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2012-04-06 10:55 AM
in reply to: #4133973

Toronto, Ontario
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
Janette: there's definitely better ways to keep track of training but I too just use a notebook. I do also have an excel file that I made to plan out my training a little bit better. It's so I can focus my training/workouts a little bit better i.e. for swimming whether I'm planning an endurance workout vs. a speed. 

2012-04-06 10:59 AM
in reply to: #4134035

Toronto, Ontario
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
I've attached a sample of what I used last summer just so I can illustrate what I was talking about... obviously this is very, very rough/amateur but it got the job done. 

sample.xls (24KB - 11 downloads)
2012-04-06 1:01 PM
in reply to: #4133973

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
jaykayjay - 2012-04-06 10:28 AM

I have read about the Tempo run so I tried 1/2 mile reg. pace, 1 mile 45 sec. faster, 1/2 mile reg. pace and finished 1/2 mile 30 sec. faster then jogged out recovery off the treadmill.  I was surprised that I recovered easily from the faster pace.  Makes me wonder if my "regular" pace needs to be reevaluated.

Is a Wave run the same thing as a Tempo run?  I couldn't find anything about Wave other than water info.

jaykayjay (I love that!),

A Tempo run can vary in length.  But the basic idea with the word "Tempo" is to run a pace that conceivably you could maintain for about an hour.  For most people, that equates to somewhere around 10K pace.  I don't check the actual pace while I'm running.  I run totally by feel.  It takes a while to get the "feel" but it comes.  YMMV.

You can run Tempo pace continuously (but for no more than 3 to 4 miles!). They are also often done as Repeats.  Fast parts then recovery segments.  A Wave run is one variation that I like a lot.  After a 2 or 3 mile warmup, you might run (for example) 1 mile "on" then a mile "off" and repeat this a few times.  The "On" parts at tempo pace.  The "Off" parts at EZ/recovery pace.  The great thing about Wave runs is that because of the long recovery, you're almost guaranteed to complete the whole thing successfully.  Normally one would work up to full miles.  Follow whatever Jenny plans out for you..  Not me!


Edited by breger1 2012-04-06 1:08 PM
2012-04-06 2:34 PM
in reply to: #4134304

New user
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
breger1 - 2012-04-06 2:01 PM [

A Tempo run can vary in length.  But the basic idea with the word "Tempo" is to run a pace that conceivably you could maintain for about an hour.  For most people, that equates to somewhere around 10K pace.  I don't check the actual pace while I'm running.  I run totally by feel.  It takes a while to get the "feel" but it comes.  YMMV.

You can run Tempo pace continuously (but for no more than 3 to 4 miles!). They are also often done as Repeats.  Fast parts then recovery segments.  A Wave run is one variation that I like a lot.  After a 2 or 3 mile warmup, you might run (for example) 1 mile "on" then a mile "off" and repeat this a few times.  The "On" parts at tempo pace.  The "Off" parts at EZ/recovery pace.  The great thing about Wave runs is that because of the long recovery, you're almost guaranteed to complete the whole thing successfully.  Normally one would work up to full miles.  Follow whatever Jenny plans out for you..  Not me!


This is definitely where I went wrong on Wednesday - I just went out and warmed up for 10 minutes (which is fine), then went what felt "fast", then blew up shortly thereafter.  My issue is, how do I know that it is a pace that is fast enough, but still sustainable?

For example, I have done a fair amount of long distance running.  I know that a pace where I can hold a conversation is sustainable, but this pace is NOT fast. On the other hand, to get faster, I know that I need to train myself to run faster. I have also heard that 5 and 10k races should be run at a pace that feels a little uncomfortable.  How do I know if I'm in the right range?


2012-04-06 3:26 PM
in reply to: #4124019

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Run these by effort.  Don't worry about the pace.  Whatever the pace ends up being, so be it.  The pace I try to run at is one I call "Comfortably Hard".  If it's too comfortable, you're into the GA or maybe even EZ range.  If it's too hard, you're into speedwork which is a discussion for another day.

I would suggest you run tempo runs no more than once a week, and then be sure to go short and easy the day after (or two if you're Old like me!).  Over the course of 6 to 8 weeks, you'll get used to the Tempos.  Tempos build stamina - the ability to hold a solid pace for a good distance.


