we'll see how it goes.

That's exactly what I was doing, thinking I needed to lean more than I really did.  It is very slight this lean - until you want to go really fast.  I'm not there yet.

Definitely have someone video you.  I so need to do that myself.  Also, try to catch your shadow while you run.  That, too, can be eye opening.  If you run downtown in front of any offices, just go ahead and glance at your reflection as well to glimpse your positioning.

Let us know how it went!

2009-04-13 6:33 PM
in reply to: #2081670

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Cha Cha - 2009-04-13 5:06 PM Hello Ladie - I hope there's room for one more! I signed up for my first sprint tri Sept 12th. I'll need every minute between now & then to get in shape for it. I'm still at work so I'll have to fill you in later Take care

Looking forward to the bio.  Welcome.
2009-04-13 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2081879

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
charliegirl0824 - 2009-04-13 6:57 PM

Finished my 20 minute walk today - .8 miles. Rainy & cold out but I did it. Have a 15 minute swim scheduled for later tonight.

I am having issues with a sore back due to lack of stomach muscles (seriously I haven't seen them in years) any good links to ab exercises?

 Peace, Charliegirl

Good for you.  Way to stick it out and get it done.

Yes.  I do have a good link to some good ab exercises, right here on BT.  I really enjoy these - some more than others, of course.
2009-04-13 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Hey Girls,

What is Chirunning.  Is it helping with your run?  

I have been on the mend for the past few days. I strained my lower back and it really hurts to run. I hope I don't lose too much endurance.


2009-04-13 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2081735

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
soccermom15 - 2009-04-13 5:37 PM
freeflykami - 2009-04-13 1:49 PM I

Married for 7 years to my best friend whom I met skydiving :0)

Hey, that's how I met my DH too! Laughing  We just celebrated our 19th anniversary last Friday. 

It is one thing to meet a skydiver another to marry one! We are a weird breed!
2009-04-13 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2082040

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
sahebb - 2009-04-13 8:18 PM

Hey Girls,

What is Chirunning.  Is it helping with your run?  

I have been on the mend for the past few days. I strained my lower back and it really hurts to run. I hope I don't lose too much endurance.

You shouldn't lose too much endurance after just a few days, but I hope you can make that pain go away.  Back pain is so frustrating - I know from years of experience with it.

ChiRunning's definitely helped with my run.  You have to work on your form, then your distance, then your speed.  I'm just now getting to the speed part.    Shameless plug: I actually wrote about it on my blog a while back.  Hopefully that can give you an idea.  Definitely check out the video I link to in the post.  It really made me go "A ha!"

Let me know if you have any other questions.

2009-04-13 10:55 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hope everyone had a great weekend! My training went as planned, but the eating did not!!! As I was afraid of, my mother in law loved me through her cooking!!! Ham/prime rib/ cheesy hashbrowned potatoes, mashed potatoes, eggs bacon & sausage!!!! It just never ended!!!! I tried portion control, but seeing how she cooked everything I think I was doomed the moment I walked through her door!!! ; )

The 8 miles on Saturday were tough. Do-able, and finished sprinting, but I found blisters on the back of my achilles and big toe. I was really surprised that I wasn't feeling completely dead after. that was encouraging! However, my 5 miles today were REDICULOUSLY tough. Harder than the 8! That blister on the back of my ankle/heel really got to me. I tried taping and bandaids, but they just rubbed off three strides later..... what a great excuse to quit, BUT I didn't. I finished it off.

So, what are the hints to covering up the blister so that I'm not hurting so much by tomorrow or Wednesday??? The totally kill the motivation!

