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2012-12-28 12:06 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Jay looks like you have a sub 4:00 mary in you.  It should be open to everyone probably is easiest and I think that is the default.  Click on the blue trainign log book above, click on the date and add your time/distance auto calculate save.  can track other things there too.  

I have done 100 miles on a bike trainer and 20 miles on a treadmill.  Its all good.  

2012-12-28 12:35 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Patrick - killing spree does sound pretty horrific, but I'll take the wave. Laughing And, btw, I have done a bit of mountain biking as well, so now I know we are all in good company!

Mike - Nice new toy to give you reason to get out so you can use it. New year and new ways to track and reach your goals!

Jay - I would say riding a training for over an hour is mentally difficult, but totally doable and probably the only way to get in mileage if you live in a snowy region. Steve told me about his 100 miler on a trainer. Ask him what he did for food I have done 2-2.5 hours. Let's just say Netflix will have a new place in your heart, if you have it. If you don't you might check into it. I also really enjoy typing "Inspirational IM" into Youtube. There are some fantastic videos made by people just to give motivation. Happy trainer riding! And you can let anyone you want view your logs or let no one. I set mine to private and then add people who I want to see it. It's been a while since I did it so I can't remember the exact process. I'm sure someone else can help.

Pam - I agree about the group mix! are you training for a sprint?

Jim - I hear on the DNF for a third time having zero appeal. I like the idea of you waiting til winter and then having an epic race.

Neal - You have taken quit a hit. it sounds like you are resilient or it hasn't sunk in yet..haha. You are probably one of those guys who can make things happen. Happy job hunting and training.

Kate - thanks so much for lining out the names. I will say that it is also helpful to have people signing at the bottom of their posts. Pretty soon your list will be 10 pages back and I will undoubtedly forget someone's real name.

I respond to the post as I read them, so I may say something that's already been said. 1300 yard swim done tonight. And I went and watched "Les Miserables" - highly recommend it!

Steve - What distances do I want to peak out at for IM and how many times for each of those distances?

2012-12-28 3:10 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Pam, even 1 swim a week would be really good for ramping up for your sprint.  Its not much of  a swim I know but, it is good to have some confidence in the swim... it is different in a race.

Jim if it weren't for illness you would have been fine for Vineman last this year. Oh well this will be the one. 

Neal what was your HIM nutrition like preswim/bike/run?   What kind of socks, laces too tight, how was the run different from training, you shouldnt have gotten blisters.... way to suck it up though.  Hopefully you wont have to in the same way for your next one.... consistent training = the key. But need proper execution/nutrition/basic gear to make it pretty. 

Everyone repeat after me we don't wear cotton anything when we train/race... k good. 

Typically better swimming = getting a coach and lots of time in the pool.  Try swimming some laps with almost no kick.  You don't get much push from the kick but you can tire yourself out using it.  As you get more fit you can kick more.   

Edited by Baowolf 2012-12-28 3:23 AM
2012-12-28 5:35 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Jim- what happened during Vineman? I'm in training right now. I feel like I signed up for a 70.3 a bit prematurely as this is coming into my 3rd year and I've progressed on my training pretty slowly. I'm hitting forty and everything just seems to be harder.

I'm doing a HIT's series in March and the registration was only 75 bucks. So.. I couldn't resist. I could always switch to the olympic distance at the last minute, but I'm not sure what would be better.. An attempt and possible DNF for the half? or a "for sure" on the olympic. 

I've been consistent with my training but my pacing leaves much to be desired. I tried to do a "tempo" run a few days ago, but not sure if I was successful. I just worked on picking up the pace. Usually in the past I'd do fartleks and that's about it. 


*If group members have private logs maybe they could add me. I like sending inspires. 

2012-12-28 6:07 AM
in reply to: #4551036

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Antwonathon - 2012-12-28 12:33 AM

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas for a starter program for swimming....

It wasn't really difficult physically, but after about 40 yds i start getting anxious. My feet start to kick faster and i cant seem to keep my form like i could the first 40 yds. Asw a result i start to get short on breath. Anyone have any insight in this area? Is it just more time in the pool?

Anthony, if it is an option, you might see if there are any masters swimming programs in your area.  Usually those will provide you with the coaching that will improve your technique as well as some swimming camaraderie. 

2012-12-28 6:13 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Anthony -- unlike running/biking, just doing more swimming won't get you more endurace since it is such a technique driven effort. To get better, I'd suggest enrolling in a local masters swim class if available or working with a swim coach/lessons. Your workouts would likely be focused on as much doing drills as it would actually swimming. Spend some time in the pool doing this and you'll be surprised at how soon one of those "A-Ha!!" moments comes to you.

