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2009-04-30 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2120162

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
matt_d - 2009-04-30 5:14 AM

I'm doing the Trizou sprint triathlon in Columbia, MO this weekend.  1/4 mile swim, 14 mile bike & 5k run.  My first one, little nervous, but should be fun.

Good LUCK!!! I KNOW the nervous feeling....How is the water, still cold?

2009-04-30 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2120295

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
CharleyBeth - 2009-04-30 6:13 AM

Kendra - Good luck!!! I'm sure you are going to do fine! I used to worry about walking and now don't care if I have to. At least I'm out there doing it and I know that I'm going to finish. If nothing else I slow my jog down to where it is almost the same speed as walking.

I've also been told by one of my friends that do marathons that a nice break is to walk in and out of the aid stations, but don't stop.

I did a 5K a week ago and it felt so horrible that I think I walked most of it. It was my first race in the heat this season that we starting are getting down here in FL. I think I ended up a little dehydrated. I ended up with one of my worst 5K times but I still happy to be out there with everyone and excited when I finished it.

I can't wait to hear how you do!!!

I'm not racing this weekend, mine is next weekend, so I'm hoping to get in some last good workouts, before I scale back next week.

I wish everyone else racing this weekend... Good Luck!!!

Thanks....I really needed to hear that. This is my first race ever, I guess you can't count the run I needed to pass for my job. Oh and I was puking nervous for that...I am hoping it will get easier like you said. I have a 5k in two weeks. I will post Sunday night.
2009-04-30 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2120924

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
slaudolff - 2009-04-30 9:22 AM

Im not really doing anything  June. Then my summer really kicks in. Im actually only doing 2 tri's this summer. its kinda lame, but i decided that i wanted to do 2 swimming events and those are what im really focused on. My tri's are pretty short. One is and 200 yd swim, 10 mile bike with a 1 1/2 mile run and the other is a 400 yd swim with a 15 mile bike and a 3 mile run. Ive actually been running much more also, and a good friend of mine is going to do both of the tri's with me. My swimming events are pretty intense well one of them. its a 2mile swim in Lake superior. Its at the end of summer so i'll be in good shape, and everything is spaced out enough that ill be recovered from each event and all.
 Good luck on every ones events!

Swimming is NOT my favorite thing to do. It must be nice to have a friend suffer with you. Thanks for the thoughts.
2009-04-30 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2121886

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - OPEN
brockadoo - 2009-04-30 2:23 PM

bk broiler - 2009-04-24 12:00 PM Jerry,

Jeff - I have been doing interval training on the treadmill and have found it very good at building endurance as would do it 2-3 days a week. Grant it I am not at your speed yet but am going to continue using it over the coming weeks to build my endurance and pace up. Not sure what the other guys think.


Hi Jerry - I went for 3 miles at my hardest today, then worked on intervals on the 3 back.  It felt good.  I didn't really know what I had gotten myself into when I said "I'm going to do a triathlon."  It never really occurred to me that I had to actually combine endurance AND speed!   Thanks for the input!

Kendra - GOOD LUCK!  Don't be scared!  One foot in front of the other and you'll be done before you know it!

Judy - DITTO! Show them what a newly minted 40 year old can do!

Will - DITTO AGAIN! What better to do with your weekend than run 13 miles across Nebraska?!?

As for me... this weekend I'm going to do a practice bike and run on the course of my sprint next weekend!

I need to start doing interval work, I have been just running the distance. I have been doing run 8 min and slow slow jog for 2. I think I am really afraid of re-injuring my leg. Doc said I would never run again. I would hate to prove him right. I am so eating fattening food after I am done!
2009-04-30 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2122252

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Marlboro, NJ
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

Good luck everyone who is racing this weekend!

Judy - I also hit the gym before work during the week and yes, I feel the burn out.  I have found once or twice a week going at night with a friend changes things up (even if he is doing something totally different at the gym) or going for a bike ride outside when I get home. With the weather here in the northeast getting nicer, i plan on avoiding the gym on weekends and doing more workouts outdoors (hoping that will help break things up) and taking a day or two during the week off. 

Edited by bk broiler 2009-04-30 9:25 PM
2009-05-01 7:00 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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Northern Minnesota
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

Good luck everyone on whatever plans you have this weekend.  I am putting tile down in the recovery room at the local clinic.  Should take me all weekend and probably be my workouts, too.  Cya next week!

