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2010-01-06 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Day off run and drainer tomorrow. Signed up for a half marathon March 20th, got to log some run miles.

Edited by fungi32 2010-01-06 4:28 PM

2010-01-06 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2579858

New user
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Got a great bike ride tonight.  I did the random hills on the stationary.  Got 15 miles in 35min.  Not extremly fast but keep my pace pretty even throught the hills.  Also got in a nice upper body work out.

Am I the only one who hates the gym this time of year.  Don't get me wrong I hope all the new people stick with it and change their lives, but it never fails how many people are the gym in Jan and Feb.  Sorry for venting.

Suppose to get a 20 min run in tomorrow.  Also expecting 7" snow tonight and tomorrow so we will see what happen with school and the roads.
2010-01-06 9:01 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Unfortunately did no work out today due to having to take care of the entire family and then had to do some elecitrcal work with father in law. Tomorrow is another day.
2010-01-06 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

Great job everybody. You are all knocking out these workouts despite illnesses and snow. Life will get in the way every once in a while, but triathlon training is the sum of all of your workouts, not just one or two. Don't get too down after a missed or bad workout and don't get too high after a great workout. There will be lots of ups and downs along the way to your races this season.

Keep at it guys!

I was able to sneak in a bike workout while the family was at soccer tonight. I finished just as they were walking in the door.

Also, I want to have a weekly challenge for you guys. It keeps you motivated and holds you accountable. It can be anything you like (food/ diet, swim, bike run, total hours, etc). The purpose isn't to get you to do more than you want or pressure you into do a workout, but it's a good friendly way to set some goals and try to achieve them.

I have a few challenges we can do, but I would like your suggestions as to some we can try over the next few months.



Edited by madcow 2010-01-06 9:47 PM
2010-01-06 10:55 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

Just got home from my 45 minute swim.  Also did a interval run.  I glad I did it and I ate well today.  Today was a good day.  I feel beat  and should sleep well.  

I know living in California you take things for granted.  I know the snow and cold weather sucks.  My folks and family is from North Dakota.  I have spent some winters there and know exactly how it feels.  Hang in there.


2010-01-07 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

Good morning.

I lifted this morning nad have a run at lunch today.

I hope the weather cooperates for all of you today.

For those of you who are doing Half Ironmans and Ironmans this season, have you thought about your nutrition plans?

2010-01-07 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
I have not - at thispoint I am still developing all of my plans, but should be considering that in the next few weeks.
2010-01-07 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

No matter what you decide to use for training and racing, I woould still find out what they are handing out on the course and train with that as well. You never know what will happen on race day and you can use their stuff as a back up.

My first IM, I trained with GU because that is what they were handing out. I practiced with all of the flavors I liked. During the race, I was so slow that the only flavors left were orange and coffee (the two flavors I hated). I skipped a few aide stations because of the GU, but ended up having to take them because I needed the calories. I had to choke them down and wished I had practiced with those flavors.

Anyway something to think about on a Thursday

2010-01-07 11:56 AM
in reply to: #2579858


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

Coffee flavored GU? That sounds horrible.  Who thought that was a good idea?

I ran 3.5 miles this AM and swam 600M at lunch.  All you fast swimmers make me sick.  Wink  I couldn't go any farther than that because my gassy belly would not permit it.  I'm amazed how bloated I get swimming.  I have to find a way to fix it.  I took some GAS-X before swimming today, but it didn't help. 

Coach said I may want to get a freestyle snorkle so I can at least get laps in and not worry about breathing.  That may help me feel at ease in the water.   I'll give it some thought. 

This was my first swim in 3 weeks.  I had lost all the progress I was making.  My breathing and technique were attrocious.  I swam 50M and felt like I was riding a bike for the first time; nothing felt good.  I told my coach it was like starting over.  He watched me swim my next 50M and said, yep, that sucked.  LOL!!!  Of course, it got better as I went, but talk about a fish out of water... 

Madcow, I'm OK with any sort of challenge you can muster up for us.  Swimming will be the hardest because of availability, I would think.  I can only swim twice a week and am having a problem with that!! 

Regarding your nutrition question, I'm not doing any IMs this season and I rarely consider nutrition for training.  I pretty much try to eat 'clean' during the week and let things take care of themselves.   I do drink chocolate milk after a long run.  I might make an arguement to my wife that I'm 'carbing up' on Friday nights when I ritually down a 6-pack of good suds!!  


2010-01-07 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
The espresso Gu is delicious.

I did some drills in the  pool today. 250 free/250paddles/250 breast/100 free. Felt pretty good.
2010-01-07 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
I liked the water challenge last year just something you do not think about.

2010-01-07 4:59 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

I had a 4 mile run at lunch today. I have lost lots of fitness over the last few months and was a bit scared to run more than 3 miles. My coworker ran 4 yesterday, so I decided to match her run, so I did. On one hand it was frustrating being out of shape and tired after 3 miles, but on the other hand I was happy I finally broke the 4 mile mark. My legs are tired and I think I may be in need of a break.

My daughter has a soccer tournament in Irvine this weekend, so I am sure I won't get much done then, so that will be good, I think.

2010-01-08 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2579858

New user
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
I missed my run yesterday.  We got about 7" of snow so that messed the whole day up.  I will be able to get to the gym today.  I will combine my 2 workouts and swim and run.  I need to do a better job running.  It is by far my weakest catagory.  My goal today is to go 2 miles. 
2010-01-08 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Did a 30 minute spin today at lunch and more elictrical work with father in law tonight.
2010-01-08 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2579858

New user
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Got in another good swim for 30min.  Lots of practicing stokes and practicing relaxing my head and hands.  Really nice swim.  My goal was to run 2 miles.  I made it!!!!  I don't think any one confused me with Usane Bolt, but I got through it.  The first mile was difficult.  In the second mile I caught a stride and for most of it the run was easy.  I was only averaging a 11:00min mile. 

