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2011-01-10 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3257607

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Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Hi everyone!!!

I know I'm a little late joining in the fun, but BDD graciously allowed me to join the group....thanks!  I am trying to catch up on all your profiles but in the meantime I thought I would introduce myself. 

Name: Laura

Story: I have been an on again off again runner for most of my adult life.  Last year I started a running fund raising campaign to benefit the Joubert Syndrome Foundation (Joubert Syndrome is a rare genetic brain malformation which my daughter has).  I have been running consistently for almost 2 years now, and have a passion for trail running.  But, I have been plagued by knee injuries since this summer.  I began riding and swimming while I couldn't run and decided I should try a tri since I was already doing the training.  The knee didn't heal in time to race last season.  I am hoping my knee will be well enough to do some sprint tris this spring and summer and hope to finish up my season with an olympic tri. 

Family: Married with 1 daughter (3 years old)

Current Training: I am having yet another knee flare up, hoping I can resume running this week.  I am still looking for sprint tri plans, but basically I ride 2-3 times a week, I hope to start swimming again 2x week, and add running back in 2-3 times a week.  My training has been really inconsistent the last few weeks due to the holidays, weather, injuries, blah, blah, blah.  Hope to get back on track this week. 

Weight loss:  At close to 6ft tall, I'm fairly happy with my weight at 157ish.  My lowest weight was 149lbs this summer while training for a half mary.  I've lost over 30lbs since I began running.

Why I want to be in the BDD metor group:  I "met" BDD through blogging several months ago.  You really do have a soft spot for newbies and have helped me out tremendously through the early phases of my goals.  You have given me invaluable support and motivation!!!

Look forward to getting to know you all and following your training!!!

2011-01-10 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Kate - Your right, its still laps, in the long run it, it will pay off. Have fun on your bike ride and bird watching

Todd - Congrats on the half mary

LB - WELCOME!! Glad you joined the group, now I can even bug you more to do a tri ;-)
2011-01-10 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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2011-01-10 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Where is everyone else?
2011-01-10 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Very cool inspiration!

As for me: Saturday, swim for 45 minutes - bike trainer for 1 hour (no computer on bike yet, but had HR up to 155)

Sunday, football & kids

Monday, 40 mins on this pre-cor machine I like at the gym (500 calories burned, 20 mins in zone 3, 10 in zone 4 - what should I be shooting for? zone wise?)
oh yeah and shoveled 8" of snow off a 3 car driveway!

2011-01-10 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3289257

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Wow! Now that is motivation!

What you say it true! Thanks for that!

2011-01-10 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3289318

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
I ran 6 miles on Saturday AM. Then spent 67 minutes on the spin bike on Sunday. I had planned to go for 80 or 90 minutes and try to gain some endurance 'in the saddle', but I had to cut it short due to a crying baby that needed some attention.

Speaking of something fun over the weekend, the aforementioned baby is a little newborn that we picked up from the hospital on Friday. We do foster care, and we got a call for a little baby girl that needs to be taken care of for a while. She was just born this past Wednesday, and she is just a precious little angel!! So, it was no problem at all to cut the spin bike session short.

I am going to have to rearrange my sleep schedule a bit, so I can help my wife out with nighttime feedings, but we have done it before, and it has worked out okay.

So, all in all, an eventful and rewarding weekend. I did pick a few pounds back up, since I had overindulged in the pizza and snacks. (One 'cheat' meal turned into a 'few cheat meals' over the weekend) Part of that was probably the stress of adding a newborn to the family all of a sudden, but I really think I need to stop with the cheat meals; It just doesn't usually work out for me to cut it off after one meal. But that motivation from BDD this morning is going to help!!
2011-01-10 6:16 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Fort Hood
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
I drank to much on friday, lifted weghts on saturday.  On Sunday I did nothing but play some poker and watch movies.  Today(monday)  I lifted during lunch and heading out for a chilly run right now.  Nothing exciting to report.  I am just to busy with work and spending time with family before my deployment to get to serious yet.
2011-01-10 6:37 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
New equipment/accessories success stories:

Swim Cap
I had my first swim with a swim cap last Thursday, and I have to say, I felt like it made a noticeable difference. I have pretty close cut hair (and not as much of it as I used to so I always figured a swim cap wouldn't make much of a difference for me; But I forgot about the EARS! Having them tucked under the cap seemed to reduce drag. I don't imagine I was much faster, maybe a couple seconds per 100 (I'll have to time it this week) But it did have a nice feel to it, and it kinda keeps the water out of the ears. Definitely worth the few dollars it cost.

