BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-12-31 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2586678

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Great job with the marathon!  Committing to the training and finishing a marathon is a huge victory!

Welcome to the club!


2009-12-31 2:56 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Daniel here...

My biggest success for 2009 was to complete two sprint tris. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing but had the time of my life! 

Afterwards, I decided it was time to get serious about my health and joined Weight Watchers ( a BIG step for me) and have really become smarter with my off season training. I now incorporate weight training, pilates, spin, swim and have run on the eliptical all fall.  I have dropped 18 pounds in five months.  THe weight loss is frustrating and very very slow to me  but my body has really really changed.  Now the weight is ready to drop.

2009-12-31 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2586202

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

jwheat - 2009-12-31 10:00 AM I am weekest in my swimming.  Does anybody have any workouts that I can do?  I have a real diffuclulty coming up with swim workouts.  Thanks for any help you can give me. It's awesome. She has a program for everyone. They work. And they're free.

2009-12-31 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Ya'll are so inspirational. Successes...45 pounds gone for good, off the couch and moving, total life makeover, 1st 5K, 1st triathlon, 1st marathon!!!! What a great group. I am counting on all of that experience to build this group into an interactive one where each of you can share with the others. You guys are already huge successes. Give yourselves a pat on the back, take a deep breath, and get ready to reach higher than you ever have before. Each of you has untapped potential we're gonna try our hardest to unlock in 2010.

My success: Stepping into the water on Nov 8 at the HIM I had DNF'd the year before. It wouldn't have mattered if I finished or not. I started, and that's what mattered. I finished with 8 whole minutes to spare!

Happy New Year to each of you!

2010-01-01 6:30 AM
in reply to: #2586923

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Thanks Twylite, I will look into that. 
2010-01-01 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
That's awesome, Twylite- where was the HIM?

My biggest success of 2009--
Getting back to where I can exercise without pain. When 2009 started, I was newly off crutches, and not allowed to play winter sports (a real punishment when you live in the mountains), run or do much of any weight bearing activity.  (Please see my profile for the long involved story of me.) Since the beginning of 2009, I have run a 5k, hiked 6 high peaks, shed the 15 pounds I gained during my injury, and have x-c and downhill skied and snowshoed. It is sooooo hard to go from being a triathlete to losing your ability to exercise and becoming a total slug. It happens FAST.
I am glad that chapter of my life is CLOSED.

1. My 3 month goal is: to get onto a regular S/B/R plus strength training schedule like I was on in 2008 and lose 10 more pounds (not weighing in again till Monday though!

2. In order to achieve it, I will do...

     a.  Be conscious of every single thing I put into my mouth.
     b.  Start today working on a doable training plan including P90x for strength 3x weekly.
     c.   Keep a positive attitude.

3. I think the difficulty in reaching my goal will be winter weather (of the bad variety; I don't consider snow bad), winter darkness and the general time constraints of being a working mom.

I really enjoy training once I get the ball rolling!

2010-01-01 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I started figuring out my 2010 season...and I'm getting excited about it.

March 10K (I did it in 53:11 last year - hoping to break 53 this year)
April duathlon (5K/38K/5K)
??May sprint tri (300m pool/12mi/5K)
June sprint tri (750m OWS/18.8mi/5K)
July oly tri
August 1/2 mary
November full or 1/2 mary

I'm registered for the first 2 - waiting until closer to the price bumps to register for the rest, just to make sure I've got it in me.

Happy New Year's all!
2010-01-01 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Happy New Year to everyone!I wish all your goals become success stories during the course of 2010.
2010-01-01 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Show Low, Arizona
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Happy New Year!!!!! Can't wait for 2010

2010-01-01 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
OK just weighed in for the weightloss contest at work.  Not real pretty but only once place to go from here and that is down.  Weight was 270 lbs.  Kind of embarrassing to mention but if I write on here my group mates can remind me.  Contest ends April 3, so that is how long I have.   Wish me luck. 

2010-01-01 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2581093

New user
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Happy New Year,
   Thanks for all the support and the messages, I am really inspired to get er done thanks to all of you.  I mapped out 2 different routes on the computer for variety and am going to go out and walk one today.  I worked a double yesterday and got home at 7am, but thanks to all of you this is no longer an excuse.  Thanks very much and I will be logging my progress for all to see.
                                                   this is my year to achieve my goal thanks to all of you

2010-01-01 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2587931

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

There is no embarrassment - just a starting point.  You can do it!