2012-04-06 5:41 PM
in reply to: #4134460

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
hgoudreau - 2012-04-06 3:34 PM
breger1 - 2012-04-06 2:01 PM [

A Tempo run can vary in length.  But the basic idea with the word "Tempo" is to run a pace that conceivably you could maintain for about an hour.  For most people, that equates to somewhere around 10K pace.  I don't check the actual pace while I'm running.  I run totally by feel.  It takes a while to get the "feel" but it comes.  YMMV.

You can run Tempo pace continuously (but for no more than 3 to 4 miles!). They are also often done as Repeats.  Fast parts then recovery segments.  A Wave run is one variation that I like a lot.  After a 2 or 3 mile warmup, you might run (for example) 1 mile "on" then a mile "off" and repeat this a few times.  The "On" parts at tempo pace.  The "Off" parts at EZ/recovery pace.  The great thing about Wave runs is that because of the long recovery, you're almost guaranteed to complete the whole thing successfully.  Normally one would work up to full miles.  Follow whatever Jenny plans out for you..  Not me!


This is definitely where I went wrong on Wednesday - I just went out and warmed up for 10 minutes (which is fine), then went what felt "fast", then blew up shortly thereafter.  My issue is, how do I know that it is a pace that is fast enough, but still sustainable?

For example, I have done a fair amount of long distance running.  I know that a pace where I can hold a conversation is sustainable, but this pace is NOT fast. On the other hand, to get faster, I know that I need to train myself to run faster. I have also heard that 5 and 10k races should be run at a pace that feels a little uncomfortable.  How do I know if I'm in the right range?


Why not find a local 5K race and go run it?  You'll instantly know your 5K pace and then can use something like MacMillan's running calculator to figure out your training paces.  

IMO, a 5k race should feel miserable as you are pushing as hard as you can for a shorter period of time. To me a 10K race also feels very hard.  I've been lousy at pacing but as my run volume and consistency has improved my ability to pick, hold and maintain a pace has improved.   Half marathon is what I would call comfortably hard - easing into it for the first few miles then building pace until it gets really hard at the end.

2012-04-07 10:23 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
Hey guys! I've started working on plans. I have a couple nearly ready to send off - I'll send them to you by email when they're finished. I'm going to send you 4-week blocks, but these are not set in stone, especially as we are first starting off and I'm just getting to know you guys. There's a very good chance the plans will need to be modified/tweaked - so please let me know how you're feeling as you progress through the first week or two. If anything is too challenging, we'll cut back as needed - if the plan feels too easy, we'll add volume or intensity as needed.

If you have your training logs set as private or so that only "friends" can see them, please add me as a friend so I can access your logs. When you record your training, include as much detail as you can about how things are going - how you feel during the workout, any general soreness or fatigue, etc.

Hope everybody is having a great weekend!


2012-04-07 6:11 PM
in reply to: #4124019

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Hi Fellow Guinea Pigs!

Well, my first Sprint Triathlon is done and all-in-all, it went pretty well and I learned a lot.  I knew my swim and bike legs were going to be dismal and they did not disappoint!  But I did well on the run and passed a bunch of people.

Swim:  16:56 (1/4 mile)  171 out of /250 Overall, 3 out of 8 in AG.  I thought I would feel better during the swim but I never really felt smooth or in tune with my stroke.  Had some trouble sighting the bouys and swimming straight.

T1:  2:53  216 out of 250 OA, 8 out of 8 AG  (I changed into my running shoes here since I was biking and running in them.)  Afterwards I was talking to someone and he said "What did you do?  Take a shower?  Laughing

Bike:  39:37 (11 miles) 16.67 mph  195 out of 250 OA, 8 out of 8 AG.  It was humbling getting passed so much by the people on their "real" bikes.  But I expected this and kept my focus.  16.67 mph is more than 1 mph faster than I've ever been able to ride on my clunky fat tire bike.  And I was able to pass a few riders.  Very pleased with the way I rode!

T2:  0:58  85 out of 250 OA, 1 out of 8 AG.  No shoes to change here!  Canceled out T1 nicely!

Run:  24:12 (5K)  7:48 min/mile  75 out of 250 OA, 2 out of 8 AG.  I probably passed 40 or 50 people.  In my element!  At the time I felt I was running pretty slow, but kept passing people.  7:48 is about 30 seconds off my 5K PR pace. so that sounds just about right - given all the work I did before even starting the 5K!

