BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full! Rss Feed  
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2012-01-07 6:02 AM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Hi guys, I need to tell you I'm finding it hard this month. For whatever reason, December felt great getting up and moving, This month, I'm feeling slow to warm up. Trying to keep steady with my runs, but I'm not feeling quite as energetic. Got up to run outside, and moved to the treadmill. Just too cold and dark.
Just keep moving, just keep moving.... I know it will get better again.

2012-01-07 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Double post, sorry

Edited by onbelay 2012-01-07 6:07 AM
2012-01-07 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3976294

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

onbelay - 2012-01-07 7:02 AM Hi guys, I need to tell you I'm finding it hard this month. For whatever reason, December felt great getting up and moving, This month, I'm feeling slow to warm up. Trying to keep steady with my runs, but I'm not feeling quite as energetic. Got up to run outside, and moved to the treadmill. Just too cold and dark. Just keep moving, just keep moving.... I know it will get better again.

Funny, December was like swimming in molasses for me. January is way better (so far). Like you said, just keep one foot in front of the other and you'll do fine.

2012-01-07 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3976294

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

onbelay - 2012-01-07 6:02 AM Hi guys, I need to tell you I'm finding it hard this month. For whatever reason, December felt great getting up and moving, This month, I'm feeling slow to warm up. Trying to keep steady with my runs, but I'm not feeling quite as energetic. Got up to run outside, and moved to the treadmill. Just too cold and dark. Just keep moving, just keep moving.... I know it will get better again.

One day at a race at a time. Training has its good days, its bad days, and days that are just 'meh.' Tomorrow will be better!! 

I struggle to stay motivated but we will learn to 'keep moving'.

2012-01-07 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3975503

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

Moonrocket - 2012-01-06 2:38 PM Anyone have training plans for the weekend? Would anyone be interested in a weekly training challenge and maybe a skills challenge (Like retrieve and drink from your waterbottle 10 times, or swim to the other end of the pool with your eyes closed without hitting a lane line? Just a fun skill builder that would help those of us that are really new- I don't even really know what skills come in handy.)I'm going skate skiing Sat. Not sure about Sunday yet.Kate

Hey Kate,

You might make it a personal goal or insert those exercises into your training plan for long term success. Do you have a training plan?

Planning out my weeks keeps me oriented on the goal. Without a training plan, I am just working out. BT offers several good ones. I have just started making my own this year to fit my needs. I am currently working on my next few months. The BT plans are great to get you on track. With your race being so far away it might be good to do a base plan, first. You can then find a plan that fits your race and plan to end it right before the race. Basically you are working backwards from the race.

Good Luck!

2012-01-07 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3975998

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

JBougher - 2012-01-06 7:58 PM NAME: JBougher/JerrySTORY: I am now the father of a 15 month old boy from Colombia. The process took 4 years and pretty much trashed my racing/workout schedule the last 5 months of 2011. That aside I did complete a sprint and a HIM prior to the big life change. I got into triathlons 3 years ago by doing an Oly and a sprint. Prior to that I did a number of half marathons and 2 full marathons. I needed something else since marathons took there toll in my legs. In 2010, I did 3 olys with the capstone being SF triathlon at Alcatraz. Swimming from Alcatraz was awesome!I am looking to complete a few Olys this year and might exact revenge on my HIM performance from last year. FAMILY STATUS: Married with 15 mon old sonCURRENT TRAINING: Just getting my legs back under me after a few months of PT for my knee...swimming multiple times a week during lunch. Running and biking in evenings. THIS YEAR'S RACES: Elkhart Lake Tri Sprint, High Cliff HIM2012 RACES:  EL Oly or Sprint High Cliff HIM (week after EL), Oshkosh Tri, Manitowoc Tri or Sheboygan Xterra, Sheboygan Tri (if it happens this year)WEIGHTLOSS my goal is to race at 180 or below. I am currently way over that and hope a better focus on nutrition and more activity will get me back

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is awesome!

Welcome to the group. Alcatraz sounds amazing. I might have to put that one on my bucket list.