2009-05-01 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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St. Petersburg
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
I hope everyone has a great weekend either racing or training.

I had a hard time staying motivated this week and I found out that the knee pain that I've been experiencing is from tight muscles in my right hamstring. So, I ended up being lazy this week, hoping the pain would go away and never really could quite get the motivation to do anything but the one brick workout on Wed, which felt pretty good.

I do plan to try to get some training in this weekend, and then I'll cut it down or in half next week before my sprint triathlon, so I don't wear myself out before the race.

Today: 30-45 min run
Tomorrow: 50-70 miles on bike, 30-45 min run (not a brick)
Sunday: 20-30 miles on bike... there is a kids triathlon sponsered by YMCA and a local bike shop that I'm going to go watch and cheer at. Because of that triathlon, the local pool is closed for laps all weekend but I'm sure I'll get into a pool and play around, even if it's not laps. The ocean has gotten warm enough to swim without a wetsuit, so if I'm feeling froggy I may go swim out there.

It's been hard getting used to the weather... we've had moderate weather and then all of a sudden it jumped up and it's in the low 70's by the time I'm leaving for work and in the mid-80's in the afternoon. I've been learning to alter my hydration, but still have run into the beginning of dehydration a couple of times. This FL sun can be brutal!!

Again, good luck to everyone and I look forward to hearing how everyone did with their races or training next week!!! Go Team AG!!!!

2009-05-01 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2080346

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Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

Well, I finally got on the new bike for the first time last night. It has been raining here pretty consistently, but we had a break yesterday.

A lot of new stuff going on with the bike. First time using clipless peddles. The steering while down in the aero bars is pretty tricky. I really love my new bike. Can't wait to get out on some longer runs.

2009-05-01 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2122567

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Lompoc, CA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

Thanks BK - thats a great a idea.  Simple and effective.  I'll try it!

2009-05-01 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2080346


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

Well hello everyone! Jerry - thanks for the welcome. I see that this group has really exploded - that's great. It's good to see that there is a good mix of people too. I'm sorry for disappearing for a bit there. I have been sick, sick and busy with family stuff. So -- I'm here now to stay! Here's my info:

Name: Jennifer

STORY: I was a competitive gymnast growing up and then did a lot of dance. In college I got into backpacking and rock climbing although I have done either for a while. Last september I was feeling frustrated by my boring fitness routine and felt like I wanted a goal and I wanted to do something I've never done before. So I started training for a tri. I don't love running but I thought that if I could mix it up with swimming and biking, I might manage it. So last fall I ran the 5K in the baltimore running festival. It was my first race ever! So far, so good, I'm still having fun! I'm still a total newbie but I'm still trucking!

FAMILY STATUS: I am married with 3 kids boy(7), girl(4), and boy(2). They are all very supportive and my oldest ran with me recently in a charity 5k (his first) while I pushed the little ones in my jog stroller. The really cool thing is that I randomly told my mom she should do this too and she is actually training and going to races with me! I'm so proud of her! She's never done anything like this but she is really trying hard and recently lowered her 5K time by three minutes.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am using the 16 week swim focused program on here but due to illness and time constraints it has ended up being a more balanced program! But all though my swim is by far the weakest area, I am actually making great progress in my comfort level and stroke mechanics.

THIS YEARS RACES:  This year I am trying to do something about once a month. I did a charity 5K in april, not sure if I will do something in may, will do a race of something in june, and in late July is the Hagerstown Tri that my mom and I are doing together.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am doing pretty good on this front but I would love to lose about 10 lbs to be where I really feel great. However, I think my body fat percentage is about 20.9 so that's not to bad.

So I look forward to sharing this experience with you all and I will stay more caught up now!
-peace and health,

2009-05-01 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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New user

Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

Hey Jerry.

Question for you or anyone in the group that has an answer or opinion.

I have a full wetsuit that I have used for scuba diving (bodyglove). Can I use that for the 1500 meter swim?

I have never swam in the suit. I always have a BC and tank on my back when the wetsuit is on.

I don't think the lake water is going to be that warm at the end of May in Kansas City. And would like to wear a wetsuit.


