BT Development Mentor Program Archives » chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full Rss Feed  
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2011-04-20 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3455247

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

carolh - 2011-04-19 3:21 PM Thanks for all the good karma on race day! My race this weekend went pretty well.  I had set a goal of 12' for the 500m swim and came in at 11:40.  The other two event split times are not yet posted but my overall time was 1:16:03. (2nd in my age group!)   I learned a few things to work on but was moderately happy.  It seemed to take my legs forever to get into the swing of the run and my running felt super slow.  Any good tips out there on how to speed up the muscle transition? 


Carol, Congratulations on a Podium Finish in your age group in your race! That is awesome. Really, the thing for me was just to get used to the feeling by doing more of them in training. Bricks are good. They don't have to be long. Even a 5-10 minute run off of a bike session will help.  The other thing I realized is that I am not going as slow as I think I am.  My legs just feel "odd".

2011-04-20 1:19 PM
in reply to: #3452034

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
tkatzhyman - 2011-04-18 8:12 AM

?Well just about made up my mind to add a sprint in June, that will have me complete in two races  within a 5 week period before a 9 week break durring the heat of the  summer and finishing up with my "A" event on Septemper 11.  I Have some concerns  and questions  on my next two races:

1-Potential water temperatures  below 70F in  Hampton Roads in early Jume, race info for the Breezy point Sprint gives arange of 65-72F, NOAA data  for the last two years i more like the lower to mid 70s. My own rule  when sailing  is not  to go ut when the water temperature is below 70F,  I don't have or plan to use a wet suit, what is you opinion  on swimming 1000m OW in  water temperature between 65-70F?

2-Race distances are slightly different for the two races.  The June race is S-1000M, B-12.4Mi, R-5K with the July race S-750m, B-17.5Mi, R-5K. Don't have a problem with the 1000m swim in June other that the water temperature, but the bike for the July spring  is 5Mi longer that most and I expect the air temperature  to be HOT in Nort Carolina, any special  traing I should do  for  the added bike distance and  and for a and a race  with possible temperatures in the 90s?



Here is my 2 cents:

You can defintely swim in that water temperature. The time frame will be somewhere around 20 minutes (I guess?).  My rule of thumb is if everyone else is wearing a wetsuit I want that same advantage. It is definitely more comfortable. That is easier for me to say because I bought one, so I can wear it anytime I like. My first race though the water temperatures were 56 degrees and two people swam without wetsuits (shorter distance and they came out with pink skin).

Since both races are close together, I would train for the longer distances of each of the two races, that way the shorter distances will be easy to complete. Other than that iwouldn't think any special training would be necessary.

Now as for hot weather training, it is all about hydration and acclimatization. Make sure you are well hydrated, force yourself to drink on the bike or run even if you don't feel like it. Get used to temps as best you can.

2011-04-20 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3447047

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
Ail - 2011-04-14 2:15 PM

I would like to join if you have room

NAME: Ail/Ailie       

STORY: I am 35 year old (female) and have done one “season” in this lovely sport. I say “season” as I did 2 races, so I do not think that counts. Was a huge jock in HS (field hockey, winter and spring track, basketball) skiing and climbing for fun, rowed in college. Always consider myself an active person and love being outside, but realized I was not really getting much done when I went to the gym. Signed up for my first tri to support a friend who was doing one, OK and to compete…a little…ok a lot…..I love to compete. Found I liked them and the work that you have to put into them. Makes going to the gym and working out mean something again. I am 5’8” and weight about 160, need to drop weight. I currently hate running probably because I am so heavy now, never really liked it, it was just a means to an end. I like swimming (grew up in New England, summer on boats and the ocean) so open water does not freak me out, OK on the bike, know how to run, just suck at it right now.

ingle with 2 dogs that keep me on my toes

I am doing the 4-7h winter maintenance program 20 week plan, but that ends soon and I think I am going with the Intermediate or Beginner Sprint 12 plan. I have not decided yet…..

2010 RACES:  
Tri to Beat Cancer sprint, Take Flight tri sprint

2011 RACES:   The same two as last year plus a few more to make a full “season” also maybe an OLY at the end of the season. I have been doing a lot of 5k runs to try and bulk up on the running.

WEIGHT LOSS: I am down about 20lbs since last year, but still have more to go to an acceptable weight in my mind. But it is not so much as hitting a number as seeing the right proportions….

