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2009-10-02 3:29 PM
in reply to: #2426990


Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
I was wondering, with meals that are prepared at home, how can you accurately estimate the amount calories you are consuming? Or is it necessary to only eat foods that you can count? Or do you have to do each ingredient seperately? Just looking for some thoughts. Thanks.

2009-10-02 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2439637

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
jlseid - 2009-10-02 4:29 PM I was wondering, with meals that are prepared at home, how can you accurately estimate the amount calories you are consuming? Or is it necessary to only eat foods that you can count? Or do you have to do each ingredient seperately? Just looking for some thoughts. Thanks.

I use Calorie King which is a calorie counting program. I enter all the ingredients after weighing or measuring them and save it as a meal then calculate what percentage of what I made I ate...then put in what every that percentage is like 18% of meal and Calorie King calculates calories, carbs, protein, fat. Once you save it, it is easier the next time.

It takes me 3-4' a day to input what I eat.

Eating at home is best way to control what is in the food you consume.

Edited by KathyG 2009-10-02 4:04 PM
2009-10-02 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2439637

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
jlseid - 2009-10-02 1:29 PM I was wondering, with meals that are prepared at home, how can you accurately estimate the amount calories you are consuming? Or is it necessary to only eat foods that you can count? Or do you have to do each ingredient seperately? Just looking for some thoughts. Thanks.

I vote that its more important to measure portion size and figure calories based on that, food scales are becoming more popular specifivally to loose weight. Biggest loser preaches 4 oz of protien each meal, I say the size of your fist as a good guess if you don't have a scale.
2009-10-02 5:47 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Augusta, Georgia
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
I know i'm a day late for the start...but can I still join in?  First off, I'd like to say that I am in awe of all of you with children and spouses and still being able to train and everything!!! I have me, myself, and i (and two fur children) and I find it hard sometimes...Tongue out

Ok, so a bit of my backround a teenager I was a distance runner and fell in to the trap that many type A female distance runners do...the obsessive weight loss and being underweight (I am 5'10" and weighed about 105 at HS graduation)...went off to college, decided not to run so that I could get to a healthy weight...but started rowing, became a lightweight rower...and the same old obsessive weight loss and exercise happened.  then, i yo-yoed the other way, went from 105 to 190 (still exercised a lot, but ate more than is imagineable) then back down to 120...then back was the vicious battle of restricting and then bingeing over and over and over.  obsessive calorie counting and obsessive exercise ruled me from the time i was 15 until about 23. it's surprising that i was able to get through school because, i swear, food and exercise was ALL i thought about.

Now, 5 years later, I've settled at 155ish.  And, I'm finally ok with food for the most part.  And even more spectacularly, I'm no longer at war with my body (no more looking at pictures or in the mirror and being disgusted)...I'm even happy with my body.  and the wonderfulness of my day isn't determined by a number on the scale or how much i can exercise or how little i can eat. But, I'd really like to lose about 10 to 15lbs (taking me to 140-145lbs), which would still keep me in the healthy range but would hopefully help me pick my running speed back up (I'm far slower than I was in college and high school).

ok...for the facts:
start: 155
goal: 140

Edited by pennylope 2009-10-02 5:48 PM
2009-10-02 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2439875

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
pennylope - 2009-10-02 12:47 PM I know i'm a day late for the start...but can I still join in?  First off, I'd like to say that I am in awe of all of you with children and spouses and still being able to train and everything!!! I have me, myself, and i (and two fur children) and I find it hard sometimes...Tongue out

Ok, so a bit of my backround a teenager I was a distance runner and fell in to the trap that many type A female distance runners do...the obsessive weight loss and being underweight (I am 5'10" and weighed about 105 at HS graduation)...went off to college, decided not to run so that I could get to a healthy weight...but started rowing, became a lightweight rower...and the same old obsessive weight loss and exercise happened.  then, i yo-yoed the other way, went from 105 to 190 (still exercised a lot, but ate more than is imagineable) then back down to 120...then back was the vicious battle of restricting and then bingeing over and over and over.  obsessive calorie counting and obsessive exercise ruled me from the time i was 15 until about 23. it's surprising that i was able to get through school because, i swear, food and exercise was ALL i thought about.

