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2007-01-17 4:25 PM
in reply to: #625424

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

I second the vote for the foam roller.  I was introduced to it by a trainer when I got a free 3-week membership to SportsClub LA.  The first time I used it, it practically brought tears to my eyes, but it's great for kneading out the knots.  I hear "The Stick" works, too.

Nice to have you back, Emily!

(and now...time to sneak out of work a little early.  All the talk about Breaking Away on the other forum has inspired me to go and see if I can find it at Best Buy around the corner.)

2007-01-18 10:46 AM
in reply to: #625424

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
Well, that didn't work.   I forgot that Best Buy only stocks movies that have come out in the last two years or which are a staple on TBS. (Want a copy of Bring it On II? Here ya go! "Road House-Collectors Edition" we've got tons!) But an Oscar nominated movie that came out in 1979? Blank stares all around.  Oh well, there's always Amazon. 
2007-01-18 1:27 PM
in reply to: #625424

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Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
Bring It On II is my favorite!!!!! Oh wait, no it isn't. I may be blonde, but I certainly was never a cheerleader. While I am on a sidenote- anyone read that article in the New York Times this week about the big uproar because some schools are now mandated to have their cheerleaders cheer for both boys AND girls teams? (Oh no! Not that! Anything but that!)

But I digress- triathlons anyone?
2007-01-19 12:35 AM
in reply to: #625424

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Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
Ok, I've figured out what the foam roller is for, but what exactly is "The Stick" that I keep seeing? I've googled it and have an idea of what it does it really work? I think I want one...
2007-01-21 9:22 AM
in reply to: #625424

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

I think the Stick basically does the same thing as the roller--it allows you to massage and stretch your muscles by yourself.  I've never used it, but lots of people, Aaron (JeepFleeb) among them say it's the greatest $20 you'll ever spend.  And, considering his race schedule, he ought to know a few things about muscle soreness.


2007-01-21 2:30 PM
in reply to: #625424

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
Jen--what's your LBS? I'm a little fed up with the flakiness of the Brooklyn Heights Bike Shop.  They've got no answering machine, they don't keep to their posted hours, and I'm tired of never knowing when or if they'll be open.  They're supposed to open today at 11, but they never did, and I have no idea why.  I think I need to go elsewhere. 

2007-01-22 7:27 AM
in reply to: #660258

Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

sonnyk - 2007-01-19 1:35 AM Ok, I've figured out what the foam roller is for, but what exactly is "The Stick" that I keep seeing? I've googled it and have an idea of what it does it really work? I think I want one...

I gotta remember to check this forum.   The stick is awesome!  I have one.  It works well on my calves.  It uses pressure points as its rolling over the affected area.  Of course you want one!

2007-01-22 8:42 AM
in reply to: #662399

Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

jmk-brooklyn - 2007-01-21 3:30 PM Jen--what's your LBS? I'm a little fed up with the flakiness of the Brooklyn Heights Bike Shop.  They've got no answering machine, they don't keep to their posted hours, and I'm tired of never knowing when or if they'll be open.  They're supposed to open today at 11, but they never did, and I have no idea why.  I think I need to go elsewhere. 

I usually go to the bike shop near my mom's place in LI.  But I've heard that R&A on 5th Ave in Park Slope is good.  They advertise in Triathlete Mag.   They are kind of snobby, but they carry real high end bikes.  They were recommended by John Cane, he runs City Coach and does the training classes for Jack Rabbit Sports.  I've brought my bike to SIDs on 33rd St and 2nd in the city.  They're pretty good as well. 

2007-01-22 9:04 AM
in reply to: #625424

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

I love Sid's, too, but I'd rather have somewhere in the nabe.  And they have Orbeas there...

Maybe I'll give the place in the slope a try.  

2007-01-22 3:43 PM
in reply to: #663055

Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
There is also Dixon's on Union St between 6th and 7th, right night to the Food Co-op.  They are like a mom and pop shop. 
2007-01-22 3:53 PM
in reply to: #625424

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

Thaaat's the place I couldn't think of.  Right across from the yoga studio where we used to take my son for baby-sign-language classes.  (Yeah? So?)

I found another place a little closer to me (Union and Columbia).  I'll try them on Sat.

2007-01-24 10:14 AM
in reply to: #625424

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL


2007-01-24 2:49 PM
in reply to: #666199

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
jmk-brooklyn - 2007-01-24 10:14 AM


And a rumpeedee dumpbump a roooo!

Mighty quiet 'round these parts lately wouldn't ya say???

Does everyone have races lined up ??? What ya doin'? How far?

2007-01-25 11:16 AM
in reply to: #625424

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

I guess we're all too busy training to post. 

I've got the Gridiron Classic (Jen's running, too, and a couple of other BT-ers) on Superbowl Sunday in Feb.  It's only 4mi, but it's my first-ever stand-alone run, so I'm psyched. 

Then, in March, I've got the finals for this Indoor Triathlon thing.  I'd really like to finish in the top 3, since one of the prizes is a free professional bike fitting. Then on March 31, my first "real" triathlon of the season (and second ever) which is the Lonestar Sprint in Galveston, Texas (I have family down there--otherwise I doubt I'd fly 1000 mi for a Sprint, even an EndorfunSports event).  I'm trying to cram as many events into the summer as possible.  I haven't had the best luck--one (Coney Island Tri) was cancelled, and the second (NYC 1/2 Marathon) was scheduled much earlier than last year and falls on a week that I'm away on vacation.  I'm replacing them with other local races, so it'll work out.

