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2009-04-22 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2101612

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
LB22 - 2009-04-21 10:53 PM

Tamio - 2009-04-21 7:27 PM Lynn - is the 157-162 avg during a 5k race where you are going all out? What was your max at this distance/effort? My "aerobic" zone is quite max is much higher...during my last running test an 8:20 mile my max was 169.

Good question. I actually can not remember the last 5k I did!  But the 157-162 average are during half marathons....either stand alone or else in a half ironman.   I checked for the mile repeats last may HR was 185 and 190 vs ave of 172ish (I think).  So I would say I was going all out during those repeats.  (The first lap was fast, the second was fast and I had to push, the third I was struggling, and the fourth I was really pushing it hard trying to maintain 2 to 2-05 per lap pace.)

So basically, what you are saying is, is that I should be doing workouts in the 154-156 range, but when I do intervals, I need to push it into the max range for a bit.  When I do long slow runs, I need to keep it below 154. Right?  I know...I should pick up the HR book this weekend and figure it out. (I think I have a link to a spreadsheet too.)

But thanks again for your thoughts.  I really appreciate it.....oh, and someone asked earlier on the you do not have to work out via HR (Chrissie Wellington does not). Just some of us are data freaks and it keeps our mindds busy

Well - I wouldn't say that you are 154-156....I was just saying that's my aerobic zone....everyone varies SO greatly. But I was just giving you a a feel for a range....

2009-04-22 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Anyone ever have any problems using a HRM while on a treadmill?  Some of the treadmills at the Y pick up the signal from the HRM and it seems like it interferes with my watch so that I cannot get an accurate reading.  Different makes/models of treadmills seem to impact the HRM differently.  Just wondering if anyone else has this issue?

Got in an easy 5 miles today at lunch.  Masters swim tomorrow morning.
2009-04-22 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
My HRM wigs out frequently....could be high line wires outside, my bike computer, cell phone, etc etc. lol...never dependable...
2009-04-23 6:53 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
A wetsuit question or two.  My brand spanking new wetsuit arrived yetserday (Neosport sprint full sleeve).  Can I please have some tips for using/caring for it?  I've heard that body glide is a necessity, but I've also heard that some people use Pam???  What's that all about?  Any other tips or tricks that you have would be appreciated, no matter how obvious you think they are.  I've NEVER swam in a ws before.

BTW, I decided to go new because the though of swimming in something that someone else had peed in disgusted me.  What's peeing in the ws all about anyway???

2009-04-23 8:06 AM
in reply to: #2098821

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
abrezo - 2009-04-20 10:48 PM

I know , we're suppose to get that snow on wed.  Fun!

Just woundering, how important is it to monitor and train at certain hr levels?  I have yet to purchace a monitor, one of the next things of the many i need to purchace in my tri endevers.

Heart rate monitor, in my opinion, is your number one training tool. Above a bike computer that tells you speed/cadence, above everything. Depending on your goals, most training is done in zones (z1, z2, z3, z4, z5 (ouch)). Your heart rate will tell you when you are working too hard, not hard enough etc. Keeps ya honest....
2009-04-23 8:15 AM
in reply to: #2104582

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
scout21 - 2009-04-23 7:53 AM

A wetsuit question or two.  My brand spanking new wetsuit arrived yetserday (Neosport sprint full sleeve).  Can I please have some tips for using/caring for it?  I've heard that body glide is a necessity, but I've also heard that some people use Pam???  What's that all about?  Any other tips or tricks that you have would be appreciated, no matter how obvious you think they are.  I've NEVER swam in a ws before.

BTW, I decided to go new because the though of swimming in something that someone else had peed in disgusted me.  What's peeing in the ws all about anyway???


peeing in the wetsuit...hehehe...

Body glide,'s some info/tricks on putting the wetsuit on.

