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2010-01-12 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Took the bike out and did just under 14 miles on the main roads. I can appreciate bike lanes much more now than I used to. It was a good workout, about 54 minutes total.

2010-01-13 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hi All.

Rain cleared longg enough for me to get a run and swim in today. Ran 3 miles (around 11+min/mile) and swam 800M in the pool. I was feeling so good I almost went to do some weights and then it hit me that I was TIRED!

Rain is back now, opened up right after I walked in the door. How's that for timing. Hubby is getting on the trainer now so he just showed me again how to mount my bike on the thing. I get it now and realize I should set up my bike the night before and not at 5:00am when i can barely focus. I will probably be on the trainer tomorrow. I had hope to ride my bike to work, but rain is forecasted for the rest of the week.
2010-01-13 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
please lie to me and tell me the trainer will get easier the more i get on it. LOL
2010-01-13 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2612326

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hi Guys-

Took a 50 min spin class last night- was great- the instructor is Villanova's cycling Coach- It was really hard, I tried to keep my cadence up to at least 84. - I find it hard on the hills though.  Just as I thought I had it bad, the kid next to me yaked.  That made me feel better real fast.
Unfortunately the poll wasn;t open for another 1.5 hours, so I ran errands and then went back to gym and got in a dip.  Was my first time back in the pool since about September. Did 1000 M in 27 min.  Tried to concentrate on form and using my arms- did 250 M with a pull bouy.  Feel suprisingly good today...
Heading out now to a quick workout- abs, core etc. and then will go run for 30-45 min on dreadmill.
2010-01-13 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2587714


Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hello everyone. I ran 2.5 miles today and it felt good. No pain. My shins were bothering me on my last run. I think I may have started off too fast last time I ran. It may be time for a new pair of shoes as well. I am going to start swimming next month with the locall masters.
2010-01-13 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Ran 2.7 miles tonight. 22:58. Plan on either swimming or riding tomorrow.

2010-01-14 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
swam 600 yards today for the first time in over a year.  it was tough but felt good to be back in the water and the new gym (YMCA)'s pool isnt very busy around lunch time not too mention that the couple i shared the lane with were very cool...came home did a little work and then another 20 minutes on the trainer.  man do i have a LONG way to go but it FEELS SO GOOD! Wink
2010-01-14 5:21 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Sorry to be missing for the past day or so, but life and work got in the way.  ABout to get on the bike so I will fill in the details later.

2010-01-14 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2587714

New user

Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hi Guys-
Yesterday I got on th dreadmill and realized that I was tired from the workout on Tuesday   so I ended up doing 2 miles 1% grade for 25:00. Felt like I had concrete boots on!  I then felt like I had to go a little further in the cario area, so I did the elliptical for 20 min.  At the least I got my heart rate up  if not my leg speed!  Also threw in lunges, abs, etc for about 30 min.
Tonight, just got back from the gym- did 45 min hard spin, steep climbs and then fast cadence sprints. Total of almost 13 miles.  Weather is supposed to be nice here through Saturday, so I'm looking forward to a nice outdoor run/bike! off to eat my tropical fruitcup and wish it was a's just not the same.... 
2010-01-14 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2614911

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Ty4 - 2010-01-14 7:44 PM Hi Guys-
Yesterday I got on th dreadmill and realized that I was tired from the workout on Tuesday   so I ended up doing 2 miles 1% grade for 25:00. Felt like I had concrete boots on!  I then felt like I had to go a little further in the cario area, so I did the elliptical for 20 min.  At the least I got my heart rate up  if not my leg speed!  Also threw in lunges, abs, etc for about 30 min.
Tonight, just got back from the gym- did 45 min hard spin, steep climbs and then fast cadence sprints. Total of almost 13 miles.  Weather is supposed to be nice here through Saturday, so I'm looking forward to a nice outdoor run/bike! off to eat my tropical fruitcup and wish it was a's just not the same.... 

Sounds like a solid workout. Is the fruitcup the kind with heavy syrup? You might want to eat those sparingly.  Had to cut my swim short today because the pool was very crowded. I had 4 people in my lane... Only 32 minutes today. Going for a ride tomorrow.  
2010-01-14 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Hey Gang!

Great job!  The past two days have been a total bust for me.  Yesterday good things...A great friend who is deployed in Iraq (Comet here on BT) came home for her R&R.  She had 5 hrs in Dallas so I picked her up at the airport and we spent a few hours.  Last night I god a much needed me night with a haircut and color.

Tonight I am worried about my dog.  She is old and just does not seem to be doing well.  She fell (or collapsed) in the yard.I went out to look for her because she had been out a long time.  I found her laying down in the corner of the yard.  Scared the life out of me.  She got up and came in, but does not seem to be drinking.  Several times she has gone to her water bowl and just stood there like she did not know what to do.  I just mentally could not get  on the trainer.  I feel like I need to be in the den watching her.

So, another yellow square.  Oh well, some things are more important



2010-01-14 10:17 PM
in reply to: #2614951

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
dodgersmom - 2010-01-14 6:18 PM

Hey Gang!

Great job!  The past two days have been a total bust for me.  Yesterday good things...A great friend who is deployed in Iraq (Comet here on BT) came home for her R&R.  She had 5 hrs in Dallas so I picked her up at the airport and we spent a few hours.  Last night I god a much needed me night with a haircut and color.

