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2006-12-28 9:57 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I don't know what the definition of a beginner. But if it means that one who has never done a triathlon, then you are right I am not. Or does it mean one who has started the journey of learning and still has so much to learn?

I have already done the 'unknown' and completed my first tri. Since then I have become addicted to competing in them. However I am a size 14 competing as an Athena. I still have lots to learn and lose. In my first posting I did say that I had completed a few triathlons last year (3 total).

I can list how many things I did wrong in my first tri (for instance, didn't put the bike in the correct gear for uphill and ended up walking it). I am still learning. I was a swimmer once, a casual bike rider for a couple of years and most recently, I am learning to be a runner.

Swimming I know a lot about because I did it competitively for so long. The rest came from 3 races, asking a lot of questions of other competitors, reading a couple of books and watching the Ironman races while I was sick recently. I am looking to learn more and do more.

Would you prefer I pull out?

Edited by celticblde05 2006-12-28 9:59 PM

2006-12-29 7:24 AM
in reply to: #625443

New user

Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Kelli, if you read my whole post, I said "not that I mind, I'm looking forward to learning from everyone." The things you desribe are exactly the things I need to hear about as I prepare for my first Tri! Good luck working on your 2007 goals - I hope we both get there together!
2006-12-29 7:27 AM
in reply to: #634780

New user

Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Kelli, PS, thank you for the swimming drills, I"m taking them to the pool this morning!
2006-12-29 11:58 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Being a beginner is one of those things that is really relative.  I still really feel like I'm a beginner, even though I have a fair amount of experience and have done 4 tris.  I feel like there is so much I don't know and so much that I still have left to learn.  I'm not sure when I'll feel like I'm NOT a beginner, quite honestly.  It's one of those perception things, I guess.  And, I've found that I can always learn from other people who may have more experience and may have less experience than me.  That's one of the great things about being on this board. 
2006-12-29 7:20 PM
in reply to: #625443

New user

Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
It's true, rereading my post it came out much more negative than I intended! I was just feeling a bit intimidated... and I think I'll feel like a beginner for a LONG time!

I hope no offense was taken, as none was intended!

2006-12-29 9:35 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I think we are all in this adventure of triathlons to discover something in ourselves. It is certainly a journey, to say the least. Let's continue on and be the support we are all looking for in each other. I am certainly no expert but have gleamed some things in my journey of triathlons.


2006-12-30 11:53 AM
in reply to: #637031

New user

Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I'm curious to know everyone's training schedules - how can you get in 2-3 workouts in every sport, and still have a day or two of rest a week? Also, on your day of rest do you do anything at all physical? i.e. can I count my day of Pilates class/30 minutes on the elliptical trainer as a day of rest?

I haven't done any bricks yet -a friend recommended that I start iwth a 5 mile bike and a 1 mile run, just too get the feel of it.

Also, I want to do a 5 mile race one month before the sprint tri. To get up from my current mileage of not quite 2.5 miles at a time, to five miles in 4 mnths, I'll have to increase my mileage by 10% every two weeks. That seems very ambitious to me! I've also read that you should pull back every few weeks, i.e. go up from 2.25, to 2.5, to 2.75, then bavk to 2.5 for a week, then jump to 3... is that how you all do it?

With the tri only 5 months away I'm starting to wonder if I can really get there from here!
2006-12-31 8:20 AM
in reply to: #637259

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
jahansell - 2006-12-30 11:53 AM

I'm curious to know everyone's training schedules - how can you get in 2-3 workouts in every sport, and still have a day or two of rest a week? Also, on your day of rest do you do anything at all physical? i.e. can I count my day of Pilates class/30 minutes on the elliptical trainer as a day of rest?

I haven't done any bricks yet -a friend recommended that I start iwth a 5 mile bike and a 1 mile run, just too get the feel of it.

