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2014-01-13 10:34 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Kenmore, Washington
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Hi All,

I'd like to join this group. I've read through the different groups and this one just called out to me. This will be my second season of triathlon but I still feel like a beginner. Bio has to wait as I'm about to embark on my first ever winter night ride.


2014-01-14 8:39 AM
in reply to: EV3110

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Good Morning Elena.

Thanks for the inspire long way to go!

RE: IT BAND - just because you don't feel it does not mean you should not be rolling it. I roll mine after every workout no matter what.

I am a member of our local Tri Club here in Windsor Ontario Canada but I don't do a significant amount of training with them - my schedule is a bit different but I know a couple of our members (Deb and KTC) do work with clubs - I am sure they will chime in. I love seeing my tri club members when I can but I am a bit of a lone wolf when it comes to training. I should probably re-examine that though, I know training with people helps to push me a bit. Give it a try - nothing to lose right? As far as the self concious thing - me too - but when I do reach out all I find is nice people

Have a great day.


Originally posted by EV3110

HI Team!

Thx everone for the warm welcome! For several of you that asked, yes I did (haven't in a while tho) foam roll and stretch the weeks following that half mary. Its currenty at bay. I don't feel pain when I run but will sometimes feel that 'tickle'. Its then that I slow down and take it easy.

KC- First day of training! Yeah! Nice job. When is IM Lake placid again? I do like to stalk...errr.. keep tabs on those racing IM and HIM.

Lou- That is a supurb race schedule. Impressive! Way to have it planned out! The half mary is this weekend right? How are you feeling about that?

Anyone train with a club? I went to a meeting at a LBS. Becky Lavelle a pro triathlete is starting up a race team/club. I am very interested and am pretty sure I will participate In the group. Its been something Ive thought about doing with other local clubs but just didn't have the nerve to introduce myself to a bunch of (what seemed like) hard-core athletes (I can be a wimp like that). It seems like a good time for me and Id love to see how a pro would train me.

2014-01-14 8:40 AM
in reply to: pnwdan

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Good Morning Dan - your in

How was that night ride?


Originally posted by pnwdan

Hi All,

I'd like to join this group. I've read through the different groups and this one just called out to me. This will be my second season of triathlon but I still feel like a beginner. Bio has to wait as I'm about to embark on my first ever winter night ride.

2014-01-14 8:44 AM
in reply to: 0

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Hi Team.

2nd day done and it's only 9:42 am here LOL. Lots of work to do. I did a short bike on the trainer. Still feeling the effects of this cold however

Anyway - I feel like I am starting over, but thats ok, because I remember starting for the first time a few years ago and guess what - not only did I start but I finished

Have a great day team.


PS - for all the new team members I am going to ask Tim to share an insider secret for you - just in case you are ever wondering what the fascination is with red spandex and red speedos in this group Tim will tell you soon LOL.

Don't worry - stick around you will like it ( I hope )

Edited by kcgolf 2014-01-14 8:45 AM
2014-01-14 10:25 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
I agree with KC on the foam roller. I use it everyday all year long whether it's hurting or not. I know if I stop using it the pain will come back in a matter of time.

Speaking of recovery tools, has anyone tried the Moji self massagers? Any thoughts?

Elena - I would love to be part of a tri club but I just haven't found one that works for me. I was part of the Tri Faster club through Colorado Multisport but it was just a bunch of super fast guys and kept getting dropped. It just didn't work out.

My official training starts in a week and a half so I'm just making sure I have my base training down. This year I'm starting earlier than normal due to the race date being moved up. It's going to be really hard for me to get the rides in this early in the year. I do have a trainer but I hate it! Ugh. Oh well.
Happy Tuesday everyone!
2014-01-14 4:09 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Kenmore, Washington
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
My name is Dan. Male, 35 years old, live just north of Seattle.

STORY: I started running five years ago to help with loosing weight. I did drop 40 lbs over the course of a year, but that was mostly due to a low carb / calorie restricted diet and lifting heavy. The running was something fun to do since I got faster as I became lighter without much training. I stabilized at 170 lbs for a time until my son was born in June of 2012. He was too excited to be in this world and hardly slept, snoozing for 1-2 hours at a time. I became extremely sleep deprived and stopped lifting and running. Best time of my life, but I gained about 15 lbs in the 6 months it took to figure out sleep.

