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2012-01-21 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

I did my first bike ride last night in 7 months. Went better than expected. Front wind about half of the time and I realized too late that the battery for my speed sensor was out. So I relied on my phone in my tools pocket to keep track of the distance. My cadence was working so I focused on staying in the 80 to 90 range.

At the end of the day about 12 miles in 50 minutes. Definitely room for improvement but not as bad as I thought it would be.

Edited by johnthecat 2012-01-21 2:05 PM

2012-01-21 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Hit a milestone today (or at least for me).  Because of bad weather, I ran on a treadmill today and found a comfortable pace and tride.  This has been a huge problem when using treadmills until today.  Man am I happy! 

I ride to work in the dark everyday.  I use a LED red light on the rear of the bike and my helmet.  I also use a LED headlight that flashes. 

2012-01-21 6:11 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
Busy shift overnight because of the snow.....we ended up with about 8-10 inches. Spent about an hour and a half digging out the drive when I got home this am.....that counts as cross training, right? LOL. By this afternoon the temps were up in the 20's with sun so I headed out for a run. The next town north of me does a great job of plowing the snow off the bike trail so thats my snow day run spot. Had a good 3.5 mile run. going to bump up to 4 miles starting next week.....slow and steady.
2012-01-21 7:16 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Wow Dan, 20 degrees and snow, I can't believe any of you guys in cold areas can do it.  I was at an outdoor swim clinic this morning and we were complaining about the 65 degree weather and the 78 degree pool temp.

Good luck increasing the miles next week.


2012-01-21 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3955634

Keller, TX
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
First swim workout over a thousand meters in a long time today. My legs appreciated it they were tired from the 5 miler a few nights ago.
2012-01-22 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
Did a 6 mile run yesterday up and down crazy hills all while pushing 100 pounds of babies and double stroller. My husband helped and my time sucked but i still kinda feel like a bad a$$. On a side do I add a pic to my profile??

2012-01-22 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

At the top of the site is an option named "Settings". You will find in there and option to update your profile photo.
2012-01-22 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Just got home from a ride with a local Tri Club.  I hung with the newer group for the short/slow ride.  We went about 30 miles in about 1:50 averaging 16.5 mph which a few good hills.  

Good ride, great people, proved to me that I have spent too much time running and not enough on the bike lately but I will fix that.

Contemplating an OWS later in the day if time permits.

2012-01-22 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Hello all.  Back from my vacation cruise.  Really needed the break.  Was able to get 3 runs in.  Loved the time away.   

Now back to training.  Ready to get back into my normal training routine.  

2012-01-22 11:00 PM
in reply to: #3955634

Lake St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

I work best by setting goals. My goals for this week are to get in at least two swim, two bike, and two run workouts. Getting out the door each day seems to be the hardest part about training for me.

What are your training goals for this week?

2012-01-23 6:19 AM
in reply to: #4005188

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
UTMrunner - 2012-01-23 12:00 AM

I work best by setting goals. My goals for this week are to get in at least two swim, two bike, and two run workouts. Getting out the door each day seems to be the hardest part about training for me.

What are your training goals for this week?

I'm a goal setter too. This week I'm working on swim technique. Trying to become more efficient in the water, also getting out on the road on my bike. I'm trying to overcome a fear of the street. Biking is new to me so I'm thankful for a very large neighborhood to get me started.

2012-01-23 2:18 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED planned I did about 40 minutes of intervals on the bike trainer yesterday. Then my daughter calls saying she wants me to take her running when I go. So, even though it was not a run day, I figured, why not? So we met at my snowy trail and off we went. It was quite windy and cold but she was a trooper and did a run/walk for a little over 2 1/2 miles. As this was her first ever run I think she did pretty well at 13.30 min/mile. Maybe I'll have a new training partner.
2012-01-23 2:25 PM
in reply to: #4005188

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
UTMrunner - 2012-01-22 11:00 PM

I work best by setting goals. My goals for this week are to get in at least two swim, two bike, and two run workouts. Getting out the door each day seems to be the hardest part about training for me.

What are your training goals for this week?

I am a goal setter as well.  This week I am getting back into my routines as well as adding more to the schedule.  So it should be interesting.

The tough part for me will be the cycling on the trainer.  I am committed to get 2 rides in this week and with the chill here in NC I do not think I will make it outside. 

2012-01-23 2:34 PM
in reply to: #4005188

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
UTMrunner - 2012-01-22 11:00 PM

I work best by setting goals. My goals for this week are to get in at least two swim, two bike, and two run workouts. Getting out the door each day seems to be the hardest part about training for me.

What are your training goals for this week?


Not the greatest goal setter here, mainly because of my occupation and the dynamics with the kids, so I have to adjust on the fly all the time.

Nevertheless I plan on 2 bikes and 3-4 runs this week. Swimming still sidelined for now.

2012-01-23 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

I too have to set goals.  

Since I have been a marathoner and recreational cyclist for the past couple years I am focusing on learning to swim more efficiently.  Since I only started swimming a couple weeks ago I am trying to swim at least 3 days per week and then get in runs and rides around that.  Which has meant two a days with shorter runs and rides to allow swim time.

At the moment I am trying to add 2000 yards of swimming and maintain about 20 miles of running and 40 miles on the bike per week.

We'll see how it works over the next month leading up to my Sprint Feb 25th.

