BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-05-29 7:33 AM
in reply to: shanehurley497

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: New Distance PB and Swim workout question
Originally posted by shanehurley497

I ran 7 miles last night. This is the farthest I have ran. Pace was great the first 4 miles, but dropped a bit in the last few. Now if my swim would increase like my bike and run, I would be VERY happy. Swimming still is very hard for me. I have been swimming for about 6 weeks now. I usually try to do 300x1 and then do 100m at a time after that. The break in between 100's is usually about a minute. I swam 1000m total this morning. I am increasing distance every other week by 200m also. I am trying to increase the first set (300x1) by 50 meters a week. Any thoughts on the workout? Anything I am missing? I have no swimming background except laying on a float with a cold one in hand.



Shane, what a freaking run. As far as the swim everyone is different and you have already received some great advice. Watch You Tube videos of swim techniques (total immersion is what a lot swear by), figure out what works for you, but most of all is to relax and time in the pool.

Swimming Practice Time / Distance = Swim Racing Time / Distance What I'm saying is that the only way to improve in the pool is with repeated work. For example, When starting out I tried to make sure to go to the pool 3x a week and typically did a short, medium, and long workout. At least one of those days, I would do a very light warm up and then swim as far as I could non-stop. I would then take whatever amount of break time that was necessary and do it again. I would repeat that for whatever amount of time I planned for that Swim workout, which increased as my ability did. I also liked to and still do at times perform my own little swim test. You set the time 15 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever and see how many laps / distance you can cover in that time, taking breaks if needed. Then I would wait at least two weeks and do the same thing and compare. This was an easy way for me to see that I was improving even if it didn't feel like it. You may also find that your distance / times does not improve, but will notice that you don't feel as labored / tired after the test. That is an improvement because not everything is about time and distance for swim improvement. Also if you go on line you can find swim programs / workouts and tailor them to fit you and your schedule, a lot in my last group did 0 to 1650 and seemed to really like it. Best way to improve your swim is by swimming.

2014-05-29 7:41 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Thanks for the welcome!

I'm not sure if I'm excited or freaked out about this weekend, definitely looking forward to it being behind me. Then I can focus more on the triathlons I'd like to do!
2014-05-29 8:22 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: A little slap from Life, but it will go on.
Sorry, I was gone for almost two days, but work and home life have been crazy and not afforded me a moment to sit down and type until now but I was keeping up with the post.

So starting Tuesday until yesterday evening, Life gave me a couple slaps to the face that have now altered my next month and half or so of training / racing.

Tuesday afternoon we found out that my daughter has to have surgery in three weeks and she is not supposed to do much of anything for two weeks afterwards (nothing major - tonsils and adnoids removed, but still making mom and dad extremely nervous). Well between the surgery and recovery time it pushs it into and through what was supposed to be the start of our Vacation and my Half Ironman in Lubbock. I don't want to go without my family and since the rest of the Vacation is being altered so has the race. They can't go and I don't want to drive 8 hours one way to do the race without them. I lucked out though because this Half Ironman race while WTC affilated is still privately owned and they will let me defer my entry until next year and I will only have to pay $75.00 to race then.

OK, so now on to yesterday, I had issues arise at work that will not allow me to go out of town this weekend for my Olympic. What is it, "when it rains it pours". This one doesn't bother me near as much as the Half because I have done it before and will still be able to workout for sure on Saturday and hopefully get in something on Sunday.

I think that now I am pretty much just going to train like heck between now and which ever Half I decide to do at the end of October (Branded Event), beginning of November (Non-Branded, but follows a portion of the Ironman Texas bike course, which would be good for me to see / ride). I may try to throw in a few small runs / races between now and then, but if I don't I am good with that, because I will get to be a part of yalls races over the next three or four months.

Again, sorry for not posting for a day or two, but the group took care of each other, and what a group it is shaping up to be
2014-05-29 8:24 AM
in reply to: el penguino

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by el penguino

Thanks for the welcome!

