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2009-05-07 12:10 AM
in reply to: #2099961


Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Reading the discussion above, I can see that swimming will likely hold many challenges for me in the future!

Today was my very first time swimming laps! I was pretty nervous heading to the community center, but I asked for a little advice from the pool staff. I only did 15 minutes, which was what I had planned. It was hard, but fun! I swam in the slow lane and started with breaststroke, but soon switched to freestyle and found that to be more comfortable. 

I am already a bit sore in my arms and shoulder, but will be heading back for more swimming fun on Friday! If anyone has advice or resources for a very novice swimmer, that'd be great! Thanks!

2009-05-07 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2135664

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

larelsail - 2009-05-06 10:10 PM

Reading the discussion above, I can see that swimming will likely hold many challenges for me in the future!

Today was my very first time swimming laps! I was pretty nervous heading to the community center, but I asked for a little advice from the pool staff. I only did 15 minutes, which was what I had planned. It was hard, but fun! I swam in the slow lane and started with breaststroke, but soon switched to freestyle and found that to be more comfortable. 

I am already a bit sore in my arms and shoulder, but will be heading back for more swimming fun on Friday! If anyone has advice or resources for a very novice swimmer, that'd be great! Thanks!

Great Job! Check these out, it will help you to continue good progress, ask away with any questions, swimming is very technical and technique driven so allow yourself time to get familiar with it all, at first it can be overwhelming!

Novice swimmer series

Workout 1

Workout 2

Workout 3



2009-05-07 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
i'll definitly be checking those drills out! that is what i need
2009-05-07 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Mike, you use Patron shots on the bike, must be a low cal thing!

I had a question about bike cadence, what's your opinion on changing my natural cadence which happens to be around 75. I feel comfortable mashing but now looking back I think I spent too much energy and strength maintaining that cadence and it may have contributed to my current condition with ITBS. I notice most people I ride with spin faster than me, but I cant always judge because I dont know what gear they are in. When I start riding again, should I be aiming for 90-95 rpm on my long rides? I have never spent much time in this cadence range other than some spinerval trainer stuff, to me a cadence higher than 80 exhausts me and I downshift into my comfort zone.

2009-05-07 11:56 PM
in reply to: #2137541

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
nevergivin - 2009-05-07 4:36 PM

Mike, you use Patron shots on the bike, must be a low cal thing!

I had a question about bike cadence, what's your opinion on changing my natural cadence which happens to be around 75. I feel comfortable mashing but now looking back I think I spent too much energy and strength maintaining that cadence and it may have contributed to my current condition with ITBS. I notice most people I ride with spin faster than me, but I cant always judge because I dont know what gear they are in. When I start riding again, should I be aiming for 90-95 rpm on my long rides? I have never spent much time in this cadence range other than some spinerval trainer stuff, to me a cadence higher than 80 exhausts me and I downshift into my comfort zone.

HA!! the patron was actually a couple hrs before my ride, not during i may have to try that though!! 

Bike cadence ---i used and still do when i go hard - mash gears.  i think i used to spin around 80 or so, i didn't have a cadence sensor so who knows.  i like doing the higher spinning stuff because once you get used to it, it is just easier to go faster. . its like running or swimming where you get in a zone and your legs just move. . plus high cadence is supposed to be good for bike to run.

what i have been doing (per coach's orders) is spinning high cadence for the first 20 mins or so (Warm up), around 95-100. . then during my main sets i'm usually shooting for the 90-95. i think my really comfortable zone now is around 92-93. . 90 feels a little slow, 100 is too high. of course, when i climb i'm at 65-75, depending. . it probably helps that my cassette is a 12-27 (read, pansy cassette), which is good for hills. . not so much for downhills, or if i have a tailwind. . my race wheels have a manly 11-23 or 25 (can't remember) - and it has big boy gears!
2009-05-08 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

 All of the training plans and articles I have seen lately stress 90-95 rpm for better efficiency, and I relate that to less injuries and better speed over the duration of the ride and run. I am positive that most people that pass me during a race use this training approach with biking and running. I actually enjoy watching runners with high cadence, to me it looks effortless. My problem is when biking  I'm good for about 20 miles at 20+mph then I wreck my average, running I'm a wreck period. What's weird is at Wildflower , I would get passed on the flats, stay even on the climbs, and leave them in the dust on the downhills, only to get passed again on the flats. Downhills seem to be a strength, this is usually when I pass others, not sure if its because its my weight (185) or riding position.