2012-12-28 6:16 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

My workout plans are largely driven by following Don Fink's "Be Iron Fit" competitive full Ironman plan. I use the plan up to week 22 (of 30) where he has a HIM scheduled. Typical week is 2/3/4 S/B/R starting at 6 hr/week, and ramping to 13/14 hrs/wk by race time. I used this plan last year, and it worked well. There is another swim thrown in around week 12, so it moves to 3/3/4. I may try to add an additional bike to this as well to get it to 3/4/4.

This years training starts Jan 14th this year. I'll likely spend the first 2 weeks of January doing (and repeating) week 1 of the plan just to get ramped back up to the daily grind.

Wow, Page 5 already!

2012-12-28 6:54 AM
in reply to: #4551036

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Antwonathon - 2012-12-28 12:33 AM

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas for a starter program for swimming. I have been swimming about three times a week for the last month, but i don't have any structure. I have about a month before i begin my training for the REV3 Knoxville Oly so i would like to just build some endurance, confidence, and technique. I looked at the beginner swimming program on the site and tried out the endurance part today.


25,50...100, 75...25 did two of these ladders on 20-25 seconds rest

another 4x25

It wasn't really difficult physically, but after about 40 yds i start getting anxious. My feet start to kick faster and i cant seem to keep my form like i could the first 40 yds. Asw a result i start to get short on breath. Anyone have any insight in this area? Is it just more time in the pool?

Anthony, I'm a very new swimmer myself; I didn't even know how to swim until I enrolled in a TI workshop in March12.  Mike's point about getting in the pool and having "AH HA!" moments rings true with me.  I remember being out of breath and losing form after just 25M and reading a number of posts on this site helped me find out this is common.  That 40 yard moment that you're getting anxious is simply due to not having enough time and/or confidence in your swimming.

Some may disagree with me but I think your answer is to build slowly.  For me, I started doing 25M repeats until they became easy; form stayed solid, not short of breath etc.....then I did the same for 50M.  I would do 25/50M until I hit my goal distance of the day...1000M for example.  The one thing that I lost site of while I was doing my swimming self-improvement was swimming.  I just went and saw my swim coach (she's about 2 HRs away from me; in Springfield Mike) and she reminded me to drill.  I got into such a habit and desire to get comfortable with longer distances that I forgot to work on some of the basics.  I've implemented drilling back into my routine recently and my swimming has become even more efficient.

You may also want to consider a Masters Swimming program.  There is one where I'm from but the hours don't I don't have any first hand knowledge.  But I'm friends with someone who used the program (he just finished his first full IM in Novemeber) and it helped make the swim his strongest discipline.

Last point.  Like Mike, I have a spreadsheet of Don Fink's IronFit trainnig guide.  I'll be happy to post the swimming portion of it if you think that'd help you.

2012-12-28 6:58 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Thanks Stu and Mike. I am sure there are a couple masters swim programs around here. Just have to see where, when and how much.

Thanks again,


2012-12-28 8:06 AM
in reply to: #4550501

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - OPEN
KateTri1 - 2012-12-27 5:31 PM

Mike_D - 2012-12-27 1:25 PM OK, Samantha, now I'm curious about front mounted hydration bottles. You really like this one? Did you check out any others, such as TorHans? Does the bottle impact bike handling at all?  I started to look into these last spring, but ended up just doing the zip-tied bottle cage between the aerobars. Works fine, but a bit awkward when getting a drink. Anyone else have thoughts on a front mounted bottle like the one she mentioned? Recommendations?

What's a zipped tied bottle cage? Pics?

I currently use the Thermal Profile Aero bottle. It keeps the water very cold in the hot weather.

I carry another Camelbak water bottle in my frame cage. 

Here's a great YouTube vid of a guy setting one up. its very basic, and cost me about $8.00 to put together, and about 5 minutes of time. Worked great in my races last year.

2012-12-28 8:53 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Thanks for the tips Jay! We must have been typing at the same time because i didnt' see your post before. I would greatly appreciate it if you posted or sent me the spreadsheet. At this point I could use some direction, and I think your workout could provide that.

Mike and Stu. I looked into the masters programs around here. It looks great, but i don't know if its going to work just yet. Maybe later this spring or over the summer I will be able to join.

Thanks agian everyone!