Also, the weather is drying up here, and the snow is near completely gone. I'd love to transition to pavement from the treadmill, but I'm not sure if there is a technique to keep from getting shin splints. That is my biggest fear!!! I don't want to hurt more than running already does! What was I thinking that I wanted to confront my nemisis this way???? Sometimes I think I may be a bit crazy! ;o)

2009-04-13 11:22 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Hi Lora -
Don't know if you are getting full, but hope there is room for one more!


myoun/Mary Sue


I am 36 years old and decided I wanted to "tri" something new.  A very close friend completed her first tri in 2007, and I couldn't get her inspiring race report out of my head.  I was a team athlete in HS (field hockey and lacrosse) and grew up swimming at the beach, but I don't have a specific competitive background in any of the sports.  Also figured it would be a good way to lose some lbs. after having 2 kids.  Started walking, then walk/run intervals in summer 2008, then started swim classes at the Y in fall 2008.  Started on Weight Watchers in Jan. and have lost about 25 lbs since I started watching the diet and eating better.

Swim:  comfortable now with my swim stroke and with the sprint distance in the pool.  Been swimming in a masters' class twice a week since the fall.  I need to get some open water swimming in, but since I grew up swimming at the beach, I don't have a fear of open water.

Bike:  newest at this - haven't ridden a bike consistently since HS.  Just bought my first road bike and am getting used to the shifters and clipless pedals.  Still have to improve a lot here!

Run:  Fairly comfortable with walk/run intervals (usually do 2W/5R or so), but just can't get over the mental hurdle to run the whole time.  I have noticed that the running has gotten a little easier as the weight is dropping, so hopefully that will continue.  I'm SLOOOW - like 12 min/mi slow.


Family Status

Married 13 years with 2 daughters (ages 5 and 1 1/2), and 2 dogs


Current Training

I train 5-6 days a week.  More during the week than on the weekend, since kids are home and it's harder to get out the door.  I was following the Michael Pate 22 week Couch to Sprint plan (I'm on week 7), but I think I may switch to a 2X balanced plan.  Generally doing each sport 2X each week, with maybe 1-2 days as double workout or brick days.


Last Year’s Races

11/08: Ashenfelter 8K run


This Year’s Races

4/26/09: West Deptford Riverwinds Sprint - RELAY.  I'm doing the swim and the bike, my sister is running.
5/17/09: Tour de Montclair (bike)
Probably a few other 5K or bike tours in June.

7/26/09: NJ State Sprint Tri - THIS IS MY BIG RACE - I've convinced 5 friends (all newbies) to race too!

Maybe another Sprint Tri in August or September?  I wanted to do an all-women's event but was closed out of Danskin.

Weight Loss

Current stats are 5'6" and about 220, but I have already lost about 25 lbs. on WW.  Would like to be under 200 by the NJ Sprint, but I will still definitely be an Athena.


What Will Make Me a Good Mentee
I follow directions well and ask lots of questions!

2009-04-14 12:32 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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New user
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN

Hope I'm not too late!


maggie wvu / maggie (Graduated from West Virginia University in 2003)


I am 26 years old and am looking for a challenge.  I've been sporadic over the last few years with working out and losing weight and am thinking that having a goal to work towards would keep me a little more accountable.  My boyfriend did a triathlon last year and I thought he was crazy and that I could never do it.  I mostly didn't like the idea of what I've learned is called an "open swim" (I think) - swimming in the river or ocean.  I've found a women's only sprint tri with swimming in an indoor pool and am liking the sounds of it!  My boyfriend had never done a triathlon and had only ever run and I'm in the same position, so I'm trying to keep an open mind.

Swim:  no swimming experience.  I have a friend that is a strong swimmer and used to be an instructor.  She agreed to help me and we were supposed to meet last Tuesday, but she blew me off for American Idol.  We've rescheduled for this Thursday.  I wish I could find something a little more reliable. 

Bike:  no real experience here either, other than recreational use and some regular spinning classes at the gym, but that's been a few months now.  I used to go to spinning at least twice a week religiously, but that was probably 6 months ago.  I just bought a used road bike from craigs list last weekend.  It needs some work, but I plan on getting on it asap.  I'm really scared of going fast an wrecking on the bike as I saw some of my boyfriends friends take some pretty serious tumbles last year.  Guess I'll just have to give it a little time and get myself comfortable, take it slow at first...