Oh. And no jokes about scuba diving in Nebraska. Laughing

2009-05-01 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2124914

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
It will probably work fine, but you may want to give it a test swim and see how you do. What is the thickness on it....5mm, 3mm, etc? With a 5mm suit you may find you will have a tough time rotating your arms, but with practice it shouldn't be an issue. A lot of "Triathlon" suits have reduced thickness in the shoulder area to help with swimming.

Use baby oil or something on your armpits when you are swimming in it to help reduce chafing.

2009-05-03 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

Thanks Jerry.

I am not sure of the thickness can't find it on the tag. I will have to do some research and see if I can't find out. Any way I think I am going to wear it anyway. (Can't afford a new one.)

Half marathon went pretty well this morning. Not too happy with my time but like I said earlier I did not train like I should have.

Hope everyone's races and training went well this weekend.

bib number:7656
location:Omaha, NE
overall place:836 out of 4806
division place:49 out of 172
gender place:602 out of 1787
10 k:51:43
gun time:1:54:20

2009-05-03 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2080346


Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Great job on your race William! I don't know that I will ever have the motivation for a half marathon. I just don't love running that much.  

I think I did better this week as compared to the last couple weeks if only for the fact that I and my family haven't been sick finally. I still suffer from terrible fatigue but I try and keep pushing thru it. I know my swimming must sound really lame to some of you, but considering I have had a fear of the water for most of my life, I think I'm getting along well now. I am basically using the total immersion techniques but I'm still working on the coordinated breathing. However, I can now - for the first time in my life - swim whole laps of the pool without getting completely exhausted or getting my sinuses totally full of water!

It's the little things in life, right? On the up side, I was cooling down with some breast stroke the other day and there was a private lesson going on in the next lane. Well I got the feeling of being watched so I finally looked over and the instructor was having the student(adult) watch me and analyzing my stroke, telling the woman that my stroke was what she should be doing and how it was right! The instructor apologized for breaking my stride and told me I had great form. How cool! Me, the non-swimmer, got to be held up as the model for good form! So some day maybe it will be for my freestyle!

I hope the rest of you had a good weekend!
peace and health,
2009-05-03 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
First tri is in the books.  Official results aren't posted yet, but here's what I have from my own timing:
400m swim - 8:15
14 mile bike - 49 min
3 mile run - 25:34
Not sure on the transition times.

Swim went great, much better than I expected.  1st time in a 50m pool, wasn't sure what to expect.  Bike went well, but the course was tough, 2 big hills, first was a more gradual 1-mile climb, second was a  sharper 1/2 mile climb, had to do both twice (2 7-mile loops).  Think it went pretty well though, passed alot of people and didn't get passed much.  Wish I had had the chance to do some hill training.  Run went better than expected after the hills on the bike, took about 3/4 mile to get my legs under me, but then felt pretty good. 

Overall I had a BLAST, just a lot of fun, can't wait to do it again!

Published my race report here:

Edited by matt_d 2009-05-03 8:10 PM
2009-05-03 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
I completed the race, by my time I finished in about an hour and 25 min. Was totally unprepared for the hills. I wrote more in my training blog. The biggest question I have is what does a guy eat before a race and after?

2009-05-03 7:21 PM
in reply to: #2126955

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Marlboro, NJ
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

Congrats to those who raced this weekend! Can Will and Matt share with the group what they ate before hand as I to am curious like Kendra.


2009-05-03 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2127115

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
bk broiler - 2009-05-03 7:21 PM

Congrats to those who raced this weekend! Can Will and Matt share with the group what they ate before hand as I to am curious like Kendra.

I put a link to my race report in the thread a couple up.  Has all the info from my day.  I ate quite a few calories yesterday, so I wasn't overly concerned with fuel this morning.  I use Cytomax Preformance before races, and also had a banana, 180 energy drink, and a vitamin water (all this between 5:45am and around 7:45 am).  I also had 1 gel about 9 miles into the bike, and I use a cytomax/gatorade combo in my water bottle.  After the race I had a Frisco burger from Hardee's 
2009-05-03 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2126955

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
ilucy2 - 2009-05-03 6:06 PM I completed the race, by my time I finished in about an hour and 25 min. Was totally unprepared for the hills. I wrote more in my training blog. The biggest question I have is what does a guy eat before a race and after?

