BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!) Rss Feed  
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2009-04-16 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2088533

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
roch1009 - 2009-04-16 9:34 AM

Either of you guys own a bike trainer? 

I've got two boys (8 and 6) every evening while my wife works.  The trainer has proven invaluable.

Sure you may have to dismount every now and then to take care (or in my case discipline or separate), but it's been the best training investment I've made (excluding the mandatory items).

Totally agree!  although I hate the Drainer for the monotony of it, it is a very valuable tool!  pop in a movie, DVR'd show, or other mindless TV...and ride on!  No wind, no sun... you can usually fit it in at just about any time.  Rather than skip a session because of weather, you can get something in. 

I guess I am fortunate, in that I found Triathlon when my kids are older.  My 12 yr old has actually done a kids tri (a total blast to watch!) and my oldest did a DU with me last year.  Only problem there, is that now he wants a high-speed, low-drag bike!  But then again, don't we all! 

2009-04-16 11:15 AM
in reply to: #2088576

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-04-16 9:53 AM
roch1009 - 2009-04-16 9:34 AM
I guess I am fortunate, in that I found Triathlon when my kids are older.   

Every year it gets easier...I have a 10 and 6 year old and currently race in the 35-39 AG.  I am looking forward to the 40-44 category as I know the amount of time Ihave to train will be a lot more.
2009-04-16 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2070412

Plano, Tx
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
Is it just me or does the cardio improve much faster then the joints and bones? My cardio is great I don't get exhausted at all. But my legs and joints are tender. BTW are their waterproof HR monitors?
2009-04-17 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2089901

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
philz1982 - 2009-04-16 5:07 PM Is it just me or does the cardio improve much faster then the joints and bones? My cardio is great I don't get exhausted at all. But my legs and joints are tender. BTW are their waterproof HR monitors?

You may want to try a joint supplement... I swear by TriFlex from GNC.  No or greatly reduced joint pain since I have been taking it, as compared to when I was not.  Joint health / joint care may speed recovery and help match your cardio improvements!

Waterproof HRM's... I have a polar I use for swimming (basic model, F6 maybe) it has never given me any problems.  I don't swim with my Garmin 305.  Timex makes an Ironman one and Polar has the higher end 800 (I think) that are both designed for multi-sport (including the swim).  Of course the new Garmin 310xt is about to come out!  All the features of the 305 and waterproof!
2009-04-17 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2070412

Plano, Tx
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)

So you think the F6 is a good model? I just want a basic one to track my pulse during my runs and swims.

2009-04-17 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2088561

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
For those needing / wanting to lose weight... stay focused, be consistent, and know that you can do this!  We are or will be TRIATHLETES damn it!  We can accomplish anything we put our obsessive - compulsive minds to!  

perfect  I was thinking a lot today about OCD as I was coloring my three consecutive schedules tracking calorie intake/strength training and cardio days with red and yellow crayon....and then logging it on BT...and then checking it off on my desk calendar... and then double-checking my training schedules...

I'm freaking out a bit and feeling really "equipment needy" What are wants and what are needs?  If I could have it all I would buy:
A new bike
A wet suit
A tri suit
compression shorts for running
a bike trainer
A gorgeous bike jersey (aren't they all? I mean seriously...I'm enamored)...maybe one with a cupcake on it?  I like pink. And cupcakes.
Yankz shoelaces
a fuel belt
sun-shaded goggles
clipless pedals
biking shoes

What from this list do I really NEED by 6/21?

Edited by gcoller 2009-04-17 10:11 PM

2009-04-18 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2093232

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)

Grace - My answer: the trisuit. 

After that, trisuit.

Then trisuit.

Then maybe the wetsuit. (is the swim in open water?)

2009-04-18 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2092600

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
philz1982 - 2009-04-17 3:41 PM

So you think the F6 is a good model? I just want a basic one to track my pulse during my runs and swims.

Yes, the F6 is a good reliable model - basic, but with necessary features.  I have seen it for a low as $69, but avg is about $80.
2009-04-18 5:58 PM
in reply to: #2093232

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)

gcoller - 2009-04-17 9:39 PM
For those needing / wanting to lose weight... stay focused, be consistent, and know that you can do this!  We are or will be TRIATHLETES damn it!  We can accomplish anything we put our obsessive - compulsive minds to!  

perfect  I was thinking a lot today about OCD as I was coloring my three consecutive schedules tracking calorie intake/strength training and cardio days with red and yellow crayon....and then logging it on BT...and then checking it off on my desk calendar... and then double-checking my training schedules...

I'm freaking out a bit and feeling really "equipment needy" What are wants and what are needs?  If I could have it all I would buy:
A new bike
A wet suit
A tri suit
compression shorts for running
a bike trainer
A gorgeous bike jersey (aren't they all? I mean seriously...I'm enamored)...maybe one with a cupcake on it?  I like pink. And cupcakes.
Yankz shoelaces
a fuel belt
sun-shaded goggles
clipless pedals
biking shoes

What from this list do I really NEED by 6/21?

I agree with the Trisuit!  A relatively inexspensive investment, compared to many of the other items listed.  I would additionally recommend that you get a two piece suit, as compared to the one piece.  Usually cheaper and more bathroom friendly.