How 'bout you?  I imagine your outdoor tri season doesn't begin for a little while?

2007-01-25 11:53 AM
in reply to: #625424

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
I'm doing a 10k this weekend, first race of the year, but it is a "c" race.  The biggie is a half-marathon on March 18 and the 192 mile Ragnar Relay on March 30-31.  I may do a sprint tri in March too, but I think I'll either do the sprint tri or the half-marathon, but not both.  It depends on how much time I have in the pool between now and then.  I have a running injury right now, I tripped during my track workout and hurt my hamstring.  So I'll nurse that for a while until Sunday's 10k.  Hope everyone else is getting some good training in despite the weather....
2007-01-25 1:35 PM
in reply to: #667617

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
jmk-brooklyn - 2007-01-25 11:16 AM

I guess we're all too busy training to post. 

I've got the Gridiron Classic (Jen's running, too, and a couple of other BT-ers) on Superbowl Sunday in Feb.  It's only 4mi, but it's my first-ever stand-alone run, so I'm psyched. 

 Then on March 31, my first "real" triathlon of the season (and second ever) which is the Lonestar Sprint in Galveston, Texas (I have family down there--otherwise I doubt I'd fly 1000 mi for a Sprint, even an EndorfunSports event).  How 'bout you?  I imagine your outdoor tri season doesn't begin for a little while?

That's great about the Superbowl Sunday run. I'm planning on going to my first local tri club meeting that day. Good deal about the Tx Tri. Yeah, I've been looking to tail in an event around my family members too... either in NC or FL- both great places and likely to have something going on year round. Yeah, my season doesn't get going for tri's til the Polar Bear Clubs can break through the ice to swim! Toying with a June tri (sprint) and/or a May duathalon. I will probably do the same sprint tri I did last summer (my first) just to see how I've improved. Toying with an olympic but I don't know if I'd be up for the overall distance yet ... and I don't want to 'hurt' myself trying to quickly (achilles issue last summer keeps it real and my shoulder can get sore if I'm not careful too)

2007-01-25 1:37 PM
in reply to: #667696

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

AZchica - 2007-01-25 11:53 AM I'm doing a 10k this weekend, first race of the year, but it is a "c" race.  The biggie is a half-marathon on March 18 and the 192 mile Ragnar Relay on March 30-31.  I may do a sprint tri in March too, but I think I'll either do the sprint tri or the half-marathon, but not both.  It depends on how much time I have in the pool between now and then.  I have a running injury right now, I tripped during my track workout and hurt my hamstring.  So I'll nurse that for a while until Sunday's 10k.  Hope everyone else is getting some good training in despite the weather....

Dare I ask how far you go in the 192 mile Ragnar Relay?!?!?!?

Good luck on the 10k and may your hammer be free of injury and pain!!!

2007-01-27 9:11 AM
in reply to: #625424

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

In the relay race I'll be running three legs that average 5-6 miles.  There are 12 of us on the team.  There is a link to this race on my log.   I'm ready for the 10k tomorrow.  After I fell at the track and tweaked my leg, I iced right away and took some Motrin.  I walked the next day and swam too.  I think that helped cuz I don't feel any pain now.  Thanks for the well wishes. 

2007-01-27 1:28 PM
in reply to: #669618

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
be sure to post about your race tomorrow. Run safe and fast! Whoooosh!
2007-01-28 12:09 AM
in reply to: #625424

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Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
Hi all! I've just pulled the trigger on my first sprint tri in July. Now I have a focus at least to set my eyes on. Planning on a 4M race with other BTers at the end of Feb, and also at least one road race per month. The weather has been crazy the past 2 weeks. Several days ago I came out of the pool around 10pm and the temperature plummeted. I was walking around outside with a heavy down coat and a pair of flip-flops! My toes weren't happy...
2007-01-31 3:27 PM
in reply to: #625424

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

Hi Fellow Bunn1e's,

We were on the third page of posts, so I thought I'd bump us back up.  Hope everyone is having a good training week despite the weather.    And if you are having nice weather, I'm jealous...  Tomorrow is a brand new month so aim for pink boxes on your BT calendars. 


2007-02-02 4:34 PM
in reply to: #670157

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

sonnyk - 2007-01-28 12:09 AM Hi all! I've just pulled the trigger on my first sprint tri in July. Now I have a focus at least to set my eyes on. Planning on a 4M race with other BTers at the end of Feb, and also at least one road race per month. The weather has been crazy the past 2 weeks. Several days ago I came out of the pool around 10pm and the temperature plummeted. I was walking around outside with a heavy down coat and a pair of flip-flops! My toes weren't happy...

Is it the NJ State?  I had thought about that one, but I decided to volunteer at the NYC.  It's definitely on my list for next year--I hear it's a good one.

2007-02-15 8:34 AM
in reply to: #625424

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
Bump--we're slipping to page three again. 
2007-02-15 10:33 AM
in reply to: #625424

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Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL

Yes, we seem to be failing in our posting.  Some groups have 7 pages!  C'mon we aren't going to let them beat us, are we? 

Anybody up to anything new and exciting?  I've been trying to make the inspire rounds, but I'm sure I missed something big. 

2007-02-15 11:44 PM
in reply to: #691647

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Subject: RE: JenBunn1e's Group - FULL
I'll be running a 4M race in Central Park next Saturday with other BTers. It should be interesting if the snow haven't melt by then.

The weekends are all booked with ski trips for the next month.

I'm going to try to run outside more once the snow clear a bit. I'm getting sick of indoor training...

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