I agree with what you wrote in your log, you got dehydrated.  It's a good idea to drink plenty of water every day, but it's especially important the week of a race (not just the day before). 
Congrats on finishing the race,  the pain is somewhat softened by time, so you remember that it hurt, but you don't remember exactly how muchCool
2009-05-03 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2126527

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
wjt2003 - 2009-05-03 12:00 PM
Half marathon went pretty well this morning. Not too happy with my time but like I said earlier I did not train like I should have.

Hope everyone's races and training went well this weekend.

bib number:7656
location:Omaha, NE
overall place:836 out of 4806
division place:49 out of 172
gender place:602 out of 1787
10 k:51:43
gun time:1:54:20


Nicely done.  I've only run 2 1/2 marathons, both in 2007, and best I could do was a 2:01 finish.  I'm planning on doing another this year and hope to finally break the 2 hour barrier.  I'd be thrilled with a 1:50!
2009-05-03 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2126731

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New user

Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Hi Jennifer,
I'm working on my swimming too. My wife is a much better swimmer than I am and she's taking me through the total immersion program too. I'm envious of the folks who can swim like they are going for a walk - just keep going & going. By the time I finish a lap, I'm ready for a break Smile

2009-05-04 6:39 AM
in reply to: #2127388

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Salamander Slim - 2009-05-03 9:15 PM Hi Jennifer,
I'm working on my swimming too. My wife is a much better swimmer than I am and she's taking me through the total immersion program too. I'm envious of the folks who can swim like they are going for a walk - just keep going & going. By the time I finish a lap, I'm ready for a break Smile

That's how I started out in December, couldn't believe it was that difficult.  1 lap and I was gasping.  Bought the Total Immersion book, which helped some, but a book isn't the best way to learn to swim for me.  I then got The Essential Triathlon Swimming DVD (they advertise this one on this site), and started doing the drills in there, and it helped A TON.  It's basically the same thing as total immersion, just different terminology.  I'd recommend either DVD if you're learning to swim and don't have someone to teach you.  I did the drills in the DVD for a couple of months, then tooks a few lessons at the Y just to have my stroke critiqued to make sure I was learning the right way. 

With your wife helping teach you the Total Immersion you'll be swimming  with ease in no time Slim (okay, maybe a little time). 
2009-05-04 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2127115

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Omaha, NE, USA
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
bk broiler - 2009-05-03 7:21 PM

Congrats to those who raced this weekend! Can Will and Matt share with the group what they ate before hand as I to am curious like Kendra.


The race started at 7:00 AM. Starting a couple hours before the race I had a cup of coffee and two bananas. During the race just water and two small orange slices.

I never eat  much in the morning so I just stuck with what I am used to. I also ate well (lots of calories) the day before the race.

Edited by wjt2003 2009-05-04 6:48 AM
2009-05-04 7:46 AM
in reply to: #2126527

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Here or there
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed

wjt2003 - 2009-05-03 1:00 PM
Thanks Jerry.

I am not sure of the thickness can't find it on the tag. I will have to do some research and see if I can't find out. Any way I think I am going to wear it anyway. (Can't afford a new one.)

Half marathon went pretty well this morning. Not too happy with my time but like I said earlier I did not train like I should have.

Hope everyone's races and training went well this weekend.

bib number:7656
location:Omaha, NE
overall place:836 out of 4806
division place:49 out of 172
gender place:602 out of 1787
10 k:51:43
gun time:1:54:20



WOW!  I only hope I can say that I'm not happy with that kind of finish some day!  I have a 3mm SCUBA wetsuit that I swim in and the buoancy is nice, unfortunately when I come out of the water, the water gets trapped around my calves so it looks like I have leprosy from the knee down. 


2009-05-04 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2080346

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St. Petersburg
Subject: RE: jerryrika's "anything goes" group now - Closed
Wow! That is a great 1/2 time!! I did my first 1/2 this past Feb and was no where close to that. I'm definitely struggling in the running.

Congrats to everyone this weekend!

My first tri is this coming weekend on the 10th in Disney World. Unfortunately, half way through my 50 mile ride on Sat, one of my gear shifters decided to break. I have a Cannondale R2000, that I got new in 2001, so I'm not entirely surprised that it happened, I just wish it didn't happen now. But better before, when I still have time to get it fixed.
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