Swim Shorts
I also had gotten a pair of the 'skin tight' swim shorts. I had always just swam laps in my old swim trunks, and I know that there was a decent amount of drag from those. I could feel the pockets tugging back as I would push off the wall. So, again a $30 investment, and it really added to the 'streamlined' feel as I was swimming my laps. Highly recommended.

Chamois Cream
I had never even heard of this before last week, and came across while browsing some of the other threads on the forum. So I picked up some 'Button Hole' cream and gave it a try. (I'm such a newb, I didn't even know you're not supposed to wear undies when wearing the bike shorts with the chamois pad, so anyways :0) The Button Hole cream is the variety with the 'cooling effect' which was not too strong as to be uncomfortable. I was afraid it would be too cool like IcyHot, which would definitely be hard to put up with. But it was 'just right' and kept things cool even after 60 minutes on the spin bike. As I posted earlier, I was going to go for 80-90 minutes and try to build some endurance, but the baby started crying, and I was off the bike for like 15 minutes with her, so any endurance building was interrupted for the time being. Will give it another try this week.

I picked up some glutamine chews at GNC since they were spoken so highly of in regards to recovery. After my 6 mile run, and 67 minute spin ride, I can say that I haven't really been sore, which is nice because I have been struggling with fatigue as recently as a couple weeks ago. But time will tell the true results of this, when I get to my 18/20 milers in training for the marathon, and then of course the marathon itself. But my first impression is pretty positive.

I would love to hear reports (positive or negative) on what other new equipment etc. that others may have been trying.
2011-01-10 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3257607

New user
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
ive always wondering what chamois cream was for....what is it supposed to do.  i dont seem to have problems in that ummmm.....area LOL. 

im a total gear addict....i dont even know where to begin.  its mostly running gear im addicted to. 

question about riding on the trainer.  i guess this is just my runner's mentality, but im totally hung up on mileage.  i have a mag trainer and can adjust the resistance, and usually ride at the second to highest resistance.  ive noticed my times are much better than some of my other (more experienced) friends on dailymile.  where they ride 16-17mph, i ride at 19-20mph.  i could up the resistance to the highest setting, but hate the thoughts of riding so much slower, i have this compulsion to get x # of miles in.  my HR averages in the 150s at this resistance, but my legs feel like molten lava, i keep my cadence around 80-90, and am pushing pretty big gears.  but am i getting a quality workout at this resistance.  should i up the resistance, drop down my gears, slow my pace and get my HR higher???  im so confused about how to get a proper yet realistic workout on the trainer.  on the road, i usually ride at 16-17mph on a relatively hilly route.  or is this all 6 one way/half a dozen the other, is it just about time and getting your HR up????
2011-01-10 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3291258

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
laurabs24 - 2011-01-10 8:45 PM

ive always wondering what chamois cream was for....what is it supposed to do.  i dont seem to have problems in that ummmm.....area LOL.

The way I saw it explained, was that it was to reduce friction, as well as to help keep you from getting saddle sores. I've never had those problems either, but I definitely don't want to get there, lol. Also, I figured since I am only up to about an hour or so in the saddle on long rides, and I need to be up to about 3.5-4 hrs to do a HIM tri, there must certainly be thresholds that I have yet to cross.

question about riding on the trainer.  i guess this is just my runner's mentality, but im totally hung up on mileage.  i have a mag trainer and can adjust the resistance, and usually ride at the second to highest resistance.  ive noticed my times are much better than some of my other (more experienced) friends on dailymile.  where they ride 16-17mph, i ride at 19-20mph.  i could up the resistance to the highest setting, but hate the thoughts of riding so much slower, i have this compulsion to get x # of miles in.  my HR averages in the 150s at this resistance, but my legs feel like molten lava, i keep my cadence around 80-90, and am pushing pretty big gears.  but am i getting a quality workout at this resistance.  should i up the resistance, drop down my gears, slow my pace and get my HR higher???  im so confused about how to get a proper yet realistic workout on the trainer.  on the road, i usually ride at 16-17mph on a relatively hilly route.  or is this all 6 one way/half a dozen the other, is it just about time and getting your HR up????

I am having similar concerns. My spin bike shows me going 26-27 mph, and I know that is nowhere near realistic for me. I was averaging about 14-15 mph back when I was out on the road. But, I'm wondering what I can do thru the winter to maximize my cycling time when it is too cold to get out on the road. As laurabs said, is just about getting the time in and getting your HR up?

2011-01-10 10:44 PM
in reply to: #3257607

East Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full I am.  Great motivation...wish I had read it this morning as I was in a funk all day long.  I mustered up the energy for a 1.5 mile run followed by 10 minutes of sprint intervals**.  I'll need to set a reminder to read your Monday morning motivations.