2012-01-07 11:24 AM
in reply to: #3976459

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Shmashin - 2012-01-07 8:35 AM

Moonrocket - 2012-01-06 2:38 PM Anyone have training plans for the weekend? Would anyone be interested in a weekly training challenge and maybe a skills challenge (Like retrieve and drink from your waterbottle 10 times, or swim to the other end of the pool with your eyes closed without hitting a lane line? Just a fun skill builder that would help those of us that are really new- I don't even really know what skills come in handy.)I'm going skate skiing Sat. Not sure about Sunday yet.Kate

Hey Kate,

You might make it a personal goal or insert those exercises into your training plan for long term success. Do you have a training plan?

Planning out my weeks keeps me oriented on the goal. Without a training plan, I am just working out. BT offers several good ones. I have just started making my own this year to fit my needs. I am currently working on my next few months. The BT plans are great to get you on track. With your race being so far away it might be good to do a base plan, first. You can then find a plan that fits your race and plan to end it right before the race. Basically you are working backwards from the race.

Good Luck!


x2.  Having a training plan to work off of definitely helps with long term goals.  I also set quarterly goals for myself so that the longer-term goals seem a bit more manageable.  Even now in the off-season/pre-season, I'm following a training plan that's supposed to help with fat loss, so there's a method to my madness!  Every workout I do has a specific purpose.  Once I make enough progress on my fat loss goal, then I plan to re-evaluate what my goal races will be, and what training plan to follow accordingly.

That actually also helps me with the motivation issue as well.  I hate seeing missed workouts on my training plan, so I will usually opt to do my workout even if I'm not feeling it, rather than mark it as a miss in my training log.

2012-01-07 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3974555

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

I've had that chat with lots of people too about doing a Marathon before IM.... I am one of those that am doing a marathon before IM as per my trainers request. She stated that it's more the psycological preparation it helps with that makes it beneficial to do. At this point I agree. I've only ever trained for a half marathon before and had no idea how my body/mind would respond the to training for the extra hours it would require to do a marathon let alone an Ironman.My marathon is next week which puts it 7 months before IM. at this point I'm happy to have had this training in rather then waiting...I feel I have a bit of a handle on one aspect of the race and will be able to prepare for the bike and the swim with having this foundation down on the run. (but also keeping it up!)


I'm new to this forum thingy ....i'm finding it kind of hard to follow along when the new posts are and I see they are at bottom of a person's there any way to make it easier to read?? or just have to scroll through all the messages??? lol

2012-01-07 2:15 PM
in reply to: #3976810

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
rydergal - 2012-01-07 1:18 PM

I've had that chat with lots of people too about doing a Marathon before IM.... I am one of those that am doing a marathon before IM as per my trainers request. She stated that it's more the psycological preparation it helps with that makes it beneficial to do. At this point I agree. I've only ever trained for a half marathon before and had no idea how my body/mind would respond the to training for the extra hours it would require to do a marathon let alone an Ironman.My marathon is next week which puts it 7 months before IM. at this point I'm happy to have had this training in rather then waiting...I feel I have a bit of a handle on one aspect of the race and will be able to prepare for the bike and the swim with having this foundation down on the run. (but also keeping it up!)


I'm new to this forum thingy ....i'm finding it kind of hard to follow along when the new posts are and I see they are at bottom of a person's there any way to make it easier to read?? or just have to scroll through all the messages??? lol

Thanks! I like that idea. I have noticed improvement as I do races and become more comfortable with the setting and the distances. I didn't realize how much psychological preparation there was to racing (duh). Nerves can be great or a killer. Building confidence in different distances has been nice.

I'm new at this system too, so I'm not sure. I've just been scrolling. I set up the "Toggle email settings" at the bottom. It emails me whenever someone comments but that gets a little obnoxious. If anyone has any pointers I could use them too.

2012-01-07 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3971855

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN

Moonrocket - 2012-01-04 9:35 PM Hi! The race is Aug 26. I'm thinking of found a sprint ahead of it to keep motivated and tweak training. How far in advance would you suggest? I was thinking maybe June and a 10k in April and a 5k in Feb? Just to build up. How do you plan a race schedule? There are a lot of events here. I used to run a 5k every month just for fun. I chose the Xterra partly because road biking freaks me out a little. I really need help with biking and running. I swam in college, so that part comes pretty naturally.

I am learning that the more races I can do the better I perform in my goal race. Just like rydergirl said, it helps psychologically. I would say do a couple 5k or a 10k just to get the race atmosphere down again. Maybe a duathlon so that you are forced to ride the bike. 