Total:  1:24:36  142 out of 250 OA.  3 out of 8 AG.  Decidedly middle of the pack, but an AG Podium is always Good!

Had fun, learned a lot.  Confirmed where I need work.  (Right Jenny?)


Edited by breger1 2012-04-07 6:20 PM
2012-04-07 10:45 PM
in reply to: #4124019

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Great Job, Bill.

If you did the exact same race tomorrow, you would be faster just due to the experience you gained today. 

Celebrate you accomplishment.

Happy Easter


2012-04-08 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Happy Easter


Bill, thanks for the report on your sprint.  I think Jeff is right that now you know what to expect so that only makes you better.  I am trying to visualize the transitions start to finish in my head.  How did you do getting sand off your feet, socks on and shoes on?  Did you sit down?  I have YouTubed those things and the real fast ones go without socks, just slip in and take off.  I know my feet well enough that water + sand - socks = pain = DNF! 

JayCee- thanks for the log attachment, I am duplicating something like that. 

I did a 40 mile bike ride on Saturday out on the highway.  It felt great until the wind hit me in the face and cut my speed by a 1/3.  I need to turn off the bike computer and not get hung up on the speed, but just concentrate on good pedal strokes and experiment with the best gears to get through it. 

Off to church - ate a chocolate marshmalloe caramel egg thing for breakfast and feel sick - how do the kids pull that off?!


2012-04-08 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4124019

New user
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
Great job on the race, Bill!Janette- I don't have as much experience as some people in this group, but for the one tri that I ran last summer, I brought a towel to help with the sand. As it turned out, the run from the water to transition (which went from the beach, over a grassy area and was about 300 metres long) was long enough that most of the sand fell off on its own. The little that was left was in places that wouldn't be bothered during the bike or run. Wearing good running socks helped, too.

2012-04-08 3:58 PM
in reply to: #4136541

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
jaykayjay - 2012-04-08 9:56 AM

I am trying to visualize the transitions start to finish in my head.  How did you do getting sand off your feet, socks on and shoes on?  Did you sit down?  I have YouTubed those things and the real fast ones go without socks, just slip in and take off.  I know my feet well enough that water + sand - socks = pain = DNF! 

jaykayjay, I had put down a beach towel and had all my stuff on that.  So when I got to transition I wiped my feet on the towel.

There was one thing that I did not like and not sure how I'd do it different.  The swim was 100 yards or so from transition so I walked down barefoot to the start, since I wasn't going to swim in my shoes or flip flops.  But it was quite rocky and it hurt the sole of my left foot pretty well.  I'm not sure exactly what to do there.  Can't wear shoes.  Don't want to walk on rocks.  What to do ....


Edited by breger1 2012-04-08 3:59 PM
2012-04-08 8:55 PM
in reply to: #4124019

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Yesterday's Trainer Ride:

MS: 5' @ 90% FTP, 5' @ 95% FTP, 5' @ 100% FTP with 4' recoveries in between, repeat 2 more times. 

Nice workout - had to concentrate on the last 10 minutes to keep intensity level where desired.


Today's Run

Last long run before next Sat. HM. Goal pace was 8:20. Felt strong and in control until last couple hills in last 3 miles. Felt like I recovered from a fatigue perspective by the end of the run. After yesterday's cycling workout I was happy with my ability to maintain a nice pace.

Workout Nutrition: GU 2xCaffeine Gel - pre workout, 2 GU 1xcaffeine gels during run. GU electrolyte mix during run for hydration.

2012-04-09 5:12 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
Hey Pigs! Hope you guys all had a nice weekend!

Bill - congrats on your race! A podium finish first time out - can't complain about that!! Your running is definitely solid and I'm sure you will see some gains swimming & biking with a little more training under your belt. The new bike will surely help too!