This weekend was good...I bailed on a happy hour on Friday night because I didn't want to ruin what I'd worked hard for all week long (am I weird?  the wife even looked at me funny).  Saturday I did a pseudo-brick with a 2 mile run followed by a 10 minute moderate bike....I know it wasn't much...but I want to start slowly to avoid re-injuring my calves (yep both).  Started coaching my girls' lacrosse team (I'm excited for season to start). At practice, I convinced one of my assistants (who did an Oly Tri last summer...complaining the whole way...and swearing never to do it again) to train for our local sprint tri this summer.  Between BDD and Steve..the inspiration will overflow.   So Sat night...I made up for staying in on Friday night and watched the Jets beat up on Indy (GO JETS) at my brother-in-laws house...the GlenFiddich flowed nicely.  Sunday morning I biked 8+ miles then took my daughters to their basketball games.  Sunday night was the best as I watched the Eagles lose.

I'm psyched as this week I can sign up at the local indoor pool to start swimming. 

**I call my sprint intervals "Strahans" after reading about a workout Michael Strahan does, post-NFL, to keep in-shape.  Set treadmill to 10 mph, incline 10%.  At the top of each minute, sprint for 20 seconds then jump off & rest for the other 40 this for 10 minutes.  Let me tell you...I couldn't do it.  Damn near had an "americas funniest home video" moment.  I had set tread mill to 5% and 7mph.

Thanks for listening.


2011-01-11 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3257607

New user
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
more trainer questions.....

im pretty sure the way i ride on the trainer is not the most effective.  i basically get on and spin at 80-90 RPM in whatever gear feels most comfortable yet gets my HR up and i go up and down a couple of gears when i get tired or need more challenge.  i should probably be doing a more structured workout with more "purpose" huh???  ive heard of spinervals, but never used one.  and to be quite honest dont want to pay for it right now.  (damn...expensive sport!!!)  anywho, i found this free work out on their website but dont understand it.  what do the #s mean (12,13,15....gearing???)  i know NOTHING about what gear im in, all i know is the farther to the left on the gear window thingy= harder to push (like my terminology??? LOL!).  and big ring vs small ring???  i have 3 front rings, which are they referring to????

does anyone know of any free spinerval type videos to download?????  im all about doing tri the cheapest way possible!!! Wink  and on that note....i need to get off my butt and go try to spin purposefully.

Edited by laurabs24 2011-01-11 12:51 PM
2011-01-11 1:26 PM
in reply to: #3292736

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2011-01-11 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
I will have time tomorrow to reply to everyone, though it looks like everyone is taking care of each other, I like to see that, that is what I want my group to be all about, we are a team

Here is an interesting article I wanted to share, its holds true for everyone and really is the key to success in this sport 

The Power of Consistency

One of the key elements I stress with athletes that I coach is how important it is to have long-term consistency with their training. It’s basic that if you want to see the most gain or improvements in your training and racing, you’ve got to be consistent — and that’s over the long haul. Acquiring fitness is not a short-term process. It can take at least a year and a half of consistent training to become race fit. It’s worth the wait, as you will then be able to reach your potential as an athlete.

So how do you get to be consistent in your training day in and day out?

You need to make a 100 percent commitment to train and back that up with action. It isn’t easy to be consistent and self-disciplined, and there will be times when it will be hard and it would be easier to take a seat on the couch and turn on the tube instead of lacing up your shoes. But, if your goal is to reach the next level or race your best, you’ve got to decide you really want it and fight through the tougher days and adversity - do this and you will succeed!

Once you’ve decided to commit, hiring a coach to help you plan your season and design a training plan that works with your life schedule will also help you be consistent long term. Having a coach to provide helpful feedback, positive motivation and accountability, especially during tougher periods, will help you stay on track. 

Whether you decide to use a coach or plan your training yourself, it’s important to have a training plan that is realistic with your schedule. A schedule that will allow you to be successful includes adequate time for recovery, training, and is in harmony with both family and your work life. Trying to cram training in and not allowing enough time for recovery/sleep, or having a training plan that puts stress on work and family time won’t be sustainable over the long term.

Keep your training simple — to improve you don’t need a complicated training plan or complicated devices. Most of us are busy and have lives outside of triathlon, so keeping it simple allows for consistency. Put in the work long-term and you will see the rewards!

I have my athletes use repetition to build consistency. Repetition of workouts provides a number of positives to your training. It helps develop skills and a greater understanding of your training; you’ll develop awareness and intuitively feel better than if you have a plan or workouts that are constantly changing. You’ll see improvements and notice over time that you feel better and recover faster. By repeating workouts week to week you will be able to see progress and work to get better with each training session. It also keeps training simple; for instance, knowing you will do a certain type of workout each Monday brings better time management. This all adds up to long-term consistency.