2012-01-24 12:31 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Only had time for a swim tonight, 850 yards including several drills from Saturdays swim class.  I'm still not a swimmer but it is getting better.

2012-01-24 6:32 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
Looks like everyone is making great progress. Keep up the great work.

Good 4.2 mile run and then 900 yd swim this morning.

Have a great Tuesday!
2012-01-24 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Back in the pool this morning.  Had a great swim.  Loved it.  I am feeling stronger and stronger.  Also spend some quality time on my trainer last night.  I was reading while on the bike and that helped me past the time.  

Its going to be warmer today, so will be able to get out for a nice run at lunch today.  Can't wait.

2012-01-24 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Squeezed in my run between shifts yesterday. Bumped my miles up to 4. Was about 26 degrees with 25-30 mph wind in the face for the first 2, but loved the tailwind on the way back! Would have thought my time would improve on the downwind leg but all 4 miles were about the same. Felt pretty good overall. Stopped on the way back and helped out another runner who slipped on an icy patch....always a danger here in winter. He was ok once he got back up. Tonight is bike trainer nemesis......I get SOOOOOO bored.Cry


2012-01-24 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Buffalo, NY
Subject: Bike Question

Ok.  I have a 15 year old mountain bike and I decided that I want to smartly and economically upgrade to a Tri bike.  I have done a fair amount of research and talked with several different bike shops.  I know a fit is critical for both comfort and performance.  However, I am looking to spend no more than $1500.  

In looking at the different brands everyone has indicated that I should be about a 56 size, so I'm comfortable in the general size area.  Most shops will also fit me for free if I buy the bike there.  That being said I have found a shop with an '09 Felt S22 overstock (MSRP $2k) that they will sell me, fit included, for $1200.  Now, I did call looking to see if they had any S22's, I had read that they were a solid entry level bike that I can grow with and not outgrow in a season.  This seems like a decent price for a quality bike with Ultegra and Dura-Ace components, but another shop scared me a little and said that a two year old bike used would go for $400.  Not being one to want to drop 3/4 in value in value as soon as I roll it out of the showroom I do like the fact that the bike would be a new bike and allow me funds to purchase other equipment as I am coming over to the sport from running.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.  I hope everyones training is going well.


2012-01-24 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Teaneck, New Jersey
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

750m beginner swim workout yesterday afternoon, 1 hour core session last night and 10K group run tonight.  The swimming is challenging. Our tri club has a swim session Thursday and I'm hoping to get some helpful tips.


Happy Tuesday



2012-01-24 2:24 PM
in reply to: #4008549

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Teaneck, New Jersey
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Ok.  I have a 15 year old mountain bike and I decided that I want to smartly and economically upgrade to a Tri bike.  I have done a fair amount of research and talked with several different bike shops.  I know a fit is critical for both comfort and performance.  However, I am looking to spend no more than $1500.  

In looking at the different brands everyone has indicated that I should be about a 56 size, so I'm comfortable in the general size area.  Most shops will also fit me for free if I buy the bike there.  That being said I have found a shop with an '09 Felt S22 overstock (MSRP $2k) that they will sell me, fit included, for $1200.  Now, I did call looking to see if they had any S22's, I had read that they were a solid entry level bike that I can grow with and not outgrow in a season.  This seems like a decent price for a quality bike with Ultegra and Dura-Ace components, but another shop scared me a little and said that a two year old bike used would go for $400.  Not being one to want to drop 3/4 in value in value as soon as I roll it out of the showroom I do like the fact that the bike would be a new bike and allow me funds to purchase other equipment as I am coming over to the sport from running.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.  I hope everyones training is going well.



Cam, had you thought about the Cervelo Share A Ride Program. You might be able to pick up a brand new Cervelo tri bike for less than the 09 Felt.



Edited by htodman 2012-01-24 2:26 PM
2012-01-24 3:48 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Cam....a couple of thoughts about your dilemma....first, what do you plan to do with this bike? No matter what you buy it will immediately start depreciating. If you plan on riding one season and then upgrading, maybe the "used" value has some merit. If you plan to use it for several seasons or more I don't think it will have a significant effect on the resale down the road. A bike is NOT an will cost you money no matter what. $1200 to ride a brand new, albeit 2 model year previous, bike has value to me. Second, take what the competing shop tells you with a grain of salt.....they want to sell you a bike. Frankly, if you do a bit of research I think you will find a 2 year old Felt (or similar high end brand) will fetch considerably more than $400. I have more than $1200 in the build of my bike, but it the end it is still based upon a 13 year old Cannondale that's probably only worth $400-$500 on the market....but worth significantly more to me. Just my opinion....happy trails!


2012-01-24 6:11 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Buffalo, NY
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the input guys.

I agree that a bike is not an investment.  I plan on using this bike for several years from the sprints that I plan on participating in this year to potentially an IM if I could find the time for the training.  Based on the reviews and comments throughout the forums I feel the Felt could be that bike.  The price point is would be the icing on the cake.  I guess, when I posted earlier I may have been looking more for a sanity check that I wasn't being blinded by the price point even though it is a two year old bike.

I will definitely look into the Share a Ride and the local shop.  I don't know anyone looking for a bike currently, but maybe the shop could hook a couple of stingers up to get the discount.  That will be a call for the morning.


2012-01-24 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3955634

Keller, TX
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
30 minutes on the trainer and then 30 minutes of kata work @ the karate school during my son's class.
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