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2010-01-11 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2606654

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
innocentali - 2010-01-10 9:36 PM

I can't tell you how excited I am to get into this training program.  My biggest concern is making sure that I'm eating properly (and have enough snacks packed so I don't starve before my 8pm swim tomorrow night)!  The last thing I want to do is to fuel my body with Big Macs and Fries when it needs Apples and Nuts!  Do any of you have suggestions for this?  I know the old trick of always keeping food on you, but I also know the importance of not eating a meal before a big work out (which will be 6 nights/week for us), so it's difficult to see how we'll even be able to eat dinner before 9-10pm on some nights.

We've signed up for the following races so far:
March 7th - St. Patty's Run Green 8k
May 2nd - White Lake Sprint Tri (1st weekend)

I'm looking for a half marathon or another sprint tri to train for in the fall - just to keep my momentum up!  If we can afford it (doubt it!), I'd love to do the Chicago Rock & Roll Half.  We'll see!


Your body needs more than apples and nuts. I know you were just using that as an example- but two things you are going to need, in order to avoid the cravings, are lean proteins and whole grains. And by whole grains I don't mean sugar-loaded snacks that are now using "Whole Grains" as a marketing tool to keep people buying them... Some great lean proteins are chicken breast, tuna, turkey breast. And by whole grains, I mean brown rice- and other grains like quinoa (which is also high in protein, and easy to flavor like rice). I stock my workout bag with the following- also the diaper bag, because if I'm driving around, my 2.5 year old will yell for fries:

1- Fruit Leather: this is a dried fruit strip, and is made by Stretch Island Fruit Company. I find it in the natural food aisles at my grocery store. It comes in different flavors- apricot, strawberry, grape, cherry. It's super sweet and a great post-workout snack for me. Especially after a swim.
2- Pretzels
3- Trail mix: I suggest making your own with ingredients you like. I do not buy the salted/processed nuts. I try to buy stuff in bulk at my health food store- dried apricots, dried cherries, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and pecans are my favorite. You can buy your supplies in bulk, toss it all in a big bowl, mix it up, then put it in individual sandwich bags and freeze whatever you are not going to eat right away. Just pull it out of the freezer and toss it in your workout bag.

I would suggest that, on your way from work to your evening workout, you and your husband have a mini-meal ready. Cottage cheese, yogurt- something in a disposable container, that you've had out in the car in a cooler for the day if you don't have time to run home? But loaded with protein to keep you going. You can also make lunch your bigger meal, and have two smaller meals in the evening- one pre workout, one post-workout. And read up online for nutrition ideas for triathletes.

I noticed anorexia, and eating disorders, have already been brought up here. As triathletes venture into the longer distances, they can get very obsessed with weight. Most of us are in the trying for weight loss category- just everyone be careful as this can be a sport that leads to eating issues. Just try and remember that you are what you eat; you want your body to train well, so fuel it with things it needs. Lean proteins (hardboiled eggs!), whole grains, fruits, vegetables and good-for-you fats like avocados and olive oil. Watch labels for hidden sugars and things your body can't process. An apple never tastes as good as a snicker bar, but your body will complete a workout a whole lot better and easier if you give it the apple.

Does anyone out there have any snack recommendations for Ali? I can not eat refined sugar or corn syrup, so I am limited to non-processed foods (I shop the outside edges of the grocery store, not the aisles). I also don't eat bread, so sandwiches are out for me. I have sugar-induced migraines and you'd be surprised what triggers them.

2010-01-11 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Wow what a busy active group, this is awesome.  I know some of the questions were asked a few days ago, and you already have other answers, but I wanted to pipe in on and give my 2 cents.

My first tri was on a borrowed mtn bike that our own lovely jogo brought for me to use, I was scared to death of the bike.  Not that I didn't know how to bike, it was the whole going fast, other people around me thing.  But the actual race was fine, there was little to no traffic (I think there was maybe 3 cars the entire time that passed me very slowly) and I just went at the speed that I felt comfortable at.  Several people passed me, but I passed a few also.  The point is to have fun.  Most of the time there was no one beside me, just a few people about 100 yards in front of me or behind me. 