I'm not sure if I'm excited or freaked out about this weekend, definitely looking forward to it being behind me. Then I can focus more on the triathlons I'd like to do!

You will be fine, just remember to pace yourself, and take in fluids. Trust me by the time you start to the think you may have made a mistake the finish will be close and you will forget any struggles you may have had. Remember to smile and enjoy the day regardless of what it may throw your way.
2014-05-29 9:52 AM
in reply to: 0


Subject: RE: New Distance PB and Swim workout question
Thanks for all the replies. I have checked out ALOT of youtube video's and will continue to work on it. I swim 4 mornings a week, so hopefully with time in the pool I will improve. This morning seems easier than usual. I did change my breathing a bit and looked behind me when breathing. I did seem to help.

Tonight's workout: 24 miles on the bike with a 3 mile run afterwards. FUN!!!



Edited by shanehurley497 2014-05-29 1:18 PM
2014-05-29 9:58 AM
in reply to: shanehurley497


Subject: Star Wars 1/2 Marathon in CA

If anyone is interested. I think I might sign up and take the kids.



2014-05-29 2:09 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete


Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Hi Todd,
I'm brand new to BT and triathlon. I'm 57, Married (17years) have two children and three grand children. I became aware of Sprint Tri through talking to Young Dave at REI Willowbrook in Houston. His description piqued my curiosity and here I am today joining this site and ready to get started training for my first Tri.
I will fumble/stumble I'm sure with using the site correctly but will persevere until I get it right.
So, in the past two months I've recommitted myself to health diet and better fitness. Currently I've been doing a home boot camp thing for core, using an elliptical trainer (up to 45 mins now) and riding a bike (50 minutes @ 11-12 mph). I haven't been swimming which I will remedy beginning next Monday when I join a local hospital health club that includes access to a 25 yd indoor, 5 lane pool I can use to train.
So, if you will have me, I'd certainly appreciate the knowledge and support I think this group could provide.
2014-05-29 2:12 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: A little slap from Life, but it will go on.
Hey Todd,

Sorry to hear about the event cancellations. Maybe you'll have to make it up with a FULL Ironman Have you considered it?

Alright - critical questions for my tri this weekend: what kind of container/bag do most people use in the transition area to dump their stuff, if they use anything at all? I was thinking of bringing a laundry basket to dump my wetsuit, swim gear, and possibly a pre-race sweatshirt... but I also don't want to look like a total goon if that isn't common etiquette.
2014-05-29 5:03 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by 2new2know

Hi Todd,
I'm brand new to BT and triathlon. I'm 57, Married (17years) have two children and three grand children. I became aware of Sprint Tri through talking to Young Dave at REI Willowbrook in Houston. His description piqued my curiosity and here I am today joining this site and ready to get started training for my first Tri.
I will fumble/stumble I'm sure with using the site correctly but will persevere until I get it right.
So, in the past two months I've recommitted myself to health diet and better fitness. Currently I've been doing a home boot camp thing for core, using an elliptical trainer (up to 45 mins now) and riding a bike (50 minutes @ 11-12 mph). I haven't been swimming which I will remedy beginning next Monday when I join a local hospital health club that includes access to a 25 yd indoor, 5 lane pool I can use to train.
So, if you will have me, I'd certainly appreciate the knowledge and support I think this group could provide.

John, welcome to the group and a happier, healthier you. This group will give you the support and help you need, as well as a push when that is needed. Don't worry to much about the bike speed that will go up pretty quick as your ride more and for longer periods. The biggest thing I tell people is to always make sure that you can do the swim distance of what ever tri distance you are signed up for. You can kind of fake or go easy on the other two, but if you don't swim you sink.

Edit: I'm a fellow Texan and about 1 Hour from you so it would be cool to be able to come and watch / participate in an event with someone from my group.

Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2014-05-29 5:10 PM
2014-05-29 5:36 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: A little slap from Life, but it will go on.
Originally posted by cassowary

Hey Todd,

Sorry to hear about the event cancellations. Maybe you'll have to make it up with a FULL Ironman Have you considered it?