Want to maybe try for an OLY, but mainly get my running to improve. The bike and swim could be faster but I know that my run is HORRID right now. That is the main reason I am sticking with sprints, the run distance. I don’t see myself really ever going past that, a ½ or full marathon seems ludicrous to me, but who knows….

Ailie welcome to the group.  It looks like you have a good season planned for yourself.  I really identify with the competing part of this sport.  I find myself easily going to the gym now, because I have a goal, instead of dragging myself there or not going at all. It is good to push ourselves. The run is the one thing, that because you aren't where you want to be, you want to do the least of; but it is also the one thing that will show you the most results on the weight loss and the ability to run more and faster.  Who knows, when you are on the right path and going the right direction (something I am more concerned with than the actual end destination in my own journey) what once seemed ludicrous becomes attainable and what once seemed unattainable seems within reach.  It sounds to me like a half marathon is in your future and you just don't know it yet, Ms. competitive.

2011-04-20 3:42 PM
in reply to: #3447064

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
kwhitlock - 2011-04-14 2:20 PM

Hi Chris,

I'd love to join this group too - is there still space? 

Name: Karen

Story: I'm a basically a newbie, I have done 3 sprint tris over the last two years.  The mike leg is my nemesis.  I love to swim (not crazy about the churn in a triathlon start but am a confident swimmer so that helps).  I also have a good bit of running under my belt.  I have done 5 marathons and 12 half marathons over the past three years.  Which leads me to the bike.  Not sure what my issue is but I just don't have confidence in it.  It might be the mechanical aspect that something could break, don't know...

Family Status: Married for 20 years this August! 

Current Training: Doing the BT 20 week training program for Half Iron.   I coach a beginner tri swim group and run with a run club on the weekends as part of "the plan".  Working Biking into the picture.  I have a training partner who is equally as timid on the bike so we are working through it. 

2011 Races: The big plan is 70.3 August in September.  Probably will work in an Oly  - possibly Chattanooga waterfont along the way.

Goals: Conquer the bike! Would also like to figure out nutrition as I feel like all these extra workouts are going to force a change in my daily intake.???

Wow, Karen, I'm not sure you qualify as a total newbie (or at least not in the traditional sense).  The bike and the swim in my opinion are both about confidence.  Confidence comes from good technique and time.  Since you have the swimming paqrt down, and could probably teach me a thing or to in your class, I would say you need to spend a lot of time in the saddle.  With the training plan you are doing I think that will come. Your nuutrition needs will change some, but probably not as much as you might think.  Recovery fueling is important for after workouts to replinish the body and not let the muscles tear down too much.  Training and racing nutrition is important so you don't "bonk" during the workout or race.  Other than that your needs will be pretty much the same.  By the way, congrats on being married 20 years this year.  That is a wonderful accomplishment.

2011-04-20 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3447163

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
erinhenke - 2011-04-14 2:54 PM

Hi Chris.  Please add me to the group!

Name: Erin

Story: I'm an avid outdoor enthusiast and tennis player, coming back from an achilles tendon rupture (9/09), and have always been interested in triathlons and adventure racing.  Having turned 40 last year, I figure now is as good as time as any to start pursuing those interests!  My first triathlon will be in September.

Family Status: Single, with furry children (dog and cat).

Current Training: I just started training in earnest last week, with a custom plan generated by BT.  I also play tennis 6-7 times per week, but so far, am finding I am able to get my tri workouts in too.  Just hoping my body holds up!

2011 Races: Luna Bar Challenge in Sacramento on 9/11/11 - .5 swim/20 mile bike/4 mile run.

Weight Loss: Two years ago, I lost 60 pounds and have kept all but 10 of those off.  I seem to have been born with excellent endurance, even at my heaviest weight.  My goal is to get to 185 by the time of my triathlon - currently 216. 

Goals: Learning what I can about having a successful training and triathlon, along with weight loss and improved fitness.

Thanks and I'm looking forward to learning from everyone!

Erin it is great to have you in the group.  Don't wear yourself out with all of your activity.  Allow yourself enough time for your body to recover.  Do you build in at least one rest day per week at a minimum?  If not, you need to.  This includes your tennis time. Congratulations on the weight loss so far.