Question- are than any thoughts on what to think about while you are running.  I have bad habit of thinking how bad this sucks and how bad I hate running.  I know that is a terrible thought process.

Hopefully going to a spinning class tomorrow morning @ 8:00 am.
2010-01-08 3:39 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
I usually thinkg about all the crap I get to eat once I finish a long run. Plus I try to not think of anything - really hard to do, but when successful, it is pretty cool. Then when you think back on that time when you werent thinking about anything, you think, how weird that was.

2010-01-08 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Okay - racing buddy just convinced me. Looks like I am adding the Wurtsboro Mountain 30k to my race schedule this year:

Also adding either 2010 Harryman Triathlon in May¢er=harrymantri

or the 2010 Devilman
2010-01-08 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Went to swim and they were showing a movie in the pool, so I jumped on the stationary bike and did hills, then jumped in the pool and did 1500 straight first time in awhile for a longer swim. reverse brick I suppose, did not plan to bike so I guess the movie helped? Felt good on the swim but very slow. I have not worked out any kind of nutrition plan but do have an idea of what flavors and brands I prefer.
2010-01-09 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

Hey Guys,

Yesterday I had the day off but went in and worked some overtime then went and saw Avatar. Good movie, but it was 3 hours, so that left no time to get in a workout before it was time to get the kids and go to soccer.

I think I did need the day off from working out. I feel better today. I am going to try to get in 30 minutes on the bike before the family wakes up and leaves for a soccer tourney.


OK next week (Monday through Sunday) will be the water challenge (Thanks Kip):
You need to drink at least 2 liters of water everyday (Including the weekend). You need to post each day whether or not you made your goal. I think this challenge will be a friendly one, but the next one will have possibly a reward if you succeed or a punishment if you fail.

Good luck and have a great weekend everybody!

2010-01-09 8:28 AM
in reply to: #2603662

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

dbryson13 - 2010-01-08 12:42 PM Question- are than any thoughts on what to think about while you are running.  I have bad habit of thinking how bad this sucks and how bad I hate running.  I know that is a terrible thought process.

I have been trying to think about what I think about when I run and I have come to the conclusion that I don't think about anything. Like swimming, I use that time to daydream. I know I should be thinking about pace or HR or footstrikes or whatever, but usually I think about food or work or tv. Sometimes I think about what I am going to post in my workout log. Most of the time I forget by the time I actually get around to logging my workout

I bring my Ipod but really I don't listen to the music, it is just background noise to me. When I know I should be pushing the pace, instead of stressing over Hr, I will listen to my breathing and try to coordinate it with my foot strikes and make some rythms out if. It keeps my tempo up and consistant and keeps me from thinking about how much it sucks to be pushing my run.

Try that, see if you make a song from the sounds you make while rnning, who knows it might work

2010-01-09 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2603861

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

scottgreenstone - 2010-01-08 2:02 PM

Okay - racing buddy just convinced me. Looks like I am adding the Wurtsboro Mountain 30k to my race schedule this year:

Also adding either 2010 Harryman Triathlon in May¢er=harrymantri

or the 2010 Devilman

Scott, I am not an off road person. I wish you luck in all of those races. They look low key (except Devilman) and fun

2010-01-09 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Back to workouts after taking the last two days off.  They weren't really planned days off but it just happened that way with work and other commitments.  What I do know is that REST is very important.  I did not know that before but I know you can really overtrain yourself without any proper days off and sleep.

I did a 30+mile bike ride to Dodger Stadium with some hills.  I attacked the hills and felt i did well going up.  For my nighttime workout, my girlfriend came with me on the 3+mile hill run.  She wants to start doing my training with me.  So that is a major plus =).

I am all for the water challenge.  I dont think I will have a problem doing that because my water intake is usually over 2 liters per day.  I am all for any challenges.  I am up for any rewards or consequence.  If I fail, I am failing myself.  So I dont intend to fail any challenge.  

Tomorrow, is a run and swim day.   Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. 
2010-01-09 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Day off today, long run tomorrow.
2010-01-10 6:00 AM
in reply to: #2579858


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
OK = gotta catch up my notes. 

Friday - slept in.  I typically do not run Friday AMs.  Save my legs for Saturday.  At lunch, I did lift for an hour.

Saturday - I had resolved to running on a treadmill because it was 18 degrees and a windchill in single digits.  But Sats are my long run and I can't do long on a treadmill.  So, I layered up and ran outside 8.5 miles.  My hands were numb when I got done.  Coooooold run.

Sunday - rest day

Water Challenge - I thought it was going to be a swim challenege.  I drink about 100 oz a water a day (during the week, anyway).  Only hard part will be on the weekends!

I saw Avatar last night in 3D.  I don't make it to many movies beacuse they are so expensive now.  I enjoyed it though.  This was my first 3D movie too.  Man, they have come a looooong way.  Pretty cool.

2010-01-10 6:49 AM
in reply to: #2579858


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Forgot to mention about 'thinking on the run'...

I typically listen to audiobooks on my iPod while running.  It really takes my mind away from the fact that I'm uncomfortable and running.  Sometime I still zone out, but I find the mind occupying story telling VERY helpful. 

Funny thing, I tried listening to it during my 1/2 marathon and I realized afterwards I didn't listen to one bit of it.  I was totally into my run and in a zone, I guess.
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