BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010! Rss Feed  
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2009-12-28 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2578964

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
Cant wait to hear how the marathon training is going and hope everyone is getting ready for 2010! Set your goals and use the site to help manage your training. I really enjoy watching the numbers...I'll post my 2009 recap soon...I have data from 2008 to compare too which is so cool.

I had the opportunity to run Boston last year on an invite. (I work for AT&T and we are a corporate sponsor)...let me tell you that race is no joke! Heartbreak Hill is brutal.  Qualifying is quite an accomplishment....go for it!

Mentor Group, here's another tip for you!

Triathlon Training Tip #2
Fuel Your Body

Running and bike stores stock an array of energy gels, drinks, and supplements. Energy gels and blocks are easy to carry in the pouch of a fuel belt and will keep your energy level high and your performance at its peak on race day. Every body has different needs so it will take some experimenting to figure out what works for your body.

(Side note: I personally use Hammer trainer Nicki got me on Hammer Gels, Heed, Enduralytes and Recoverite...awesome and all natural)

Happy Holidays and early 2010!

Edited by pastoops 2009-12-28 5:25 PM

2009-12-29 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
Got a Spinervals 101 bike sesion planed for this afternoon, First time to do one of the DVD'd I bought a few right before christmas and plan to use them to build my bike up.  What does everyoen else have planed for today?
2009-12-29 11:54 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: ---

Edited by Kristen8040 2009-12-30 12:10 AM
2009-12-29 11:54 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
Merry Christmas to me!!!!!


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2009-12-30 7:24 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
Nice have you go to take it for a ride yet?
2009-12-30 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2583367

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
Sweet! What a great xmas gift...can't wait to hear how it rides...

2009-12-30 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
and on another note...temps are pretty chilly here in N.C....did a 7+ mile run on Monday with my brother in law around Chapel Hill and then a strong and long bike ride on Tuesday in the same area....almost 36 miles...and since I hadn't been on the road bike since my 70.3 I was one hurtin' pup....

I was riding on a rented bike, although a fitted on (56" frame Cannondale) and it felt good...but my brother in laws and family friend ride a lot more than me...and holy sh*t they kicked my butt...but I guess it was was cold when we started at 3:00..(42 deg) and it got colder as we went. It was a true 'rolling hill' ride with some pretty good climbs...not much flat to spin out on that's for sure.

overall I was happy because I had not really been bike training in over 14 weeks and my general aerobic fitness felt good....just my legs didn't have the strength...

now I have a baseline to work from as I move into 2010.

happy early new year everyone!
2009-12-30 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
Phil sounds like a good ride, glad you got some workouts in.


I have been focused on my running more than anything.  I think I'm fixed on that because I have a previous expectation or base line from past running, before letting myself get out of shape.  Here is a question, do any of you that have fell out of shape and tried to return to previous run times find that your endurance develops faster than speed?   I'm up to 8 miles this past Sunday it felt good.  But I'm still SLOOWW even if I run a shorter run say 3 miles!!! Basicaly I can run either at about same pace any faster and I blow up,  It feels fast but the clock says other wise...  So in general does endurance improve first then speed increases as you go.  What has been your experience with this if you have any?   
2009-12-30 5:06 PM
in reply to: #2557655

Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)

I believe that I am in that same situation.  I have been running for about 5 years now, have done a couple marathons and some half marathons as well.  My fastest 5k was 23:45 and best half marathon was at a 8.57 minute mile pace.  Now, after a couple years of consistent injuries, I too am stuck in a rut.  Until I used a weird technique to better my running style, I was running at a 12 minute mile pace.  I currently am at a pace between 9-10 and can't seem to break it.  My friend who started running 2 months ago, is already surpassing my times.  I too am stuck as to what to do. 

One thing I may try again is the weird technique that brought me out of my injury prone ways.  I don't know if anybody has heard of these, but they are called vibram five fingers.  I got the KSO version and although quite weird looking, they worked like a charm.  Its basically barefoot running, but with a very thin layer of rubber protecting you from some of this world elements (glass, small rocks, etc).  These helped me in changing my form of running so I wasn't heal running.  After one jolt up the leg after landing on my heal in those, i didn't want to do it again.  I took it slow, because it works leg muscles you didn't even know were there, but it brought my speed down and fast too.  They aren't winter shoes whatsoever (ran a 5k in them, not good), but they are a new feeling of running and are extremely great in slippery/wet conditions.  Anyway, this is an option that I'm using, may not work/appeal to everyone, but its an option because it builds your feet and legs to be more powerful.
2009-12-30 6:20 PM
in reply to: #2583505