Run:  Well before this past Saturday, I would have said that I felt pretty good about the run part.  However, this Saturday I ran a 5k race and was dissapointed with my time (36 minutes) and threw up on the other side of the finish line.  I was up to about 5 miles at a time pretty regularly, then I got sick and didn't run for 3 weeks.  This week was my first week back and I got in about 12 miles including the 5k on saturday.  I've been running on the treadmill and this 5k was the first time outside in a long time. 


Family Status

Live with my boyfriend (together about 6 years) and we have 2 dogs - a golden retriever and a bernese mountain dog.


Current Training

I try to work out 5 times a week.  Usually running with some occasional kickboxing classes when I can make it.  I also lift 3 times a week.  Will start in the pool this week and on the bike as soon as I can get it ready to ride.


Last Year’s Races

5/08 - Northeastern Dollars for scholars 5k - 39:35
8/08 - Run for the Red 5k - 46:06 

This Year’s Races
2/16/09 - Saginaw 5k - 36:54
4/11/09 - Fun Sun Run 5k - 36:12
4/25/09 - Race Against Racism 5k
5/30/09 - Northeaster Dollars for scholars 5k
6/28/09 - YWCA Lady's Sprint Triathlon
9/6/09 - Rock and Roll half marathon VA beach

The one's in red are the big one's!  Is this sprint triathlon too soon given that I haven't been on the bike or in a pool yet?  I just found out about it and this is the only one I know of that is in the pool.  

 Weight Loss
Current stats are 5'2" and about 195, and am doing WW.  

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee
I follow directions well and ask lots of questions!

2009-04-14 5:24 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
Hi everybody

I'm going back to work this morning after 4 days off!!

I received my training plan for the week and it's going to be a hard week. My back feels great so my plan is to keep it that way. It's fine if I can't do all the swimming plan. It's fine if I stop and walk during the run. (This will be my mantra this week )

Anyway tonight is swimming (speedwork) and tomorrow night is track running.

I think I still need a bit of coffee, I've been writing and deleting and writing and deleting hehe

2009-04-14 6:41 AM
in reply to: #2082453

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
sleeping_butterflies - 2009-04-13 11:55 PM Hope everyone had a great weekend! My training went as planned, but the eating did not!!! As I was afraid of, my mother in law loved me through her cooking!!! Ham/prime rib/ cheesy hashbrowned potatoes, mashed potatoes, eggs bacon & sausage!!!! It just never ended!!!! I tried portion control, but seeing how she cooked everything I think I was doomed the moment I walked through her door!!! ; ) The 8 miles on Saturday were tough. Do-able, and finished sprinting, but I found blisters on the back of my achilles and big toe. I was really surprised that I wasn't feeling completely dead after. that was encouraging! However, my 5 miles today were REDICULOUSLY tough. Harder than the 8! That blister on the back of my ankle/heel really got to me. I tried taping and bandaids, but they just rubbed off three strides later..... what a great excuse to quit, BUT I didn't. I finished it off. So, what are the hints to covering up the blister so that I'm not hurting so much by tomorrow or Wednesday??? The totally kill the motivation! Also, the weather is drying up here, and the snow is near completely gone. I'd love to transition to pavement from the treadmill, but I'm not sure if there is a technique to keep from getting shin splints. That is my biggest fear!!! I don't want to hurt more than running already does! What was I thinking that I wanted to confront my nemisis this way???? Sometimes I think I may be a bit crazy! ;o) S~*

Yup, Easter meals are just what they are: unavoidable pig-outs.  Just savor the food, eat a little less for dinner, and give yourself a clean slate the next day.

