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2010-04-08 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2770589

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full

i think we just have A BT MENTOR GROUP!


so glad to hear that many of you are already kickin' it as the day starts!  nothing quite like a swim bike and/or run to get your engine started.

i always feel my ENTIRE DAY goes MUCH BETTER when i get a work out in, even if it isnt the first thing in the morning.  WHAT IS UP WITH THAT????


i SURVIVED an hour long SPIN BOOT CAMP class last night.

YES.  I DID TYPE THOSE TWO WORDS IN THE SAME SENTENCE.  you can only imagine how....uhm.....challenging it was.  next time youre at your local gym, fitness center, YMCA you TO should sign up for SPIN BOOT CAMP.  it will CHANGE YOU in oh so many ways.

today is a recovery day for me ie my triceps hurt i can barely lift my arms.

found a YOGA FOR CYCLIST class at a studio that im working w down towards the city.


i'll be sure to report back.

any mentees/mentors found benefit in taking YOGA OR have given thought to the benefits of YOGA as part of their Tri training.

i know for me, im fully aware of the benefits but often its a (perception of a) LACK OF TIME that keeps me from doing YOGA on regular basis.

all the swim bike run sessions keep me hopping, YOGA is hard to fit in.

but today..... will be a nice CHANGE UP from the usual SWIBIRU trng sessions.



Edited by skrtrnr 2010-04-08 8:54 AM

2010-04-08 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2776398

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
kali0824 - 2010-04-08 9:05 AM Thanks you guys!  I had no idea it was much easier on the treadmill.  That would have been a rude awakening on race day.  Will have my mom watch the kids while I run in her neighborhood.  No hills, but there is a bridge run every Thursday night I am thinking about joining.  Maybe that will be my hill workout. 
I think the mentor thing will really help.  Thanks for all the answers!

I am the epitome of things never going as I planned. Running on the treadmill is certainly better than NO RUNNING AT ALL. I have 2 kids myself, mine are 10 and 6. Some days are hard. Last night my 3 mile run was 1.2 miles because my 6 year old wanted to ride her bike along with me. I'll take 1.2 miles with her going with me any day.

It is all about balance. We can only do what we can do.
2010-04-08 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2776271

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group
Good morning all!

I hope there is still room for another.  I am entering my second year of triathlons and I am really struggling with consistency, which for an overweight Clyde isn't exactly optimal.  I love the attitude in here and the fact that some of you have already conquered the weight issue.  I won't lie - I'm also a total sucker for inspires becuase they motivate me so having a group that does them would be great!

I have already been trying to send this for over two hours but work is decidely not cooperating with my BT usage, so I will have to get my "official" bio up later today.

2010-04-08 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2770589

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Welcome aboard Shawn
2010-04-08 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2770589

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: wetsuits
Can anyone offer some advice RE wetsuits??

I have my first open water swim - group training - in Annapolis, MD in mid-May, and figure I might need or want a wetsuit by then. I also planned an open water swim clinic/race Memorial Day weekend in Virginia, and have some trainings/tri's through summer, with a swim leg in a half-full in early October.

So, I figure I oughta get a wetsuit....and was looking to rent first, but saw that Xterra allows a try-out in the water to try out a new suit, too, so figure I'd go with that (have a good deal on Xterras). $$ are an issue, so didn't know if I should go for sleeveless or sleeves - idea of the sleeves sounds HOT, and a little claustrophobic, but I'm afraid I'll be too cold in May & in October without them, so don't want to go too cheap.

Would welcome some opinions.....

2010-04-08 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Name: Ryan

Story: I've always been into something sporty, stick&ball in school, Racing dirtbikes & wakeboarding from then on.  At 6'8 I always had an excuse for being bigger, didn't try to hide that I was fat, but being taller made my mind think it was ok. First of 09 a work weight loss contest slapped me in the face. Not being able to weigh on the doctors scale(350) made me pretty upset with myself.  Tippin the scales at 370, I knew I needed to do something that could last longer than the contest.  Eating turned better, couch to walk to run was going good.  Some friends thought I should do a 5K since I had been running/loosing weight.  Works out that my step-mother puts one on, so we all did it.  After knocking 3 mins off my best 5k, I was excited and ready to go after that.  A team triathlon was brought up, everyone backed out except me, leaving me to start training by myself.  Now weighing right around 275, I have my first TRI in two weeks. BT has been a huge help, as well as the mentor groups. I also joined one of the first groups of the year,  I was in the same group as MIKE(ransick). 

