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2010-01-05 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2587518

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
otter_sh - 2010-01-01 9:38 AM Dr. report...  Vitamin D is still low, even with taking 1600 units....  Need to talk with the Dr about it on Tues.

dr put me on 50,000 units per week.  Checking other minerals to see if they are hurting absorption.  Scheduled for a physical next month, after retest of blood work...Low B-12 brings threat of monthly shots if Oral does not work.

Has anyone thought of using 5 hour energy drinks as a B-12 suppliment?

2010-01-05 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi All,
Sorry I didn't check in yesterday.  It was one hectic day for me.  First day back at school after the winter break.  Left the house at     7 AM, got home with just enough time to grab a PB & J and feed the pooch before heading back out the door for swim class.  I usually don't workout in the evenings, but I like this class.   Had to stop at the grocery store after class (2 teenage boys = 'lots of food consumption).  By the time I got home, did the typical stuff that needed to get done, it was 9:00 and I was wiped!  Since I needed to get up at 5:00 AM today, had to get to bed. 

So...How did eveyone's monday go?  Did you get your scheduled workout in?  

Sue:  I understand how hectic it can be with the kids home.  Perhaps things will even out now that  they're back at school.

Steve:  Bummer about not having an indoor pool.  From the weather reports it seems as though it's been unusually cold down in Florida.  Hopefully it warms up soon.  Also, have you thought about getting a skin suit (lighter than a wet suit) to swim in?  That way you could get in the water when it was a bit chilly.

Drew:  Good luck finding a club that works for both you and your wife.  Are there any clubs with multiple sites?  One that was perhaps near home and near either one of your work?

Mindy:  As far as plans go, did you check out any of the winter maintenance plans?  There is a balanced plan (equal time for run,swim, bike) or plans that focus on one, such as swim etc.  
          For strength:  I like to include strength in the winter, since I usually don't have time during the season. I include core in what I log as strength.  If you are limited in time, core is what you should focus on.  A strong core will benefit everything, run, bike, and swim.   There are good core exercises here on BT.  Also, I like to focus on exercises, core and strength, that utilize my own body, such as push-up, pull-ups, plank.  I also like a stability ball and bosu. I also like to use free weights.  When you are doing these types of exercises you have to stabilize /balance your own body which works on your core even more.  I do use some of the machines especially the machine that work the lats (back) which is good for swimming.   

Hope everyone is getting their Tuesday plan.  I'll hope to check logs later. Smile 

2010-01-05 4:38 PM
in reply to: #2595164

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
otter_sh - 2010-01-05 12:22 PM

otter_sh - 2010-01-01 9:38 AM Dr. report...  Vitamin D is still low, even with taking 1600 units....  Need to talk with the Dr about it on Tues.

dr put me on 50,000 units per week.  Checking other minerals to see if they are hurting absorption.  Scheduled for a physical next month, after retest of blood work...Low B-12 brings threat of monthly shots if Oral does not work.

Has anyone thought of using 5 hour energy drinks as a B-12 suppliment?

Interesting. If you're willing to share, I'd really like to know what the "other mineral" results are. Maybe it'll help me figure out what's going on with me, too.

I never had my B-12 tested. But I've been taking a "B-50" supplement, which has a lot of B-12 in it. Then again, I also took 50,000 IU of Vit D per week, and yet my levels were low. So who knows.

How much B-12 in in the 5 Hr energy drink? There's 50 micrograms (mcg) in my CVS brand B vitamin.

2010-01-05 6:26 PM
in reply to: #2596136

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Anyone have some good running technique tips or drills? I keep injuring myself when I try to run, so either I'm a genetic mess, or I'm doing something wrong. LOL