I am a strong swimmer, but when I started reading about the mass starts and the mess of people etc, that made me nervous too.  My first tri was a timed start, which made me much more comfortable (people entering every 5 - 10 seconds) and even in my second which was a mass start, it was all women and there I just hung to the side.   Don't let the "horror" stories scare you, I agree with Anne, they are like big Fish stories, the size gets bigger every day.

Another way that  I have found to find our group easily, is I click on new threads, then at the top of the new threads listing there is a link to Show My Threads.  I click there and see all of the threads that I have posted in in the last 30 days.   Since I don't post in many threads, Fancy Pants is always right at the top.

As Anne mentioned I am in a Masters Swim Team and I absolutely love it.  I really like the group thing and would love to be able to belong to a tri club or something similiar also.  Unfortunately  tri's are not my main hobby and I have only so much time, especially on the weekend.  So joining the tri clubs just does not fit into my schedule.  My masters swim team meets early in the morning so I can get my swims in before work.  There are several triathletes, both beginners and even ironman competitors, on my team and I get to know people, get lots of advice etc.  I also have a little bit of competetiveness in me and I push myself more when there's someone else swimming beside me and we are both trying to complete our swims a little faster than the other.  If I just went swimming on my own, I think I would be lazier and wouldn't push myself as much. 

I am currently trying to ramp back up my running and will be swimming 2 days a week as cross training.  I am training with the plan to run a half marathon in May, but I might allow myself to cut that back to a 10K, I'll make the call in April, depending on how my training is doing.  After May I will be adding back in the biking and see if I can't get better on the bike this year.  I'll be using my old 10 speed from 1980's and will take it in to have it tuned up this year as I had some trouble with shifting in my last tri that included lots of hills.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone, I know we're going to have a great year.

2010-01-11 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Thank you so much for the advice!  I like the idea of having something more than just a baggie of nuts (which gets boring REALLY quickly) - both the make-your-own-trail-mix idea and the large lunch, 2 small dinners are fantastic ideas!  I'll implement the large lunch/2 small dinners thing tonight and will pick up some more items to add to the unsalted nuts I currently have when I do my run near the Whole Foods on Wednesday.  Great stuff!

Anne, I was asking the question of "once I get into a smaller size (a Large or maybe even a Medium one day), who sells Tall running pants" at my local running store.  Their response was that not many of the companies sell talls, but they believed Nike had a tall women's pant.  I checked it out, and they are right!  The Nike Dri-FIT Be Bold Polyester Women's Training Pants comes in talls in all of the sizes. 
I'm also finding some on

Edited by innocentali 2010-01-11 8:54 AM
2010-01-11 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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New user

Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Some advice I can offer regarding nutrition and weight management is this:

I ordered the "Eat Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno and have really tried to live by a clean diet.  I now eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of the usual 3 large ones.  I drink TONS of water and really try to eat as healthy as possible.  It has helped me drop 40 lbs and keep it off this past year.  Tosca Reno was 40 years old and over 200 lbs when she changed her diet and her life.  She is now a fitness competitor and looks better in a bikini than most 20 year olds and she is over 50.  I also have a subscription to "oxygen" magazine which is really focused on nutrition and exercise.  It really is a great magazine and has helped me tremendously this past year.  It is not really about triathalons, more just working out in general.  But lots of good information.  I am not sure what exactly the needs would be for a triathlete, but for an active person it really addresses that.  She has several books and cookbooks out that have been extremely helpful to me.  Anyway, that is my 2 cents on the matter!
2010-01-11 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2606775

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
phoenixrising404 - 2010-01-10 10:03 PM
Enkidu--It takes a lot of courage to admit the anorexia. Been there, done that. Ah, moderation. It's a tough one for some of us extreme types. You are in good company here--triathletes are not exactly moderate. I understand about the association of running with that period in your life. Sounds like you were dang fast, too! That's why a training plan will be good for you. You go with a moderate person's plan and stick to it. You are not the same person as when you were in college and I am POSITIVE that you can learn to run MODERATELY and have fun with it. Just post a pic now and then if you need feedback about your body image--we'll tell you if you start to look sick again Now you will run because you love yourself and want to be nice to yourself. And we will love you too. Anyone taking MSM? I take 6000 mg a day to keep inflammation down--works better than Ibuprofin and is safer. I also take Glutamine as running depletes it and it is needed for muscles.