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
SAWFISH50 - 2009-12-29 8:24 AMNice have you go to take it for a ride yet?
Took it out that day for a test drive in New Jersey 23 degree weather before buying it, but in 30 mile per hour winds, I didn't stay on it for long. After going from a mountain bike to road, I still have to get used to where the gears are located, but hopefully I'll have a few nice days after the new year!
2009-12-30 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2584212

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
  Here is a question, do any of you that have fell out of shape and tried to return to previous run times find that your endurance develops faster than speed?   I'm up to 8 miles this past Sunday it felt good.  But I'm still SLOOWW even if I run a shorter run say 3 miles!!! Basicaly I can run either at about same pace any faster and I blow up,  It feels fast but the clock says other wise...  So in general does endurance improve first then speed increases as you go.  What has been your experience with this if you have any?   

I'm not sure if I can answer that question effectively BUT I believe that there is some correlation between both and I don't necessarily believe that they develop independent of each other. I was running without any coaching and/or direction in 2008 and half of 2009 and focusing on endurance only as I was planning on running some marathons...I struggled through Boston and wasn't happy with my results.

During my training, I wasn't worried about getting faster..I just thought it would happen as I got 'fitter'...frankly it didn't until I went to a running coach after the Boston Marathon at my Y who analyzed my running form and stride. Basically I wasn't using my arms....and I needed to start working counting strides to improve my 'leg turnover'...I was to work on getting to '90' foot falls of the left foot per minute...this took some focus to get to..I was starting in the 70's when he did my basically counting strides was equal to speed work....I followed his advice and started to pick up speed nicely and completed a training run of 12 miles averaging 8 min miles...fastest I had run in ages.

Now, I havent' worked on my running speed or endurance since my tri...I've done some 90 minute runs indoors and some just one 7 mile run outdoors...but once I get into the real training season I'll start doing some endurance runs at lower pace and then some interval work to improve speed...done in combination I would expect to get back to the 7:30 to 8 min mile pace by mid-season. (if not earlier)

I would recommend finding a running coach or getting a run analysis done by a professional in your area. Mine only cost $40 and it was the best $$ I spent last year on training. Also look up running plans here on beg tri and/or google how to pick up speed while running....I think you'll find some good plans...


2009-12-30 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2585017

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
Brent I guess alot of it is that I am expecting to undo 3 years of non activity and be where I use to be really quick.  It would be easier if I was completly new and didnt know that in 2006 I could run a 5k in the 21 minute range.  I have had no injury problems at all because I had read and practiced Chirunning before I stoped working out and I started back up using that good form.  Them 5 fingers shoes you listed, I had to laugh because I stoped and looked real hard at them things while Christmas shopping cause I thought they might go well with Chirunnign.  How do they do on a run of say 3 miles. are your feet killing you at first? do you have to ease into using them??
2009-12-31 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2557655

Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)

Yeah, it is something to ease into because running in them isn't as cushy as a regular shoe.  These shoes were really meant for chirunning which is the style of running every person should be doing.  I eased into them.  I have gotten up to about 6 miles in them.  I stopped using them when it got colder and the last time I used the shoes was in a 5k race outside in the snow.  It was darn cold on the feet, they didn't hurt, but once I started running they felt fine, just got cold if you stood for too long or just walked (which I guess is a good thing in a race).  But yeah, they worked for me because they worked muscles in my feet, calves, quads, etc.  I was running 3 miles in regular shoes and the first time I ran in the 5fingers for a couple miles, my calves were sore for about 3 days.  Now, I can't guarantee that they will speed people up, but it just seemed to happen when i used them.
2009-12-31 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
So you have read and use the Chirunning forum also?  It did wonders for me and cured getting shin splints which I use to get all the time. It made me faster it took me from a snail to a Turtle LOL!!!  I have to wonder if you could get simmilar results from just using Aqua sox much cheaper. 
2009-12-31 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2557655

Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
I never used the chirunning forum.  I read "born to run" and that inspired me to try it and my body pretty much forced me to run the correct way so I wasn't in pain every step I took.  As far as the watersocks, I don't know if they would be the same since I haven't tried them.
2009-12-31 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2557655

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
Alright boys and girls, the old year is on the way out and the new one is about to start.  I've looked at my training totals for 2009 and set some goals of 2010.  Its all arbitrary, but its something to shoot for:

Run 1750 miles (2x 2009's total)
Bike 1000 miles (3x 2009's total)
Swim:  100,000 yds (3x 2009's total)

Looking at my 09 numbers, I now realize why the bike leg of my first tri was so awful - I didn't bike nearly as much as I should have.

Here's to 2010!!  Have a great and safe night.