Now, 5 years later, I've settled at 155ish.  And, I'm finally ok with food for the most part.  And even more spectacularly, I'm no longer at war with my body (no more looking at pictures or in the mirror and being disgusted)...I'm even happy with my body.  and the wonderfulness of my day isn't determined by a number on the scale or how much i can exercise or how little i can eat. But, I'd really like to lose about 10 to 15lbs (taking me to 140-145lbs), which would still keep me in the healthy range but would hopefully help me pick my running speed back up (I'm far slower than I was in college and high school).

ok...for the facts:
start: 155
goal: 140

Welcome Penny!  That is great that you are at peace with your body ~ not something a lot of folks can say!  I know I am finally happy to be where I am but I can honestly say that I still look in the mirror and see the things I would like to change/fix about my body.  With that being said, I am a work in progress (in soooo many ways ) and each passing day brings me closer to that total peace of mind! 
2009-10-02 7:48 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
I guess I never officially stated my goals..... I think I was at 146 when this challenge started, and I would like to get down to about 140 by the end of the year.

2009-10-02 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2439637

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
jlseid - 2009-10-02 10:29 AM I was wondering, with meals that are prepared at home, how can you accurately estimate the amount calories you are consuming? Or is it necessary to only eat foods that you can count? Or do you have to do each ingredient seperately? Just looking for some thoughts. Thanks.

Luckily I do more simple meals than not so it's fairly easy to calculate however when I do multiple ingredient meals I basically do the same thing Kathy suggested and break it down by ingredient.  Also, I am fortunate enough to have a few cookbooks (that I mainly use) that have the nutritional facts included.  With more complex meals it is often times more of a guesstimate than anything but at least gives me an idea.

Edited by Happychick 2009-10-02 8:31 PM
2009-10-02 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Well, I have to say that I am doing much better on my eating these last few days.  I'm thinking the combination of making a few tweaks to my eating times (for I have lately been struggling with feeling starved all day), logging every morsel of food in my BT log (which makes me think twice about actually putting something in my mouth), and the start of this challenge have all contributed.  Now let's just hope it keeps working!
2009-10-02 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Is it too late for me to join in? I have already lost over 60 pounds, but still have a long way to go. I would love to drop 20 pounds by the end of the year.
2009-10-04 6:53 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Newark, Delaware
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

I hope everyone is having a good weekend.  During my run yesterday, I was thinking more about this challenge and what my motivation is to make it until Christmas (because it's going to be tough!).  For the very first time, I am crystal clear about my reasons for wanting to drop weight.  I have a goal in mind for CDA, and I know that one of the requirements I need to achieve to reach that goal is dropping weight.  I had a bad experience at IMLP this past summer, so to make sure I stayed focused on my goals, I put my LP bib numbers up in my kitchen and living room (where my TV and trainer are), and a sign with my goal time. I even put a sign by my desk at work, because that's always where the 3 p.m. munchies hit me.

It's working, for me, anyway. I'm being much better about logging and understanding the sacrifice it's going to take to lose.  I think the clarity of goals was missing in seasons past.  This is the first time my primary motivation to lose weight hasn't been to look better - it's to perform better. 

Good luck going into the second week!

2009-10-04 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Extreme Veteran
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Um, judging by your pics it, the only way for you to lose weight would be to lop off your ears or toes or something. Let me know if that works for speedCool.   

2009-10-04 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2440188

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
BunnyB - 2009-10-02 4:22 PM Is it too late for me to join in? I have already lost over 60 pounds, but still have a long way to go. I would love to drop 20 pounds by the end of the year.

By all means, feel free to jump on board Melissa!!   Just let us know what your goals are and join in!
2009-10-04 11:09 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Oh what a weekend!  I spent three days cooking, eating, indulging in desserts, drinking wine, and having a great time with four girlfriends.  I do have to say that all of us are active, and the weekend did consist of two good runs and one two and a half hour hike.  Needless to say, my week ahead will consist of vegetables and lean protein.  I didn't track my food all weekend, and am back to it tomorrow.  I can't live tracking food 365 days per year without a mental break!  Before I left for the trip, I weighed in at 155.8.  Weight is a crazy thing.  A few days prior, I weighed in at 160 something.  I weigh myself about every other day first thing in the morning, and I guess water has much to do with the number on the scale.  I know 4-5 pounds of body mass just can't be gained or lost in a week.  We'll see what the scale says tomorrow.  All I know is that I want it to say 145 at the end of December!