Thanks you so much phoenix, your support truely brought tears to my eyes. "Now you will run because you love yourself and want to be nice to yourself" That is the goal, and your comments coupled with Anne's comments concerning the mental side of running have given me a new outlook.  Hopefully, this week running will not serve as such a reminder.  Its a new day.  
2010-01-11 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2607153

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
hailswayne - 2010-01-11 10:03 AM

Some advice I can offer regarding nutrition and weight management is this:

I ordered the "Eat Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno and have really tried to live by a clean diet.  I now eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of the usual 3 large ones.  I drink TONS of water and really try to eat as healthy as possible.  It has helped me drop 40 lbs and keep it off this past year.  Tosca Reno was 40 years old and over 200 lbs when she changed her diet and her life.  She is now a fitness competitor and looks better in a bikini than most 20 year olds and she is over 50.  I also have a subscription to "oxygen" magazine which is really focused on nutrition and exercise.  It really is a great magazine and has helped me tremendously this past year.  It is not really about triathalons, more just working out in general.  But lots of good information.  I am not sure what exactly the needs would be for a triathlete, but for an active person it really addresses that.  She has several books and cookbooks out that have been extremely helpful to me.  Anyway, that is my 2 cents on the matter!

Other resources:
"You are what you eat" by Dr. Gillian McKeith
"Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes" by Monique Ryan

Losing weight is great- I'm proud of everyone who does it. I also want to add something, as your mentor- take any nutrition advice or recommendations on here with a grain of salt. What works for one person may not work for another, and I have met several people who have started this sport hoping to drop lots of pounds, and have instead found that they have dropped inches, and sizes, but not necessarily a lot of weight. Make choices that are right for you, and always clear any new nutrition plans with your family physician.

I also want to say, as a triathlete, that I do not step on the scale very often. I struggled with weight until about 4 years ago when I had to change my nutrition due to my migraines. Weight, body fat, and BMI are not always a great measure of fitness and health- I have friends who are tremendously successful triathletes, who kick my butt on the run, and they are in the Athena division at races. This is a sport where your mental state makes a huge difference, and your confidence level is a key factor. No matter what your shape or size you can bonk on the run if your head isn't in it.

2010-01-11 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2607542

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
AKR18 - 2010-01-11 11:51 AM

I also want to add something, as your mentor- take any nutrition advice or recommendations on here with a grain of salt. What works for one person may not work for another, and I have met several people who have started this sport hoping to drop lots of pounds, and have instead found that they have dropped inches, and sizes, but not necessarily a lot of weight. Make choices that are right for you, and always clear any new nutrition plans with your family physician.

THIS includes anything I suggest.
2010-01-11 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
find some of these for a snack

They are salty tasting without a lot of sodium adn carry a decent punch of protein --  Protein in a salty snack??? unheard of!  I buy mine at Trader Joes but I've seen then at the regular grocery stores too.  Look by the croutons, by the salad greens, and by the chips.

I got in a swim and bike this AM.   Now to bake a chocolate cake for the Bday girl.

2010-01-12 6:54 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Good Tuesday Morning!

Jo- I hope everything went well yesterday with meg's surgery.

Everyone else- I toured around training logs- good job getting workouts in! I know for some of you life got in the way- that happens. Don't get down on yourself. Just remember our group goal this week- at least 4 days out of 7 you log a workout.

Today is my day off. Rest days are important, and for me, a rest day means I am not working out, but running around like a crazy woman getting errands and such done. I definitely feel like I need the rest day after my first full week back training.

Keep up the good work, ladies!
2010-01-12 7:03 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hey all!  Looks like everyone has gotten off to a fantastic start!  I wanted to comment on a few things since I haven't posted in a couple of days.  (I work in college admissions and as you can imagine, I am buried in applications at the moment)

Alison- one thing to consider as you are looking for snacks is to be able to maintain a fairly consistent blood sugar throughout the day.  When it dips significantly is when you crave those bad snacks so the eat three big and 2 small meals plan will work well.  Try string cheese, other fruits, a piece of wheat toast with pb, greek yogurt with berries, banana with pb and raisins (think ants on a log), a small baked potato with salsa, roll up slices of turkey with cream cheese, or air popped popcorn.  I might look at some of the free weight watchers or biggest loser stuff- they alwayshave good recs.