My overall plan is to come back stronger and faster, one thing I will focus on is run and bike cadence. I am convinced that certain things improve your overall racing ability, I believe this is one that I have completely overlooked. Improving my core strength is another! You will see these on my goals now!

2009-05-08 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
i recommend starting out short and easy with the bike - do 20 mile rides and just focus on 90-95 rpm's. . forget about your average speed, it will come.  do you have a cadence sensor on your bike computer?  if not, i recommend the cat eye strada - it is rather sexy and works well
2009-05-08 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Thats what I have, its wired so that I can get speed off the rear wheel when its on my trainer.


2009-05-10 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
what did everyone do over the weekend? i got some good workouts in, and now im at work, trying to finish stuff
2009-05-11 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Had great weather this past weekend, Sunday I swam at Nationals for Masters short course. It was a blast and I was there with my family so we had mothers day lunch at the Cheesecake Factory after.

I did not swim as well as I wanted, It was a good experience for me and I have  a ton of training to do when I get healthy ,I want to take some lessons so that Im faster in more events.

I saw Rowdy Gaines break the national record in 100 free (46:59) in mens 50-54 age.

Fastest time in my event was a 50 breast (24:98) Sick Fast! I swam a 35:14.

2009-05-11 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Double Post

Edited by nevergivin 2009-05-11 3:15 PM

2009-05-12 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Got home from the Santa Barbara fire last night.  Unfortunately, I missed my first sprint tri on Sunday and a whole week of training!  Looking forward to getting back on track today.
2009-05-13 1:42 AM
in reply to: #2099961


Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
I am reporting back after 1 week of stress = no workouts and a trip to England on the weekend.

unfortunately I got absolutely no training in for a while now because of stress at work and in my private life and then going on holiday friday-sunday to London. Now it is wednesday and I have managed to leave most of the stress behind me. Work is ok again, the apartment is clean and tidy and everything is well. I must confess I needed yesterday to re-motivate myself to get back to working out today.

I will have a short bike/run tdy, havent decided yet and then do some strength training since I have to go to a gallery opening at 7 today there is not much time . but I think the most important is to get back to the workout today even if its only a short one to regain the routine.
2009-05-13 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
sometimes a little time off can really do the trick to remotivate and get your body back up and running!  life gets in the way for sure, but that is ok. . this has been really tough for me lately, i have been doing much more scheduled and higher volume then im used to, and i feel worn town, constantly fatigued, and just mentally not into it. . i am playing it by feel and taking a little more rest as needed. . after my key race in a few weeks, i may take a little break to get back in the game! 
2009-05-13 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

X2 on the break, its working for me!

2009-05-16 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Mike, I wanted to get your take on this! Recently I saw an article that explained in simple terms how a training program is structured, this is important to me to understand because I always need to modify my programs to fit my lifestyle and amount of time I can dedicate due to family activities, and my last plan I screwed up badly!

The article outlined most programs consist of three phases of equal length,(base,intensity,peak) I realize there may be different terms for the different phases but it seems so simplified. The article goes into brief detail about each phase:

Base-building up endurance using low to moderate intensity

Intensity-High intensity intervals

Peak-longer intervals at race specific pace.

The more I read the more I realized I had screwed up the last 7 months of training, badly! I modified a BT program by D3 and was under the assumption that of the three workouts for each discipline during the week, I should do one shorter workout, one mid distance workout, one long distance workout. What an idiot I am! Other than swimming, I basically didn't do any required tempo and interval workouts necessary for race preperation.

What should my three workouts consist of ? Should it be one tempo, one interval, one long distance? What are your key workouts, and do they change for each phase?

2009-05-18 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
i haven't worked much on breaking workouts into the phases - the last few months would be the only time that i have focused on this.  now, i have just been building base quick since i only had 8 weeks or so before my race when i started following a set plan.
Here is a jist of my key workouts:

Swimming -  intervals, typically varying speed/effort levels and around 3000 yds.
               Something like 200 @ 75%, followed by200@80% followed by 100@90%, rest, repeat a few times

running - i usually have a long run (1:30-1:45) per week, a track workout (3-5 miles of fast running, intervals of 200, 400, 800, 1000 etc, depending on the workout), and every couple weeks i will have a decent brick (45 min run after a long ride)

biking - long ride on the weekend - moderate pace - below 70% HR , as well as some interval work during the week (one day short intervals - 2 to 10 mins, high HR) (one day longer - 20-30 min intervals around 75% effort). 
2009-05-20 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

I spent last Saturday watching local crits, 30-40mph cruising, man they make me look slow! It was fun to watch, they all had great riding skills, I don't know how they accelerate through the turns with inches between front and back wheels and riders leaning on both sides of you, amazing!