Two big things this week: Tomorrow I'm registering for swim lessons that focus on technique!  The lessons start on 11/2.  And, one week from today, I'm getting new pedals on my bike and will start bike commuting to work at least once per week after that.  Other than that, running and strength training are going great.  

Have a great start to the week all!
2009-10-05 12:51 AM
in reply to: #2442423

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
justtrichris - 2009-10-04 6:09 PM Oh what a weekend!  I spent three days cooking, eating, indulging in desserts, drinking wine, and having a great time with four girlfriends.  I do have to say that all of us are active, and the weekend did consist of two good runs and one two and a half hour hike.  Needless to say, my week ahead will consist of vegetables and lean protein.  I didn't track my food all weekend, and am back to it tomorrow.  I can't live tracking food 365 days per year without a mental break!  Before I left for the trip, I weighed in at 155.8.  Weight is a crazy thing.  A few days prior, I weighed in at 160 something.  I weigh myself about every other day first thing in the morning, and I guess water has much to do with the number on the scale.  I know 4-5 pounds of body mass just can't be gained or lost in a week.  We'll see what the scale says tomorrow.  All I know is that I want it to say 145 at the end of December!

Two big things this week: Tomorrow I'm registering for swim lessons that focus on technique!  The lessons start on 11/2.  And, one week from today, I'm getting new pedals on my bike and will start bike commuting to work at least once per week after that.  Other than that, running and strength training are going great.  

Have a great start to the week all! 

What a weekend indeed!   How far of a commute will it be for you?
2009-10-05 12:54 AM
in reply to: #2426990

New user

Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Sweet, I'd love to join, even if a few days late (I've just come across this thread).  I have only recently starting exercising and dieting, after many many years of doing nothing of the sort.

I was 227 pounds on October 1st (am now 229, after making a heroic attempt last night to see how much food I could stuff in at a restaurant - quite a bit, it turns out).

I am hoping to keep up an average weight loss of around 2 pounds per week, and would love to weigh in at a svelte 205 pounds by Christmas.   

2009-10-05 2:26 AM
in reply to: #2442387

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-10-04 8:30 PM

By all means, feel free to jump on board Melissa!!   Just let us know what your goals are and join in!

Thanks!  I'm in for 20 pounds.

2009-10-05 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Well I did not do myself any favors this weekend.  Headed out camping with the family and drank to many beers and ate a rediculous amount of shelled peanuts (will not buy these things again, ever).  I am up 2 lbs after a weekend of gluttony!  What's worse is I only got 1 run in and it was only 5 miles.  I was supposed to finish a 12 mile run to keep on track for my HM in 2 weeks.  Ughh.  Going to try and get it in tonight after work.
2009-10-05 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Finally weighed in to get my start weight: 151.2
Goal: 135

Will weigh in with everyone on Thursday to get on track with the actual weigh-in day.
2009-10-05 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2442459

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
tbeanerman - 2009-10-04 7:54 PM

Sweet, I'd love to join, even if a few days late (I've just come across this thread).  I have only recently starting exercising and dieting, after many many years of doing nothing of the sort.

I was 227 pounds on October 1st (am now 229, after making a heroic attempt last night to see how much food I could stuff in at a restaurant - quite a bit, it turns out).

I am hoping to keep up an average weight loss of around 2 pounds per week, and would love to weigh in at a svelte 205 pounds by Christmas.

Welcome to the challenge and congrats on deciding to take on this wonderful journey!

2009-10-05 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2442746

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Batlou - 2009-10-05 3:44 AM Well I did not do myself any favors this weekend.  Headed out camping with the family and drank to many beers and ate a rediculous amount of shelled peanuts (will not buy these things again, ever).  I am up 2 lbs after a weekend of gluttony!  What's worse is I only got 1 run in and it was only 5 miles.  I was supposed to finish a 12 mile run to keep on track for my HM in 2 weeks.  Ughh.  Going to try and get it in tonight after work.

Aaaah, camping!  I love camping!! 

BTW, did you get your run in?
2009-10-05 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2435839

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

I was 360 on the scale at the gym, but not sure how far it's off since it wasn't properly balanced.  I'll go with it, but I'm scheduling a body composition test for Saturday, so I'll have a more accurate number then.  Goal for the challenge is 24 pounds less by Christmas (2 lbs/week).

Monumental FAIL on the body comp test from Saturday.  I went to a place that was supposed to have a BodPod (I originally had it done in February), which does body composition using air instead of underwater weighing.  I get there only to find they got rid of it because they didn't have enough people using it during the winter months.  So I'm going to have to go with the scale at the gym and assume a starting weight of 360 with a goal of 326 by Christmas.