2012-12-28 8:53 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Here is my workout life from Jan - June & beyond. This is week #1 of the plan. Times get longer (week 2 is 7 hrs) ; add a swim on Friday AM come April; add a bike sometime as well:

DaySwimBikeRunHrs / DayNotes
Monday1:00#1    1:00 
Tuesday    0:30Z20:30 
Wednesday1:00#20:30Z1 (100+RPM)  1:30 
Thursday  0:30Trans: Z1 100+RPM0:15Z20:45Bike/Run transition
Friday    0:30Z20:30 
Saturday  1:00Z2  1:00 
Sunday    0:45Z1-Z20:45 
Total Hours:        
6:002:00 2:00 2:00   
2012-12-28 9:11 AM
in reply to: #4550876

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - OPEN
KateTri1 - 2012-12-27 10:35 PM

This is a list of group members. I hope I got everyone. 

anthalynn  Samantha

Baowolf  Steve

BMiller71  Brian

BigN321  Brian
bufit  Neal dchill1  Chery
fdulak  Fredironjim  Jim
jtsully41  John juneapple  Stu
KateTri1  KateKcam  Kristy
kmatt318   Kenmedeiros13  Jay
Mike_D  Mike Mitchparadise  Mitch
mph821  MelissaPink Socks   Pam
squirt  CarolTK  Tom
ZeroIndulgence  Patrick


Kate, thanks for putting the chart there!  I also added Anthony to it (but I couldn't do alphabetically.  Sorry!).  Glad to see you in the group!  It will be fun to be here with you.  Will still see you on the Challenge Forum tho, right?

Steve, I hear you on adding a swim session.  I'll really try to do that.  Shoot, guess I need to go buy an acceptable swim suit.  Oh the angst of swimsuit shopping for 50 y.o. woman!

This is a great group and I'm excited about everyone.  I'm still having trouble absorbing everything and everybody's names, experiences, goals, etc.  I've been hestitant to address people specifically because I don't want to exclude anyone.  But I thought I'd bite the bullet and say a few things.

For people that are new to tris, I agree with everyone else about not getting intimidated by the distances and speed of others.  We are all here to learn and encourage everyone. 

Patrick, you lost 130 pounds?  Wow!!!!!!  We need pictures.

Cheryl, my in-laws live in Cumming.  I've considered Peachtree and the Atlanta HM several times but scheduling didn't work out.  When visiting them, I do my long runs at Central Park and one day I want to do the Central Park 12-Hour.  I've heard there are some good trails around Atl too but I'm usually alone on my longs and I'm pretty klutzy so I don't venture onto the trails as much.

Bufit, congratulations on Thing 1!  Your life is going to be forever changed in a great way.  Be praying for you and your family during the unemployment time.  And I want to meet you at IMFL.  We volunteered last year for two shifts and we have already told them that we'll be there for pre-swim security detail.

Samantha, yes, I'm training for a sprint in March.  First sprint was Oct of this year and so this will be my second sprint.

Kristy, what kind of author?  Love, love, love to read.

Several people have mentioned swim anxiety.  Put me on for that list too.  My m.o. in my sprint was head up everytime someone hit me.  Legs dropped and I waited for them to get away from me then I would start swimming again until hit by the next person.  I've got to work on that.  My 14 y.o. loves to jump on me and almost wrestle me during my swims now.  'Bout have to beat him up to get a lap.


Edited by Pink Socks 2012-12-28 9:13 AM
2012-12-28 9:23 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Steve, I will post my current training plan this weekend. I am considering running LA Marathon coming up in 12 weeks. My only goal is to finish. Good way to kick off my long training or too much on the body this early? What do you think?
2012-12-28 9:26 AM
in reply to: #4550379

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Montreal, Canada
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Thanks for the welcome Steve. Seems like a very active group!


plan for 2013 is 3xSwim / 5xBike / 3xrun (last few weeks was more like 3/0/4), based on TBB. Have the details in excel. Was about to post but would take a full page so will load in "my training plan" instead.


endurance and power on the bike. Below are my times on my last HIM (all flat), no doubt the bike is my weakest sport. 

swim - 1900m - 34minutes - rank 60/284 (overall)

bike - 90km - 2h42 - rank 208/284 (overall)

run - 21km - 1h48 - rank 78/284 (overall)

Total 5h10 -rank 122/284


- 10km in 43min (never raced a 5k)

- HM in 1h40


2012-12-28 9:31 AM
in reply to: #4551403

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New user

San Jose
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - OPEN
Pink Socks - 2012-12-28 7:11 AM 

Patrick, you lost 130 pounds?  Wow!!!!!!  We need pictures.

Haha, yeah, 130 pounds.  The first 100 took, oh, 6 months or so.  The next 20 came off over the next 3 months.  The last 10 (or so, I float between 125 and 132 pounds lost overall now) came off over time.  It's funny, because as I was doing it, it really wasn't a big deal to me.  I just set a plan, kept to it, saw it was working, and continued on that path.  Structured meals, structured workout times (mostly running...added p90x to the running once I got healthy enough for it...then got a bike, jumped in the pool, etc.)