In January of 2013 my friends talked me into signing up for the Lake Padden Triathlon (in June). This would be my opportunity to loose weight, learn to swim, and learn to ride. My swim background consisted of splashing about in pools and lakes as a teenager, and my cycling background consisted of going off sweet jumps on my BMX as a kid. I got back on my low carb / calorie restricted diet and started going for short runs about once a week. I borrowed a mountain bike in April and started riding once or twice a week. I started swimming in May and quickly found I could barely swim 50 yards before I was gasping for air. I kept at it and slowly built volume. Two weeks before the race I bought my first road bike and clipless pedals.

Feel free to read my race report to learn how it went. The short version is the swim smashed me, the bike destroyed my legs, and the run was a painful series of cramps. This was an 800m swim, 21 mile bike with some nasty hills, and 5.2 mile run on gravel trail. I placed a humbling 253/270. Despite the suffering I was hooked and completed two more sprints over the summer.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with one son (1.5 years old!). My wife has been supportive.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've continued training since my last triathlon in September and average one SBR activity per day. My focus is the swim and I'm working hard to improve my technique with the help of a great virtual coach. While I can belt out a 35 second 50, my 500 yard time is only 9:30. My swims are at least 50% drills and I cover 5k - 8k yards per week. My secondary focus is loosing weight while building a running base. I run 15 mpw over 4 zone 2 runs. My cycling dropped off with the weather and I've made a conscious decision to let this slip until spring.

2014 RACES: My goal for this year is to complete my first full olympic distance triathlon, my first half marathon, and my first century ride.

My A race is the 2014 Lake Padden Triathlon on June 28th, where I hope to shave half an hour off my 2013 time. I will likely do the Issaquah Triathlon (sprint) since it's the first race of the season within a reasonable distance. I want to do the BLT again (Beaver Lake Triathlon) because it was a great event in clean water. For my oly race, it will be either ChelanMan, Black Diamond, or Lake Stevens. I'm very tempted to sign up for the WTC Lake Stevens HIM, since it's only a half hour drive from my home, but I don't believe I could find the time to train for it this year.

WEIGHTLOSS: Current weight is 166 lbs with around 6% bodyfat. Highest weight is 210 lbs and race weight for this season is 160 lbs. Loosing weight is hard. I'm 5'7" and have always been muscular (endomorph). My current weightloss plan is to only eat in the evening, skipping breakfast, lunch, and snacks. I usually train in a fasted state and avoid simple carbs.

2014-01-14 4:30 PM
in reply to: pnwdan

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Welcome aboard Dan.

Great Bio and great story about how you got into this sport. All you gained was 15lbs in 6 months - that's nothing! My swim background was brutal as well and I am still not fast but I get it done lol. Your pace now is pretty good I would say and I would also say, the more you swim the better you will become and the more comfortable you will be in the water.

I also love your goal for the season and I can't wait for all of to share our highs and lows as we move toward what I am sure will be a another great, crazy, hectic year of fun

As far as your humbling finish of 253/270 I think that is awesome - first you were there and second you finished. My first tri was a tri-a-tri and when it was over and I had walked most of the swim, grinded it out on my mountain bike hybrid and somehow finished my run, the awards ceremony came and I finished on the podium (2nd place) for my age group at the time. I wondered why they did not announce a 3rd place finisher? Well, after I got my medal I checked the results and guess what - there were only 2 people in my age group LOL. I was hooked anyway

Have a great night.


Originally posted by pnwdan

My name is Dan. Male, 35 years old, live just north of Seattle.

STORY: I started running five years ago to help with loosing weight. I did drop 40 lbs over the course of a year, but that was mostly due to a low carb / calorie restricted diet and lifting heavy. The running was something fun to do since I got faster as I became lighter without much training. I stabilized at 170 lbs for a time until my son was born in June of 2012. He was too excited to be in this world and hardly slept, snoozing for 1-2 hours at a time. I became extremely sleep deprived and stopped lifting and running. Best time of my life, but I gained about 15 lbs in the 6 months it took to figure out sleep.

In January of 2013 my friends talked me into signing up for the Lake Padden Triathlon (in June). This would be my opportunity to loose weight, learn to swim, and learn to ride. My swim background consisted of splashing about in pools and lakes as a teenager, and my cycling background consisted of going off sweet jumps on my BMX as a kid. I got back on my low carb / calorie restricted diet and started going for short runs about once a week. I borrowed a mountain bike in April and started riding once or twice a week. I started swimming in May and quickly found I could barely swim 50 yards before I was gasping for air. I kept at it and slowly built volume. Two weeks before the race I bought my first road bike and clipless pedals.