2010-01-05 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Have you been building gradually? I find if I try to add too much too soon I fall apart!
2010-01-05 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Yep, just what Michelle said.  One of the biggest mistakes is too much too soon. (and I've been guilty of that!)  The rule is to only increase your mileage by 10% each week.  I would think if you're injury prone, even slower build. If you are just starting out a run/walk program can really work well.
      An option that you might want to look into is a running gait analysis.  You can check out rehab/PT facilities etc.  Local running stores would also be a place  that could tell you where to get one.   I had one done last year.   At the one I did, I was put through several stations that checked out flexibility, core strength, hip, quad, hamstring strength (perhaps a couple others),  and then was video taped,  from several different angles, running on the treadmill.  Then I went over all the results and watched the tape with one of the PT's.  I was given specific exercises to address weak hips and tight hamstrings.  I also slightly pronate, but I already knew that.  I wear a neutral shoe with custom orthotics( I have very difficult and persnickety feet)  so don't need a stability shoe.
    Also, when you buy your running shoes do you go to a running store to be fitted?  The proper shoe can really make a difference.  I wear a neutral shoe with custom orthotics( I have very difficult and persnickety feet)  so don't need a stability shoe.   In addition, keep track of your mileage.  Shoes wear out, loose  cushioning, way before they begin to look old. How often depends on your amount of running and type of shoe.  My shoes last about 300- 350 miles. But even if you aren't running that amount.   If you've have a shoe for a year....time to get new ones.
       Another area that is often overlooked is stretching AFTER running.  I do not stretch before, your muscles are tight.  You can walk a bit, then gently stretch, but after the run is most important.  It's really wild how the body works, how it's all connected.  I was having knee pain and it was because of my quads.  I needed to strengthen my quads and loosen up the hamstrings.

2010-01-05 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Just looked at everyone's log.  Most of you who posted plans have logs your workouts.  If you haven't....let's get going! Laughing
I know the weather just about everywhere (except for Michelle down under) is yucky and it can be hard to get motivated, but just think about the great shape you'll be in for the outdoors later on if you put in the time now.  

Hey, question for the group.   How many of you train in the AM or PM.  I get up early, before school, exception being for my Monday evening, 6 PM, swim class and Sundays, my day to sleep in.

2010-01-05 8:51 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
I used to be an early bird and would workout in the mornings, but then I started a job where I started work at 4:45 in the morning, so getting up at 3:30 to work-out was not going to happen, most gyms weren't even open at the hour!

Now that I'm in college though I really find that I have to work-out in the middle of the day. I have classes throughout the morning and I have meetings or clubs at night so the middle of the day really works best. But of course sometimes that becomes a problem because other stuff pushes exercising out of the way.

Hopefully better time management and having a looming goal will help me to stick to the plan even though I have a busier semester than usual!
2010-01-05 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2596361

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
mmh - 2010-01-05 7:37 PM

Have you been building gradually? I find if I try to add too much too soon I fall apart!

Actually, I've been going backwards. I was running 4 miles (per session) in the spring & early summer. But now I'm only running 1-2 miles each time because my heel or knee starts hurting. That's why I was looking for drills or something to help with technique.

2010-01-05 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2596509

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
suzimmer - 2010-01-05 9:12 PM
Hey, question for the group.   How many of you train in the AM or PM.  I get up early, before school, exception being for my Monday evening, 6 PM, swim class and Sundays, my day to sleep in.


I train in the PM because:
a) I am not a morning person.
b) I leave at 7 AM for work, so I'm already waking up in the dark. Bleh!
c) When I do work out in the AM (like on weekends), I find my muscles are tighter.

That said, I *feel* better after a morning workout.

But I sure wish they had afternoon/evening races! LOL

2010-01-06 3:34 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Bike session as per plan and physio all done.

2010-01-06 7:01 AM
in reply to: #2596136

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
D001 - 2010-01-05 5:38 PM
otter_sh - 2010-01-05 12:22 PM
otter_sh - 2010-01-01 9:38 AM Dr. report...  Vitamin D is still low, even with taking 1600 units....  Need to talk with the Dr about it on Tues.

dr put me on 50,000 units per week.  Checking other minerals to see if they are hurting absorption.  Scheduled for a physical next month, after retest of blood work...Low B-12 brings threat of monthly shots if Oral does not work.

Has anyone thought of using 5 hour energy drinks as a B-12 suppliment?
Interesting. If you're willing to share, I'd really like to know what the "other mineral" results are. Maybe it'll help me figure out what's going on with me, too. 

Phosporous and Magnesium are the tests they are running
I never had my B-12 tested. But I've been taking a "B-50" supplement, which has a lot of B-12 in it. Then again, I also took 50,000 IU of Vit D per week, and yet my levels were low. So who knows. How much B-12 in in the 5 Hr energy drink? There's 50 micrograms (mcg) in my CVS brand B vitamin.