Janette - Re transitions and sandy/dirty feet.... there are a few tricks you can try. First, see if you can get an idea of what the transition area will be like. Some are sandy, some are grassy, some are paved, etc., etc... If I think the transition area will leave me with dirty or sandy feet by the time I get to my bike, I sometimes keep an extra water bottle with my transition set-up - one with a squirt top. Give my feet a quick squirt, wipe them on the towel (or a small hand towel) and move on. I usually bike sockless, and run sockless up to Olympic distance - saves time in transition, but something you should definitely try in training to make sure you're comfortable, and with running that there are no hot spots that might rub blisters on the run. (And Janette - I'm working on your plan and have a few follow up questions - check your in box and get back to me when you get a chance!)

Mitch - Nice training! Looks like maybe you're following Jorge's winter cycling program?? What's the priority of this weekend's race for you? If it's high priority, you might want to skip the bike workouts this week, or at least during the last half of the week. I think you're going to have a great race this weekend!

Last week was a bad week for training for me with the kids on Spring Break. They're off one more day then I can get back to my normal training routine. 19 weeks to IM! Keep up the good work, everyone!
2012-04-09 7:54 AM
in reply to: #4124019

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Mitch, I glanced at your Garmin Connect and your 9 mile run had an average pace of 8:05.  That is very strong and well below your goal of 8:20.  Nice Job!  Also, I grew up in Utica, which from your Garmin Connect map looks kinda close to where you are at!  Small world.

What is your Goal for your HM?  Forgive my unsolicited advice, but one thing I like to do for HM's that not everyone does is a short warm up.  Maybe 1.5 to 2 miles nice and easy, with a few 100 yard striders near the end.  This warm up allows you to be ready to go right from the start of the HM.  You'll likely find you'll be on Goal pace right away.  Good Luck!

Jenny, that was not a bad week of training.  Instead consider it a much needed recovery week!  Your body and mind will thank you for it as your IM training progresses.  An IM ... Wow!

I ran 6 nice and easy low HR miles this morning with most miles at around 9:12 pace.  Nothing is sore or even tired so I'll be able to continue training without any problems.  I guess I "trained through" the Sprint Tri as planned.

In other news, the Church singing went well.  My solos during Good Friday services drew some Tears, so I apparently did the piece justice.  My voice was shot after all the singing on Easter.  But it all went well!


Edited by breger1 2012-04-09 7:57 AM
2012-04-09 7:58 AM
in reply to: #4137422

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

jsnowash - 2012-04-09 6:12 AM  Mitch - Nice training! Looks like maybe you're following Jorge's winter cycling program?? What's the priority of this weekend's race for you? If it's high priority, you might want to skip the bike workouts this week, or at least during the last half of the week. I think you're going to have a great race this weekend!

Jenny - I was following Jorge's plan for a bit but it was too much on top of trying to train for a HM.  The last half I followed a lot of the workouts but haven't tested my Critical Power since the beginning.  Legs have never been recovered enough to get a true reading and the test is just too darn painful to do unless I can "ace" it. 

This HM was originally a B and I guess technically it is as the training plan doesn't peak until June 3rd.  Based on recent training runs I think I have a chance to do really well.  This course is a lot flatter and should be easier from a heat and humidity perspective than the race in June.  Therefore - I think I am going to go for it and push as hard as possible for a PR.  Goal is 8:00/mile pace but have a stretch goal below that depending on how I feel at the midpoint of the race. 

This week I plan the following:

M - rest
T - Shorter track workout I think 6x400M, 30 minute moderate effort on bike
W - 30 minutes on bike, easy; lunchtime swim
Th - 30 minute easy run
Friday - Swim
Saturday - race
Sunday - hope to be able to get a easy ride on the trainer - active recovery

Do you think that sounds good?

2012-04-09 8:18 AM
in reply to: #4137573

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Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
breger1 - 2012-04-09 8:54 AM

Mitch, I glanced at your Garmin Connect and your 9 mile run had an average pace of 8:05.  That is very strong and well below your goal of 8:20.  Nice Job!  Also, I grew up in Utica, which from your Garmin Connect map looks kinda close to where you are at!  Small world.

What is your Goal for your HM?  Forgive my unsolicited advice, but one thing I like to do for HM's that not everyone does is a short warm up.  Maybe 1.5 to 2 miles nice and easy, with a few 100 yard striders near the end.  This warm up allows you to be ready to go right from the start of the HM.  You'll likely find you'll be on Goal pace right away.  Good Luck!

