BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-05-05 8:21 AM
in reply to: #4724546

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Blanda-would not be the same without you. Always glad to have you.

Well, I'm headed out for my long/95 minute run. All pretty easy but with 3X mile at race pace on 1/2 mile easy after the warm up. If I can get it done it will complete my biggest training week of the season. Beautiful day here hopefully that will trump my tired legs and provide a needed spark. 

2013-05-05 8:49 AM
in reply to: #4727627

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Training Schedule
khharms - 2013-05-04 10:48 PM

Couple questions for you!!

I am following Matt Fitzgerald's Week-By-Week training guide - which is a 12 week guide. 

If I begin the schedule in a week, it takes me in to to August, but ends two weeks before the August Sprint. How should I continue training during those two weeks? Should I repeat a couple weeks - for example 8 and 9 or something?

My other question is - between the August Sprint and October Sprint, I have 7 weeks. Is there such thing as a 6 week plan, or should I use my best judgement for training? For instance, I could start 4 weeks in to the 12 week program? 

Thoughts? What have you done in the past?

I think that others have given great advice and that you have a pretty good handle on what to do. Repeating weeks 8 and 9 right after you finish them.... week8, week 9, week 8 again, week 9 again, then 10, 11, 12 so you don't mess up the taper is probably the smartest way to do it. As others have said, it does give you a little flexibility if life gets in the way of your training at some point in time, as it invariably will. The other thing you could do, depending on your current fitness is do weeks 1 and 2 twice to start the training cycle: 1, 2, 1, 2, then 3-12. No matter how you do it, if you are somewhat diligent in following the schedule it should get you to the start line ready to race.

After your race I would take one easy week and then jump right in to the last 5-6 weeks of the plan you just completed. You will already be familiar with the structure of the plan and you certainly won't have to go back to the beginning, so starting at week 6-7 or so will be an effective way to get you to your second race in good shape.

Randy and I have the same coach and I see we are pretty close on our schedule today. I need to head out the door to get in a long run with some race-pace stuff thrown in as well. It is perfect running weather in Michigan right now.
2013-05-05 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4724546


Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Hi All

So sorry for the delay in getting a bio posted, I've been busy packing and moving all weekend and am now just getting a minute to sit down. Glad to see the group is busy already!


Story: I'm Kate, 25 years old, Just finished my 3rd year of medical school- yikes! Pretty excited to be in my last year because I get to focus on my chosen specialty, and more importantly have some free time to enjoy life. Story is pretty typical-- played 4 sports growing up, kinda dropped it all when college hit. Gained the freshman 40, got pretty lazy and unhealthy. Over my senior year of college and first year of medical school really cleaned up my diet and dropped 40 pounds. Exercise has been the tricky part- very inconsistently over the last few years. I'll set my sites on a race or activity, train well for 2 months, then the next day nothing. I like to use school as an excuse- but its really not. Everyone is busy, I just need to suck it up and actually stick with it. I live in florida so really no excuse weather wise. I am hoping that by setting some shorter and longer term goals, as well as being active in this community, I will finally get the exercise habit to stick!! Oh ya, TOTAL newbie to tri! I enjoy swimming, tolerate running, and recently bought a used road bike. Can't say I'm good at any discipline, but at least I'm out there having fun!

Family: Recently married in March. My husband is one of those annoyingly athletic people who can eat whatever they want and lose weight, as well as run a marathon not trained and hung over. Grr. But we both are looking to get healthier and make an active lifestyle part of our lives.

Training: Just starting to get back into it (really let myself get lazy these last few months- school stress, wedding stress, life stress...excuses, excuses). Hoping to use a basic sprint plan for some upcoming races.

2012 Races: No tris. A few 5ks, 10K and a 15 K

2013 Season: I have a sprint in August, then either sprint/olympic in September. A few running races, possibly my first half marathon in October. Still working on getting some more on the books for short and long term goals.

Weightloss: I have been pretty lax in my eating lately, coupled with NO exercise, and I could stand to lose 5-10 pounds. I know what to do, I just need to do it.

I'm excited to be apart of this group and community. I am a total newbie, so I am excited to learn from all of you, and hope to provide some motivation along the way.



2013-05-05 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4724546

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
Off day today but with my race only two weeks out I am going to practice my transitions, anyone have any recommendations for T2 in a reverse order pool race.