Family Status: Married, little dog that thinks she's a lion.

Current training:  I have been on the BT 20 week 3X sprint plan since Dec.  For the most part it has went as scheduled but lately seems to be what I can get in, when I can get it in.

This year's races (so far)
Sullivan Il Sprint 4/25
Carlyle IL Sprint 5/23
Decatur IL Sprint(long sprint to me) 7/11
Great Illini Half(oly distance for me)  

2010-04-08 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2776678

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2010-04-08 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2776678

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: wetsuits
MarlaS - 2010-04-08 10:12 AM Can anyone offer some advice RE wetsuits??

I have my first open water swim - group training - in Annapolis, MD in mid-May, and figure I might need or want a wetsuit by then. I also planned an open water swim clinic/race Memorial Day weekend in Virginia, and have some trainings/tri's through summer, with a swim leg in a half-full in early October.

So, I figure I oughta get a wetsuit....and was looking to rent first, but saw that Xterra allows a try-out in the water to try out a new suit, too, so figure I'd go with that (have a good deal on Xterras). $$ are an issue, so didn't know if I should go for sleeveless or sleeves - idea of the sleeves sounds HOT, and a little claustrophobic, but I'm afraid I'll be too cold in May & in October without them, so don't want to go too cheap.

Would welcome some opinions.....


You may want to look at renting before you buy so you can save money and also see how you feel about a full vs a sleeveless. I got one of the Xterra sleeveless over the winter, and will be trying it out for the first time later this month. For me the full seemed like it would be hot, and restrictive. I can deal with my arms being cold as long as my core is warm. It really is a personal preference thing though.

Good luck.
2010-04-08 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2776701

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
bigr82 - 2010-04-08 10:19 AM Name: Ryan

Story: I've always been into something sporty, stick&ball in school, Racing dirtbikes & wakeboarding from then on.  At 6'8 I always had an excuse for being bigger, didn't try to hide that I was fat, but being taller made my mind think it was ok. First of 09 a work weight loss contest slapped me in the face. Not being able to weigh on the doctors scale(350) made me pretty upset with myself.  Tippin the scales at 370, I knew I needed to do something that could last longer than the contest.  Eating turned better, couch to walk to run was going good.  Some friends thought I should do a 5K since I had been running/loosing weight.  Works out that my step-mother puts one on, so we all did it.  After knocking 3 mins off my best 5k, I was excited and ready to go after that.  A team triathlon was brought up, everyone backed out except me, leaving me to start training by myself.  Now weighing right around 275, I have my first TRI in two weeks. BT has been a huge help, as well as the mentor groups. I also joined one of the first groups of the year,  I was in the same group as MIKE(ransick). 

Family Status: Married, little dog that thinks she's a lion.

Current training:  I have been on the BT 20 week 3X sprint plan since Dec.  For the most part it has went as scheduled but lately seems to be what I can get in, when I can get it in.

This year's races (so far)
Sullivan Il Sprint 4/25
Carlyle IL Sprint 5/23
Decatur IL Sprint(long sprint to me) 7/11
Great Illini Half(oly distance for me)  

Welcome Ryan

If yo've been working out since Dec then you have some fitness built up that you should be fine to complete your sprint the end of the month. Hang in there, don't get discouraged. Everyone needs a break sometimes.

Step back, regroup, and think about how much better you feel since you have started working out. We all go through funk's. Hanging out on BT is a good way to get through them.
2010-04-08 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2776678

Subject: RE: wetsuits
MarlaS - 2010-04-08 10:12 AM Can anyone offer some advice RE wetsuits??

I have my first open water swim - group training - in Annapolis, MD in mid-May, and figure I might need or want a wetsuit by then. I also planned an open water swim clinic/race Memorial Day weekend in Virginia, and have some trainings/tri's through summer, with a swim leg in a half-full in early October.

So, I figure I oughta get a wetsuit....and was looking to rent first, but saw that Xterra allows a try-out in the water to try out a new suit, too, so figure I'd go with that (have a good deal on Xterras). $$ are an issue, so didn't know if I should go for sleeveless or sleeves - idea of the sleeves sounds HOT, and a little claustrophobic, but I'm afraid I'll be too cold in May & in October without them, so don't want to go too cheap.