I weighed 266 when I competed in the "Muddy Buddy" bike/run series with my wife and two sons in early August.  My times were very respectable but when I saw the pictures I decided it was time to find my "it" and make a change.  I ran several half marathons last year, two sprints... but after my third back surgery needed to really rededicate myself.

Anyway, I really changed and studied my workout routine, joined Weight Watchers in October and this morning weighed in at 245 - so - you can do this.  The weight loss has be very slow but my body has really changed.  My three month goal is to be under 230.  I was right where you are just four months ago.  You will see great results! 

Just signed up today for my 8K race (Shamrock Shuffle - 3/21) and the Door County (WI) sprint tri in mid July. 

What really made a difference was finding my "it."  Why is getting fit really important to me?  It helps me on days like today to do a spin class and lift weights...

Good luck!
2010-01-01 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2588062

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Thanks Daniel. 

It is always nice to know we are not alone inour journey.  I am determined to take the weight off and keep it off.  It has been a terrible cycle of losing weight and gaining it again.  I need to find that "it" and keep it going.  I have a weight lifting plan all set, just need a run, bike swim plan.  Will conecntrate on losing weight and then worry about spped and endurance because I know I am not fast now.   I will try and run tonight hopefully.  Today is a new day.

2010-01-01 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2588089

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Just starting my Body For Life with eliptical 3 minute spurts between sets.  It is a killer.  You can do this!  Speed is a thing of the past for me...  At 50 it is all about the journey!  Although at times I can still amaze friends and family.

I did qualify for Boston Marathon once but I had to be an 80 year old female so I gave that up - I just go and cheer on my wife.  I go out slow and taper from there...

Seriously, the "it" is what keeps people I train for marathons get up and find the will power to keep training.  For some it is a wonderful soul searching activity.

Enjoy your workouts.  Pilates has really helped me tone - it is a killer!!!  Al core.  With my back, flexibility is tough but my swimming has really improved.  Plus, I am the ony rooster in the hen house for my class twice a week.  They love how I grunt, moan and make comments...

2010-01-01 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I recorded my weight in my training log, but I will add it here a starting point: 193 lbs. I would love to break 180. Haven't been there since I was a teenager.
The book "Born to Run", which I finished a month ago (great read) was very inspirational. In it I learned about "Chia" (a miracle seed consumed by Aztecs and Mayans). Did a little medical research about it, and among its multiple benefits (Omega 3, antiinflamatory, antioxdants, fiber, calcium, etc) it happens to help with weight loss as a "side effect". I've been on it for about a week and have lost already a couple of pounds!
2010-01-02 2:44 AM
in reply to: #2588496

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
After catching up on the posts i am dreading being away from you guys for 3 weeks.  I will have to find a way to check in here and there.

My success for 2009 was making the decision  to get in better shape and actually doing something about it.  I am now 5 weeks into regular exercise 3+ times per week. 

My downside is that I go to the gym with no plan, and end up kind of all over the place.  I enjoy the running/walking but know I need to add variety.  My plan for tomorrow is to do the stairmaster and bike, and then walk if there is still time.   Sunday I want to get to the location that has a pool (the one near my house doesn't) and see what I can do so I have a starting place.

Got a juicer so one of my goals is to get regular fruit and vegatable juice in.

JWheat:  You can do this.  You are merely starting at 270. That number is going to be old news soon.

2010-01-02 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2587931

Show Low, Arizona
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
jwheat - 2010-01-01 1:48 PM

OK just weighed in for the weightloss contest at work.  Not real pretty but only once place to go from here and that is down.  Weight was 270 lbs.  Kind of embarrassing to mention but if I write on here my group mates can remind me.  Contest ends April 3, so that is how long I have.   Wish me luck. 


Definately nothing to be embarrassed about. When I started I weighed 300 lbs, and am down to 165. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! Sometimes a competition is just the right thing to start us on our journey.

good luck, let me know if I can help at all.

2010-01-02 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I guess I'm not the only one feeling a little down about my weight right now - I stepped on the scale yesterday morning and found 170. Up from 148.2 last New Year's Day. Not a good year for me...and scary enough to shove me in the right direction.