2013-05-05 11:33 AM
in reply to: #4724546

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New user
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
Good morning all!It is nice to read all the bios. We have a great new group with diverse levels and goals.I did a color run yesterday with some friends, just a brisk walk pace and had a nice time.Today was supposed to be a group 36 mile ride but it cancelled due to rain. So I will be on the gym bike. I am reading Can't swim Can't ride Can't run on my kindle. It is about an ordinary fellow going from chubby to ironman. That will help pass the time on the bike.I hope you all have a pleasant Sunday.Mary
2013-05-05 12:05 PM
in reply to: #4727930

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Chunga - 2013-05-05 9:33 AM Good morning all!It is nice to read all the bios. We have a great new group with diverse levels and goals.I did a color run yesterday with some friends, just a brisk walk pace and had a nice time.Today was supposed to be a group 36 mile ride but it cancelled due to rain. So I will be on the gym bike. I am reading Can't swim Can't ride Can't run on my kindle. It is about an ordinary fellow going from chubby to ironman. That will help pass the time on the bike.I hope you all have a pleasant Sunday.Mary

Mary I hear the Color Run is a blast. It is coming to San Jose for the first time and they are supporting the American Diabetes Association which is near and dear to my heart.  Since I can't run (or swim or ride) right now I will volunteering at the race.  Just doing what I can until I can do what I want.

Anyone else ever done the Color Run?

2013-05-05 12:14 PM
in reply to: #4727947

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New user
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
Stuartap - 2013-05-05 12:05 PM

Chunga - 2013-05-05 9:33 AM Good morning all!It is nice to read all the bios. We have a great new group with diverse levels and goals.I did a color run yesterday with some friends, just a brisk walk pace and had a nice time.Today was supposed to be a group 36 mile ride but it cancelled due to rain. So I will be on the gym bike. I am reading Can't swim Can't ride Can't run on my kindle. It is about an ordinary fellow going from chubby to ironman. That will help pass the time on the bike.I hope you all have a pleasant Sunday.Mary

Mary I hear the Color Run is a blast. It is coming to San Jose for the first time and they are supporting the American Diabetes Association which is near and dear to my heart.  Since I can't run (or swim or ride) right now I will volunteering at the race.  Just doing what I can until I can do what I want.

Anyone else ever done the Color Run?

Stuart, you will have a great time volunteering! Some of the volunteers had as much color on them as the walk/runners! The kids were cute, rolling in the stuff on the ground. This is a great family event too if you have children in your life I highly recommend taking them!
2013-05-05 1:18 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Hi guys - It's Megan (not Regan). Just wanted to correct the name thing. This group is proving inspirational already -- tried my first brick this morning which was not as bad as anticipated.

It takes me forever to warm up when I run -- usually at least a couple miles before I'm comfortable, and right now I'm maxing out at 4 miles, so that doesn't leave much time to feel good! This morning, the benefit of being warmed up from the bike seemed to somewhat outweigh any tiredness in my legs... maybe I am cut out for this sport

2013-05-05 1:40 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Megan-thanks for clearing up the name issue.

Color Run? My daughter did a Color Me Rad run in Mobile 2 weeks ago and had an absolute blast. She and her best friend are going to volunteer at another on of these runs at Orange Beach later this month.

Long run and a bit of yard work done. I have the house to myself until later this evening. My mother in law and sisters in law are hosting a graduation party for my Daughter down at the beach today. Wife is staying down there for the night and Daughter has another party to attend this evening. Thinking the next 2 hours or so will be dedicated to recovery. 

2013-05-05 1:50 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Happy Sunday!  I just got back from my 55m ride in the hills of Wisconsin.  First ride outdoors and I felt pretty darn good.  I think the more years you do this, the easier it must get.  I did very little biking this winter.  I will admit I did get lost on a supported ride.  Who does that?  I thought I was nearly done and someone told me we had a full 25m left to go.  With no water and no fuel,  I pedaled until SAG drove by and then got a ride to the start.....wimp? or wise?  I'm going with wise!

Rest day tomorrow!

2013-05-05 3:37 PM
in reply to: #4727930

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Chunga - 2013-05-05 5:33 PM Good morning all!It is nice to read all the bios. We have a great new group with diverse levels and goals.I did a color run yesterday with some friends, just a brisk walk pace and had a nice time.Today was supposed to be a group 36 mile ride but it cancelled due to rain. So I will be on the gym bike. I am reading Can't swim Can't ride Can't run on my kindle. It is about an ordinary fellow going from chubby to ironman. That will help pass the time on the bike.I hope you all have a pleasant Sunday.Mary

What's a color run?

The guy who wrote "Can't swim, Can't ride, Can't run" did Outlaw last year and one of our friends landed up running with him for a while.  He seems like a nice guy.  We met him at a tri show earlier this year.  My husband is a big guy (very tall with a big frame) so finds him quite inspirational.