2011-04-20 3:48 PM
in reply to: #3282396

New user

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Hi Chris - sorry to hear about your mishap in the race.  I also hated to hear that the swim was cancelled. What a bummer! 


Let's see...  I am kind of just gearing up so my plans for April are;


S:  18500 yards
B:  70 miles

R:  30.25



2011-04-20 3:59 PM
in reply to: #3447714

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
alsiedee - 2011-04-14 8:21 PM

Hi, Chris -  I'd love to join your group!  

NAME: alsiedee / Ally
STORY: So far I've been doing more training for triathlons than actually doing them - and I'd like to change that this year.  I'd spent a decent part of my life pretty fit, mainly through biking & volleyball, but I put on a ton of weight when I had multiples 5 yrs ago (at 40).  Then, two years ago, I joined a tri training group & trained for a local sprint.  I was so ready for it, but then I blew out my knee a month before the race & could only do the swim.  I trained again last year, but lost my dad a few weeks before the race.  While I did finish, I obviously was pretty spent emotionally. My goal for this year is to do a couple of sprints & just finish strong.   
FAMILY STATUS: Married (10 yrs), one son & one daughter (5 yr old twins
CURRENT TRAINING: I've been training with a group since late January - one group swim and one bike/run brick with them per week.  I've been getting in a total of 2-3 swims per week, just 1 bike, and 1-2 run workouts.  I've seen a huge improvement in my swim this year; I've gone from barely managing a single 2:30/100 yds to averaging that for 1000 yds.  Biking has been my strength for the past two years, though after last week's first (outside) ride of the season, I have a very long way to go to feel strong again there.  Now that the wx is nice, I hope to add a second outdoor ride each week.  The run is my biggest challenge.  I've just started training with some women from our local running club to help me make sure I get in 3 runs per week. 
LAST YEAR'S RACES: 2009 - NorthEast Md Sprint Tri (swim only)  2010 - WDF 5K (1st since highschool!), Columbia IronGirl sprint tri. 
2011 RACES:  Celebration sprint (Columbia, MD), NorthEast sprint (NE, MD), a few 5Ks throughout the summer, & a 10K in the fall.  My goal is to build up to/train at olympic distances this summer/fall so that I am ready for our local olympic tri early next spring.  
WEIGHTLOSS: Success here will be a big part of getting stronger/faster.  I need to lose a good 40 lbs.  Curiously, I've lost about 2" off my waist since Jan, but I haven't lost any weight to speak of or even improved my body fat %.  The extra weight really kills me on the hills we have here. I'm hoping that those of you who've already succeeded here can give me some pointers on losing weight while training hard. 

I joined a BT mentor group for the first time this past winter & it was great.  I look forward to getting to know you all..


Ally it is good to have you here. It seems like you have had to persevere through a great deal to pursue triathlon.  So the races should definitely be the easy part. Great improvement on the swim.  I think a lot of that can be attributed to the fact that you are hitting it 2-3 times per week.  If you plan to improve on the bike and run, I think you will have to make sure you hit those 2-3 times per week as well. I once heard that 2x per week in each discipline is a baseline and anything more than that will allow for improvement. As I have told some of the others.  Work on your limiters and you will become an overall stronger athlete.  For me the action of logging my food was the single biggest key for weight loss.  Knowing what is going in each day and comparing that to an approximate amount of what I am burning and making sure there was a small calorie deficit everyday was vital.  As I have gotten away from that my weight loss slows down and levels off.

2011-04-20 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3448103

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
mylissahorrocks - 2011-04-15 7:56 AM

Hi Chris! I'm in Memphis, so would love to join your group - its always fun to meet others in my area.

NAME: mylissahorrocks/ Mylissa
STORY: 3.5 years ago, I decided to work on the "mommy pounds" by getting back in the pool. I trained for a 1 mile lake swim at our childhood home, and completed that. Christmas 2010, I realized it was time to start again, so got on a sprint tri training plan.
FAMILY STATUS: Married (12 years), 3 kids (10,8,6) 2 dogs, 4 horses
CURRENT TRAINING: I completed the sprint training plan second week in March, which got me ready for the Wildman Du in Orlando. Just started Hal Higdon's 10k plan.
LAST YEAR'S RACES: nothing  
2011 RACES:  Move it Memphis 5K, Wildman Sprint Duathlon, - no idea what's next (see recovery section!)
WEIGHTLOSS: Hovering around 130, and having a hard time getting any lower. Would love to get the legs back in shape.
RECOVERY: Shortly after the Duathlon on March 12, my left shoulder locked up - calcific tendonitis. I've been in PT and recovery for this injury, and am now dealing with pain due to an shoulder girdle imbalance. I'm trying to stay on some sort of plan, now that I have full range of motion, but haven't gotten back in the pool.

