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2013-02-11 4:55 PM
in reply to: #4617188

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
eBay had a deal on a Polar cs600 set for $150. It had the computer, cadence module, chest strap etc. I was looking at a Garmin 910 and this did all the same stuff but was way cheaper. 

2013-02-11 8:44 PM
in reply to: #4617096

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
PoleyPower - 2013-02-11 7:52 AM

discipleguideservice - 2013-02-10 11:19 PM Please, if you are not logging you workouts, start doing so here on BT.


Does yard work count? I had mulch ordered to my house not realizing how big 20 cubic yards is. I've moved all but 2-3 cubic yards so I can now park in my drive way again but its totally monopolized quite a bit of time. Felt like I signed up for crossfit and didn't know it.

OH Snap! I know exactly how much 20 cubic yards is. That's no joke! I guess you have earned a rest day :p I did not know the logs had a place for yard work, but I know it counts

Edited by discipleguideservice 2013-02-11 8:47 PM
2013-02-12 2:49 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Yard work can be a crusher! It took me all day to move a driveway-full of topsoil- good PT though!


I went out to a local specialty running store and finally replaced my 4 year old running shoes with a pair that it actually fitted! I sure hope that helps with a lot of the discomfort. The bike arrives tomorrow- barring any snow/rain I'm going to take it own for a spin. 

Question on swim workouts- I see 3x75 in some of the basic IM plans on the website....does that mean swim 3 lengths of 25 each and then rest (interval training)?  One more- for the kicking drills, is that with or without a kick board?


Hope all is well Aardvarks!



2013-02-12 8:03 PM
in reply to: #4619508

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Getting fitted for a pair of running shoes is usually free, and can make all the difference in the world when it comes to joint pain. I strongly recommend custom fitting on shoes and bicycles.3x75 means swim 75 yds then rest three times in a row.
2013-02-12 8:04 PM
in reply to: #4619508

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Almost forgot, kick drills are meant to be done with a kick board. Most pools have one that you can borrow.
2013-02-12 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Thanks for the heads up! ..and yes, the fitting was free and the shop was actually cheaper than Amazon. Good stuff indeed.


Kick drills are on tomorrow!

2013-02-13 7:21 AM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Hello everyone from Disney World. I haven't had time to post any workouts but I've been writing them down. I fell off the wagon this week as far as eating properly. I feel guilty about what I've been eating but hey I'm on vacation this week. I plan to go back to eating better next week. I have been swimming in a beautiful big pool though every morning. Doing some running too. Will post when I get back.
2013-02-13 7:27 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
That's awesome Sal, the lost workouts are acceptable when there missed to spend quality time with family in my opinion.  Great looking Family by the way and have a fun.
2013-02-13 7:38 AM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Thanks. I'm hoping walking and standing in lines all over Disney counts for some calories burned.
2013-02-13 7:46 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Life is all about balance- or so I've been told. Enjoy the great trip!
2013-02-13 7:56 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Co Louth, Ireland
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
You'll come back all fresh and raring to go Sal! Sometimes I think a weeks break like that does more good than a good weeks training! Enjoy it!!

2013-02-13 8:12 AM
in reply to: #4620287

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Great looking family! Enjoy Disney and the family time. The workouts will be waiting for you when you get back. Balancing out fun and work will keep you from burning out. Give goofy a hug from me. We go way back.
2013-02-13 8:33 PM
in reply to: #4559726


Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Hi Josh, this is Chris.  I did the amazing magic fruit trick at Cebollas to you tonight, lol.  I would like to get faster in my sprint tri's this year and maybe do an Olympic distance later in the year.
2013-02-13 9:44 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Great looking family, Sal..------I have found over the past 20 years of my adult life that I have a very addictive personality. Doesn't matter what I do, I seem to do it in excess. After reading a really cool book by Rich Roll last summer, I realized that of course like so many other things in my life in the past, Triathlon has become my new addiction, and I was abusing my family time by training too much. Over the past year I have realized that I will forever be on a quest to find balance in my life..-----A lot coaches will tell you not to miss workouts if at all possible, but I am not a coach. I am trying to mentor everyone, and hoping to teach everyone some of the things I have learned so maybe you won't have to learn them same way I seem to like too... The hard way..-----I think trading a few days workouts for a few days riding roller coasters with your kids is about thest thing you can do for mental health. Trading the avacado salad for chilli cheese fries once in a while probably isnt going to kill you either. Anyone who has trained for a full Ironman will tell you that it is a life sucker. So again I say, find the balance..-----BTW everyone, I would like to introduce swoopchris (Chris Cron). He is a good friend of mine, and fellow skydiver. I am doing a little coaching with him, working on some swimming, so he is going to join the group also. Please add him in your friend list as well, and help me whip him into shape..-----Keep up the good work everyone, and don't forget to LOG YOUR WORKOUTS.... Please . Sorry, my iPad does not want to allow paragraph breaks. My writing skills don't really suck this bad, I promise.

Edited by discipleguideservice 2013-02-13 9:50 PM
2013-02-14 7:25 AM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
I've been getting up an hour or so earlier than everyone so I can do some type of workout. The family and I are having the best time. Weather has been great so far. May get some rain today so may make today a shopping day. As far as training for the sprint on March 9th. Can you tell me how you would train the last few weeks leading up to the sprint? Am I supposed to train hard or taper off toward the race? This is my first ever sprint.
2013-02-14 8:00 AM
in reply to: #4621816

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Co Louth, Ireland
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Sal Hontiveros - 2013-02-14 1:25 PM  As far as training for the sprint on March 9th. Can you tell me how you would train the last few weeks leading up to the sprint? Am I supposed to train hard or taper off toward the race? This is my first ever sprint.