2013-05-05 3:41 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

This weekend's training has gone a little awry for me.  I'm two weeks into a three week driving course at work and it's absolutely kicking my butt.  The concentration levels required are exhausting and I've just been so tired.  I had plans to do stuff yesterday and today and they pretty much all went out the window because I'm so tired.  Really needed to recover this weekend before the final week (and the test), and unfortunately in the battle between work and training, work really has to come first.  The good news is I'm feeling a lot better after a couple of days with lots of sleep and not much else.

First triathlon of the year tomorrow (it's a public holiday here), which I'm really looking forward to.  We've done the same race the last two years and it's a good opportunity to see how my training is going.

2013-05-05 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
Just checking in! Home from vacation on Tuesday. I'm eating completely unhealthy lol but at last I did get two short runs in!

Hope you are all behaving!
2013-05-05 3:59 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

I rode outside for the first time this year in Edmonton today!! Woooooo. 

Studying now. I'm in full out anti-studying rebellion right now. I'm glad I booked my exam tomorrow and not at the end of the week. lol. I've taken to just writing out lists of randomness on pieces of paper. Have a coffee date with an army guy later. Calling it pre-exam distraction.

2013-05-05 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4728098

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Katy, TX
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
chapfallen - 2013-05-05 3:37 PM

What's a color run?

A Color Run is the Happiest 5K on Earth! It's a non-competitive run where they have color stations set up on the course and people throw colored cornstarch on you! It's a lot of fun, but stay away from orange, or you'll end up looking like an oompa loompa, lol


Thank you everyone for your training input. I hope I don't get burned out in the end. The Oktoberfest is my A race and I really want to kill it this year!

2013-05-05 5:19 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
Space for one more...???

2013-05-05 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Wichita, KS
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
Finished my first scheduled half marathon this am. It was miserable. Temp was in the 40's with slight rain/mist and 12-15 mph winds from the north the entire race. Except for my hands, I never warmed up. I fought with cramps in my right calf for the last two miles. This race was intended to be just part of my overall training but it would have been nice to also enjoy it. I just endured it. Maybe that was my lesson for the day. Hope all the others with races had a better experience. Next weekend I have an OWS with a Tri club that is putting on a clinic. That should be fun!
2013-05-05 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Hello to all the new folks! 

Here's my Race Report from Rev3 Knoxville Olympic:

Knoxville Race Report 

The weather was miserable! It was cold and rainy for literally the entire weekend, but I really liked the race. The course was good and I'm really happy with how I did. I feel like my training is definitely putting me on track for a solid performance later this season. 

A couple notes from the race:

  • Rev3 did their best in the conditions, and I respect them for that. There were tons of volunteers and they put on a great race in awful conditions.
  • My swim start was awful, but I recovered. It was so cold!
  • The bike was freezing, and some of the downhills were pretty scary. I was glad when it was over.
  • My run was great. I felt good; it might have been my best run ever up to this point.

I'm very glad tomorrow is a rest day! Then it's back to training...and I will miss last week's taper week, a lot.

2013-05-05 5:58 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
Hi again! I've been so slack in checking the forums that I didn't even notice the groups had changed! Would love to come back if you'll have me!!
2013-05-05 6:20 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Even with the crappy weather this weekend, I had a really productive training weekend.  Saturday's 3 hour bike ride with the bike shop was cancelled (RAIN!), so I did my own little 'tri' at the YMCA.  Went to spin class, followed it up with 3.5 miles on the treadmill and then did a 20 minute swim with hand paddles.

Today was a swim focus day.  Pushed myself to rest less between laps (I find swimming SO hard in comparison to running or cycling), did my drills like a good girl, and finally feel like I'm making some progress with my freestyle.  Swimming 1500 in the middle of a lake or river still seems pretty daunting, but with my month of weekly swim lessons, I'm at least more confident with my swim stroke than I was a month ago.

Calling for more rain this week...I really need to get my hands on a bike trainer!  I've had some issues with bike fit (meaning my girly bits are NOT happy that I started cycling), and my bike fitter made some adjustments that felt good on Tuesday (when we made them), but it's rained every day since, so I haven't been able to sit on MY bike.  I'm hoping for a break tomorrow so I can get 20 miles in.

I'm loving the challenge of the three disciplines thus far!


2013-05-05 6:26 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Nate.....what were you waiting for an invitation or just waiting till you crushed it at Knoxville Rev3? Welcome back.

Jamie-great report and even more impressive work at Rev3. I've never been in a race in those types of conditions. Props to you for doing such a great job. Your progress continues with each race. Nice job. 

Dave-good work at the HM. Seems like crappy weather is the theme for the weekend. Good experience as Jamie and Nate can never know what conditions will be like on race day.