5 hour energy has 500 mcg, I am needing to take 1000 mcg per day now.

Edited by otter_sh 2010-01-06 7:02 AM
2010-01-06 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed

I usually work out in the evening just like Dee, I'm NOT a morning person. I will be changing to morning workouts if my husband decided to start working out with me but that is the only way I will be doing morning workouts.
I also think morning workouts make me feel better throughout the day I just cant do the morning thing unless I have somebody there with me (my husband). Smile

2010-01-06 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
I prefer to workout in the morning, but with a 7am start time, its usually has to be in the evenings.
2010-01-06 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Middletown, PA
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
It doesn't look like we will find a pool that works for the both of us.  kinda disappointing as we hoped it would give us some time together. 

i like to workout in the evenings, too.  definitely not a morning person, but i may have to change that to get my swimming in. i have the treadmill and kinetic trainer for the bike, and can watch tv while doing those, so night works for me.  haven't figured out if it disrupts my sleep yet, since its all pretty new.
2010-01-06 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi everyone!

So far the little informal poll has evening workouts in the lead, although interestingly, several people did note that they feel better with a morning workout.   I never used to be a morning person until triathlon entered my life. I found that I just didn't  have the energy after a day at work to get in a quality workout.  Also, as Drew was wondering, I found that workouts in the evening did disrupt my sleep.  So, by necessity I began my routine of getting up between 4:45 and 5:30, depending on the day.  It was absolutely killer at the beginning, but I have to say, my body is pretty used to it now.  Although I still so have days, like today, where I have major arguments with myself about whether or not to get up.  I did get up and really felt good when I was finished.  Another bonus, is the club is much less crowded at 5:30 AM than at 5:30 PM.

So Drew, are you and your wife joining separate clubs?

Steve, can you give more details on why all the mineral testing.  It's interesting.  I've never had much of that done.  I know I don't absorb calcium like I should, I'm wondering if the crohn's could be affecting others.  Is your regular doc doing the testing or or someone else.

Here's another question for everyone.   What type of bike does everyone have?  or are you considering buying a bike this year?   Don't worry if your are new and are riding your 15 year old mountain bike.  You've got to start somewhere.  I rode my first two races on a comfort style bike.  Once I decided I was in this for the long haul, I went out and bought a road bike.

Keep logging those workouts! 


Tomorrow should be "interesting" driving to and from work as Chicago-land is under a winter storm warning.  Could get up to 8 inches of snow tomorrow.  Gotta love winter!

2010-01-06 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
I have a FELT FW40. It is an entry level road bike (women's) and I really love it. I managed to get it for a few hundred dollars cheaper as it was the previous years model which was a bonus and I'm learning to love the fact it is bright orange I didn't answer the poll re am / pm workouts - I do both and it doesn't seem to bother me either way.
2010-01-06 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi Michelle,
Bright orange is cool.  Makes it easier to spot in transition.  I have a pink bike (2006 Trek 2200 WSD) At first I wasn't too sure about the pink...but now I love it! 

Edited by suzimmer 2010-01-06 8:51 PM
2010-01-06 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
That was the thing I told myself (transition) it was just it didn't match anything else!!
2010-01-06 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
That was the thing I told myself (transition) it was just it didn't match anything else!!
2010-01-06 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2599251

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
suzimmer - 2010-01-06 9:37 PM Hi everyone!

Steve, can you give more details on why all the mineral testing.  It's interesting.  I've never had much of that done.  I know I don't absorb calcium like I should, I'm wondering if the crohn's could be affecting others.  Is your regular doc doing the testing or or someone else.

My Regular Dr. is doing the testing to try to figure out why the pain and the tiredness.  This is the first Dr to do some of this, the Rhomatogist  started it, but Regular Dr. is continuing it.

Here's another question for everyone.   What type of bike does everyone have?  or are you considering buying a bike this year?   Don't worry if your are new and are riding your 15 year old mountain bike.  You've got to start somewhere.  I rode my first two races on a comfort style bike.  Once I decided I was in this for the long haul, I went out and bought a road bike.

I have a Black entry level Trek hybrid that I bought after my 3rd Tri.  Before that I was using a 1998 Autobike.  It shifted for me, which was a pain in the rear on hills.