Sal - from my short experience I usually train volume as normal (for sprint & olym distance) with more emphasis on speed work up to the week before the race and then race week itself is usually very light on volume but trying to keep my pace close to race pace - eg a 2-3km run at race pace, or a short cycle (10-12km) at race pace. I'd rather go in under trained than over and find that the extra days rest really stand to me on race days. I love the feeling on race day of feeling fresh (& even lighter?) rather than the constant tiredness that goes along with a heavy training load!

I also practice transitions - this might involve a 100m cycle, dismount, change and 100m run, or jsut running with the bike (shoes clipped in or wesring them) and mounting it - done a few times just to get it familiar in my head and to find problems / difficulties that you haven't thought of.

As I said only based on my own experiences - interested to hear any other thoughts too.

2013-02-14 9:38 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed


That's some great advice that I will implement as a race nears- I'd better find one quick!

2 weeks of solid training and I feel great! Thanks to all for providing the support and advice



2013-02-14 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
I've been reading about transitions and I would like to clip in my shoes and put them on just after taking off. I've practiced on the trainer getting into my shoes and plan to do more practice when actually on the bike. If I decide to just put on my shoes prior to getting on the bike, is it ok to run in them or will it damage the clips? I have "Look" pedals.
2013-02-14 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4622053

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Sal Hontiveros - 2013-02-14 9:48 AM I've been reading about transitions and I would like to clip in my shoes and put them on just after taking off. I've practiced on the trainer getting into my shoes and plan to do more practice when actually on the bike. If I decide to just put on my shoes prior to getting on the bike, is it ok to run in them or will it damage the clips? I have "Look" pedals.


Most races will not allow you to have your shoes already clipped to your peddles unless you are in the Pro class.  I would strongly suggest against it, either way.  I have watched lots of people almost wreck while trying to get their feet in their shoes while riding away from transition.  Really there will be no time savings either way.  I always put my shoes on before I unrack my bike, and I can easily have a 60 second transition (including taking my wetsuit off, putting my helmet and bike shoes on and running my bike all the way throught the rack area)  With practice and focus on transitions this can make the difference (if you are already a contender) to making the podium.


As for the week before a race...  My personal preference (unlike most coaches) is to taper off starting mid week.  I usually have a good run/ bike brick on Wed, then a swim only on Thursday, and I take friday off so I will feel fresh for a Saturday race.  This may not work for everyone, it is just my personal preference.  Same taper for a sprint as it is for an Olympic for me.  In my mind, there is no such thing as training through a race.  If I pay money for an entry fee, I want to deliver my best possible performance on race day (and that doesn't happen without at least a short taper).


For longer races, I start my taper a little farther out. 

2013-02-14 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
I had a question I wanted to pose to the group. My training plan has me swimming T, F and Sun starting in a few weeks. My community center is closed on Sundays, I forgot to factor that in when I planned out my schedule. So now I'm looking at two options. 1 is to move my schedule up one day so that I can swim 3 times a week or 2 just eliminate that 3rd swim. Its a recovery swim. This is my first half ironman and wanted to get some opinions on what to do. Some of the other plans i looked at before selecting this one had just two swims to but they were just a bit longer.
2013-02-14 3:48 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

It all depends on you comfort level and swim skills.  If you are a born swimmer with great technique and know that you can easily make the distance, then two swims would be fine.  However, if you are the opposite of the above stated then you need to swin the third day and it really doesn't matter what day you move it to.  I right now am swimming 2 x a week but go a third day when I can.  I will tell you that I can go the distance but not fast, which is why I will positively be swim 3x a week when I'm three or four months out from my first half (July).  Do what feels right, and is right for you, but certainly do not stress out about moving something a day up or back or whatever is necessary.  Just my .02Wink

2013-02-14 6:36 PM
in reply to: #4622375

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
reverend5150 - 2013-02-14 12:23 PMI had a question I wanted to pose to the group. My training plan has me swimming T, F and Sun starting in a few weeks. My community center is closed on Sundays, I forgot to factor that in when I planned out my schedule. So now I'm looking at two options. 1 is to move my schedule up one day so that I can swim 3 times a week or 2 just eliminate that 3rd swim. Its a recovery swim. This is my first half ironman and wanted to get some opinions on what to do. Some of the other plans i looked at before selecting this one had just two swims to but they were just a bit longer.
If you like the plan, it is pretty easy to just shift then entire schedule by one day so you would still follow the same plan. You would just swim on we'd, sat, and mon instead. Let me know if this does not make sense.
2013-02-15 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Good training today...made it to the pool again and out on the new bike. It has been years since I've been on two wheels!

Mandatory photos...

2013-02-15 9:50 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Nice Ride and a very impressive maiden voyage, your logs are looking strong!  Keep it up

2013-02-16 6:44 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Those are some sweet wheels!!!Thanks for the advice on the training. I have decided to shift my schedule up a day so I can keep 3 swims a week. I figure there are going to be times where I may miss a workout once and a while so having 3 swims per week will keep me straight!!
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