1) BE CAREFUL - use your fingertips not your finger nails. This is challenging - but one stray fingernail through the neoprene and your baby will be ruined (well - you can repair it - but you will be pissed off).
2) Body glide on shins and calves
3) Plastic bag
4) After putting body glide on your shins/calves, put plastic bag over one of your feet. Put that foot through one leg of your wetsuit. Now - here's the tricky part.....SLOWLY and GENTLY work the wetsuit up.....inch by inch starting at your ankle until you get it up to your knee. Now - do the other foot. It's better to have your wetsuit up a little higher on your shin vs. keeping it down to the ankle....this will allow you enough wetsuit to work with so you don't end up with a big gap at your crotch. Ok - so now you have worked both legs up to the knees....continue to GENTLY inch it up over your thighs and pull over your butt. Just make sure you don't do this all in one step - just work it up. If you get impatient and just pull it on - there will be gaps and you will have to start all over because it's tough to get rid of gaps while the suit is on.
5) Now put the plastic bag over one of your hands and put it through the arm hole. Again - better to have this a little high on your forearm vs. hanging over your wrist (get rid of gaps). Do the other arm.
6) Either zip yourself or have someone else help you the first couple times.
7) IT WILL BE TIGHT and you will feel like you are suffocating - this is normal
8) body glide on outside of wetsuit to help with taking it off....rub some bodyglide on the outside shins/calves of wetsuit....

I think that's it...


2009-04-23 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland Area
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Males-  will shaving legs aid in the process of putting on taking off, and is there any issue of hairs being pulled in the process if not shaved?

Kinda dumb, i know, but its that old "to shave or not to shave?"
2009-04-23 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2104582

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Saratoga Springs, NY
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
scout21 - 2009-04-23 7:53 AM 

BTW, I decided to go new because the though of swimming in something that someone else had peed in disgusted me.  What's peeing in the ws all about anyway???


My open water SCUBA certification test was in Lake George only shortly after the ice had melted and one of the instructors suggested I take that course of action to, ahem, quickly introduce body temperature water, as opposed to lake temperature, into the suit (I chose not to do so.)  I didn't realize this was a part of the multisport realm too!
2009-04-23 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I'm cracking up here. Ok - fess up...I can't be "the only one"...and I certainly can't be the "only one to admit it".

Now - peeing while riding bike or running - that's a different story...I don't do that. LOL!

Mel - go put that new wetsuit on and "break it in"!
2009-04-23 5:46 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Interesting idea.  So if lake temperature water is introuduced to the suit instead of body temperature water, just how long does that thin layer of lake water take to warm up anyway?  And if that's the only reason, why not just bring some warm water in a bottle and dump it in before you zip up?
2009-04-23 6:14 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland Area
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
given the amount of fluid one takes in before a race, and once the wetsuit is on and you see the lines at the porta potty, you'll be running down to the water to "break it in"

2009-04-23 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2106541

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Saratoga Springs, NY
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
scout21 - 2009-04-23 6:46 PM Interesting idea.  So if lake temperature water is introuduced to the suit instead of body temperature water, just how long does that thin layer of lake water take to warm up anyway?  And if that's the only reason, why not just bring some warm water in a bottle and dump it in before you zip up?

Right on again! We were warned before the dive to bring warm water in bottles but my father and I didn't do such a great job with the transfer into the wetsuit and lost most of it.  The "advice" I mentioned earlier was the instructor's plan B :-)

Hard to say how long it takes to warm up, depends a bit on how well the wet suit fits, if it's too large and doesn't trap water well it stays cold for quite a bit.  Regardless, I know it FEELS like forever!

I've never tried a triathlon wetsuit though so I don't know how it fits or behaves.
2009-04-23 8:07 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I haven't used my triathlon wetsuit yet so I can't fess up to that but I will say that back in highschool, I used to do a lot of boogie boarding and surfing and this was an ideal way to warm up in the early season or late season cold water!

My first outdoor tri, Keuka Lake, is the first weekend in June.  Water temps are likely to be low to mid 60's.  There might be a need to warm up the suit...
2009-04-23 10:07 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I didn't think I'd come home to this discussion. My new wetsuit is still in its wrapper. I only tried it on at the store. and if I gotta go I am in the wetsuit, down to the water it is.

and I found lots of videos online on how to properly put on a wetsuit.