Edited by slornow 2013-05-05 6:27 PM

2013-05-05 6:29 PM
in reply to: #4728113

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
mndymond - 2013-05-05 4:59 PM

I rode outside for the first time this year in Edmonton today!! Woooooo. 

Studying now. I'm in full out anti-studying rebellion right now. I'm glad I booked my exam tomorrow and not at the end of the week. lol. I've taken to just writing out lists of randomness on pieces of paper. Have a coffee date with an army guy later. Calling it pre-exam distraction.

Studying for my boards part 1 ruined me for the rest of my studying-life. I studied from 9 am to 10 pm with an hour for lunch/workout and 30 minutes for dinner for 40 straight days. I did well on the exam but I have never studied like that again.

Good luck on the exam. It will be great to have that behind you and then we can all begin living vicariously through you while you go to HI to train.
2013-05-05 6:30 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
Tatous. Yes. Space for one more. And Nate, we would love to have you back.

I think that is going to about cap us for this session (we can always squeeze in a returner if they show up but we are about full for now ). It won't let me change the thread to "closed" but we are pretty much full.

Rachel, good luck on your race tomorrow. Great to have a race on Monday.

Jamie, nice job at Knoxville. I have done that race before and it is tough. Way to have such a positive attitude even if the weather didn't cooperate.

I had a great run today. Actually got a little too much sun which has not been a problem for a long time here in Michigan. Temperature was mild with a light breeze. Couldn't have been more perfect. Everything was going right with the run too. Just felt good! Have to cherish days like this.
2013-05-05 6:30 PM
in reply to: #4728108

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

mtnbikerchk - 2013-05-05 3:53 PM Just checking in! Home from vacation on Tuesday. I'm eating completely unhealthy lol but at last I did get two short runs in!

Hope you are all behaving!

Randee-are you going to be with us again this time?

2013-05-05 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Name: Nate


Story: I swam before I could walk and swam competitively throughout my childhood, but gave it up after sophomore year of high school. I guess I haven't lost much technique because it's my best event by far even 15 years later. I ran a lot when in ROTC for the Marine Corps, but they didn't really teach us "how" to run, so I never liked it. Eventually I screwed up my back and was medically disqualified from getting a commission due to tears in my lower discs and degenerative disc disease.  I'm convinced it was due to a lot of running and poor running form. Fast forward to October 2011. 6'1" 240lbs. Pre-hypertensive borderline alcoholic.  Doc said shape up or suffer the consequences, so I started running a bit with friends and significantly decreased my drinking. June of 2012, I switched my diet to entirely plant-based and learned from his wife that my buddy Jamie (sure to introduce himself to this group soon) was doing triathlons. For some reason, in my readings of plant based diets, Triathlon racing always came up. So I got in touch with Jamie and he pointed me here! This will be my 3rd time with this group and I can say that it's a great one and I'm glad to be in it! With advice and support from here, I've dropped down to 180lbs and have come to love this sport. Surprisingly, I've learned that running is way more fun when done correctly and that I don't have to run like my life depended on it (as was the NROTC method) in order to make huge speed gains. My back also tolerates it much better now that I've improved my form.  Glad to meet you all and I'm looking forward to the 2013 summer triathlon season!

Family: Living with my fiance of 3 years at the moment! I love her to death and she's been extremely supportive of me through this whole new Tri-adventure. We were engaged on the 26th of December and are planning for a destination wedding in Jamaica August 30, 2014!

Training: Using the Don Fink "Be Iron Fit" book currently. My A race this year is Ironman Louisville. I just completed an Olympic Distance Tri in Knoxville as part of the training plan this past weekend and am more than excited about the upcoming races this summer!

2012 Races: 2 Sprints, 1 "Sprinternational" and an Olympic. I raced as a Clyde in both Sprints and was able to get my weight to 190 for the "Sprinternational" and Olympic! Got 2nd place in my second Clyde race and 4th in my age group for the Olympic!

2013 Season: I'll start off with a bunch of Sprints leading up to the Raleigh Half Ironman in June. Might do another Sprint in July before my main race of Louisville Ironman in August. Will most likely finish up the season with Rev3 Anderson in October. If I don't fizzle out by then, I'll do the Half Iron distance of that race.

Weight loss: I've dropped 10lbs since I started training for Ironman in January. Since my weight loss journey began, I've dropped 60 total and am now hovering at about 180lbs.

What will make me a good mentee?: I love reading and learning from everyone here mentors and mentees alike. This will be my 3rd time as a mentee and I've learned so much. I think now I have enough experience to contribute and help others along on their path to greatness

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