Was in a BT Mentor group that just finished was so helpful! 

Mylissa I am glad to have you with us. And meeting a local BT'er is allows a pleasure. Are you going to be ready for the Memphis in may sprint or one of the other S2F Events?  If not, we need to figure out what you are going to try and do before the season is over.  We are lucky to have so many good races right out our back door.  That injury sounds painful.  Good luck with the recovery and let me know how we can help as the PT is closing down and the training starts picking up.

2011-04-20 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Hi friends!

Well, I wanted to say that I 'jumped a hurdle' today - a new friend had asked me to help her with her swim stroke, so I figured it might be silly to do that entirely from the side of the pool. Kicked a 100, swam a 50, I know that's hysterical to even notate, but this is the first time in the pool since the shoulder injury and I just wanted to feel it out. Shoulder felt - not great, not bad - I still have tons of rotator cuff and trapezoid work to do to balance out! Anyway, feeling like I could add it two short swims a week and do ok.

Have a great Easter weekend everyone!

2011-04-20 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3457343

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
chrisbowers - 2011-04-20 4:04 PM
mylissahorrocks - 2011-04-15 7:56 AM

Hi Chris! I'm in Memphis, so would love to join your group - its always fun to meet others in my area.

NAME: mylissahorrocks/ Mylissa
STORY: 3.5 years ago, I decided to work on the "mommy pounds" by getting back in the pool. I trained for a 1 mile lake swim at our childhood home, and completed that. Christmas 2010, I realized it was time to start again, so got on a sprint tri training plan.
FAMILY STATUS: Married (12 years), 3 kids (10,8,6) 2 dogs, 4 horses
CURRENT TRAINING: I completed the sprint training plan second week in March, which got me ready for the Wildman Du in Orlando. Just started Hal Higdon's 10k plan.
LAST YEAR'S RACES: nothing  
2011 RACES:  Move it Memphis 5K, Wildman Sprint Duathlon, - no idea what's next (see recovery section!)
WEIGHTLOSS: Hovering around 130, and having a hard time getting any lower. Would love to get the legs back in shape.
RECOVERY: Shortly after the Duathlon on March 12, my left shoulder locked up - calcific tendonitis. I've been in PT and recovery for this injury, and am now dealing with pain due to an shoulder girdle imbalance. I'm trying to stay on some sort of plan, now that I have full range of motion, but haven't gotten back in the pool.

Was in a BT Mentor group that just finished was so helpful! 

Mylissa I am glad to have you with us. And meeting a local BT'er is allows a pleasure. Are you going to be ready for the Memphis in may sprint or one of the other S2F Events?  If not, we need to figure out what you are going to try and do before the season is over.  We are lucky to have so many good races right out our back door.  That injury sounds painful.  Good luck with the recovery and let me know how we can help as the PT is closing down and the training starts picking up.

Thanks Chris!

I have half a mind to enter MIM and just go for it - I've been biking quite a bit in the mountains, and running a little - I'll probably decide that week. If not, I'm looking at Annie Oakley, and/or maybe Mighty Mite if I'm in town. We'll see!

2011-04-20 5:11 PM
in reply to: #3457300

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
chrisbowers - 2011-04-20 1:46 PM
erinhenke - 2011-04-14 2:54 PM

Hi Chris.  Please add me to the group!

Name: Erin

Story: I'm an avid outdoor enthusiast and tennis player, coming back from an achilles tendon rupture (9/09), and have always been interested in triathlons and adventure racing.  Having turned 40 last year, I figure now is as good as time as any to start pursuing those interests!  My first triathlon will be in September.

Family Status: Single, with furry children (dog and cat).

Current Training: I just started training in earnest last week, with a custom plan generated by BT.  I also play tennis 6-7 times per week, but so far, am finding I am able to get my tri workouts in too.  Just hoping my body holds up!