Also, I want to do a 5 mile race one month before the sprint tri. To get up from my current mileage of not quite 2.5 miles at a time, to five miles in 4 mnths, I'll have to increase my mileage by 10% every two weeks. That seems very ambitious to me! I've also read that you should pull back every few weeks, i.e. go up from 2.25, to 2.5, to 2.75, then bavk to 2.5 for a week, then jump to 3... is that how you all do it?

With the tri only 5 months away I'm starting to wonder if I can really get there from here!

You will get there, just don't give up. I have had problems with getting all the workouts in. As I have had time to think about it during my recuperation I am changing my schedule to accommodate all I need to get in.

Here is my new schedule:

BIKE/Spin: Monday AM, Thursday AM, Saturday AM
SWIM: Tuesday AM, Thursday PM, Saturday AM
RUN: Wednesday AM, Friday AM, Sunday PM (and other nights I hope to get in small runs)

*Saturday is my Swim/Bike brick. My bike/run bricks won't start until April. My first Tri is May 28.
*I am planning in putting in weights and stretching in addition to the schedule I have already set.

Rest day... well I am not scheduling it in. I know it happens and I can't get up and do anything, so I count that as my rest. I work out before work and at the gym at 5:45. Doing something after work is too hard as a parent and school administrator.

Best of luck and Happy New Years to all.
2006-12-31 1:10 PM
in reply to: #625443

New user

Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Kelli, that's an impressive schedule! I usually work out in the morning - afternooon/evening is impossible (no pool access, too dark to bike/ it's kids/dinner/homework/bedtime hour and very hard to get away. So I have to do it all before work and weekends - hard to double up the workouts, though I could do bike/runs on the rail trail near my office, either as my morning thing (as long as I don't care about showering!) or at lunch...I'm planning to try that!

2006-12-31 4:06 PM
in reply to: #637846

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
When I first started this all last year, it was as an escape. I originally just needed something to keep me busy as I was unemployed and job hunting was rough. My kid is High School so that has some advantages to it. When I got a job last March, I switched to working out in mornings. It was extremely tough to start.

At my local Y I discovered that the same people work out in the mornings. We don't all do the same things, but we all talk in the locker room. It has become a morning club of sorts. A couple of them are Triathletes and one is a marathoner. So it gave me the advantage of asking a lot of questions. I find they also motivate me to come, I feel like I am letting them down when I don't.

Luckily my daughter has club swim practice at night and so I am an hour or so to work out more. The rest of the time is being a parent and just plan relaxing. I am a single parent so it is just the two of us.

Ultimately you have to make it work for you and your family. It is hard and somethings just get dropped out of your schedule. Because there is so little daylight, the workouts are harder to fit in. Once the day gets longer you will find more time to workout.

Good luck.
2007-01-01 8:37 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I try to do each sport twice per week, although I do focus a lot more on running in the winter - Usually 3 - 4 run workouts per week.  During training season, my schedule is something like:

Mon: Run
Tue: Swim
Wed: Bike
Thu Swim
Fri: Rest Day
Sat: Run
Sun: Bike or Brick

It's definitely a juggling act, though,  so I'm never too firmly committed to a training schedule.  It can vary a lot depending on what's going on with my school schedule for that week. 

2007-01-01 8:37 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Happy New Year, everyone!!!  Hope this year is great for each one of us and we can achieve the goals we are trying for this year! 
2007-01-02 6:20 AM
in reply to: #638667

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Happy New Year to everyone!


After a week of family-filled partying where late nights and all-day festivities were the norm, I am finally back to semi-normal routine. I am dumping last week as a lost week, and starting the 8th week of the training plan today. The fact that it is a recovery week is perfect, since it will allow me to get back in without running me into the ground.

I have signed up for my first sprint tri in May (as of a few seconds ago), so the countdown officially begins!

As for training schedules, I thankfully work for a company that is very flexible about work schedules, so I tend to go in early and am home around 3-4. So even in the winter, I am usually home early enough to get in a good run or bike ride before it gets too dark. It would be a lot earlier if I didn't have this silly hour+ commute. :-/ That is what I get for living in the suburbs of a metropolitan area, I guess.

