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2009-04-17 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2091287

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Hey Cindy,
The YMCA in my area offers 7 week tri club for $150 and they meet 3 times a week. (one day for each discipline, with some strenght work and stretching)  The group had 12 people and 3 instructors.  Maybe they offer something like that in your area?

Over the past year I have been reading every book, magazine, and article I could find on triathlons.  (also talked to anyone I could find who was into biking, swimming, running, and triathlon, and watched any video I could find)

There was a HUGE difference being able to actually talk to someone (actually getting info from 3 different people) and getting feedback and demonstration form a live person.  It also reinforced the training plan I was following because they had us doing very similar things.

 It has been a huge help, and it is great to workout with a bunch of other people.  Not exactly a "coach", but was worth it to me.

2009-04-17 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2091287

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Like Rob said the benefits are huge.  (even if it is just a few private lessons)

I found a coach through a tri friend of mine.  I could see the improvements she had made swimming with him.  He mainly coaches high schools students but has acquired quite a few triathletes.  He really goes above and beyond for all his athletes.  I really don't know what the "typical" cost is.  I do know he could be charging me a lot more!  Maybe someone else does?  I'd say word of mouth is your best bet. 

oshunluvah - 2009-04-17 9:38 AM how did you go about finding a coach and how do you know it's a good one? and what is the typical cost? i'm seriously considering getting one but i don't know what i'm looking for.
2009-04-17 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2090394

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

WittyCityGirl - 2009-04-16 10:14 PM Hey folks!!! WOW four pages deep after just a few days, great!!!

  PLUS, keep in mind that there's all sorts of swim apparel available to help keep you warm. 

Yes, but they all laughed at me when I tried to swim in the Snuggie...

2009-04-17 7:48 PM
in reply to: #2090546

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
bigredx24x - 2009-04-16 11:40 PM Hey guys/gals...I need to catch up reading here, but I did add a table to my blog that some of you may find useful. Feel free to copy/paste the html and use it in your blogs...

I love having HTML geniuses in the group!
2009-04-17 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2091287

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
oshunluvah - 2009-04-17 10:38 AM how did you go about finding a coach and how do you know it's a good one? and what is the typical cost? i'm seriously considering getting one but i don't know what i'm looking for.

If you're pretty serious about finding a coach-GREAT!!!  But, coaches can vary a lot.  I would look into your local YMCA, they would probably have the most affordable option for you. Their instructors should, at a minimum, be YMCA instructor certified.  I would be very specific to say that you need someone with competitive experience (not that not competing would make someone less capable of teaching you, but I have witnessed that my level of understanding stroke mechanics leads me to being very specific about head position, hand position, looking at what the feet are doing, body position, breathing, etc, because we learn it through being on a swim team).

If possible, look into a certified coach (have a USA swimming cert on top of oodles of YMCA certs PLUS several years of competitive experience right through college).

Keep in mind that age of your coach isn't always a good guage of how well they can work with you on your stroke.  I started privately teaching young swimmers at 15 years old and graduated to working with adults by the time I was 17 or 18.

***personal opinion*** If a potential swim coach mentions Total Immersion as their coaching bible find another coach.  =p

Oh! I forgot to mention cost.  This changes DRASTICALLY by area.  My YMCA charges a member about $9 for a half hour swim lesson, and I don't pick up lessons unless they are an hour long.  If I personally were to start my own coaching business I would charge @ $20 for an hour, but a friend of mine in Boston charges $30-45 per lesson. 

What to do if it's too much $$?  Find someone with a video camera.  Have someone video tape you in a swimming pool from a few angles: You swimming towards the camera, away from the camera and a side shot.  THEN check out a website that has a video tutorial on swimming, like BT or USAswimming.  You probably could pick out a few of your big glitches right away.  You just may not have an idea of how to fix it.  That's where drill work comes in handy.

Edited by WittyCityGirl 2009-04-17 8:03 PM
2009-04-17 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2092229

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
momandmd - 2009-04-17 3:03 PM

WittyCityGirl - 2009-04-16 10:14 PM Hey folks!!! WOW four pages deep after just a few days, great!!!

  PLUS, keep in mind that there's all sorts of swim apparel available to help keep you warm. 

Yes, but they all laughed at me when I tried to swim in the Snuggie...

LOL! That is HYSTERICAL!!! I nearly laughed out loud at work!

2009-04-18 5:51 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Clip in pedals
Thanks for the pedal tips.  (note, I fell over on the SAME exact corner yesterday, lol)

I noticed that part of my problem is my seat might be a little too high which is making it hard for me to balance with one leg. The last two times I fell I had one foot out but I tipped over to the other side.
2009-04-18 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Robby:  I actually just got clipless last weekend for the first time myself, so I know what you are going through!  I find when I am coming to a stop, I have no problem clipping out, as I am thinking about it.  When I fall, or almost fall, its at stupid times when I am just standing there with 1 foot in, and start to fall over and not take it out.  My buddy (the one who got me into biking in the first place) says it just eventually becomes subconscious, its just a matter of time I guess. 