2011 Races: Luna Bar Challenge in Sacramento on 9/11/11 - .5 swim/20 mile bike/4 mile run.

Weight Loss: Two years ago, I lost 60 pounds and have kept all but 10 of those off.  I seem to have been born with excellent endurance, even at my heaviest weight.  My goal is to get to 185 by the time of my triathlon - currently 216. 

Goals: Learning what I can about having a successful training and triathlon, along with weight loss and improved fitness.

Thanks and I'm looking forward to learning from everyone!

Erin it is great to have you in the group.  Don't wear yourself out with all of your activity.  Allow yourself enough time for your body to recover.  Do you build in at least one rest day per week at a minimum?  If not, you need to.  This includes your tennis time. Congratulations on the weight loss so far.

Thanks Chris.  I am organizing and playing in a lot of tennis leagues, which makes it difficult to have a non-activity day - but I definitely understand that it is important.  Would stretching or yoga be ok for that 'off' day, or should I truly not be doing any activity?  I'm a pretty active person, so it's hard to imagine not doing any kind of light workout.  I've started riding my bike to work too - 6.3 miles each way.  Thought I'd do that 2-3 times per week.  If I combine tri workouts that would help (is that called a Brick?).

I am such a newbie to this and even to having a structured training plan, but love it!  I have used WeightWatchers online for 2 years to track my food and activity, which has been very successful for my weight loss (that whole 'output needs to be greater than calories in' thing!).  I probably should start tracking my nutrition in my BT log too!  I have a lot to learn about all of this.  Bonked last night in my tennis match - arms turned to jello and I didn't have anything other than water with me.  Live and learn.

I'm definitely thinking I need to do a tri (Sprint, and maybe even an Oly in late summer) before my original 9/11/11 Luna Bar Challenge - it seems so far away!!  There's a tri here in Sacramento that is a paddle on the American River instead of the swim that I'm researching.

New addiction growing here...

2011-04-20 10:20 PM
in reply to: #3457452

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New user
Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
I had never heard the term bonk but today i bonked. Never experienced that before but wow it's deflating. Erin I can sympathize. Now I need to figure out how to avoid it happening again. Does bonking happen from over training, not recovering, or not good nutrition to allow recovery? I assume it's a combination of all.
2011-04-20 11:16 PM
in reply to: #3457881

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open

Hey Adam.  Definitely no fun!  I usually try to have a PowerBar, a banana, or Gatorade with me just in case I'm starting to feel depleted.  Not sure that's the right way to go, but it has worked in the past.  That, and I try to have some peanut butter toast before a long or strenuous workout.

The key, like you said, is how to prevent it from happening?!  Reading some good nutrition articles on the site and looking forward to some guidance too...

Edited by erinhenke 2011-04-20 11:24 PM
2011-04-21 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3457348

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Good job Mylissa! Mental hurdles are the hardest. I have some swim hurdles of my own so I can totally sympathize. 

Keep up the good work!


2011-04-21 10:42 PM
in reply to: #3457881

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open

Vegasadam - 2011-04-20 10:20 PM I had never heard the term bonk but today i bonked. Never experienced that before but wow it's deflating. Erin I can sympathize. Now I need to figure out how to avoid it happening again. Does bonking happen from over training, not recovering, or not good nutrition to allow recovery? I assume it's a combination of all.

how long was the workout?

2011-04-22 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3460068

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
Mylissa it was short but the night before I had run/biked/run all back to back.

2011-04-22 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3460430

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
Plus I should add that due to work I had finished my brick at about 8 pm and then tried to workout the next am at 5.
2011-04-22 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3457452

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open

Thanks Chris.  I am organizing and playing in a lot of tennis leagues, which makes it difficult to have a non-activity day - but I definitely understand that it is important.  Would stretching or yoga be ok for that 'off' day, or should I truly not be doing any activity?  I'm a pretty active person, so it's hard to imagine not doing any kind of light workout.  I've started riding my bike to work too - 6.3 miles each way.  Thought I'd do that 2-3 times per week.  If I combine tri workouts that would help (is that called a Brick?).

I am such a newbie to this and even to having a structured training plan, but love it!  I have used WeightWatchers online for 2 years to track my food and activity, which has been very successful for my weight loss (that whole 'output needs to be greater than calories in' thing!).  I probably should start tracking my nutrition in my BT log too!  I have a lot to learn about all of this.  Bonked last night in my tennis match - arms turned to jello and I didn't have anything other than water with me.  Live and learn.