Feel free to read my race report to learn how it went. The short version is the swim smashed me, the bike destroyed my legs, and the run was a painful series of cramps. This was an 800m swim, 21 mile bike with some nasty hills, and 5.2 mile run on gravel trail. I placed a humbling 253/270. Despite the suffering I was hooked and completed two more sprints over the summer.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with one son (1.5 years old!). My wife has been supportive.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've continued training since my last triathlon in September and average one SBR activity per day. My focus is the swim and I'm working hard to improve my technique with the help of a great virtual coach. While I can belt out a 35 second 50, my 500 yard time is only 9:30. My swims are at least 50% drills and I cover 5k - 8k yards per week. My secondary focus is loosing weight while building a running base. I run 15 mpw over 4 zone 2 runs. My cycling dropped off with the weather and I've made a conscious decision to let this slip until spring.

2014 RACES: My goal for this year is to complete my first full olympic distance triathlon, my first half marathon, and my first century ride.

My A race is the 2014 Lake Padden Triathlon on June 28th, where I hope to shave half an hour off my 2013 time. I will likely do the Issaquah Triathlon (sprint) since it's the first race of the season within a reasonable distance. I want to do the BLT again (Beaver Lake Triathlon) because it was a great event in clean water. For my oly race, it will be either ChelanMan, Black Diamond, or Lake Stevens. I'm very tempted to sign up for the WTC Lake Stevens HIM, since it's only a half hour drive from my home, but I don't believe I could find the time to train for it this year.

WEIGHTLOSS: Current weight is 166 lbs with around 6% bodyfat. Highest weight is 210 lbs and race weight for this season is 160 lbs. Loosing weight is hard. I'm 5'7" and have always been muscular (endomorph). My current weightloss plan is to only eat in the evening, skipping breakfast, lunch, and snacks. I usually train in a fasted state and avoid simple carbs.
2014-01-14 6:51 PM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Kenmore, Washington
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Originally posted by gdelamora
How long do some of you go before you feel that you need to take a day off? For me it's hard to take a day off when I am training for a tri because I don't like going more than two days without doing one of the three sports.

Have a great evening,


I just checked and was surprised to find I'm on day 15. I think that is a PR :-)
2014-01-14 9:24 PM
in reply to: Herb Doc

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Hi Anne - Welcome to the group. I have done the Oshkosh Triathlon a few times and have a place up on Lake Poygan si i am familiar with some of those races you have done. I love riding and training up there. What are some of the issues you have with your swimming that you consider it your limiter? I think you will like this group - so get us the rest of your bio! Looking forward to hearing more...

Originally posted by Herb Doc

Hello. I would like to join the group. I have never been in a group here before- please confirm before I finish my bio.
I have some time here's a little. I am an adult-onset athlete in a lifelong weight struggle currently 48 yrs old. I did my first half marathon 2006 at Fox Cities and have done 2 a year since then. Started tri 2008? and typically do 3 a year. Last year first Olympic. Swimming is my limiter.
I like the name Relentless Forward Progress, and postings so far.

Status: Married with one son age 13.

Races: Seroogy 15K, Oshkosh 1/2, Cellcom 1/2; Aurora Baycare Tri-sprint; thinking of long distance at Ripon
Anne Miller

2014-01-14 9:27 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Good luck KC - hope the week has started off ok. I haven't had a chance to really check out your plan but I will try to take a look at this week. I am sure you are good as you know what it takes to get across the finish line - what is the goal for this IM?

Originally posted by kcgolf

Ok Team - 28 weeks of training starts tomorrow morning with a swim and run in the afternoon. I am feeling better but I will make the call on the workout in the morning based on how I sleep tonight and how much coughing I am doing in the morning.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Any words of encouragement / motivation / kicks in the A$$ / would be greatly appreciated

Here we go again LOL.


2014-01-14 9:30 PM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN

Nice work Gil with last week. Great to see you getting back in the swing of things and most importantly staying healthy. Not really sure about the altering of your stride due to injury but I agree with Scott that you should be really careful. I would imagine it would rear its ugly head as your volume and intensity increase.

Originally posted by gdelamora

As for me, I put in almost 6 hours of work this past week with one day of rest. I will carry that over to this coming week. The best thing is that I have been putting in some runs and the Achilles are holding up. So far no real pain just calf soreness.