Anyways, pictures...I look like a completely different person.  Here's a before and after I took 13.5 months apart on back to back Kauai vacations, posted on my personal blog for record keeping purposes:  LINK

Hopefully the link worked...but yeah, those around me seemed much more excited over the feat than I ever have.  I just moved on to look for the next challenge.  And now I'm here to start getting into triathlons.  Funny how quickly things can change!

2012-12-28 9:38 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Patrick -- that is awesome! Congrats. much better do you feel now?

We had a guy in our last group who had lost 110+ pounds since Jan 1, 2012, and finished his first HIM back in October.  My admiration to anyone who can do somethig so incredible. Way to go!
2012-12-28 9:59 AM
in reply to: #4544229

New user
Norwalk, Ohio
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
I saw that the group's closed.  Hope you had room for one more, Steve.  I haven't been on here lately because of the holidays.  Thanks
2012-12-28 10:16 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Speaking of the guy we had..... hi, Larry!!!!
2012-12-28 10:28 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hey Larry, I definitely vote for you to be grandfathered in! 

And hey to everyone else, like PinkSocks I'm a little overwhelmed but will catch up eventually .

2012-12-28 10:32 AM
in reply to: #4550731

Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
medeiros13 - 2012-12-27 8:42 PM

Mike_D - 2012-12-27 7:55 PM Ok, made a major commitment to this years training tonight - just bought a Garmin 910xt. Been thinking about it for a while and couldn't resist the pull as I walked around REI tonight. WamNt to use this to get better feedback on my workouts , make sure I'm running and cycling at the proper paces and get good data on where I've been and where I want to go. FTP test on Saturday!


I'm jealous of the 910!  My wife got me the Magellan Shift Up for my XMAS gift.  Its a nice upgrade from my run only Garmin but I'm not sure I asn't better off with even a 310xt....


I just bought a 910 as a present for my 40th birthday!  I'm excited. 

 My training came to a halt after my marathon in October.  A few weeks before the marathon I developed achilies issues so after the race I decided to let it heal properly.

 I'm just getting back into the swing of things.  My training (sad to say) is usually 3/0/4.  I spent almost no time on my bike.  This year I used my indoor trainer about 3 times I and I rode outside once or twice.  I know I definitely need to change that.


2012-12-28 10:39 AM
in reply to: #4551441

Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - OPEN
ZeroIndulgence - 2012-12-28 10:31 AM
Pink Socks - 2012-12-28 7:11 AM 

Patrick, you lost 130 pounds?  Wow!!!!!!  We need pictures.

Haha, yeah, 130 pounds.  The first 100 took, oh, 6 months or so.  The next 20 came off over the next 3 months.  The last 10 (or so, I float between 125 and 132 pounds lost overall now) came off over time.  It's funny, because as I was doing it, it really wasn't a big deal to me.  I just set a plan, kept to it, saw it was working, and continued on that path.  Structured meals, structured workout times (mostly running...added p90x to the running once I got healthy enough for it...then got a bike, jumped in the pool, etc.)

Anyways, pictures...I look like a completely different person.  Here's a before and after I took 13.5 months apart on back to back Kauai vacations, posted on my personal blog for record keeping purposes:  LINK

Hopefully the link worked...but yeah, those around me seemed much more excited over the feat than I ever have.  I just moved on to look for the next challenge.  And now I'm here to start getting into triathlons.  Funny how quickly things can change!


Wow you look great!.  The pictures look like completely different people. 

2012-12-28 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Its now officially real; I just registered for the Patriot Half IM in June. 


Anthony, I sent you a PM with my speadsheet I took from IronFit...hope it helps.



Edited by medeiros13 2012-12-28 11:28 AM
2012-12-28 11:42 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Jim, I hope that either your logs are not up to date or that you are not planning on doing a marathon 12 weeks out.  I see 3-5 miles per month over the past 2 months.  If you build 3,4,5,3,6,7,4,8,9,5,10,6  race puts you in lousy shape for a half let alone a full mary.  At least tell me that you have been running but not logging on bt?

Fred, very nice HIM.  You crushed the swim and bike and run was solid.  Your easist thing to improve on will be your run.  You can drop another 11 minutes off that and go sub 5:00 ....

Larry any previous members always welcome even if the group is closed.  Come on in. 

Edited by Baowolf 2012-12-28 11:48 AM
2012-12-28 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4551816

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Baowolf - 2012-12-28 9:42 AM

Jim, I hope that either your logs are not up to date or that you are not planning on doing a marathon 12 weeks out.  I see 3-5 miles per month over the past 2 months.  If you build 3,4,5,3,6,7,4,8,9,5,10,6  race puts you in lousy shape for a half let alone a full mary.  At least tell me that you have been running but not logging on bt?

Steve, yes sorry, I have been running and not tracking but honestly not consistently.

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