Would welcome some opinions.....


Marla, I'll share my thoughts....but with the forwarning that I am a very weak swimmer and consider a wetsuit my water wings.  I actually have both style suits.  I started with a sleeveless and wound up buying one with sleeves on sale last year as I had some early season ocean swims and it was a really good deal.  I actually found the suit with sleeves to be less clausterphobic and more comfortable.  They are both Blue Seventys, so it wasn't a brand difference.  I think you can go either way.  If most of your swims are in the summer, then sleeveless is probably your best bet.  

Is there a tri-shop nearby where you can try some different brands/styles?  Wetsuits are a bit like bikes.  Fit is important.  They need to be quite snug, but you need to be able to pull it up far enough so it doesn't pull down on your shoulders.
2010-04-08 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2770589

cabot, Arkansas
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Last night I was doing some interval training on my bike.  I just went from a roadie to a P2 and am still not comfortable for long periods of time in the aero position, so I end up not in the aero position for most of my ride....... 
Soooooo, heres my prob.  When Im doing intervals on my trainer and I drop down into aero, without changing cadence or gear, my HR drops by like 20bpm almost instantly!  I'm thinking theres an issue with my HR monitor(nike triax  c10)??? Or that body position in the aero position is significanlty more effecient.  I know that it is but.........?  20 bpm???  thats just crazy!!! 
Any other reasons anyone can think of?

Edited by onevette80 2010-04-08 9:35 AM

2010-04-08 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2776725

Subject: RE: wetsuits
ironannekidd - 2010-04-08 10:26 AM
MarlaS - 2010-04-08 10:12 AM Can anyone offer some advice RE wetsuits??

I have my first open water swim - group training - in Annapolis, MD in mid-May, and figure I might need or want a wetsuit by then. I also planned an open water swim clinic/race Memorial Day weekend in Virginia, and have some trainings/tri's through summer, with a swim leg in a half-full in early October.

So, I figure I oughta get a wetsuit....and was looking to rent first, but saw that Xterra allows a try-out in the water to try out a new suit, too, so figure I'd go with that (have a good deal on Xterras). $$ are an issue, so didn't know if I should go for sleeveless or sleeves - idea of the sleeves sounds HOT, and a little claustrophobic, but I'm afraid I'll be too cold in May & in October without them, so don't want to go too cheap.

Would welcome some opinions.....


You may want to look at renting before you buy so you can save money and also see how you feel about a full vs a sleeveless. I got one of the Xterra sleeveless over the winter, and will be trying it out for the first time later this month. For me the full seemed like it would be hot, and restrictive. I can deal with my arms being cold as long as my core is warm. It really is a personal preference thing though.

Good luck.

Even better advice!
2010-04-08 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2776755

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Edited by wgraves7582 2010-04-08 9:42 AM
2010-04-08 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Is everyone/anyone in a local tri group?

After going to a different bike shop than normal, found out that there is a tri group about 40 mins away. Seems like they do ALOT, with racing, training, etc.  Other than training with Mike &  a few other Bter's, pretty much do it solo. Just curious what the overall thoughts are.
2010-04-08 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2770589

Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
thanks for the good advice.

I can't find a local shop that rents the Xterras, which is a bummer, and since they let you try them out in the water and my first swim is just a practice, I figured I'd save the $ for the rental and just get the suit. I figure I'll only wear them when I can legally, but have no sense at all as to what various lake water temps really "feel" like, and of course the geeky part of me wants to analyze it to death, find the one right answer, and proceed logically from there. Not happening, is it......?
2010-04-08 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2776746

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
onevette80 - 2010-04-08 10:31 AM Last night I was doing some interval training on my bike.  I just went from a roadie to a P2 and am still not comfortable for long periods of time in the aero position, so I end up not in the aero position for most of my ride....... 
Soooooo, heres my prob.  When Im doing intervals on my trainer and I drop down into aero, without changing cadence or gear, my HR drops by like 20bpm almost instantly!  I'm thinking theres an issue with my HR monitor(nike triax  c10)??? Or that body position in the aero position is significanlty more effecient.  I know that it is but.........?  20 bpm???  thats just crazy!!! 
Any other reasons anyone can think of?

20 bpm is a huge difference. I'm not sure I'd blame it on the HRM though. You are definitely more efficient in aero. So if nothing else changed other than position I would say it is the position. I know I can crank it out harder in aero than I can when I'm not. I don't fatigued as easily either.