A bit of history - started January 2006 at ~ 200 pounds with a 1-year old baby. Hubby and I started eating right and I lost 30 pounds right away. Kept at it and by December 2006, I was down to 160-165. Stayed there for about a year, and then in December 2007, I got below Athena status (150). Hung out between 140-150 for all of 2008 and beginning of 2009, until the marathon fiasco and deep bout of depression early this summer...and I haven't really stepped on the scale since then.

I knew it was going to hurt to step on the scale yesterday, I didn't know it would hurt so much...I'm scared to death of getting back to where I was in 2006.

Anyway, that's where I'm at. Starting the year with too much weight, but a good attitude and enthusiasm to take control of my body back.
2010-01-02 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Big welcome to Amy. I know, I can't say no to anyone. Anyway, with your experience to help us, we'll all be reaching our goals.

Kristen: Awesome races you've picked out. Looks like lots and lots of running. Should be great for weight loss.

Jon: I'm so proud of you for weighing and facing the numbers, but mostly for posting the weight. You didn't have to do that, but you're right. It will hold you accountable. I'm gonna celebrate every pound with you. Maybe we'll come up with a challenge for every pound lost from the group, say we do 20 ab crunches, or an extra 15 min run/walk. What do you guys think? We could post our losses on one day of the week. Anyway just thinking aloud. As far as a plan, they're everywhere. Check out the ones on the BT site. If you need more help let me know.

Carol: I'm glad to see you getting started. Doubles stink. Do something special for yourself for surviving it. I want to know how you walk goes.

Daniel: Big congrats on 21 pounds gone for good. Don't be hard on yourself. The time will pass whether or not you lose weight. You're 21 pounds lighter, almost 10%!. Congrats on registering for the 8K and sprint tri. That's commitment. BTW, I cooked and looked up the points for red velvet cake yesterday...9 pts/slice! Ouch!

Fernando: I'll have to look up the stuff on chia. Sounds interesting. Also thanks for the tip on the book. Will have to check it out.

Maggie: Great success in keeping it going for 5 weeks. We're gonna work on getting plans next.

Mary: I'm still amazed at your nearly 150# loss. What a life changer.

OK gang, I leave you alone and you get chatty. Glad to see ya'll are using this forum to build a group. Try to check in regularly to get support and info. Those of you who don't have training plans, start looking for one. You can check out the ones on this site. We can customize them if we need to.

I made a bike ride with friends today, with a short walk afterward. Was good to be out with friends. We were all sucking wind on the hills. And all the dogs were glad to see our spinning wheels. What have they done for the last few weeks without us to chase? Then ran in Wal-Mart (yes in my bike pants) to get some beef for meatloaf (ummm, comfort food). Picked up a couple of WII games. Rayman Raving Rabbbids is awesome. Kids are having a blast with it, dancing to Jungle Boogie. Still have Mountain sports for tonite.

I've said enough. Find some time for relaxation this weekend. You all deserve it. Laugh, watch a stupid movie, play with a kid or a dog, drink a cup of herb tea. Remember rest is the 4th discipline of tri.

Til tomorrow...

2010-01-02 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2589491

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

enders_shadow - 2010-01-02 3:04 PM I guess I'm not the only one feeling a little down about my weight right now - I stepped on the scale yesterday morning and found 170. Up from 148.2 last New Year's Day. Not a good year for me...and scary enough to shove me in the right direction. A bit of history - started January 2006 at ~ 200 pounds with a 1-year old baby. Hubby and I started eating right and I lost 30 pounds right away. Kept at it and by December 2006, I was down to 160-165. Stayed there for about a year, and then in December 2007, I got below Athena status (150). Hung out between 140-150 for all of 2008 and beginning of 2009, until the marathon fiasco and deep bout of depression early this summer...and I haven't really stepped on the scale since then. I knew it was going to hurt to step on the scale yesterday, I didn't know it would hurt so much...I'm scared to death of getting back to where I was in 2006. Anyway, that's where I'm at. Starting the year with too much weight, but a good attitude and enthusiasm to take control of my body back.

Kristen: We posted at the same time. We'll get the weight off together, gal. I'm counting on your support for me, too. We'll do it one pound at a time. I'm adding 30 minutes walking to every one of my workouts to see if I can burn some fat. I'm proud of you for stepping onto the scale. Kiss that number goodbye!