My two-cents for some of the other items... (all of which I have bought & some 2 & 3 times)
Wetsuits are a nice to have item... if you are only gonna use it once or twice a year, you can rent one for much cheaper than you can buy one.  If cost isn't the issue, then buy one and get a good one (you pay for what you get)... $200-300 for a good one.  I would also recommend a full-sleeve, but personal preference and cost weighs heavy in this.  Try to get to a Tri store and try some on.
I don't like the Yanks, I tried them... The Speedlaces ( with the plastic eyelets are much better ($12 for the set).  They are as effective as the ones on the Zoot shoes (*caveat* ~ been there bought those too - there are much better shoes for far less money!)
Keep your eye out for bike jerseys on sale... you can find some really nice ones (pink too - not sure about the cupcake thing) on sale.  For tri's, they are not necessary, but for longer training rides - they come in handy (good pockets)!
Googles - tinted are good or the orange tint helps clarity as well.  (good google fit is the most important)
If your current bike is a road bike and it fits you well, get the aero bars and practice riding in them... they take some getting used to.  Same goes for the clipless pedals and shoes, need some good practice with them... confidence is important!  You will have a slow speed fall over when you first start using clipless pedals... It is not a matter of if, but when this occurrs!  It happens to all of us... lol!
Of course, if you have that money tree in your back yard... NEW BIKE and all the coolest gear you can fit in your car/truck!  

Happy Training ~ stay positive and have fun with it!  

2009-04-18 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2070412

Plano, Tx
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
Some comments,

Am I going to be the only yahoo at the race swimming with a full mask? Also wouldn't it be better for us fatties to wait and buy suits once we are at our goal weight especially if you have 40 lbs to loose like me?
2009-04-18 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2094500

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)

philz1982 - 2009-04-18 8:39 PM Some comments,

Am I going to be the only yahoo at the race swimming with a full mask? Also wouldn't it be better for us fatties to wait and buy suits once we are at our goal weight especially if you have 40 lbs to loose like me?

Philz - depending on the size of the race, you might be . . . but who cares??  Whatever it takes (as long as it's legal) to get you through a race!

As for the tri suit, my question would be, what's the alternative?  I wouldn't want to ride a bike in swimming trunks (chafing issues likely), and you aren't allowed to change in the transition area (no nudity rule).  So you're going to want something to take you through all 3 phases of the race.  T2BF is right, it's a low cost investment and it will provide comfort and speed of transition.

And trust me, you definitely won't be the only overweight guy/gal at the race (especially if you're ever at one of my races . .  because I'll be there )

Oh, and it doesn't have to be a full tri suit, as T2BF mentioned.  Even if it's just tri-shorts and a running top you throw on in T1 (which is what I currently) do, that will work.

2009-04-19 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)

Two questions

I think I saw it in a post here;  A quote.  Something like; "I do what other men won't do today so I can do what other men can't do tomorrow."

Anyone know what the quote is exactly and who said it? 


Do I need to add folks here as "friends" some way to comment on our workouts back and forth or is everything set OK now?

Rode yesterday with the Vision Quest folks for the first time.  Learned how to ride two by two, a paceline and then did intense workouts.  Was supposed to do 2X 15 mins at 95 FTP, wound up at 115%.  The coach was very happy as I was. I didn't get dropped by too much by the youngsters.

Going out to ride in the rain 3 hours.   "I do what other men won't do today..."

Edited by IceManScott 2009-04-19 9:38 AM
2009-04-19 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2095087

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
IceManScott - 2009-04-19 9:29 AM

Two questions

I think I saw it in a post here;  A quote.  Something like; "I do what other men won't do today so I can do what other men can't do tomorrow."

Anyone know what the quote is exactly and who said it? 


Do I need to add folks here as "friends" some way to comment on our workouts back and forth or is everything set OK now?

Rode yesterday with the Vision Quest folks for the first time.  Learned how to ride two by two, a paceline and then did intense workouts.  Was supposed to do 2X 15 mins at 95 FTP, wound up at 115%.  The coach was very happy as I was. I didn't get dropped by too much by the youngsters.

Going out to ride in the rain 3 hours.   "I do what other men won't do today..."

Great effort on the ride!  That will pay pay dividends for sure!

I actually have the/a (similar) quote in my sig line.  I saw it on Slowtwitch and liked it.  I have seen it on here several times as well.  Unfortunately, I do not know who is given credit for saying it.

I think you should be good on our group if you added us in your friends section of your TL.

Riding in the rain!  for 3 hours!  Hard core... I am an amphibious warrior, and I won't ride in the rain.  Good luck and be safe!!!

2009-04-19 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2094596

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
This is different. I did my "long run" today and at mile 5.5 or so I got a TERRIBLE pain in my left shoulder running up my neck.  It was the worst when running down hill which should have been my reward for all of those rough up-hills!  I took plenty of rests and stretches and water breaks during this run b/c I was protecting my shins...and now this.  I stopped several times and was swearing, etc. and finally seemed to find a stretch that sorta' helped.  I did finish the run.
2009-04-19 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2070412

Plano, Tx
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
Totally off the topic, but I found the Polar f6 for 60 bucks plus 5 dollars roughly shipping for those of you who are interested in getting a HRM.