2010-01-03 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2586284

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
Pulled my s/b/r stats for 2009 and compared them to 2008. I wasn't logging my time on BT until March of 2008 so I missed two months. I ultimately logged more 'gym' hours in 2009 than 2008 as I added about 30 additional hours of weight training, core work, etc.

Saw training improvements across the board and DOUBLED the amount of time I spent running this year.


Swim: 37 hours / 93,831 meters or 61.5 miles @ 2:18 per 100m (Improved :19 per 100m)
Bike:  96.4 hours / 1,582 miles @ 18.7 MPH avg. (Improved 1.3 MPH over 2008)
Run:  101 hours / 676 miles @ 9 min/mile avg. Improved :29 per mile over 2008 & DOUBLED mileage.


Swim: 47.5 hours / 108,136 meters or 67 miles and 2:37 per 100 meters
Bike:  86 hours / 1500 miles or 17.4 miles per hour avg)
Run: 54 hours / 342 miles or 9:29 per training mile

Goals for 2010:

Swim: 45 hours / 115,000 meters
Bike:  120 hours  / 2000 miles
Run: 120 hours / 800 miles

Increases in all but I suspect this can be achieved by improved fitness and of course, just more work.

Happy New Year everyone.

2010-01-03 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
Good improvements Phil..  2010 should be even better.  I have plans to ramp up my gym time starting this coming week or next. I am going to join a Cross fit gym I have heard great things about them and looking back I have always ran as a cardio for weight training and in recent years got away form the strenght trainign in favor of more endurance running.  Given the dynamic nature of cross fit I think it will help me in all areas as well as getting down to idea fat and weight%. 

I also scored a Used Road Bike today $100 it rolls and works need a little tune up and love but it will work just fine. It is a Peugeot early to mid 90 model bike with clip-on areo bars. I'll try and get a pic to post in a few days. 
2010-01-03 4:36 PM
in reply to: #2590901

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
Good stuff! The important thing is that we are out there moving our muscles and joints....keepin' things in motion so to speak.
2010-01-03 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
oh yea a little each day add up to big ganes if you stay consistant.  Well so far on my $100 bike... I looked it over and I'll need new areo bar pads one is missing.  Front brake caliper sticks so I guess it will have to be replaced. both tires are dry rotted so 2 new tires & a tune up.  It has clipless pedals and the guy gave me a pair of old shoes with the clips on them that are in great shape. Shoes are a size to big so I'll need new shoes. the clips are mountain bike clips the small ones.  I'm hoping all this dont add up to more than a couple hundred bucks and I can ride the bike for a couple years until I decide to upgrade to a much better bike.  Another interesting thing about the bike is it is a Iron Man finisher guy did a Full Iron man in 98 and that was the bike he used. I thought that was kind of cool.
2010-01-04 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2591447

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
can't wait to see a pic of this the fact that it competed in an IM in '98. How old school cool is that?!?

2010-01-04 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2591447

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
SAWFISH50 - 2010-01-03 8:59 PM oh yea a little each day add up to big ganes if you stay consistant.  Well so far on my $100 bike... I looked it over and I'll need new areo bar pads one is missing.  Front brake caliper sticks so I guess it will have to be replaced. both tires are dry rotted so 2 new tires & a tune up.  It has clipless pedals and the guy gave me a pair of old shoes with the clips on them that are in great shape. Shoes are a size to big so I'll need new shoes. the clips are mountain bike clips the small ones.  I'm hoping all this dont add up to more than a couple hundred bucks and I can ride the bike for a couple years until I decide to upgrade to a much better bike.  Another interesting thing about the bike is it is a Iron Man finisher guy did a Full Iron man in 98 and that was the bike he used. I thought that was kind of cool.

Cool find.  Probably another $200 for a full tune up and the bike will be good for a few years.  Toss in another $200 for a fit and you'll be golden.  That bike will probably be good for you for many years, you'll get the itch for a new bike before you actually need a new bike.
2010-01-04 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2557655

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)

Tonight was my longest official swim ever.  2200 yards, and it didn't feel too bad.  Took almost an hour to get done, and I was really tired at the end, but I wasn't wiped out. 

It has been colder and windier than heck out, but I have to force myself outside tomorrow morning.  I have more time in the morning to workout so I'm trying to increase my runs (and bikes later in the year), but I have to actually wake up and run.

2010-01-04 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2593894

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED (READY TO ROLL!)
did you 2200 straight? sounds like the workout went well...
2010-01-05 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - OPEN for a few more

Great workout man!!  I know it is hard for you northern folks to get your workouts in with all the cold weather but you all seem to be getting it done keep it up. As far as the bike goes I'll replace the tires, Aero bar pads, and breaks myself and then take it in for the tune up. 

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