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2009-04-24 6:34 AM
in reply to: #2107044

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
jeffbank2 - 2009-04-23 9:54 PM  Going to spend the day at a bike shop with a friend that is a cycling enthusiast and is excited to help me buy the right bike.  He got me hooked up with a beginner cycling group where he teaches better ways to ride which will help with my first tri.  I have engaged a swim coach for a few lessons to help with my technique. 

I have not exercised the past two days due to being sick.  However, for the first time in my life, I feel "empty" without having exercised so making some strides on commitment!!!

A new bike purchase is very exciting!  Post pics if you can!

Swim lessons are a very good idea and in my mind very worth it.  Bummer about being sick.  I hope you are recovering well.  I feel the same way when I miss workouts due to illness, injury, or just life in general.  I get stir crazy and feel lethargic.  I think my body just misses the endorphins

2009-04-24 6:37 AM
in reply to: #2107179

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Ryden111 - 2009-04-24 12:10 AM Hello everyone, thought I would make a quick post before bed. I go to nursing school online, but the last three days we have been on campus for hands on skills. The school is in a very rural town about four hours from Kansas City. Unfortunately, things have not been coordinated well by the instructors, so 8 hours days became 12, and much of the studying needed to be completed once I left back to my hotel room. Needless to say, It has not been very conducive to starting my new routine. Tomorrow night I will be back in Kansas City and plan to hit the ground running, literally, saturday morning. I am extremely excited to get going. I know being a part of this group will be a huge push that I have never had before.

Good night

Life seems to enjoy making following a training plan difficult.  So you miss a workout here and there.  No big deal.  You move on.  Best of luck getting going come Saturday!
2009-04-24 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2082292

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Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed! you ever sort of realize just how far you are from your goals? The Twilight event is a blast -- it's just fantastic. And I am good to go on my 5k, except I have to figure out how to get a few friends into town and registered in time. But another friend asked me to do the Gambler ride (a poker hand ride of 30 or 60 miles, which involves biking past Kenny Rogers's house)...and I realize just how sad and pathetic my bikes are right now. I have a more or less functional Fischer mountain bike, which is making a creepy clacking sound in certain gears, and I'll probably do it on that, if I do it. But I hauled out my ancient, ancient road bike, only to discover that somehow in the three months since I took it out last the derailleurs have gone all wonky -- I can ride, but I can't shift! And since there will be thousands of extra bikers in town this weekend, no one's available to repair anything! Grrr!

Anyway...just realizing that I'm at least $100 away from having two fully functional bikes. And my swim workout was not quite optimal last night, either -- need to work on my free technique, because it's kinda choppy since I dropped consistent swim workouts. Oh, and I still suck at running. But I'm working consistently, and that means I'll be better. Right?
2009-04-24 3:54 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Took today off very tired especially legs, will just adjust usually take sat. off, so swim maybe run sat bike and swim sunday and start taper monday. Really getting pumped we are camping so it should be a fun weekend.
2009-04-24 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2107637

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Nimhendrix - 2009-04-24 9:21 AM you ever sort of realize just how far you are from your goals? The Twilight event is a blast -- it's just fantastic. And I am good to go on my 5k, except I have to figure out how to get a few friends into town and registered in time. But another friend asked me to do the Gambler ride (a poker hand ride of 30 or 60 miles, which involves biking past Kenny Rogers's house)...and I realize just how sad and pathetic my bikes are right now. I have a more or less functional Fischer mountain bike, which is making a creepy clacking sound in certain gears, and I'll probably do it on that, if I do it. But I hauled out my ancient, ancient road bike, only to discover that somehow in the three months since I took it out last the derailleurs have gone all wonky -- I can ride, but I can't shift! And since there will be thousands of extra bikers in town this weekend, no one's available to repair anything! Grrr! Anyway...just realizing that I'm at least $100 away from having two fully functional bikes. And my swim workout was not quite optimal last night, either -- need to work on my free technique, because it's kinda choppy since I dropped consistent swim workouts. Oh, and I still suck at running. But I'm working consistently, and that means I'll be better. Right?

Yup, consistency is key to improvement.  Sometimes it takes awhile to see some results,  but if you keep at it on a regular basis those results will come.  One of the fun things about keeping workout logs on this site is that it makes it an easy way to monitor progress.  I recently went back and looked at some of my workouts from last spring when I was struggling with swimming and biking and I realized just how far I had come in the course of a year.