The best of luck to everyone on this New Year on training, good health, and everything else.

2007-01-02 4:03 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Well, I hope everyone had a pleasant New Years. It was pretty quiet for us, as my wife as sick with a fever. I went to my family's and played games all night. My wife is better today, but still pretty exhausted from 2 days of a fever over 101.

As we're sharing our weekly training schedules, here's what mine looks like:

mondays: pm swim/run
tuesday: pm bike/swim
wednesday: pm maybe swim, maybe bike
thursdays: pm bike/run
fridays: off (usually)
saturdays: am swim/run
sundays: off

Tonight I'm buying my first pair of cycling shorts, so I'm looking forward to my workout tonight. I picked up a pair of lycra swim tights last week and really liked NOT having the bulkiness of typical swim shorts in the water. I didn't swim any faster, but I wasn't having to deal with the trunks at all!
2007-01-03 10:03 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I didn't find any cycling shorts in my size at Dick's last night, but I still got 7 miles in on the bike anyway. I also got 400m in the pool, even though my schedule says I should be at 250. I have found that swimming is actually very relaxing. I do get my HR up past 130, but when I'm following that black line, it's peaceful in a way. I am finding that my breathing is improving and I can breathe bilaterally much easier now. I have a sneaking suspicion that swimming is going to become more fun than running...scary! I'm not sure if I'll go to the gym tonight or not - depends on how my wife is feeling. She's had a fever all weekend and is still pretty drained and tired. I'm in charge of dinner tonight, but I may go later. I hope everyone has a great day!
2007-01-03 8:36 PM
in reply to: #638826

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Congratulations on signing up for your first tri!!  That's really exciting!!  It's also great for motivation. 

It sounds like using last week as a recovery week is a great plan.  Sometimes it's good for you to have that in there.  I know the frustration of having a long commute - I have the same one hour each way.  It's really annoying when you are trying to work out in the winter.  Is there any possibility that you could exercise over lunch?  

dlvt52 - 2007-01-02 7:20 AM Happy New Year to everyone! Whew! After a week of family-filled partying where late nights and all-day festivities were the norm, I am finally back to semi-normal routine. I am dumping last week as a lost week, and starting the 8th week of the training plan today. The fact that it is a recovery week is perfect, since it will allow me to get back in without running me into the ground. I have signed up for my first sprint tri in May (as of a few seconds ago), so the countdown officially begins! As for training schedules, I thankfully work for a company that is very flexible about work schedules, so I tend to go in early and am home around 3-4. So even in the winter, I am usually home early enough to get in a good run or bike ride before it gets too dark. It would be a lot earlier if I didn't have this silly hour+ commute. :-/ That is what I get for living in the suburbs of a metropolitan area, I guess. The best of luck to everyone on this New Year on training, good health, and everything else.

Edited by Artemis 2007-01-03 8:38 PM

2007-01-03 8:41 PM
in reply to: #640472

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Sorry to hear that your wife is so sick.  I hope she's feeling better soon.  You're sweet to take care of her.

Congratulations on all of your swimming progress!  I find swimming to be really peaceful, too.  There's something about hopping in the pool that just relaxes me and makes me feel a lot more calm, especially when it's been awhile since the last time I was in the pool.  I'm a swimmer, so I definitely feel like I enjoy swimming more than running. 

jcdenton2000 - 2007-01-03 11:03 AM I didn't find any cycling shorts in my size at Dick's last night, but I still got 7 miles in on the bike anyway. I also got 400m in the pool, even though my schedule says I should be at 250. I have found that swimming is actually very relaxing. I do get my HR up past 130, but when I'm following that black line, it's peaceful in a way. I am finding that my breathing is improving and I can breathe bilaterally much easier now. I have a sneaking suspicion that swimming is going to become more fun than running...scary! I'm not sure if I'll go to the gym tonight or not - depends on how my wife is feeling. She's had a fever all weekend and is still pretty drained and tired. I'm in charge of dinner tonight, but I may go later. I hope everyone has a great day!