2010-01-02 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2578050

New user
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
got out there and walked again today, even did another lap  my laps are 0.36 of a mile and I did 4 so that is pretty good.  It took my 20 min but hey I did them.  Mon I am going to call the community center in town and inquire into pool usage, and I'm going back to the rehab center where I work and do the treadmill and take a spin on a bike. Thanks for being there  I am so excited, but I will take it slow I promise 

2010-01-02 10:23 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Curious if anyone else is on the West Coast?

I got a new scale today,  one of the biggest loser scales with body fat and water %.  Tomorrow I will use it. 

Good news of the day: I am finally below 240!  Haven't weighed this little since before I met hubby.  He might not even notice me LOL.  Now I am more eager than ever to 1) stay below the 240 and 2) get the remaining 3 lbs off to meet my goal before I leave for Morocco.  So off to the gym with me but before I go, there was mention of training plans coming up.  I have looked at the sprint plan which is my next goal to start, but wondering if I could incorporate the bike and swim training in with the couch to 5k so I have my variety or should I stick with the couch to 5 k until done, and then go on to sprint training plan?

I appreciate all of you and am happy to be part of your team.

Now off with the pounds I say!!

2010-01-03 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

What is your plan for this fine, first Sunday of TwentyTen??

My kids and husband woke up and whipped out the door to catch the fresh powder at the mountain, and I told them perhaps I will meet them this afternoon.....but I guess it's windy out there, so who knows if they will stay?

Anyway, my plan is as follows: just did a Core Synergistics DVD and now enjoying an egg and ham sandwich while I drink a cup of green tea.  At 10:30, I'm heading over to our 2.5 mile loop trail here in the neighborhood and I'm going for a snow shoe.  Keep in mind that it's 4 degrees (yes, that's one digit there in the temp) and it's been snowing all night. It looks GORGEOUS out there.....and as long as I am dressed properly, it will be great.  I'm hoping to meet a friend there, but if she can't meet me, I'm going regardless. 

As for this house, it's organization day-- I've been chipping away at it all weekend but it's the first full week back to work and school in QUITESOMETIME and I know I will feel better if I can start off as organized as possible, which is never all that organized, but I do what I can. Want to make dinner for a friend who's mom is horribly ill, and I'm going to make a double batch for us.....but thinking it might be more fun to save that for our dinner TOMORROW and go out as a family for dinner's been a long break with my husband working for a solid week...(restaurant in a resort town + holiday week = exhaustion for all). 

My weightloss tip of the week (not that I'm any expert, but this works for me): make yourself some soup today for your lunches at work this week.  I know I'm going to! If you want a recipe idea, I will share!! Soup is filling, generally low fat and low calorie and tastes really good when it's snowy and 4 degrees (oh, wait, that's just here....)

Make the most of this day!
2010-01-03 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2590072

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Youngatheart - 2010-01-02 9:09 PM got out there and walked again today, even did another lap  my laps are 0.36 of a mile and I did 4 so that is pretty good.  It took my 20 min but hey I did them.  Mon I am going to call the community center in town and inquire into pool usage, and I'm going back to the rehab center where I work and do the treadmill and take a spin on a bike. Thanks for being there  I am so excited, but I will take it slow I promise 

It's infectious....once you start, you just feel so good, it becomes easy to do more! I wish our pool was closer and open more.....I really enjoy swimming and feel so good when I get out of the pool.  The distance to the pool and hours really only during the working day make it very hard to partake! There is an endless pool at our gym- I've never tried it, but think I might. I'm afraid I will find it boring....maybe not?
2010-01-03 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Good morning everyone!

I love the idea of soup for healthy meals.  My Weight Watchers group really encourages eating soup and having it prepared and ready to heat and eat.  Especially to have something quick when you get home from work at the end of the day.  It gives you something hot and healthy to eat while you prepare dinner.

I went to my health club this morning and had my body fat, lean muscle, weight ... taken and recorded so I have a starting point.  Gives me a whole list of things to track for my three month goal.

Enjoy your day everyone.  We also have snow and 4 degrees just north of Chicago.  Tough to run in but once dressed and out it isn't too bad.  My running buddy - Wrigley (a labradoodle) - hates the salted roads and will not keep her booties on so we end up romping through the golf course. 

Happy Sunday!

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