Anyway, hope you get those bikes in order, have a great 5k and enjoy the crit!
2009-04-24 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2108704

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
fungi32 - 2009-04-24 3:54 PM Took today off very tired especially legs, will just adjust usually take sat. off, so swim maybe run sat bike and swim sunday and start taper monday. Really getting pumped we are camping so it should be a fun weekend.

Man, I haven't been on a good camping trip in awhile.  Hope you have a great time!

2009-04-24 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2104018

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New user

Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!

Thanks for the advice about the table on my dashboard. It worked yay!

I read these posts and everyone is so much far ahead of me it is hard not to get discouraged... BUT I won't I promise. I am just fine with my 22 week plan. My 40th birthday is in October and I've never been in a race in my just committing to doing it is a huge thing for me. Anyway..enough of my whining...I'll get there eventually.

And hey...I even bought a bike trailer and pulled my 22 lb 9 month old while I biked today

Edited by leilamckinney 2009-04-24 8:41 PM
2009-04-25 6:16 AM
in reply to: #2106230

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Nimhendrix - 2009-04-23 4:42 PM *Maybe I'll do my own sprint* I like that idea. brig, you and I are in much the same boat. I mostly try to bribe myself. As in when I feel like I want to stop, I make myself go another :30. Then I walk for :30 and then I pick it back up. Over a 5k, I'll walk for :30 maybe 4-5 times. I'm looking forward to that day when I can run the whole thing, though! Maybe we'll get there together.

Yepper!  totally hear ya! 
2009-04-25 6:21 AM
in reply to: #2109150

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
leilamckinney - 2009-04-24 9:36 PM

Thanks for the advice about the table on my dashboard. It worked yay!

I read these posts and everyone is so much far ahead of me it is hard not to get discouraged... BUT I won't I promise. I am just fine with my 22 week plan. My 40th birthday is in October and I've never been in a race in my just committing to doing it is a huge thing for me. Anyway..enough of my whining...I'll get there eventually.

And hey...I even bought a bike trailer and pulled my 22 lb 9 month old while I biked today

Awesome biking!  I am borrowing a friend's bike for the summer, and will be hauling my two kidlings.  We're gonna be so STRONG!  Imagine how light you'll feel when you race with no trailer!  You are NOT so far behind. You are doing amazingly consistent working out, and you will see results!  you are doing awesome!
2009-04-25 6:25 AM
in reply to: #2101433

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
disturbed275 - 2009-04-21 9:25 PM
mammaJaS - 2009-04-20 5:15 PM I'm about to head out to a group swim/bike/run - and it's raining which means we'll be on the track. I'm tired and haven't been feeling well but hopefully it's a good night!

On another note (and a q in here)... I've been struggling with eating control this week - I wish I could say that my weight gain was baby weight but it wasn't. I've lost all but 5lbs of baby weight and if you read my intro you'll know how much more i need to lose. a lot. I find when I'm tired i eat more. Tonight after workout - I'll try to just have a glass of O.J. Is that enough to replace my glycogen stores (term I just heard)? Is it necessary to eat more for recovery?

Ooh a recovery question.  I almost missed this one.  Of course there are differing opinions on this as well, but there is some general consensus.

Replenishing your glycogen stores within 2 hours of a workout is generally a good idea.  There is some research to suggest that taking in both carbs and protein is the most beneficial way of doing this.  The protein helps to repair muscle and also aids in uptake of the carbs.  I've read both a 3:1 or a 4:1 carb to protein ratio is a good general guideline.  This can be done with a variety of food sources or liquid sources such as chocolate milk or some whey protein and water.  So while OJ is a good start I would add in some protein too.

There are drinks and bars and such designed specifically for recovery.  I've experimented with some but none have really stood out for me.  I will generally take in even more protein than suggested.  For short workouts (1 hr or less) I'll stick with chocolate milk.  For longer workouts I'll generally mix whey protein with water within a half hour and then eat a meal within 2 hours.

okay, no that i'm not LOVING an excuse to work in chocolate milk, but is it better than a glass of milk? And thanks for the info!!!
2009-04-25 7:16 AM
in reply to: #2082292

New user

Subject: Took the plunge with a bike
Bought a Trek 2.1T yesterday.  Spent three hours at the bike shop choosing and getting fit, etc, but it was well worth it as it feels great.  Rode 10 miles yesterday and about to go out again.  It is a world more enjoyment than a stationary bike.  It certainly takes some getting used to on some of the traffic roads I was on yesterday, but very enjoyable.  I feel a little hooked on it!