Alright - critical questions for my tri this weekend: what kind of container/bag do most people use in the transition area to dump their stuff, if they use anything at all? I was thinking of bringing a laundry basket to dump my wetsuit, swim gear, and possibly a pre-race sweatshirt... but I also don't want to look like a total goon if that isn't common etiquette.

Yes Sir I have, which is why I am think about the one in November because it uses a portion of the course. I can tell you that as soon as I know I have a room at the host hotel, I will be signing up for Ironman Texas. The hotel is not allowing reservations until sometime after June 1st.

Now to your question: A laundry basket will likely not work especially if you plan on leaving it in transition. Some areas do not allow for each racer to have much room. I can tell you to try and keep things simple. You will already be wearing your Tri shirt and shorts when you arrive or suit if you went that route. I typically have on my running shoes and the socks I will be wearing for the day. I will clip my shoes into the pedals and attach my helmet to the bike. I will already have loaded my bottles into the bottle cages of the bike as well. So now between what you are wearing and pushing the bike up to the transition you are basically only holding your wetsuit, goggles, ear plugs, and possibly a race number belt if you have one. All of that can be carried by you while pushing the bike. I also have a towel with me because as I've told yall before I want to wear socks and like to dry my feet before putting them on. I get the bike checked, go into transition, lay the towel down (look around and you will see how people are placing things, usually its to the right of your racked bike tire) place my bike shoes mid way on the towel with a sock in each one, then my running shoes above the bike shoes. I place my race belt / number on which ever pair of shoes / leg of the race it is required. I place my helmet unclipped facing upwards on the tri bars for quick access and make sure my bike is in a good gear to leave in. Now you only have to kill time and wait for the race to start. Remember a sweatshirt or whatever can be placed out of the way in transition, placed back in the car, or given to a family member. So as you can see above you really can get everything there without a bag. I said all of that to say that now I have a Ogio Triathlon bag that holds all of the stuff listed above plus some tools, extra goggles, sun block, nutrition, chain oil, just a lot of things. it is not necessary at all but that is how I do it now and put it under my bike and don't care that it's going to get wet / dirty and portions of my bike drug on and off it. I can tell you that my first race I placed everything in a small duffle bag, which I took into transition, set everything up, and then gave the bag to my wife, who brought it back after the race was over. There are so many options but typically simple is better. A great thing is just to practice setting up a transition area at your house. It will feel weird but you will realize quickly how to do it, what works best, and how it will work.

Let me know if you need anything else or if this answer did not cover your question. Also I sent you a PM
2014-05-30 7:15 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: A little slap from Life, but it will go on.
Perfect response. And I know it's funny to say, but I've been worrying most about all the little logistics associated with getting from the car to the race, because it's in an area I've never been to and the parking lot is about 10 minutes away. I know as long as I get there early enough and get settled (parked, check in, TA setup, etc...), I'll be all smiles the rest of the day.

2014-05-30 1:39 PM
in reply to: 0


Subject: Bike Trainer Question
I just purchased my first bike trainer for those rainy days. ( like yesterday) Should I purchase a used wheel to put on for the trainer? I called my local bike shop and asked the question and he said to just change the tire out every time I use the trainer. Thoughts?

Edited by shanehurley497 2014-05-30 1:39 PM
2014-05-30 1:43 PM
in reply to: 0

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Bike Trainer Question
If you make it too hard, you'll never use it. I just put the bike on the trainer as is and have had no problems. I guess if you have valuable wheels or race tyres you'd want to change though.

Edited by Taringa 2014-05-30 1:44 PM
2014-05-30 2:00 PM
in reply to: Taringa

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Subject: RE: Bike Trainer Question
Agree - I just use my standard tire and the treads haven't worn out yet.

Highly recommend buying a Sufferfest video to watch while riding on your trainer. I have "Fight Club" and love it.
2014-05-30 3:35 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Hi all! I'm wondering if it's too late to join the group? Please let me know..thank you!