2009-05-20 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
yeah, those bike racers are crazy! i think it would be super sketchy to be riding that close and that fast.  . i guess that is why there are a lot of wrecks!
2009-05-22 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

This weekend I'm going to see Reo Speedwagon,Styx,.38 Special, I know its old school rock, but its what I grew up with and 30 years ago was the last concert I went to!

Seems like everyone is very pretty busy here, not much chat!

2009-05-22 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Has anyone come across some good information regarding nutrition during endurance cycling?  Currently, I'm having trouble replacing calories during some of my longer rides (40+ mile on MTB/5-8000 ft elevation).  Making the problem tougher, I can't stomach some good sources of food, such as peanut butter, during my rides.

Right now, my main mixture is dried apricots, nuts, bananas, gels, and builder bars, cytomax, and obviously water.  But, my caloric intake is usually far below expenditure.  I can't stomach eating more bars-gels.  Bananas always taste so good, but can't take the grocery store to the hills!

Have 170 mile endurance-stage race at the end of August, so any information would be greatly appreciated.

2009-05-22 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2167967

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

brick94513 - 2009-05-22 7:51 AM Has anyone come across some good information regarding nutrition during endurance cycling?  Currently, I'm having trouble replacing calories during some of my longer rides (40+ mile on MTB/5-8000 ft elevation).  Making the problem tougher, I can't stomach some good sources of food, such as peanut butter, during my rides.

Right now, my main mixture is dried apricots, nuts, bananas, gels, and builder bars, cytomax, and obviously water.  But, my caloric intake is usually far below expenditure.  I can't stomach eating more bars-gels.  Bananas always taste so good, but can't take the grocery store to the hills!

Have 170 mile endurance-stage race at the end of August, so any information would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried higher calorie drinks, either concentrated or adding a carb supplement? I see allot of people using Carbopro, adding it to thier drinks to get the 250-350 cals per hour. I like to use more solid food if I am riding at a casual pace,Waffles,burrito,pop tarts,etc. If I'm racing I will stick to fluids and gels, or just fluids.

2009-05-22 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Did I read that right: 13.95/bottle?  If so, I could see using it for races, but not on a daily basis.

I have thought about pancakes and pop-tarts, but it becomes a packaging problem for me.  I end up having to pack all this stuff in my CamelBak then stop to get at it.  Once I start my rides, I don't like to stop.  Any thoughts?

Any good literature on the subject?  Would like to read about correct balances of carb, protein, and fat in caloric intake for endurance and proper loading times-windows.

2009-05-22 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2168253

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

brick94513 - 2009-05-22 9:30 AM

Did I read that right: 13.95/bottle?  If so, I could see using it for races, but not on a daily basis.

I have thought about pancakes and pop-tarts, but it becomes a packaging problem for me.  I end up having to pack all this stuff in my CamelBak then stop to get at it.  Once I start my rides, I don't like to stop.  Any thoughts?

Any good literature on the subject?  Would like to read about correct balances of carb, protein, and fat in caloric intake for endurance and proper loading times-windows.

Yes a bit of a sticker shock, just remember its a concentrated bottle, there is 6 servings per bottle which is $2.20 a serving, almost the cost of a gel. Its 200 cals per serving added to sports drink at 110 cals=300 cals. Just thought Id throw it out there , isnt there going to be nutrition stops or aid stations?

I would think you will have to stop at some point for bottle exchanges and potty breaks. Carry two of these Carbopros to mix with your sports drinks as you go. 

A good refrence(very extensive) is Monique's book.

2009-05-22 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
i  tend to use gels (2 to 3 per hour) and i have been using ensure (bought at grocery store, its a meal replacement drink), which i put 1.5 bottles of it in a water bottle, and then water it down (about 375 cals), and then also drink sports drinks.  obviously for something long, over 100 miles, you will need some solid foods.  i don't do many rides that long - but ive had clif bars and odwalla bars, and they work well. . whole food is a pain in the azz because it takes up space - try to get some calorie dense stuff, but stuff that won't hurt your stomach (snickers bars have worked for me, protein bars etc). 
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