You might practice water bottle tactics on a stationary bike or trainer to gain confidence too.

2012-01-07 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3976885

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN

Got off the "couch" today. 30 min walk/run intervals and 20 mins strength training.

Yes, I will be sore for a couple days...I hate restarting over.

2012-01-07 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Hi guys. Sorry if I am a bit MIA over the weekend. On call right now and I have some personal issues to sort out. Glad everyone seems to be getting along and into the swing of things!
2012-01-07 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3976912

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN
hexbinary - 2012-01-07 2:39 PM

Got off the "couch" today. 30 min walk/run intervals and 20 mins strength training.

Yes, I will be sore for a couple days...I hate restarting over.

Good job!!

2012-01-07 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3976912

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN
hexbinary - 2012-01-07 1:39 PM

Got off the "couch" today. 30 min walk/run intervals and 20 mins strength training.

Yes, I will be sore for a couple days...I hate restarting over.

Awesome! It's so hard to get back into it!I pulled out my cross country skis and headed out for a few hours with a friend. It felt great and it actually started snowing before we headed out.Thanks everyone for the advice on the training plan. How do you choose one? Can you add it to your training log? Also, does anyone know why sports don't show on the weekly summary on the training log? Can I make them? With the training plan if it says run can you decide to ski instead? How do you work it? What if it says x miles, but you feel good and want to go further? Or do you follow it to a T? I spent so many years swimming strict workouts, I would like some flexibility. What if you feel like crap one day or even a week. Do you put your plan on hold? I'm just curious how everyone works it.Also, since the Xterra is longer than a sprint, but shorter than an Olympic what do I use a plan for? Many of the plans seem really light, but last time I trained seriously I was swimming ~8k a day training for a 50 and 100 yard race.Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get my head around it all!
2012-01-07 3:41 PM
in reply to: #3976913

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
mndymond - 2012-01-07 1:39 PMHi guys. Sorry if I am a bit MIA over the weekend. On call right now and I have some personal issues to sort out. Glad everyone seems to be getting along and into the swing of things!
Thanks for checking in Melissa! I can't imagine having time to train in med school never mind mentor. I hope you get everything worked out.
2012-01-07 4:03 PM
in reply to: #3976986

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN
Moonrocket - 2012-01-07 4:36 PM
hexbinary - 2012-01-07 1:39 PM

Got off the "couch" today. 30 min walk/run intervals and 20 mins strength training.

Yes, I will be sore for a couple days...I hate restarting over.

Awesome! It's so hard to get back into it!I pulled out my cross country skis and headed out for a few hours with a friend. It felt great and it actually started snowing before we headed out.Thanks everyone for the advice on the training plan. How do you choose one? You have to sort through them and figure out which one fits your needs. Can you add it to your training log? You then download it to your training log and it will tell you what you should do each day. You can look at your log in either  planned view and it will show you what your plan for the week, day, month, etc. it will also give that days training, and the next few days,  on the left side of your log Also, does anyone know why sports don't show on the weekly summary on the training log? The only things that are summarized are Swim, Bike and Run. Can I make them? No, but you will see the totals of sports and strength training et al on the left hand side of your log. With the training plan if it says run can you decide to ski instead? You can but it won't total as a run. You can log it as a sport. How do you work it? What if it says x miles, but you feel good and want to go further? You can always do more or less that it says. It is a plan not a law... thank goodness! Personally, I am truly glad the BT police don't hunt you down if you don't do enough. Though I would like a little star on my forehead when I do more. Or do you follow it to a T? You are supposed to. I rarely do but that is my goal to get better. I also change what days I am supposed to waht because getting to the pool in the winter is hard for me to do. I is a 35 minute drive away.

I spent so many years swimming strict workouts, I would like some flexibility. What if you feel like crap one day or even a week. Do you put your plan on hold? Yep. If you have an injury or illness it is usually not in your best interest to soldier on. I'm just curious how everyone works it.Also, since the Xterra is longer than a sprint, but shorter than an Olympic what do I use a plan for? My gut says go for an Olympic just cuz. Many of the plans seem really light, but last time I trained seriously I was swimming ~8k a day training for a 50 and 100 yard race.Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get my head around it all!