I'll go ahead and post my info anyway, just in case.

NAME: janjan1981 / JANET

STORY: I'm a 32 year old mom who is bored as hell and in desperate need of some inspiration to get fit and belong to something.

I've dabbled in exercise on and off for several years. Did some crossfit and a couple of fun runs recently, but one day, when I got home from a fun run (a 5k "Mud Mingle"), my 10 year old sassy daughter said to me, "3 miles? THREE MILES? And you're tired? Mom, that's nothing. My dad can swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and jog 26.2 miles!!" (Her dad, my ex husband, is a wonderfully fit and athletic triathlete. I love that they look up to him as much as they do but I can't tell you how GREAT it feels for my lowly self to be compared to an IRONMAN. >insert sarcasm here<).

So, I admit, my true motivation for becoming a triathlete is having my kids look up to me the way they do their dad. SWIM BIKE MOM convinced me I could do it, so what the heck, right? Might as well give this thing a try...starting with my first sprint in October!

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married for 4 years with three kids...ages 13, 11, and 3!

CURRENT TRAINING: Getting in two runs, two spin sessions (no bike yet), and two swims a week. Swimming is killing me, I feel like a fish out of water.

2014 RACES: I plan on completing my very first Sprint in's called the Colombus Day Sprint in C.B. Smith Park in Pembroke Pines Florida. Super excited, and I think since I'm familiar with the park, it's a little teeny bit less intimidating.

WEIGHTLOSS: I packed on about 15 pounds after I had my baby and couldn't shake them. I'm down about 8, 7 more to go and I'll be happy. Maybe I'll shoot for an extra 3-5 just so that I could fit into my high school jeans.
2014-05-30 3:52 PM
in reply to: janjan1981

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by janjan1981

Hi all! I'm wondering if it's too late to join the group? Please let me know..thank you!

I'll go ahead and post my info anyway, just in case.

NAME: janjan1981 / JANET

STORY: I'm a 32 year old mom who is bored as hell and in desperate need of some inspiration to get fit and belong to something.

I've dabbled in exercise on and off for several years. Did some crossfit and a couple of fun runs recently, but one day, when I got home from a fun run (a 5k "Mud Mingle"), my 10 year old sassy daughter said to me, "3 miles? THREE MILES? And you're tired? Mom, that's nothing. My dad can swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and jog 26.2 miles!!" (Her dad, my ex husband, is a wonderfully fit and athletic triathlete. I love that they look up to him as much as they do but I can't tell you how GREAT it feels for my lowly self to be compared to an IRONMAN. >insert sarcasm here<).

So, I admit, my true motivation for becoming a triathlete is having my kids look up to me the way they do their dad. SWIM BIKE MOM convinced me I could do it, so what the heck, right? Might as well give this thing a try...starting with my first sprint in October!

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married for 4 years with three kids...ages 13, 11, and 3!

CURRENT TRAINING: Getting in two runs, two spin sessions (no bike yet), and two swims a week. Swimming is killing me, I feel like a fish out of water.

2014 RACES: I plan on completing my very first Sprint in's called the Colombus Day Sprint in C.B. Smith Park in Pembroke Pines Florida. Super excited, and I think since I'm familiar with the park, it's a little teeny bit less intimidating.

WEIGHTLOSS: I packed on about 15 pounds after I had my baby and couldn't shake them. I'm down about 8, 7 more to go and I'll be happy. Maybe I'll shoot for an extra 3-5 just so that I could fit into my high school jeans.

Of Course you can join Janet, and welcome to the group. You will find that this sport will give you so much more than you might imagine and probably did so for your ex. A word of caution though is to make sure not to compare your accomplishments in this sport to that of your Ex. Distance is merely that, distance, and does not show one to be more or less achieved in this sport. I know what you are saying and you know what I'm saying but sometimes we look past our own accomplishments at someone else's. For an example you will have some Elitist that will make comments like "your just doing a sprint" or "it's not worth if for me to do a race that short", which to me is comical. It is what it is and some only want to do short races because they prefer to go all out the entire race, instead of pacing and looking at a HR monitor for hours. By the way you can do this and be more than prepared to have a great race by October. Enjoy the journey and this group, because you will likely get more then you thought you would out of it.