MUSIC!  It's something I need to update but right now Black Betty by Ram Jam really gets me moving as does Murder on the Dancefloor.  There was an article in the NYTimes about music between 120 and 140 bpm (beats per min) is what gets your heart rate up and moving so I always try to stick to that.  Also, God is DJ,  by Pink and Stronger by Kanye keep me pumping

Enkidu- running motivation will vary for each, but  my suggestion is to get off the treadmill. I know it's cold where you are, but I had a revelation on Sunday when I was running outside.  I was happy and enjoying running.  I had been on the treadmill the week before and hated it.  If you can get outside do it.  Also try aqua jogging if you are at the pool.  It can break up the monotony and is better on your joints.

Also, start slow while trying to get your running fitness back. There is a general 10% increase rule- i.e. you should only increase your tempo or distance by 10% each week so you don't burn out or injure yourself.  With time, that fitness will come back. A lot of this has to do with patience which is ironic for me to say since can have very little patience with myself.  If it was there once, it will come back.

I've seen a lot about the OWS and the recs to start at the back or on the side of the pack is the best idea.  Before your first tri, see if you can spectate or volunteer at another to see what it looks like.  Also, try to do a few OWS before you get to your tri so you feel comfortable swimming in that setting. 

In other news, being back on my sched helps me to sleep better which is awesome and I saw Avatar on Sunday.  Very cool.  Keep up the good work ladies!  Back to reading applications...
2010-01-12 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2604140

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- Ladies Only Please
It's nice to hear that you only learned to swim properly at 40!  I'm going to be 45 this year, and just learning myself.  It's something I always thought would be good for getting rid of the FAT that has settled onto my BACK for the first time in my life.  ugh.  Tell me it will!  

2010-01-12 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Thanks for all of the great suggestions for snacking tips!  Derek and I ate had a good amount of food to eat for lunch, so I only got through about half of what I brought to work and the other half I munched on throughout the day as I became slightly hungry.  It worked like a charm!  I wasn't starved before the swim!  Derek forgot to eat before the swim, so he was reallllly tired...we figured out that was what was the culprit.

I still always crave carbs after swimming - even ones that I don't typically go ga ga for!  We had a moderately small dinner and felt fabulous! 

I have my cycling class today at 6pm, so I'm planning on doing to same today with getting full at lunch and then grazing the rest of the day until around 4:30 (I hate to have anything in my stomach when I run or cycle - makes me feel puke-y).

2010-01-12 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2609101

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Enkidu- running motivation will vary for each, but  my suggestion is to get off the treadmill. I know it's cold where you are, but I had a revelation on Sunday when I was running outside.  I was happy and enjoying running.  I had been on the treadmill the week before and hated it.  If you can get outside do it.  Also try aqua jogging if you are at the pool.  It can break up the monotony and is better on your joints.

Kate, thanks for the suggestion of running outdoors.  I think it might really help me to get outside, and have the scenery change and hopefully be less focused on the timer counting down.  I think I will give it a try tomorrow.   Its supposed to warm up to the mid-teens, and by now they've had a few days to plow most of the 6 inches of snow off the roads.  So maybe I can find space to at least do a short run.  I'll write and let you know how things go.

2010-01-13 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Good Wednesday Morning everyone!

I had a great rest day yesterday, and have to fit in a run today. Timing is really rough with 3 kids and the husband, and of course last night the baby did not sleep well, so no run this morning. As of now my plan is to take the oldest kid to soccer after school, rush back home, get dinner ready, feed everyone when my husband gets home from picking the kid up from soccer, go for my short run, then get insde and warm up my dinner. Let's hope the tiniest child cooperates with this plan!