I sort of chickened out of a run today. I ended up staying late at work which cut down on my run time and then when I left work I realized it was a bit chilly for shorts and a t-shirt. I would have hacked it up but I was also really hungry. I didn't have enough protein today. So instead I went to the mall, got some food and looked at some sports clothes - oh well.

I have a 10k trail race on Saturday so I don't want to do to much tomorrow. I might just take another off day.

Edited by mellymedic 2009-04-24 8:19 AM
2009-04-23 10:21 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Mel - I just love it that you race every weekend! You go girl!
2009-04-24 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Funny thread...I never thought that men shaving legs may/may not their ability to put on/off a wetsuit! Hah!  Yes, I never rented a wetsuit...bought it day one and it is mine (if you know what I mean).  And that is the way I like it!  The funny thing is, a scuba diving 3-5mm wetsuit, the water flows through the suit (ala rinses you off eventually) versus a tri wetsuit which is designed for bouyancy and there is no rinsing it is all retained.  (Now how's that for a morning visual

I think I am going to gut my entire training plan. Little naggin injuries keep occuring because I is a few workouts then try to make it up.  I do my runs all at same pace with no recovery runs.  I need to slow it all down and really focus on form.  Much like I am doig this year with swimming===every pool session includes 300-500 of drills. 

So if I gut the training plan, and just go week by week to see how I feel, that might lead to a healthy season.  I need to consider it more this weekend.....maybe during the 40 mile bike ride or else the 5-8 mile run.....

2009-04-24 6:33 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

36 hours to go until my half marathon Sunday morning. I'm anxious, not sleeping really well, and I am trying to remember I signed up for this for fun. I can't wait to start normal tri training after Sunday. The good news is a had a terrific swim today after not being in the water for over 3 weeks. I'll have to remember the great swim feeling while running.

2009-04-24 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
good luck on the race. Hopefully you will have good weather.
2009-04-24 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Good luck in your races this weekend Margot and Melanie!

Tomorrow will likely be a rest day for me.  We have opening day for t-ball then a cook out at the coaches house.  I would like to sneak in a 20-25 mile ride in the afternoon but not sure that will happen.

Sunday will either be 25 on the bike or a 9.5 mile run.  If I am lucky I will get the ride on Sat. and the run on Sun.!

Have a great weekend everyone.  It is going to be summer like hereCool
2009-04-24 8:27 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Good luck ladies!  Go kick some butt!!  I'm hoping to run a 1/2 tomorrow.  Not a race, just a nice long slow endurance run.  If I make 13.1, it will be a distance pr.  I'll definitely be taking a rest day on Sunday.  Maybe to the sporting goods store for a new pair of goggles...we'll see.  Have a great weekend everyone!

2009-04-24 8:45 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
It's going to be AWESOME weather here in the northeast this weekend! I have a 5 hour ride tomorrow + 30 minute run...Sunday - ironman distance swim. Yikes! I'm looking forward to it....

2009-04-25 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Woo hoo!  New distance pr for me!  I ran my 13.1 this morning.  A few walk breaks - like after the first time I took a drink from my bottle and nearly choked, when my phone jumped out of my water belt and nearly went down a sewer grate, and a walk break in the last mile just cause I wanted to walk a bit!  Now I'm going to spend the afternoon watching hockey!  Maybe a swim tomorrow, maybe a rest day.  We'll see if/how sore I am.

2009-04-25 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Nice job on the run Matt!
2009-04-25 4:00 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Matt-good job.  I have always found that an ice bath after long run or half marathon helps the legs.  A little cold for the first few minutes but worth it.  I only put enough water in to cover legs-areas above that are a little more sensitive 


2009-04-25 4:18 PM
in reply to: #2108918

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Saratoga Springs, NY
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
kofian - 2009-04-24 7:33 PM

36 hours to go until my half marathon Sunday morning. I'm anxious, not sleeping really well, and I am trying to remember I signed up for this for fun. I can't wait to start normal tri training after Sunday. The good news is a had a terrific swim today after not being in the water for over 3 weeks. I'll have to remember the great swim feeling while running.

I'm in the same boat although mine is on Sunday May 9th.   I just keep reminding myself that the goal is to simply handle the distance and finish strong at my own pace.
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