Tonight I am worried about my dog.  She is old and just does not seem to be doing well.  She fell (or collapsed) in the yard.I went out to look for her because she had been out a long time.  I found her laying down in the corner of the yard.  Scared the life out of me.  She got up and came in, but does not seem to be drinking.  Several times she has gone to her water bowl and just stood there like she did not know what to do.  I just mentally could not get  on the trainer.  I feel like I need to be in the den watching her.

So, another yellow square.  Oh well, some things are more important



Hey Marcy,
So sorry about your dog! I have 2 Golden Retreivers and they are such a big part of our life, I know how emotionally draining it can be when your dog is getting on in age and you worry how much longer you have with them. My thoughts are with you.

2010-01-14 10:38 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

glad you got to spend some time with Comet, really sorry to hear about the dog...keep us posted on how she's doing and i hope she snaps out of it
2010-01-15 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Just got back from a ride. 51:30 and 13.6 miles. Felt good, I feel like I'm starting to get used to this bike.
2010-01-15 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
just lifted weights today, running 4-5 miles in the morning
2010-01-15 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2587714

New user

Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Hi Marcy,
So sorry to hear about Comet- I hope she is ok!! I've got two Spanish Greyhounds at home too- Mitzi and Poncho. We love our furballs too and feel your concern. Family first!

While I didn't get tri specific training in today, I had 1 hour of tennis singles this morning outside (35 degress- a tad cold), and and half hour of singles squash tonight, with a 45 min core workout in between.  Supposed to be nice tomorrow, so I'll do an outdoor run.  My shins are a little tender, so I think I'm going to plan a total "off" day for monday.

Dave , thanks for the info on the fruit cup! I've really been watching my calories, trying to get back down to my "fighting weight". Lost 3 pounds this week, by logging everything in or near my mouth and really pushing the cardio hard. Starting to feel a little lighter on  my feet. I'd love to drop another 5-7 pounds.  We'll see!
Happy Friday everybody

2010-01-15 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Hey Gang!

Dodger seems to be back to her normal old cranky self today.  Not sure what happened yesterday, but she did start drinking before bedtime and slept like normal.  Today she has been fine so just thanking God.  She turned 15 in June but is still a spunky old girl.

I did get a trainer ride in this morning.  The heat was on in the house, and the trainers are in a spare bedroom and it was HOT.  I have heard of hot yoga but never hot cycling. I was a big old puddle of sweat by the end but felt good!

This week altogether has been my worst in the past month from a volume perspective, but life take priority sometimes. Tomorrow is long run day and I am actually looking forward to it.

Thanks all for your kind thoughts about Dodger.  We know she is in her twilight years, but as long as she has a good quality of life, all is well.

Happy Friday!


2010-01-16 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Ran 5.5 miles today with 1 dog instead of 2! Much better. My dogs are 95 lbs each so having both pull me along the trail seems like cheating Felt pretty good, stopped and walked twice for about 30 seconds each time, my dog was having none of the stopping business and would glare at me like "get moving lady!" One thing is clear, I NEED new running shoes. My feet hurt and I have a blister on the inside arch on both feet. The trick is finding time to go get fitted. My time without the kids is so limited I use it all for training, but it would be a total nightmare to try and take them with me to the running store. Maybe I will sneak out tomorrow while the hubby (and kids) are watching the Charger game.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

2010-01-16 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Happy Saturday gang!

Long run done today and it was one of those days when I felt I could run forever.  I ran 6.5 miles in 1:17.  No, not fast but I felt great the entire time.  Still working on breaking in the new shoes.  Texas weather is so weird.  Last saturday it was a high of 25 degrees.  Today I was outside running in shorts.

Now to relax a little.  Looks like the Saints are beating up pretty bad on the Cardinals.  But the real game is tonight.  Go Ravens!

2010-01-16 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Rest day. Had a much needed Sonic cheeseburger and fries last night for dinner. It was awesome.
2010-01-17 4:45 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
4.3 mile run, 36:30

2010-01-17 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
tried to workout yesterday but only had limited time and the gyms childcare was full so life got in the i ran 5 miles on the treadmill pain free finally.  I put together a new training plan that incorporates training for my half mary and the first couple sprint tris of 2010 that starts tomorrow
2010-01-18 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Tried out the 6am Spin Class at 24Hour Fitness this morning. It was good, but I think my trainer with the Spinervals DVD is a better workout. Those spin bikes have so much momentum when you are peddling I start to wonder how much is me and how much is momentum? Hoping to get in a swim later today. The rain is coming down hard, but I guess when you are in the pool it is a bit ironic to be worried about rain?
2010-01-18 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
I've been thinking about trying out a spin class. Do you guys like them? I'm cautious to try it because of how much I hate using treadmills, I like being out in the elements. At the lap pool on base I read a flyer for 4X/week swim lessons at $25/month, and you can try it out once for $4. Do any of you have experience using a swim coach to improve technique, efficiency, etc.? 

Its a beautiful day today, sunny and 60 degrees, so I took the bike out to the highway along the beach. Did 22 miles in 1:22:00. Seemed kind of slow to me Is 16 mph a decent speed for triathlon training? 
2010-01-18 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
did 30 mins on the dreadmill and then went to the pool to do 750 yds.  everything felt good too
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