I do love it though, much smoother pedals strokes, and just feels more efficient overall.

2009-04-18 6:05 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Robby, soon the clipless pedals will be second nature,it just takes time. I still today fall at corners and stop signs. I have a bad tendency to unlip my left foot and lean right (which is still clipped in). I have really embrassed myself doing this too!

2009-04-18 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I have fallen too!  It's kinda like a right of passage.  Welcome to the club!  

2009-04-19 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I had SPD pedals initially, for about 7 years, then switched to look bindings two years ago.  The bike shop put them on, and i brought the bike outside to try out (after they did the fitting).  I clipped in, and promptly fell over, in front of all of the bike shop guys (and the rest of the people in the lot).  I'm not sure if my pride or my hip hurt more.  I'm (slightly) more graceful now, but still miss the old pedals.

I'm just finishing a week on service at the hospital I work at, so I'll be around more (and working out more!), next week.


2009-04-19 9:44 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Hope you all had a good weekend.  Back to the work week grind for me tomorrow. =(
2009-04-20 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I set a new PB this morning on my swim

1 mile in 33:04.

2009-04-20 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Nice swim James!

How was everyone's training this weekend? 
2009-04-20 3:32 PM
in reply to: #2097210

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Betsy0706 - 2009-04-20 12:21 PM Nice swim James!

How was everyone's training this weekend? 

Nonexistent!  But I did get to the gym for a run today, so I'm starting the week on the right track.

2009-04-20 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2097210

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Betsy0706 - 2009-04-20 12:21 PM Nice swim James!

How was everyone's training this weekend? 

With the great weather I was able to get out on a long bike ride, but today it is back to cold and rainy. (at least we had a nice weekend)

Was even able to give myself some time off too, which I really needed. 

2009-04-20 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2096992

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
jford2309 - 2009-04-20 11:19 AM

I set a new PB this morning on my swim

1 mile in 33:04.

2009-04-21 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2097210

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
excellent training w/e.  first outdoor run of the season saturday - had a tough time breathing but when i saw my numbers i figured it was because it was a PB - 3 mi @ 8.71min/mi.  i walked the dogs in the woods for 1.5 hrs and i swam for 25 mins on sunday.  i took monday off.
2009-04-21 11:56 AM
in reply to: #2093062

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

thank you sara and everyone else for your input on swim coaches.  i am giving myself a bit more time to feel ok in the pool before making a decision but, i will at least make some inquiries at the y where i am a member.

i swam on sunday and felt good about it so i'm planning to approach the next swim the same way - no stress, no trying to have good technique, just get in the water and move forward.  removing the internal pressure actually removes alot of my fears and that's realy the crux of my swimming problems right now.

2009-04-21 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

^ nice run.  I usually stick to a 10min/mile as anything faster shoots my HR up.


Today is pretty crappy out, but I am going to try and get a 5k in.  There is a semi-private lake 100ft from my backdoor, so I am hopeing to get out on the kayak in a few days if it clears up!

2009-04-21 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2099960

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
oshunluvah - 2009-04-21 12:56 PM

thank you sara and everyone else for your input on swim coaches.  i am giving myself a bit more time to feel ok in the pool before making a decision but, i will at least make some inquiries at the y where i am a member.

i swam on sunday and felt good about it so i'm planning to approach the next swim the same way - no stress, no trying to have good technique, just get in the water and move forward.  removing the internal pressure actually removes alot of my fears and that's realy the crux of my swimming problems right now.

Good idea to hold out for a tiny bit...get your endurance up so that a coach can gauge your swimming when you're a little in shape (other wise, if you poop out after 200 yards it'll be tougher to get in a quality session with the coach).  Specifically ask how your body position looks and if you are getting enough distance per stroke.  I would also ask them to check your breathing (if your head is too far out of the water, etc

2009-04-21 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Hey Anthony!!

I tried to figure out how to get the table to work.  I'll trade you swimming advice for some HTML advice!  Was there a space someone that I was supposed to take out? 

2009-04-22 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2072537

Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I think you need to edit the html of your blog/dashboard thing.  When you go to post a message, there is an 'html' button that will open a new window, and you can paste it in there.

There may be another way, but I know that way is one of them lol

2009-04-22 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I accidently stuck the list in the note portion of the blog and I kinda like it there!


Hoping to get in at least a 4 mile run tongiht. I need to get some 8-10 milers in soon and some OWS, but work is really getting in the way of my training! 

2009-04-22 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I just saw where it is suppose to be in the 80's through Sunday!!!!

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