Has anyone had to alter their technic or style of exercising due to an injury in order to keep doing that activity? Due to my Achilles tendon injury I changed my running style. I was always a heel striker and now I'm a mid-foot striker. Staying off my heels is important to me because it makes me feel like I'm not damaging them any further. I've been experimenting with mid-foot landing this since the summer and now that I have been running with little to no pain, I feel like I'm on to something. I have also been reading up on this issue and I have been trying to talk to as many experts as possible and changing my style of striking the ground as well as other adjustments has seem to be working for now.

2014-01-14 9:40 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
I think training with a group is totally person choice. i know some people that hate training by themselves and the people like me who just like to be alone. I have a group from my masters swim that I train with occasionally. They are insane and I always push myself when I train with them. If I had more time I would probably train more but with how busy I am at work I like to have the flexibility to train when it is convenient for me. I say go for it and give it a try. You shouldn't feel nervous to talk to these tri groups. As you know triathletes are the nicest people on earth and love to talk about triathlon so you shouldn't worry about anything haha.

Originally posted by EV3110

Anyone train with a club? I went to a meeting at a LBS. Becky Lavelle a pro triathlete is starting up a race team/club. I am very interested and am pretty sure I will participate In the group. Its been something Ive thought about doing with other local clubs but just didn't have the nerve to introduce myself to a bunch of (what seemed like) hard-core athletes (I can be a wimp like that). It seems like a good time for me and Id love to see how a pro would train me.

2014-01-14 9:47 PM
in reply to: pnwdan

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Hey Dan - welcome to the group. Glad you decided to come on board. I will take a look at your race reports his week. I also have a toddler (2 yrs. old) as well as a 6 and 9 year old and wouldn't be possible without a supportive wife.

I am kind of a nutrition freak so you have me concerned with the fasting while training plan. Not really sure what the benefit is to your training. I am really curious about that.

Originally posted by pnwdan

My name is Dan. Male, 35 years old, live just north of Seattle.

STORY: I started running five years ago to help with loosing weight. I did drop 40 lbs over the course of a year, but that was mostly due to a low carb / calorie restricted diet and lifting heavy. The running was something fun to do since I got faster as I became lighter without much training. I stabilized at 170 lbs for a time until my son was born in June of 2012. He was too excited to be in this world and hardly slept, snoozing for 1-2 hours at a time. I became extremely sleep deprived and stopped lifting and running. Best time of my life, but I gained about 15 lbs in the 6 months it took to figure out sleep.

In January of 2013 my friends talked me into signing up for the Lake Padden Triathlon (in June). This would be my opportunity to loose weight, learn to swim, and learn to ride. My swim background consisted of splashing about in pools and lakes as a teenager, and my cycling background consisted of going off sweet jumps on my BMX as a kid. I got back on my low carb / calorie restricted diet and started going for short runs about once a week. I borrowed a mountain bike in April and started riding once or twice a week. I started swimming in May and quickly found I could barely swim 50 yards before I was gasping for air. I kept at it and slowly built volume. Two weeks before the race I bought my first road bike and clipless pedals.

Feel free to read my race report to learn how it went. The short version is the swim smashed me, the bike destroyed my legs, and the run was a painful series of cramps. This was an 800m swim, 21 mile bike with some nasty hills, and 5.2 mile run on gravel trail. I placed a humbling 253/270. Despite the suffering I was hooked and completed two more sprints over the summer.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with one son (1.5 years old!). My wife has been supportive.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've continued training since my last triathlon in September and average one SBR activity per day. My focus is the swim and I'm working hard to improve my technique with the help of a great virtual coach. While I can belt out a 35 second 50, my 500 yard time is only 9:30. My swims are at least 50% drills and I cover 5k - 8k yards per week. My secondary focus is loosing weight while building a running base. I run 15 mpw over 4 zone 2 runs. My cycling dropped off with the weather and I've made a conscious decision to let this slip until spring.

2014 RACES: My goal for this year is to complete my first full olympic distance triathlon, my first half marathon, and my first century ride.

My A race is the 2014 Lake Padden Triathlon on June 28th, where I hope to shave half an hour off my 2013 time. I will likely do the Issaquah Triathlon (sprint) since it's the first race of the season within a reasonable distance. I want to do the BLT again (Beaver Lake Triathlon) because it was a great event in clean water. For my oly race, it will be either ChelanMan, Black Diamond, or Lake Stevens. I'm very tempted to sign up for the WTC Lake Stevens HIM, since it's only a half hour drive from my home, but I don't believe I could find the time to train for it this year.