Again welcome, now start working out, logging your workouts, and continuing to post.

2014-05-30 3:58 PM
in reply to: shanehurley497

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bike Trainer Question
Originally posted by shanehurley497

I just purchased my first bike trainer for those rainy days. ( like yesterday) Should I purchase a used wheel to put on for the trainer? I called my local bike shop and asked the question and he said to just change the tire out every time I use the trainer. Thoughts?

You already have two great responses. When you hear people speaking of switching them out it is because they have multiple wheels and don't want there high dollars wheels (Zipp and HED) and race tires in the trainer. I have never changed out a wheel for my trainer. Biggest tip or thing I would tell you about your trainer is to make sure not to bend your rear derailer or pinch a cable while you're setting it up. Patrick is right with the Sufferfest videos also because it will make you push more than you would on your own (or for most people anyhow).
2014-05-30 4:22 PM
in reply to: janjan1981

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by janjan1981

Hi all! I'm wondering if it's too late to join the group? Please let me know..thank you!

I'll go ahead and post my info anyway, just in case.

NAME: janjan1981 / JANET

STORY: I'm a 32 year old mom who is bored as hell and in desperate need of some inspiration to get fit and belong to something.

I've dabbled in exercise on and off for several years. Did some crossfit and a couple of fun runs recently, but one day, when I got home from a fun run (a 5k "Mud Mingle"), my 10 year old sassy daughter said to me, "3 miles? THREE MILES? And you're tired? Mom, that's nothing. My dad can swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and jog 26.2 miles!!" (Her dad, my ex husband, is a wonderfully fit and athletic triathlete. I love that they look up to him as much as they do but I can't tell you how GREAT it feels for my lowly self to be compared to an IRONMAN. >insert sarcasm here<).

So, I admit, my true motivation for becoming a triathlete is having my kids look up to me the way they do their dad. SWIM BIKE MOM convinced me I could do it, so what the heck, right? Might as well give this thing a try...starting with my first sprint in October!

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married for 4 years with three kids...ages 13, 11, and 3!

CURRENT TRAINING: Getting in two runs, two spin sessions (no bike yet), and two swims a week. Swimming is killing me, I feel like a fish out of water.

2014 RACES: I plan on completing my very first Sprint in's called the Colombus Day Sprint in C.B. Smith Park in Pembroke Pines Florida. Super excited, and I think since I'm familiar with the park, it's a little teeny bit less intimidating.

WEIGHTLOSS: I packed on about 15 pounds after I had my baby and couldn't shake them. I'm down about 8, 7 more to go and I'll be happy. Maybe I'll shoot for an extra 3-5 just so that I could fit into my high school jeans.

Welcome Janet. CB Smith Park is a nice park. I am in the area once or twice a year to visit family and I used to live in there.
Maybe your gym has a beginner masters group that you can join.
If you are at the Y, try the Adult II or Adult III swim class.

2014-05-30 8:08 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Hi Todd,

I don't know if this is possible- but can you (or do you have) a list of the group members? The last group I was in did that so you could friend them and do inspires easier- it was really nice to log in and see that!

I ran with the 11 year old today- we're trying to get him running; his incentive right now is that while we are running he's allowed to talk about Minecraft all he wants, and we have to listen!
2014-05-30 9:48 PM
in reply to: el penguino

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by el penguino

Hi Todd,

I don't know if this is possible- but can you (or do you have) a list of the group members? The last group I was in did that so you could friend them and do inspires easier- it was really nice to log in and see that!

I ran with the 11 year old today- we're trying to get him running; his incentive right now is that while we are running he's allowed to talk about Minecraft all he wants, and we have to listen!