2009-10-06 8:31 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Well I pretty much sucked at last week. I weighed 139 on Friday which was good but weighed 142 today. I think some of that has to do with the Chinese food I ate on Saturday.

I also need to get more serious about logging my food. I'm really good about eating healthy, balanced stuff for breakfast and lunch but waiting for dinner kills me. I'm at home with the parents right now and they eat later than I was used to on my own. The stretch between lunch and dinner is far too long and I end up snacking and eating too much at dinner because I'm starving. I guess I could try two smaller lunches or a planned healthy snack. I can't wait to move out on my own (need a job first--working hard on that) I tend to eat a lot healthier when I'm cooking for myself.

I also need to drink more. I'm definitely dehydrated and need to start using my big Klean Kanteen again.

Other than that, I got my bike back so I've started riding again and I have a great strength/interval dvd that I like a lot. It's getting too cold for me here so I'm going to be doing most of my stuff indoors now.

How's everyone else doing? I hope you had better weeks than I did, but I guess this was a wake up call that I'm going to have to work harder to stay on track.
2009-10-06 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2443276

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-10-05 12:06 PM
Batlou - 2009-10-05 3:44 AM Well I did not do myself any favors this weekend.  Headed out camping with the family and drank to many beers and ate a rediculous amount of shelled peanuts (will not buy these things again, ever).  I am up 2 lbs after a weekend of gluttony!  What's worse is I only got 1 run in and it was only 5 miles.  I was supposed to finish a 12 mile run to keep on track for my HM in 2 weeks.  Ughh.  Going to try and get it in tonight after work.

Aaaah, camping!  I love camping!! 

BTW, did you get your run in?

Did not get my run in over the weekend but was able to do 11 last night.  First 9 were great and felt good then the wheels just completely fell off.  Ended up walking more than running the last 2 miles.  Goal was 12 miles but fear of injury stopped me at 11.
2009-10-06 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2443337

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
d2lock - 2009-10-05 12:25 PM

I was 360 on the scale at the gym, but not sure how far it's off since it wasn't properly balanced.  I'll go with it, but I'm scheduling a body composition test for Saturday, so I'll have a more accurate number then.  Goal for the challenge is 24 pounds less by Christmas (2 lbs/week).

Monumental FAIL on the body comp test from Saturday.  I went to a place that was supposed to have a BodPod (I originally had it done in February), which does body composition using air instead of underwater weighing.  I get there only to find they got rid of it because they didn't have enough people using it during the winter months.  So I'm going to have to go with the scale at the gym and assume a starting weight of 360 with a goal of 326 by Christmas.

I need to figure out how to get one of these test done.  My original weight loss goal was 175 and I am almost there.  I know I need to drop another 15-20 but not sure how much exactly.  I am thinking this would help me understand where I need to be and how low I can go and still be healthy.
2009-10-06 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2444825

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

firenze11 - 2009-10-06 8:31 AM Well I pretty much sucked at last week. I weighed 139 on Friday which was good but weighed 142 today. I think some of that has to do with the Chinese food I ate on Saturday. I also need to get more serious about logging my food. I'm really good about eating healthy, balanced stuff for breakfast and lunch but waiting for dinner kills me. I'm at home with the parents right now and they eat later than I was used to on my own. The stretch between lunch and dinner is far too long and I end up snacking and eating too much at dinner because I'm starving. I guess I could try two smaller lunches or a planned healthy snack. I can't wait to move out on my own (need a job first--working hard on that) I tend to eat a lot healthier when I'm cooking for myself. I also need to drink more. I'm definitely dehydrated and need to start using my big Klean Kanteen again. Other than that, I got my bike back so I've started riding again and I have a great strength/interval dvd that I like a lot. It's getting too cold for me here so I'm going to be doing most of my stuff indoors now. How's everyone else doing? I hope you had better weeks than I did, but I guess this was a wake up call that I'm going to have to work harder to stay on track.

I just made a commitment this week to start logging my nutrition on this site.  I had used Fitday in the past but I like the idea of a one stop shop.  Will do both for about a week and see how they compare.

I am making chinese tonight but subbing Shirataki noodles for the rice/noodles in my stir fry.  Looking really forward to it as I have not had chinese in a long time.

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