My first tri I did the swim with workout shorts and the bike and run with the same shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I finally broke down and bought bike shorts last week.

What I meant by weight is since I will be loosing at least 30 lbs this year I might want to wait before I buy any clothes.
2009-04-19 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2095311

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
gcoller - 2009-04-19 12:34 PM This is different. I did my "long run" today and at mile 5.5 or so I got a TERRIBLE pain in my left shoulder running up my neck.  It was the worst when running down hill which should have been my reward for all of those rough up-hills!  I took plenty of rests and stretches and water breaks during this run b/c I was protecting my shins...and now this.  I stopped several times and was swearing, etc. and finally seemed to find a stretch that sorta' helped.  I did finish the run.

Sounds like some sort of muscular issue ~ glad to read you found a stretch that helped out.  Good form and relaxing the upper body while you run (shaking your arms & shoulders out from time to time) may help with that.  Way to stick with it and get through it.  Post run stretching (the swim stretches) may help eleviate this kind of muscular stress.
Good luck & glad to read the shins are holding up!

2009-04-19 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2095316

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
philz1982 - 2009-04-19 12:38 PM Totally off the topic, but I found the Polar f6 for 60 bucks plus 5 dollars roughly shipping for those of you who are interested in getting a HRM.

My first tri I did the swim with workout shorts and the bike and run with the same shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I finally broke down and bought bike shorts last week.

What I meant by weight is since I will be loosing at least 30 lbs this year I might want to wait before I buy any clothes.

Congrats on the HRM.  I think you'll be pleased with what it will do for ya!  HR Zone training is very popular for base training with many of the coached programs.  Timed workouts in the appropriate HR zone, you should start to see some quality results very soon.
2009-04-19 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2070412

Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)

I have fallen of the wagon and need some motivation to get back on.  I think what happened is I hit a wall, a big one and it took my motivation right out of me.  Anybody got any suggestion? Please.  Also, I have  no idea how to log workouts?  Help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

2009-04-19 10:13 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
First, just get started again.  Just go.  Stop thinking about it and do it.   At least half of this stuff is mental.  Tell yourself positive messages.  Affirmations are good.  But, I had to stop listening to the voices in my head long ago to get sober.  They don't bother me anymore now.

Second, click on Training Logs, go to the day, click on training, and simply fill in the times and what ever comments you want to do.

2009-04-19 11:54 PM
in reply to: #2070412

Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
Thanks Scott, great perspective.   Congrats on being sober. 
2009-04-20 6:11 AM
in reply to: #2095950


Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
2x what Ice wrote. Just start back. Don't worry about how much, just something. Make the journal entry and you've taken that first step forward. I too have not had a workout since Wednesday. Sinus infection, but none the same, I have to go back at it today. You can do this.


2009-04-20 6:23 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
jwheat, take one day at a time.  Yesterday does not matter anymore.  Make some short term goals.  After you reach a few, reward yourself!  You can do what ever you tell yourself to do!
2009-04-20 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
So when I got my bike the guy told me not to worry about clips on the pedals at the start to wait and see if I was going to "be serious" about riding.  Well, after the long ride on Friday I really think I need clips....any opinions here?  I don't really want to spend a fortune on th eclips but I gotta tell you after the "short" 45 minute ride Friday I can't wait for longer rides.  Yeah my legs were burning when I got done but dang time flew by and I really enjoyed it just being me riding out in the vountry...anyway, back to the topic...pedals with clips?  Clipless?  I am a true rookie here folks.

2009-04-20 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
You'll get lots of opinions on types of pedals.  I started with SPDs and stay with them.  The shoes are easier to walk in and I do a lot of group rides for fun.  The flip side is you lose some power to the chain.  How much?  I doubt I notice it over time.  Speed Plays and other kinds use hard coled showes hard to walk in but ssince they are hard soled, they basically turn the entire sole into a pedal so all the ppower in the downward stroke is transferred to the pedals.

I don't want to change over now because it would be pricey for all four bikes.   I might to it for the TT bike but we will see.

2009-04-20 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2096557

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (FULL)
dewcubs - 2009-04-20 7:57 AM So when I got my bike the guy told me not to worry about clips on the pedals at the start to wait and see if I was going to "be serious" about riding.  Well, after the long ride on Friday I really think I need clips....any opinions here?  I don't really want to spend a fortune on th eclips but I gotta tell you after the "short" 45 minute ride Friday I can't wait for longer rides.  Yeah my legs were burning when I got done but dang time flew by and I really enjoyed it just being me riding out in the vountry...anyway, back to the topic...pedals with clips?  Clipless?  I am a true rookie here folks.

Shimano makes SPD-SL pedals for road bikes. has them for about $58.00.  I use them on my road bike and they work great.  Get a pair of bike shoes and mount the included cleats on them and you are ready to go.  Clipless pedals are definitely the way to go.

Edited by dangremond 2009-04-20 9:21 AM
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!) Rss Feed  
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