Edited by ceilidh 2012-01-07 4:11 PM

2012-01-07 4:21 PM
in reply to: #3976929

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN
Shmashin - 2012-01-07 3:52 PM
hexbinary - 2012-01-07 2:39 PM

Got off the "couch" today. 30 min walk/run intervals and 20 mins strength training.

Yes, I will be sore for a couple days...I hate restarting over.

Good job!!

Yea You!

2012-01-07 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3977028

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor Group--OPEN

I agree with what Robin said above.  I think the bottom line is to pick a plan that looks doable to you.  Any plan you get off the internet will be generic to apply to everyone, so if you need to tweak it based on your personal strengths/weaknesses, then you totally can.  For example, if you're strong in swimming, you may want to sub in one of the swim workouts for an equal-intensity bike or run workout.

Another option is to come up with your own plan; the book "Triathlete's Training Bible" gives guidelines on how to do that based on what your strengths and weaknesses are.  I think the most important aspect of a training plan is total training volume (ie how many hours per week do you spend training), which generally fluctuate throughout the plan based on what phase in training you're in, if it's a recovery or race week, etc.  But for a regular beginner (ie you're not a world-champion marathoner dabbling in tris, etc) then the generic plans should be good enough and easier to follow.

As for modifying the plan based on how you're feeling or fitting into your schedule.... I would say it's ok to switch around workouts from day to day as long as you get all the perscribed workouts in, but I wouldn't change it too drastically.  Remember that usually training plans are written so that hard days are followed by easier/recovery days so don't switch things so that you have several hard workouts in a row.  Also, plans tend to have you build for 2-3 weeks, then recover for a week, so if you're moving things around, make sure you're not working too hard during your recovery weeks!

You also want to be weary of going farther/harder than the plans says or you risk burning out and skip your workouts for the rest of the week/month/season.  Of course, if you're following the plan and after a few weeks it consistently doesn't feel hard enough, maybe you picked one that was too easy... In that case, I'd suggest looking into a different plan.

2012-01-07 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3976880

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

For reading the forum, I try to check in at least twice a day- first thing in the morning or during my lunch break, and again at night when I log my workouts.  It's really hard to catch up if you don't check in on a regular basis!  What I usually do is find the last post I've read, then read everything so that I can follow the conversation, and respond accordingly.  Of course if there's a lot of posts, I might miss some, and if people have given advice that I have nothing to add to, I won't respond.  

And if I don't have time to catch up on reading everything, I'll at least read the last page and hope that people have quoted any important previous conversations.  I find it's easier to read the flow that way instead of reading back several pages.

I don't have it set to send me an email; I would probably find that annoying!  

2012-01-08 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Played 18 holes of golf on Saturday and got a 4mile run in today outside! Was nice but a little windy. I have been challenged with a sore knee for some time and I started some PT with a lot of targeted stretches and strengthening for muscle imbalances. Seeing improvement but not there yet!
2012-01-08 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Ran 5 miles this morning.  It felt like spring!  I'm totally screwed for my XC Ski half marathon next month- where is winter???

2012-01-08 2:37 PM
in reply to: #3978065

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

Good job!! we had great weather here too!! finished my longest run before the marathon next week- 20.11 km in 2 pace/distance yet for me! gave me some more motivation that i'm going to be fine in the marathon!!!

2012-01-08 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3978195

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

I'm very sore today. Can hardly raise my arms above my head.


Got new running shoes...hopefully helps with my other shoes are pretty old now.

2012-01-08 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

Great job everybody!!

Tomorrow I start my new Olympic training plan and prepare for The Republic of Texas Triathlon. I found this race yesterday and couldn't help myself. How can a true Texan resist?!

Here we go!!!!

2012-01-08 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3978790

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Shmashin - 2012-01-08 7:39 PM

Great job everybody!!

Tomorrow I start my new Olympic training plan and prepare for The Republic of Texas Triathlon. I found this race yesterday and couldn't help myself. How can a true Texan resist?!

Here we go!!!!

Very cool! When is the race? I'm so amazed by everyone doing the longer races! Endurance does not come naturally to me at all, but it's gotten a little easier with age. In college I swam the 50 free, 100 free and fly. So, pretty much anything over a minute intimidates me.
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