I'm definitely thinking I need to do a tri (Sprint, and maybe even an Oly in late summer) before my original 9/11/11 Luna Bar Challenge - it seems so far away!!  There's a tri here in Sacramento that is a paddle on the American River instead of the swim that I'm researching.

New addiction growing here...

I think that stretching or yoga can be a part of an active recovery day and that this is fine. The main thing is to listen to your body and not to let it get too run down so that it can not repair itself. Because you are pretty active you likely know about where that point is. You just have to watch it as you add more tri training into the mix.

Brick workouts are typically considered training in two or more of the tri sports as a back to back with no or very little rest in between. They are great for you in certain circumstances (pushing your body to adapt to longer workouts, seeing how it feels, etc...). The only problem is that when you combine workouts sometimes you tend to go too easy in one or both sports and might lose some of the gains that can be made in a more intense workout. So you can typically pair a more intense swim with a easy run or a hard run with a easy spin.

2011-04-22 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3457881

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open

Vegasadam - 2011-04-20 10:20 PM I had never heard the term bonk but today i bonked. Never experienced that before but wow it's deflating. Erin I can sympathize. Now I need to figure out how to avoid it happening again. Does bonking happen from over training, not recovering, or not good nutrition to allow recovery? I assume it's a combination of all.

Adam, generally it is beacuase you ran out of energy (calories: glycogen - carbohydrates stored in your muscles) during a workout.  That can be because you didn't replenish your muscle stores well the night before or during the day.  Workouts of up to an hour will genersally not cause you to bonk. So if it was a shorter workout, then it could be something else: tired legs, not well hydrated, not mentally there. Overall though, good nutrition and hydration and adequate rest is important as we push our bodies to do more than we have previously pushed them to do.

2011-04-23 7:38 AM
in reply to: #3460433

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open

Vegasadam - 2011-04-22 8:57 AM Plus I should add that due to work I had finished my brick at about 8 pm and then tried to workout the next am at 5.

Well there you have it

I like the Nathan electrolyte tabs in my water if I know I'm going for a long workout - you can get them with or without carbs for added energy. If I was doing that sort of thing when I was in hard training, I would make SURE to add calories, even if it had to be in liquid form. I think Hammer makes a powder that contains carbs, electrolytes and protein - I have  friends that use that for any cycle that's 3 hours +.

2011-04-23 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3462026

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
Thanks for the advice Lisa. To be honest I need to learn how to use supplements and add energy products to my exercise routine.

2011-04-23 5:04 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far!  I just returned home from my masters swim and had a great workout!  I haven't been able to make it to this swim group for a few weeks due to conflicts (my girls' birthday parties, vacation, husband was out golfing - ahem, some of these conflicts are more legitimate than others!).  It felt great to work out with the masters group again.  I really love how motivating it is to swim with others.  I get so bored when I do drills on my own!  Nothing too exciting, but just wanted to share that...  Happy Easter to those who celebrate! Hope everyone's making good progress with their training and feeling good!!

Mylissa - that's great news that your shoulder is starting to cooperate!  Hope it continues to get better...

2011-04-23 5:07 PM
in reply to: #3462382

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open
Today I went out for what I thought would be a great ride, but before I even started my bike computer wouldn't work. A sign of things to come. I felt so good and powered through the first 6.2 miles and was so looking forward to a long ride but then I get a flat. Since I never had a flat before I decided to take out my spare tube and tools so I could fit my phone and ID into my pouch. After all I wanted to do a long ride and thought I should have a phone and ID. How dumb was that? Lol. At least I had my phone to call my wife for a ride but she was out and didn't bring her phone. After walking in bike shoes about a mile I finally got in touch with my father who got me. Does that count as a brick?? I hope everyone else has a good training day and happy holidays.
2011-04-23 5:55 PM
in reply to: #3462517

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Newport News
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Well I pushed  my way through a 5K run this morning  and was hoping  to get to gym and pool later.  No such luck, Well there is always tomorrow.
2011-04-23 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3462517

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New user
Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
kpringle - 2011-04-23 3:04 PM  I haven't been able to make it to this swim group for a few weeks due to conflicts (my girls' birthday parties, vacation, husband was out golfing - ahem, some of these conflicts are more legitimate than others!). Kristen, golf is 100% legit. Happy Easter.
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