WEIGHTLOSS: Current weight is 166 lbs with around 6% bodyfat. Highest weight is 210 lbs and race weight for this season is 160 lbs. Loosing weight is hard. I'm 5'7" and have always been muscular (endomorph). My current weightloss plan is to only eat in the evening, skipping breakfast, lunch, and snacks. I usually train in a fasted state and avoid simple carbs.
2014-01-14 9:53 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Sorry for all the posts but I missed a day and you guys have been busy! So I have scheduled my hernia surgery for February 26 (had to reschedule due to work) so I decided to suck it up and stop being a slacker and started my program this week. I feel better knowing the date and what I can work with. The past few months have just been really slacking and I think it has to do with this hernia and using it as an excuse.

Go on the bike this morning to do my Trainer Road 8 Minute FTP test. Got 28 minutes in and was about to do my first 8 minute interval and my computer decided to restart to install Windows 8.1 (which eventually froze my whole computer - but that story is for another day). Lets hope the pool is much better tomorrow

Welcome to all the new members and I have a good feeling about this group this session! Everyone seems to be off to a great start.
2014-01-14 11:19 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN

Hi Team, welcome to all the new members!

Re training with a club, I am a member of our local club, but they don't have scheduled training sessions, the more advanced guys and gals get together to run, swim and ride, but I'm afraid it intimidates me a bit because they are all so quick and experienced, so I am a lone wolf like KC. I like to train at my pace. In saying that I do participate at the club's local sprint races and they are awesome and so supportive. This year my nephew who is handy on the run and bike has offered to come riding and running with me to help me train for Ironman, so I am looking forward to that. Maybe after my first IM I'll be brave enough to train with a group to get faster.

I'm now back into training full swing, but not quite triathlon full swing. Still waiting till the end of January before I start my running and I am determined to get back in the pool this weekend. I've started getting up at 6:30 am, which is super early for me and training first thing before the heat. We have had several days over the 41C mark, that's 105+F, so yeah, just a tad toasty. I've been mostly getting my bike up to scratch and doing a lot of walking, stretching rolling. Found a good local masseus also, so that should come in handy. My nutrition has been going well and I've now lost 7 kgs, that's 15.43 lbs or 1.1 stone, so I am pretty happy. Still got a long way to go though, but it will happen, just have to be patient.

Dan, I'm interested about what nutrition you follow, I train in a fasted state too, I don't eat breakfast, but usually have a protein shake after my morning workout, then nothing until dinner. I try and stick to around 1000 calories of clean fuel a day. I follow a paleo diet so nothing processed at all and no sugar except for what occurs naturally in a couple of pieces of fruit a day.

Anyway, it's really great to have so many new members, and even as you all call yourself beginners I am still the least experienced of everyone it would seem. Hopefully this year will change that!

Wishing everyone some awesome training sessions, stay warm as I try to stay cool!


2014-01-15 10:05 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Welcome Dan! I like how to refer to the "sweet jumps". I quote that all the time!

Simone - you have a great amount of experience! Nice job of keeping up with the workouts, especially with the heat down there. Wow.

Tim - guess it's real now that you've scheduled your surgery.

I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things and feeling really good about officially starting training soon. This WILL be a good year!
Take care all

2014-01-15 10:23 AM
in reply to: WillTriForBeer

Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Well got the Disney Marathon done!

Ran a 5:45. It was just an awesome race and an incredible experience.

I cant wait to sign up again for it.

I ran a Negative split for the first time in my long distance race career. Ran 2 minutes faster on the back 13.1 over the front 13.1

Next ... time to move back into Half Iron training for Aprils race!!

2014-01-15 11:04 AM
in reply to: Lou_70

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Great job Lou!! You are awesome!

Negative splits are a sign of an experienced, well trained runner

Looking forward!

2014-01-15 5:56 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Kenmore, Washington
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Originally posted by tmoran80

Hey Dan - welcome to the group. Glad you decided to come on board. I will take a look at your race reports his week. I also have a toddler (2 yrs. old) as well as a 6 and 9 year old and wouldn't be possible without a supportive wife.

I am kind of a nutrition freak so you have me concerned with the fasting while training plan. Not really sure what the benefit is to your training. I am really curious about that.

I know I'm a nutrition freak. I've been tinkering with my diet for years.

I don't fast for any training benefit. I do it because it's the only way I can consistently loose weight other than counting calories. I've never lost weight with just exercise. My appetite goes through the roof and I can out-eat any training plan. Between a demanding job and family life I have precious little time for SBR, so cutting food out of 80% of my day is an efficient way to loose weight and have more time for training. Did I mention my wife is a stay at home mom who loves to bake and make amazing dinners? :-) This diet just works for me. Once I hit my weight goal I'll start eating breakfast again.