Yes, i configure a group list when we are full up which will likely be Sunday night. I tried last time to have the links for quick access and it worked the first group but not the last. Loved your run story and the boy. I just got done playing Lego harry potter with mine for her straight A's.
2014-05-31 2:24 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Just waiting for that race report!
Patrick, I'm just a sitting here after my run / walk waiting for your report. I know you did great And had a great time, so when you get around to it let us know.

2014-05-31 2:28 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete


Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
That would be cool. I travel a lot and I'd like to watch an event or two to better understand the logistics and transition strategies. :-)
2014-05-31 5:08 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Hello! I'm totally new to triathlons, and was wondering if there was still room to join the group? I read through the forum, and it looks like a great bunch of people

Name: Neva

Story: I'm 27 years old, and grew up dancing and riding horses. I've been riding (horses) competitively since I was a kid, and have found my niche in Eventing, which coincidentally is the horse version of triathlons. I was a good swimmer when I was younger, but haven't done anything like a lap since I was about 13. Biking is the same as swimming, loved to go mountain biking on trails and all that when I was younger but didn't keep up with it. I started running last year as part of a corporate challenge, can't say that I love to run, but I love the feeling afterwards! Have only done two 10k's, I was recently training for a half-marathon but I have hip flexor issues and find that pushing past 12k isn't going to work well at the moment. Having made the decision to ditch the half-marathon, I decided I needed a new goal and want to train for a triathlon! Still looking at the schedule for this season, but my goal is to complete a sprint distance by the end of August.

I'm on a rowing team, and that does take up 4 of my mornings a week. So I'm definitely interested if anyone else is a rower and has any advice on how or if it can count as cross-training? I would like to find that balance of rowing and training for a triathlon without burning out and/or injuring myself (I was riding my horse 4x, rowing 4x and ergo/weights 4x per week and ended up with major hip flexor issues leading to compressed lower lumbar earlier this season, so I have to be fairly careful). I went into my 10k run having only been able to get out and run 3x in the two months prior due to my injury. I had been rowing for the month and a half before the race though, and felt the 10k was easier than the previous year, despite less training (and had a bit of a slower finish time), so I do know that rowing can count somewhat for cross-training!

Current Training: Rowing for 2h 3-4x a week. Intensity varies between steady state and sprint, etc. Was running 3x per week but have dropped to 1 or 2x, usually around 7k.

2013 Races: Vancouver Sun Run 10k - 1:00:45
2014 Races: Vancouver Sun Run 10k - 1:01:36

Weightloss: I'm 5'6" and probably weigh between 145 and 150 (don't have a scale). I don't care too much about numbers, but definitely need to morph some fat into muscle, specifically around my core.

Anyways, just wanted to say hello and to see if there is room to join!

2014-05-31 6:27 PM
in reply to: nevab

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
My training this week has been good even with rest days that I so needed.

Today I did 45 minute swimming drills, followed by a 4 mile run then a 5 mile bike ride.

Tomorrow will be a 6 mile run followed by an 18 mile bike ride.
2014-06-01 7:20 AM
in reply to: Lovey

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, New York
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Fantastic! Congratulations!!!
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed Rss Feed  
of 23
date : September 8, 2008
author : pjwalzphd
comments : 2
When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
date : March 6, 2008
author : scubachic9999
comments : 4
Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
date : January 1, 2008
author : agrace
comments : 4
I couldn’t help but feel that the race had beaten me. Perhaps duathlons were more for me? No, I was more determined than ever to succeed. I was determined to get on top of my swimming.
date : October 30, 2005
author : acbadger
comments : 0
First, with your upcoming 5K, I strongly advise you to check out the “Couch to 5K” training schedule. This training schedule is a GREAT way to get back into running safely and wisely.
date : September 26, 2004
author : jhealy422
comments : 2
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had weight issues. I remember standing on the scale as a child weighing 60 pounds and feeling fat. My family dealt with stress by eating.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 2
Overview of two walk/run routines for training for a 5K.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 12
This aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 2
This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.