How is it that you aren't comfortable in the aero position? My neck was stiff the first few times, and I have neck problems by the way, but the more you go with it the easier it will become.

2010-04-08 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2776746

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2010-04-08 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2776783

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2010-04-08 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2776797

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
wgraves7582 - 2010-04-08 10:46 AM
MarlaS - 2010-04-08 10:42 AM thanks for the good advice.

I can't find a local shop that rents the Xterras, which is a bummer, and since they let you try them out in the water and my first swim is just a practice, I figured I'd save the $ for the rental and just get the suit. I figure I'll only wear them when I can legally, but have no sense at all as to what various lake water temps really "feel" like, and of course the geeky part of me wants to analyze it to death, find the one right answer, and proceed logically from there. Not happening, is it......?

Marla - nope it is not logical.  Because once you get something dialed in - a variable changes.  That is what makes it so much fun - keeps you on your toes!!!!

Swimming gets easier so you go further or harder and it becomes hard again!
Running gets easier so you pick you pace up or do trails and it becomes hard again!
Biking gets easier so you pick a lower gear or ramp your cadence up and it becomes harder again!

Fun stuff!

What's the quote?

something like

It never gets easier you just go faster
2010-04-08 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Morning Ghoulies!
Thanks for the warm welcomes, what a fun and active group. Bill, you can still refer to Ann as Ann(e) and I can just be Anne if that helps.
Not all caught up on the posts yet, and I need to post about my background sometime today. Is there a list somewhere of everyone in this group? 
2010-04-08 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2776788

cabot, Arkansas
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ironannekidd - 2010-04-08 9:44 AM
onevette80 - 2010-04-08 10:31 AM Last night I was doing some interval training on my bike.  I just went from a roadie to a P2 and am still not comfortable for long periods of time in the aero position, so I end up not in the aero position for most of my ride....... 
Soooooo, heres my prob.  When Im doing intervals on my trainer and I drop down into aero, without changing cadence or gear, my HR drops by like 20bpm almost instantly!  I'm thinking theres an issue with my HR monitor(nike triax  c10)??? Or that body position in the aero position is significanlty more effecient.  I know that it is but.........?  20 bpm???  thats just crazy!!! 
Any other reasons anyone can think of?

20 bpm is a huge difference. I'm not sure I'd blame it on the HRM though. You are definitely more efficient in aero. So if nothing else changed other than position I would say it is the position. I know I can crank it out harder in aero than I can when I'm not. I don't fatigued as easily either.

How is it that you aren't comfortable in the aero position? My neck was stiff the first few times, and I have neck problems by the way, but the more you go with it the easier it will become.

My brother who worked at the bike shop where I bought my P2 fit me to it.  He said..... he put me in a more aggresive/less comfortable position.  But that id get used to it.  I couldnt tell if he was serious or just wanted to take the spacers off the steerer tube so I didnt look like a noob......
Undoubtably, your body geometry is more efficient on a tri bike vs a roadie.  I picked up 4 mph going from my allez elite to the P2 with no change in effort.  EVEN though i spent very little time in the aero position.  I also noticed a crazy difference in my run after i ride from roadie to Tri. 
But still, 20bpm???  If this is the case, I believe I need to spend some serious time getting comfortable in that position!!!

2010-04-08 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2776842

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
abake - 2010-04-08 10:55 AM Morning Ghoulies!
Thanks for the warm welcomes, what a fun and active group. Bill, you can still refer to Ann as Ann(e) and I can just be Anne if that helps.
Not all caught up on the posts yet, and I need to post about my background sometime today. Is there a list somewhere of everyone in this group? 

This is the list I made this morning

Kali0824 - K
MarlaS - Marla
Sulcus - Shawn
jcarmody - Janet
onevette80 - Ryan
wmcgee62 - Wes
ransick - Mike
waltontl - Tania
abake - Anne
nichip - Nichi
bigr82 - Ryan
2010-04-08 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2776842

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2010-04-08 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2770589

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2010-04-08 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2776335


Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group

All of what Bill said + if you can get outside to run AT ALL it would help you. Running on the road is a lot harder on the body than running on a treadmill. The treadmill is much more forgiving.

Wow!  Just got back from running 3 miles outside.  Wind sucks...until is stops blowing and then I get really hot.  Much better view though than the wall I have to admit.
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