I would not race in a fasted state. I make sure to take in some carbs the night before and morning of a race. I have not figured out race day nutrition yet. I've tried Honey Waffles and Gatorade but didn't like either.
2014-01-15 8:46 PM
in reply to: Lou_70

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN

Originally posted by Lou_70

Well got the Disney Marathon done!

Ran a 5:45. It was just an awesome race and an incredible experience.

I cant wait to sign up again for it.

I ran a Negative split for the first time in my long distance race career. Ran 2 minutes faster on the back 13.1 over the front 13.1

Next ... time to move back into Half Iron training for Aprils race!!

2014-01-15 8:48 PM
in reply to: pnwdan

User image

\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Hey Dan - great picture

I have never tried the fasting thing - but I guess if it is working for you, it is working for you. Just be careful.


Originally posted by pnwdan

Originally posted by tmoran80

Hey Dan - welcome to the group. Glad you decided to come on board. I will take a look at your race reports his week. I also have a toddler (2 yrs. old) as well as a 6 and 9 year old and wouldn't be possible without a supportive wife.

I am kind of a nutrition freak so you have me concerned with the fasting while training plan. Not really sure what the benefit is to your training. I am really curious about that.

I know I'm a nutrition freak. I've been tinkering with my diet for years.

I don't fast for any training benefit. I do it because it's the only way I can consistently loose weight other than counting calories. I've never lost weight with just exercise. My appetite goes through the roof and I can out-eat any training plan. Between a demanding job and family life I have precious little time for SBR, so cutting food out of 80% of my day is an efficient way to loose weight and have more time for training. Did I mention my wife is a stay at home mom who loves to bake and make amazing dinners? :-) This diet just works for me. Once I hit my weight goal I'll start eating breakfast again.

I would not race in a fasted state. I make sure to take in some carbs the night before and morning of a race. I have not figured out race day nutrition yet. I've tried Honey Waffles and Gatorade but didn't like either.

2014-01-15 8:49 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)
Thanks Tim. I will try to give you the scoop on the plan tomorrow - for now - bed is calling.


Originally posted by tmoran80

Good luck KC - hope the week has started off ok. I haven't had a chance to really check out your plan but I will try to take a look at this week. I am sure you are good as you know what it takes to get across the finish line - what is the goal for this IM?

Originally posted by kcgolf

Ok Team - 28 weeks of training starts tomorrow morning with a swim and run in the afternoon. I am feeling better but I will make the call on the workout in the morning based on how I sleep tonight and how much coughing I am doing in the morning.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Any words of encouragement / motivation / kicks in the A$$ / would be greatly appreciated

Here we go again LOL.


2014-01-15 10:11 PM
in reply to: pnwdan

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Welcome Dan! Thanks for the Bio! Sounds like you have a bad case of the triathlon bug! That bug appears to have invested everyone in this group

In terms of training fasted, it does have some benefits but please be carefull! I am training using the Maffetone method (you can read about it online), but it consists of certain planned workouts in the fasted state...mostly mid to high Zone 3 workouts. The theory is to train the body to use fat first and become more efficient at using fat during workouts. However, I do not do all my workouts fasted. Swim workouts and speed/interval bikes/runs (anerobic phases) I have to eat and take in carbs. But, I always take in protein and carbs immediately after any workout! I feel this is very important for the muscles and body! Just some of my thoughts and ramblings. Take my training plans as cautionary as I am a newbie and trying this for the first time!

Looking forward,

2014-01-15 10:14 PM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Sounds like you are getting back into the swing of things, Simone! Glad to hear! Looking forward to hearing about your progress!

2014-01-15 11:46 PM
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Kenmore, Washington
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress) OPEN
Todd - I am careful. I have taken it too far with a 40 hour fast that included a slow 14 mile run at the 20 hour mark and moderate effort 6 miles after 38 hours. I felt great during the first run and crashed at the end of the second. I was fairly keto adapted at the time from eating low carb paleo, but the running sucked everything out of me. The little fasts I do now are tame by comparison.

It's pretty amazing what the human body can do.

Edit: Just want to add I don't do any zone 3 or highe workouts when fasting. It's all slow aerobic stuff. If I go hard I eat :-P

Edited by pnwdan 2014-01-15 11:51 PM
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2014-05-16 3:19 PM jackiep
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