Bill:  What years were you in Michigan?  I really should have slowed my run down to 8:20 yesterday - that is one of my bad habits - running faster than I should.  That being said, that pace right around 8:00/mile has begun to feel very comfortable to me.  I've never been one to warm up for races.  I've started mapping out a pace per mile for races that has me starting slower for the 1st mile or two.  This forces me to not go out too fast as I have a tendency to go out way too strong and then blow up later in the race.  Agree that warm-ups are good, I've just never done it.  Plan is to do something like the following:

Sprint last tenth of a mile

I think that comes out to a 7:55 pace or so.  Not sure if I can do it though. 

2012-04-09 8:38 AM
in reply to: #4124019

Toronto, Ontario
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Sounds like everyone has been keeping busy!

Bill - I second Jenny's comment about bringing a spare water bottle that you can use to rinse your feet off with and then towel drying them off. I also don't run with socks for Sprint distance races but definitely something you need to practice before hand. Overall sounds like you had a great sprint this weekend!

Mitch - sounds like you've had some great runs! good luck on your HM this weekend!

I really wanted to get in a long outdoor ride this weekend but it never materialized which I was quite disappointed about. (didn't have anyone to ride with, then rain etc) so I had to do my bike on the trainer. Also, because I don't train with a watch or anything I find it really hard to pace myself on my runs. My Saturday run ended up being waaay slower than I had intended. I think I need to push the pace a little harder in the beginning and get the rhythm going.

Hope everyone has a great Monday!


2012-04-09 3:46 PM
in reply to: #4124019

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
Jenny, I sent an e-mail your way in reference to the training plan.

Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2012-04-09 3:46 PM
2012-04-09 4:41 PM
in reply to: #4138931

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
Hunting Triathlete - 2012-04-09 4:46 PM

Jenny, I sent an e-mail your way in reference to the training plan.

Got it! And sent you one back!
2012-04-09 9:35 PM
in reply to: #4124019

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

First night under Coach Jenny,

45 Minute - Non Trainer Ride - 13.62 miles @ 18.1 average w/ slows for traffic and such (First real ride on my new "used" TT bike)  It is quicker than my road bike was but is going to take some getting used to.  I thought this ride would be much easier but I quickly realized why I need a plan and consistant workout schedule, Thanks again, Jenny.

2012-04-09 11:34 PM
in reply to: #4136881

Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
With respect to the sand on feet issues, for the races I've done there is always a transition 'run' (100 yards or so) from shore to T1. All the sand has fallen off my feet by the time I get to T1 or there is so little, I just rush it off. I wouldn't worry too much about this. Here's what I would do...take a look at the races you're sited-up for and check out the course maps. You can generally get a pretty good idea about the swim to T1 transition. If there is some grass in between, then no worries...all the sand should fall off. otherwise, bring a small towel and of should be fine.And Bill, first of all congrats on your race. But with respect to the 100 yards over the rocks and things...bring along a pair of sandals that you can run in. Leave them down by the water and then strap them on as you exit the water heading to T1. I'm pretty sure that's ok with USAT rules. I've seen a lot of folks do that on an oly race that I've done that has a similar hard path from shore to T1.
2012-04-09 11:39 PM
in reply to: #4139794

Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
Hey all...sorry for all the spelling and grammar issues in my previous messages. I don't like the autocorrect and auto spell feature on my iPad - those two 'features' think they know what I want to type and then voila. Well, they don't always get it right as my previous message shows. Also why does all my posts that I do on my iPad not include any line breaks even though I put them in?
2012-04-10 8:21 AM
in reply to: #4124019

Toronto, Ontario
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED

Last night: 45 min trainer ride - kind of wanted to die but perservered. Still haven't been outside so hard to gauge how I'm doing. I hope I'm starting to get back to the fitness level I was at at the end of last summer.

30 min run this morning since it's supposed to rain all day (though it's currently bright and sunny out :S)  - pushed the pace a little bit more in the beginning so I didn't slack. My legs felt a little lead-like. Hope to get a little strength training in tonight!

2012-04-10 8:23 AM
in reply to: #4124019

Toronto, Ontario
Subject: RE: Jenny (jsnowash)'s Spring Guinea Pig Group - CLOSED
As an aside, has anyone here put on clip-on aerobars onto their road bikes? I'm contemplating trying this but I've heard some downsides to this i.e. bike doesn't fit properly etc.
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