Fueling your body properly will also help you be consistent with your training. I tell my athletes to think of their bodies as race cars - to get the most from your vehicle, you want to use premium-grade fuel. Aiming for a high-quality diet will keep you healthy and recovering better. If you can stay healthy and injury free you will be more consistent over the long term.

Sleep and recovery are vitally important to success of consistency. You can’t truly train hard if you are not recovered and haven’t gotten proper sleep.  Aim for getting quality sleep each night - a minimum of 7 hours.

As you plan your next racing season, think about the Power of Consistency and what it can bring to your training and racing...the rewards in improvement and success are worth investing in!

2011-01-11 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
I just signed up for an "Indoor Tri" at the Lifetime Fitness I go too, its:

10 minute swim
30 minute bike (spin bike)
20 minute run (treadmill)

So its mileage based (how far in X time).

Any ideas or suggestions for this version of a tri? Will my shimano cleats work on a spin bike? (never been on one)

Any comments would be appreciated. Seems like a super brick workout too me. But it will be my 1st Tri of any type.

Thanks, Mark

2011-01-11 11:53 PM
in reply to: #3284226

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Hey Scott,

I have a question concerning what is best for to use for indoor biking while the weather is as crappy as it is?

What do you think works better, the stationary rear wheel trainers or rollers?

I am intrigued in the rollers even though as I understand it, they are more difficult to master.  It seems they would help build core muscles and balancing much like using free weights in comparison to machines?

Your thoughts?

2011-01-12 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3293762

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2011-01-12 3:38 PM
in reply to: #3293762

New user
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
mleaverton - 2011-01-11 10:22 PM I just signed up for an "Indoor Tri" at the Lifetime Fitness I go too, its:

10 minute swim
30 minute bike (spin bike)
20 minute run (treadmill)

So its mileage based (how far in X time).

Any ideas or suggestions for this version of a tri? Will my shimano cleats work on a spin bike? (never been on one)

Any comments would be appreciated. Seems like a super brick workout too me. But it will be my 1st Tri of any type.

Thanks, Mark

that sounds fun.  maybe a way to assess where you stand with your fitness and also get a feel for what putting all three disciplines together feels like.  not sure about the cleats though, ive never used a bike at the gym Embarassed

I am super excited today!!!!  I've been on the IR list for running since christmas eve after another flare up with runners knee.  I ran today little over a mile PAIN FREE!!!  i was seriously doubting if i would be ready for my first tri in march because my last running layoff lasted 12 weeks and required a cortisone injection.  now im optimistic that i will be able to do a tri in march.....IF i can manage to stay smart about my running.  i did too much too fast last time causing the flare up.....please keep reminding me to BE SMART!!!!
2011-01-12 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
I forgot to ask where everyone is from? It'd be cool to meet up at a race or train together if we lie semi close.

I'm in Corona, California (Southern).

How about you guys? 
2011-01-12 4:10 PM
in reply to: #3295549

New user
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
tmoran07 - 2011-01-12 4:45 PM I forgot to ask where everyone is from? It'd be cool to meet up at a race or train together if we lie semi close.

I'm in Corona, California (Southern).

How about you guys? 

that would be from NC

2011-01-12 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
I'm in Parker, CO (south suburb of Denver)
2011-01-13 5:00 AM
in reply to: #3295549

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
tmoran07 - 2011-01-12 4:45 PM

I forgot to ask where everyone is from? It'd be cool to meet up at a race or train together if we lie semi close.

I'm in Corona, California (Southern).

How about you guys? 

Southern Indiana here.
2011-01-13 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3290970

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
bscoles1 - 2011-01-10 5:53 PM Speaking of something fun over the weekend, the aforementioned baby is a little newborn that we picked up from the hospital on Friday. We do foster care, and we got a call for a little baby girl that needs to be taken care of for a while. She was just born this past Wednesday, and she is just a precious little angel!! !!

That is cool, congrats
2011-01-13 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3291150

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full
Robert - Swim caps are meant for two things, first to reduce drag in the water and second, they are used in races for lifeguards can keep an eye on swimmers, when you practice open water swimming, make sure your cap is a bright color (not black)

Chamois Cream - I highly suggest look for Body Glide, its a chamois cream that is water proof, also they have a product called Tri Slide, I am currently looking for it, its the same as Body Glide, but its a spray on instead of a stick

LB - the trainer is about working on drills and intervals that you can not practice on the streets safely. Riding a trainer is a completely different feel then the road, it is also tougher, they say 60 minutes on a trainer eqauls 90 minutes on the road. I am looking for trainer workouts for everyone

Dang break is over, will be back on later
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