Off to check on training logs- everyone have a great day! Remember our group goal- for everyone to have 4 days switched to peach or pink!
2010-01-13 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
waaaaay back on Monday I made that chocolate birthday cake for my DD.  then I spent the rest of the afternoon holding back her hair as she got sick again and again.  Needless to say, I never frosted the cake, let alone enjoyed it.

she seems to have her spirit and appetite back today so I hope to frost the cake and we'll celebrate 5y2d tonight.

I got a run/walk in this morning, pace and energy better than last week.

I listen to audio books while running and spinning.  I try to find humorous memoirs to download - free from my local library's online system.  Rarely do I listen to music.  I do find myself laughing occasionally when working out, making others wonder what's on my MP3

For those looking for another incentive to meet goals, go check out the Challenge Forum and sign up for a February team when the next challenges are posted.  I've found it is a good way to help me keep honest with my goals.  You set your monthly goal, get added to a team, and work towards 100% completion.  Certainly some months this is what got me to get off a lazy bum and complete a training day!

happy workouts!
2010-01-13 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2612302

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
movingsouth - 2010-01-13 3:50 PM

waaaaay back on Monday I made that chocolate birthday cake for my DD.  then I spent the rest of the afternoon holding back her hair as she got sick again and again.  Needless to say, I never frosted the cake, let alone enjoyed it.

she seems to have her spirit and appetite back today so I hope to frost the cake and we'll celebrate 5y2d tonight.

I got a run/walk in this morning, pace and energy better than last week.

I listen to audio books while running and spinning.  I try to find humorous memoirs to download - free from my local library's online system.  Rarely do I listen to music.  I do find myself laughing occasionally when working out, making others wonder what's on my MP3

For those looking for another incentive to meet goals, go check out the Challenge Forum and sign up for a February team when the next challenges are posted.  I've found it is a good way to help me keep honest with my goals.  You set your monthly goal, get added to a team, and work towards 100% completion.  Certainly some months this is what got me to get off a lazy bum and complete a training day!

happy workouts!

thanks for sharing the tip of checking out the Challenge Forum! I encourage everyone to do it. And I am glad your 5 year old is on the mend.

I did fit my run in, and everyone is winding down for bedtime.
Life gets in the way, it seems, when it comes to training. So the run tonight- after everything that had to get done today, and everything that went wrong today- it was extra good. It was 19:58 of me time and I am so thankful I got to have that time.

2010-01-13 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Meg update:  We got home from the hospital last night, both exhausted from no sleep.  She has 8-10 screws and a plate.  She will be casted for 6-8 weeks then PT for~4 months.  She is in pain but it is tolerable.  Thanks to everyone for your support. 

I will be absent again.  I leave for Tampa tomorrow afternoon, returning Sunday.  My training plan starts on Monday.  I am hoping to meet up with a BT friend for the first time when I am down there.  It is a work meeting so I don't know what kind of downtime to expect.  I will be bringing my swim suit and running shoes.  Hopefully I get something in.

Looks like everyone is on the right track.  I totally agree with Anne, take nutrition advice with a grain of salt.  I did read the books she talked of.  I pick and choose what works for me and is healthy.  Not everything works for everybody.  The challenge forum is great.  In my other mentor group, we all committed to pick a 5k to do by the end of February.  Some of us will have an easy time, for some this will be their first 5k.  We may want to set up goals like the peachy one so that we all stay on track 

Have a great week everyone!

2010-01-13 8:51 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hey hey hey!  I just wanted to see how everyone's doing.  I bought a new headlamp today so I could run at night after I read my applications.  I was thinking about us all running outside and thought to mention some safety tips like wearing reflective gear and light colored clothing.  Also, stay on side or low trafficked streets if it's easier.  I never wear headphones at night- longtime Boston resident so I am always super careful.  And of course, watch out for ICE!  I almost took a huge digger tonight. 

I did have a quick question.  Has anyone had issues with a hip or hip flexor?  For some reason my right hip feels weak/sluggish when I run.  Any thoughts other than strengthening it with a few exercises?