2009-04-25 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2109150

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
leilamckinney - 2009-04-24 8:36 PM

Thanks for the advice about the table on my dashboard. It worked yay!

I read these posts and everyone is so much far ahead of me it is hard not to get discouraged... BUT I won't I promise. I am just fine with my 22 week plan. My 40th birthday is in October and I've never been in a race in my just committing to doing it is a huge thing for me. Anyway..enough of my whining...I'll get there eventually.

And hey...I even bought a bike trailer and pulled my 22 lb 9 month old while I biked today

We all had to start somewhere too.  I promise if you stick to the training plan and continue with consistent workouts like you've had this week you will see improvements.

That bike trailer will be some nice resistance training and no need for a babysitter
2009-04-25 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2109451

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Open!
mammaJaS - 2009-04-25 6:25 AM
disturbed275 - 2009-04-21 9:25 PM
mammaJaS - 2009-04-20 5:15 PM I'm about to head out to a group swim/bike/run - and it's raining which means we'll be on the track. I'm tired and haven't been feeling well but hopefully it's a good night!

On another note (and a q in here)... I've been struggling with eating control this week - I wish I could say that my weight gain was baby weight but it wasn't. I've lost all but 5lbs of baby weight and if you read my intro you'll know how much more i need to lose. a lot. I find when I'm tired i eat more. Tonight after workout - I'll try to just have a glass of O.J. Is that enough to replace my glycogen stores (term I just heard)? Is it necessary to eat more for recovery?

Ooh a recovery question. I almost missed this one. Of course there are differing opinions on this as well, but there is some general consensus.

Replenishing your glycogen stores within 2 hours of a workout is generally a good idea. There is some research to suggest that taking in both carbs and protein is the most beneficial way of doing this. The protein helps to repair muscle and also aids in uptake of the carbs. I've read both a 3:1 or a 4:1 carb to protein ratio is a good general guideline. This can be done with a variety of food sources or liquid sources such as chocolate milk or some whey protein and water. So while OJ is a good start I would add in some protein too.

There are drinks and bars and such designed specifically for recovery. I've experimented with some but none have really stood out for me. I will generally take in even more protein than suggested. For short workouts (1 hr or less) I'll stick with chocolate milk. For longer workouts I'll generally mix whey protein with water within a half hour and then eat a meal within 2 hours.

okay, no that i'm not LOVING an excuse to work in chocolate milk, but is it better than a glass of milk? And thanks for the info!!!

I think the reasoning behind the chocolate milk is that it has slightly over double the carbs of regular milk because of the added sugar.  So in that sense just adding some nestle quick to a glass a regular glass of milk will serve the same purpose.  
2009-04-25 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2109482

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Took the plunge with a bike
jeffbank2 - 2009-04-25 7:16 AM Bought a Trek 2.1T yesterday. Spent three hours at the bike shop choosing and getting fit, etc, but it was well worth it as it feels great. Rode 10 miles yesterday and about to go out again. It is a world more enjoyment than a stationary bike. It certainly takes some getting used to on some of the traffic roads I was on yesterday, but very enjoyable. I feel a little hooked on it!

Glad you like the new bike!  IMO, a good bike fit is totally worth it.  And yes road riding is so much better.  There were a few days in early spring when I went out in the high 30s because I was so sick of spinning in place inside.