That bites that your band-aids came off three strides later!  Bleh!  I've never had a blister problem - yet, thank the Lord, but I did find a post recently about blisters that you should check out.  I cannot stress enough the importance of a properly fitted running shoe.  I actually plan to get into that later with everyone.

With regard to shin splints, wow, I guess I haven't had those yet either.  HOWEVER, I highly, highly recommend stretching your legs in every way you can think.  Only stretch a warm muscle, though.  So, after a few minutes into my run, usually at mile-marker 1, I stop my HRM and do some good stretching.  I've also started stretching after my runs, too, and this has made a HUGE difference in preventing the level of muscle soreness I used to experience before doing this.

2009-04-14 6:41 AM
in reply to: #2082453

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
sleeping_butterflies - 2009-04-13 11:55 PM Hope everyone had a great weekend! My training went as planned, but the eating did not!!! As I was afraid of, my mother in law loved me through her cooking!!! Ham/prime rib/ cheesy hashbrowned potatoes, mashed potatoes, eggs bacon & sausage!!!! It just never ended!!!! I tried portion control, but seeing how she cooked everything I think I was doomed the moment I walked through her door!!! ; ) The 8 miles on Saturday were tough. Do-able, and finished sprinting, but I found blisters on the back of my achilles and big toe. I was really surprised that I wasn't feeling completely dead after. that was encouraging! However, my 5 miles today were REDICULOUSLY tough. Harder than the 8! That blister on the back of my ankle/heel really got to me. I tried taping and bandaids, but they just rubbed off three strides later..... what a great excuse to quit, BUT I didn't. I finished it off. So, what are the hints to covering up the blister so that I'm not hurting so much by tomorrow or Wednesday??? The totally kill the motivation! Also, the weather is drying up here, and the snow is near completely gone. I'd love to transition to pavement from the treadmill, but I'm not sure if there is a technique to keep from getting shin splints. That is my biggest fear!!! I don't want to hurt more than running already does! What was I thinking that I wanted to confront my nemisis this way???? Sometimes I think I may be a bit crazy! ;o) S~*

Yup, Easter meals are just what they are: unavoidable pig-outs.  Just savor the food, eat a little less for dinner, and give yourself a clean slate the next day.

That bites that your band-aids came off three strides later!  Bleh!  I've never had a blister problem - yet, thank the Lord, but I did find a post recently about blisters that you should check out.  I cannot stress enough the importance of a properly fitted running shoe.  I actually plan to get into that later with everyone.

With regard to shin splints, wow, I guess I haven't had those yet either.  HOWEVER, I highly, highly recommend stretching your legs in every way you can think.  Only stretch a warm muscle, though.  So, after a few minutes into my run, usually at mile-marker 1, I stop my HRM and do some good stretching.  I've also started stretching after my runs, too, and this has made a HUGE difference in preventing the level of muscle soreness I used to experience before doing this.
2009-04-14 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
I've got to clean my house right now as a friend from college is dropping by for lunch and we haven't seen each other since graduation day - 10 years ago!

I see we have a couple ladies new to the group.  I promise to respond later on this afternoon.

We're now up to 20, so I'm gonna go ahead and close the group.  If someone really wants in, though, I'll consider it.

Have a great morning, everyone!
2009-04-14 6:48 AM
in reply to: #2082657

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
lkagop - 2009-04-14 6:45 AM I've got to clean my house right now as a friend from college is dropping by for lunch and we haven't seen each other since graduation day - 10 years ago!

I see we have a couple ladies new to the group.  I promise to respond later on this afternoon.

We're now up to 20, so I'm gonna go ahead and close the group.  If someone really wants in, though, I'll consider it.

Have a great morning, everyone!

Yea!! We officially are a group!

Hello everybody and welcome!
2009-04-14 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Today will be a busy day, it is one of my full days in the studio with my students, an 8-6 kinda day. The weather is looking to be mid 70"s and sunny, so maybe at the end of the day I can get in a short run.

How about everyone else?
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