2010-01-07 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Middletown, PA
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
It looks like we will be getting two different gym memberships.  she's an early bird, and i'm.....not.   she got a great rate of $19.99 from an LA Fitness down by her workplace.  not sure if she can hop to different clubs with that or not.

As far as bikes go, I bought a Specialized Allez last year, and then tore my achilles. it has only seen about 50 road miles, as i've been spinning on the trainer for the most part.
2010-01-07 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
45 minute trainer ride in zone 1, watched Kona for the 20 some time.  Love doing that, thanks good ness for DVR

Why dont we post pictures of our bikes, there is nothing better then some good ol' bike porn to look at.

My roadie is a 2008 Giant OCRA0 named Mercy

My TT is a 2006 Cervelo Dual  named Mistress



PICT0766111.JPG (72KB - 5 downloads)
OCR1.jpg (34KB - 6 downloads)
2010-01-07 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2599251

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
suzimmer - 2010-01-06 9:37 PM
Here's another question for everyone.   What type of bike does everyone have?  or are you considering buying a bike this year?   Don't worry if your are new and are riding your 15 year old mountain bike.  You've got to start somewhere.  I rode my first two races on a comfort style bike.  Once I decided I was in this for the long haul, I went out and bought a road bike.

Keep logging those workouts! 


Tomorrow should be "interesting" driving to and from work as Chicago-land is under a winter storm warning.  Could get up to 8 inches of snow tomorrow.  Gotta love winter!

No bike. Just a stationary one. (I had an old mountain bike that I hadn't ridden in 15 years. I took it in to the LBS to get fixed up, but they said there'd been a lot of technology advances and I'd be better off buying a new one. Not sure if this was true or not, but... So when I moved a few months ago, I gave the bike away.)

That's really interesting that you had a comfort style bike. So you can ride 12-15 miles (Sprint Tri distance) on it with no problem? Hm.....

Good luck tomorrow! Drive safely!

2010-01-07 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi All and Happy Thursday!

One of the reasons I asked everyone about when they train is that sometimes if you are having trouble being consistent with training it helps to decide on a set time.  You can have a plan, but if you never know when you're going to the club, it's easy to make excuses.   At my club, there are the early morning "regulars" who you see every day and you get to know them. This is especially true if you take the same spin class etc, or always go to the same locker.  People will ask me where I've been if I miss a day.  I always go to the same bank of lockers.  We all know about each others' kids, grandkids, races, etc.  It makes going to the club at that hour a little more pleasant.

Bikes:  Nice bike porn Scott!
 Even though I love my Pink Lady, I would love to get a tri bike.  However, with the two races I'm doing this year topping out at close to 2 Grand (entry, travel, hotel), it's not financially in the cards for this year (or the next few years as we will have 2 in college starting in August).  So I plan on getting some work done on the Lady instead.
 I'll get a picture up soon.

Dee:  Are you planning on getting a bike?  And yes, I was able to do the sprint distance easily (I didn't say fast) on the ol' comfort style.  In fact, I went on a 50 mile trip on that baby.  That bike has logged a lot of miles over the years.  Used to hook up the Burley and haul my boys all around town.   My husband calls it my drag bike, because when we go biking together, that's the bike I ride.  (He rides slower than I )

Drew: Too bad about the separate clubs.  Have you found one yet?

Steve:  I've often though about seeing a rhumatologist because of the autoimmune stuff I have.  Have they found anything conclusive yet?  Is the fatigue related to the fibromyalgia?

I was talking to a guy who is in our Tri group at the club.  He's a chiropractor and also does acupuncture.  I'm thinking of trying that to help some of my symptoms.  The GI doc I see is an osteopathic doc, so she is very open to more holistic or alternative treatments.  One of her students ( doc's out of a university teaching hospital) does triathlons (is an Ironman - how cool is is to have a doc that TOTALLY understands your mindset and doesn't look at you as though you're looney tunes)  said she's had patients get good results with acupuncture.  Any one here ever try it?  

So, it's still snowing, although it didn't get as horrible as predicted...yet.  The weather gurus are calling for several more inches tonight.  I should log the 45 minutes of shoveling I did. 


Edited by suzimmer 2010-01-07 8:11 PM
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