Happy riding!
2009-04-25 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
I hope the group is having a great weekend so far!  I just got back from my first big race of the year, a half marathon.  Despite some cold, rainy, and windy conditions I managed to set a new PR.  It was a good morning
2009-04-25 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2109866

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
disturbed275 - 2009-04-25 7:02 PM

I hope the group is having a great weekend so far!  I just got back from my first big race of the year, a half marathon.  Despite some cold, rainy, and windy conditions I managed to set a new PR.  It was a good morning

Awesome Neal, well done, just resting up before my Sprint Tri in the morning


2009-04-25 3:32 PM
in reply to: #2109866

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
disturbed275 - 2009-04-25 2:02 PM I hope the group is having a great weekend so far!  I just got back from my first big race of the year, a half marathon.  Despite some cold, rainy, and windy conditions I managed to set a new PR.  It was a good morning

Oh man, PR's feels pretty awesome, eh?! Enjoy the recovery!
2009-04-25 3:34 PM
in reply to: #2109950

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
njcavill65 - 2009-04-25 3:33 PM
disturbed275 - 2009-04-25 7:02 PM I hope the group is having a great weekend so far!  I just got back from my first big race of the year, a half marathon.  Despite some cold, rainy, and windy conditions I managed to set a new PR.  It was a good morning
Awesome Neal, well done, just resting up before my Sprint Tri in the morning Cav

have fun!!!!!
2009-04-25 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2082292

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
I missed the dashboard advice, how do I get that pretty thing on my blog?

2009-04-25 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2109150

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!

I turned 44 on Friday!  I've only ever really raced against myself - and that is the neatest thing about this sport.  In the end, it is an individual sport - while there are other competitors, unless you want to "compete" against them - you don't have to - you can use them as a barometer for how YOU are improving realtive to the group as a whole.

Yay for us "old" timers!

2009-04-25 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2110051

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
mammaJaS - 2009-04-25 3:40 PM I missed the dashboard advice, how do I get that pretty thing on my blog?

Try this:

I think I finally got the table figured out.  I had to slog through some html (which I know nothing about) but it appears to be working.  All you will need to do is highlight the table below and past it into your dashboard.  The dashboard is at the top of your log.  Just click on the edit button and it should open.  Let me know if you have problems.  I have had my fair share of frustrations copying tables.  Alternately I think you can copy it straight from my blog too

Disturbed275's Mentor Group

Disturbed275 - Neal
fungi32 - Kip
jeffbank2 - Jeff
njcavill65 - Cav
lewist - Travis
rig985- Brigid
thebrayon - Luc
Nimhendrix - Nicki
fire eagle- Darren
leilamckinney - Leila
cmgonzolez - Cristina
sundevil87 - Thom
Ryden111 - Ryan
thortonma - Mark



2009-04-25 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2110118

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
sundevil87 - 2009-04-25 4:19 PM

I turned 44 on Friday! I've only ever really raced against myself - and that is the neatest thing about this sport. In the end, it is an individual sport - while there are other competitors, unless you want to "compete" against them - you don't have to - you can use them as a barometer for how YOU are improving realtive to the group as a whole.

Yay for us "old" timers!

Happy belated birthday Thom!  I'll agree with you on what's so great about this sport.  There is only a handful of people who will compete for a podium spot.  The rest of them are out there racing for very personal reasons.  Whether it be to just finish or set a new PR, they are ultimately out there for themselves and that is great!
2009-04-25 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2109866

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Congrats on the PR Laughing and I agree yah for the old timers I am also 44

Edited by fungi32 2009-04-25 10:11 PM
2009-04-26 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2110574

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
fungi32 - 2009-04-26 4:09 AM

Congrats on the PR Laughing and I agree yah for the old timers I am also 44

Wow its the 44 year old club, count me in I'm a paid up member too!
2009-04-26 7:44 AM
in reply to: #2082292

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Hi Peeps

David Lloyd Lincoln Sprint Triathlon (became a duathlon) 26/04/09

Well that was a blast! The day started poorly as because of technical problems the pool could not be used so the event became a sprint duathlon instead (not too unhappy as my swimming is poor). Conditions were great, quite warm and sunny but a bit breezy, we started in waves of six. The first run was a 1.44 mile run (including the run into transition), which I did in 9mins 32 seconds (average of 6m 37s per mile). The bike course lasted 14.77 miles, pretty good, one nasty steep hill at 2 miles which was a challenge but the rest pretty ok, head wind for a long drag but not too bad. The final run was fun, wow Mr Wobbly Legs to start but I soon found a decent rhythm and did the 2.82 miles in 19 mins 28 seconds (average of 6m 54s per mile). Total time for the event was 1 hour 18m 57 seconds.

Pretty pleased with the effort, no real dramas, felt comfy and really enjoyed it! I’ll post the split and transition times once the results come in and I can now unexpectedly say I’m a duathlete as well as triathlete!

Have a crazy day peeps x
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