2010-01-13 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
And Jo- glad to hear Meg is home.  Here's to a healthy and strong recovery!
2010-01-13 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
And Jo- glad to hear Meg is home.  Here's to a healthy and strong recovery!
2010-01-14 6:32 AM
in reply to: #2612900

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
kziemer - 2010-01-13 9:51 PM

Hey hey hey!  I just wanted to see how everyone's doing.  I bought a new headlamp today so I could run at night after I read my applications.  I was thinking about us all running outside and thought to mention some safety tips like wearing reflective gear and light colored clothing.  Also, stay on side or low trafficked streets if it's easier.  I never wear headphones at night- longtime Boston resident so I am always super careful.  And of course, watch out for ICE!  I almost took a huge digger tonight. 

I did have a quick question.  Has anyone had issues with a hip or hip flexor?  For some reason my right hip feels weak/sluggish when I run.  Any thoughts other than strengthening it with a few exercises?

I'm having problems with my right hip too and am noticing it in my gait when I run....and it is super tight when I don't run. I am stretching it- Kneel with left knee, Right knee up, lean forward....I need to find a link to a diagram of it. Strength training would probably help too. Sorry, nothing too creative here. Usually getting in the pool and doing kick drills helps keep that part of my body strong. I can't do either of those right now- pool or gym- as that involves getting to the Y and I won't take the baby there yet. Anyone else have some tips???

Also thanks for the tips. Lots of us are running in the dark right now. I have a Run ID leg bracelet I wear that has reflective tape on it; I also wear a bright white windbreaker. But I am so bad about wearing my headphones- thanks for reminding me to take them out!!!! I live in a very well-lit suburb so night runs/early morning runs are not so dangerous. Good tips though! Thank you!

Today is a crazy rush....I will get back on tonight to check out training logs. Jo, have a good trip, and thanks for updating us on Meg. Everyone- happy training! It's a bike day for me, hoping I can stay awake during naptime- will be hard but I need to do a longish ride while the kiddos sleep.

2010-01-14 8:06 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I run at night every week. I wear a Illuminite jacket over my layer. It looks like that neon green at night. I also wear a headlamp and a flasher on my arm. It's cold right now but when spring comes, I will still wear my jacket. My sleeves zip off to make a vest.

I never run alone in the dark even if you think it is safe. Perputraors don't go looking in their own neighborhoods. They trail neighborhoods where they know people feel comfortable, think they are safe and don't lock their doors. Not trying to scare you just want everyone to be diligent in their surroundings.


2010-01-14 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Aside from being cold, my outdoor run yesterday was really nice.  Much better than the monotony of the treadmill.  Next time I'll put on a pair of gloves tho and perhaps drive into town. I live out in the country, and with all of the snow there is not a solid side of the road to run on or get over onto when traffic comes.  In town things are cleared a bit better, or I could always run in the park.  It was cold, even through the layers but it was 18 degrees with 10 mph winds.  Its warmed up some so maybe tomorrow I'll get another run in.

Thanks for the running at night safety tips, too.  I'm sure that will come in handy, as so much of the time it is dark this time of year and with working 50+ hours a week, it is sometimes hard to find day light hours in which to run.

2010-01-14 11:12 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Laura, have you thought about looking into your local running groups (I did a quick search and at least found some in Decatur) and try to run with a group?  We have a bunch of the running stores actually hosts a "Fun Run" every Thursday night.  It's a great way to meet up with other runners.  I only say this because of the running in the dark by yourself thing...I've tried it once and that was more than enough for me! 
2010-01-14 11:13 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Man, I hate double posts!  My husband has been extremely great about going to all of our work-outs this week.  I thought I'd have a harder time getting him out the door.  I think the fact that he normally is a little pissy or tired before we work out and he feels great after...he's really seeing the benefits!

We did find that running the full 2 miles in the 11-13 mile/min group, we end up going the same pace or slightly slower than we would've with the 4min/2min interval.  I know I shouldn't worry about going faster right now (it's only been 6 months since I started running), but I really wish my easy run time was closer to 10-11 min.  Persistence and losing weight will surely help with this.  I mean, I've only run full miles at a time 2x so far, so I guess I shouldn't push too hard.  I'm just getting antsy!!  Any suggestions for keeping me interested and not getting down on myself about my slow time?

Edited by innocentali 2010-01-14 11:20 PM
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