2007-01-03 10:06 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
This is my first week back to training. I was so excited I even woke up before the alarm clock (I work out before work). I believe my recuperation from surgery is complete... YEAH!!! Yesterday I did the SWIM. My arms felt so heavy, I definitely can feel that I have taken off for over a month. Ugh!!! But I am not giving up. I have run a few days this week, so at least my legs feel like they are coming back. Tomorrow I am spinning and so excited to do so. Biking is my favorite by far of the three sports. I was thinking that this weekend I was going to bike to my hair appointment across town (8 miles one way). This should give me a decent workout.

Go Notre Dame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk to you all later.

2007-01-04 7:05 AM
in reply to: #641559

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Congratulations on restarting training, Kelli! I know how you feel about getting excited about getting up and going. I work out after work, but I am practically hopping out of my car to get to the workout.

Jen, thanks for the words of encouragement. I am super excited about signing up for the triathlon, and even though I didn't really need more motivation to keep training, reserve motivation for those cold, dark, rainy days can only help. I mainly work an early schedule because I am obsessive about getting home early. My work place has moved temporarily to a much farther location, resulting in the long commute, but that just reinforces that I just have to get out as soon as I can to satisfy my obsession. As a result, I very rarely take any time at lunch, so I don't know if I could relax and have a good workout over lunch.

I don't know about you, but I have been really enjoying these warm Virginia January days so far. I was in a t-shirt and shorts on my run yesterday, and likely the same on my bike ride today. I love it.

2007-01-04 8:44 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Kelli - way to go on getting back in to your training! That is a great feeling isn't?

Dave - I can completely relate to your excitement for working out. I feel a bit like Pavlov's dogs when I drive near the Y, I just get excited and can't wait to get in there and work out. Hi, my name's Robert, and I'm an endorphine junkie!

Last night I swam 400m without stopping and it felt so darn good! My arms felt a little heavy on the last 50m, but otherwise, I was great - breathing was good and I felt so relaxed!

Tonight I'm probably doing water aerobics again, so I'll feel the burn on my legs again!

I hope everyone has a great day!
2007-01-05 8:53 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Good morning groupies! I survived the water aerobics class last night - she went easy on us this week, so I'm a little disappointed. Oh well, I did get in another 400m, even though my first 100m was way too fast at 1:51.

So I have a question for our resident swim experts: is it possible (or even advisable) to add 100m each week during my base building period with swimming? I am on week 5 of a 22 week training program that has me adding only 50m a week to my training, but I feel like I could add 100m a week. The program as designed has me topping out at 800m on the 17th week and maintaining that for the last 5 weeks, throwing in one 1000m swim. Granted, it's a 0-sprint tri training plan, but if I'm already swimming 400m, I may try an oly later in the year. If I do my version of the 22 week plan, I would add 100m each week and would top out at 2100m. Is such a progression even possible in 22 weeks, or should I set a goal of building up to, say, 1600m and plateau for the season? I know I *should* be patient and build up slowly, but I feel that 50m/week is too darn slow, as in, I wouldn't feel like I was getting a good workout in now if I stepped back to 250m/week, unless I really cranked up the speed. Any recommendations? Thanks!

2007-01-05 10:13 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I am not a swim expert, but I was directed to a website that can help you swim from 0 to 1650 in six weeks.  You may be able to follow the pattern of the workouts and get them suited to your needs.

2007-01-05 1:14 PM
in reply to: #641733

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I agree, Dave.  I could deal with not having a real winter in Virginia this year.  Last year I had to do most of my training indoors.  This year, it's all about running outside in shorts and tshirts.  I love it!

Your training schedule sounds challenging with work.  It will keep getting easier, though, as the days get longer.  Hang in there for a little while longer.   

2007-01-05 1:18 PM
in reply to: #643188

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Robert, I don't think it's a problem to increase your distance that quickly as long as you feel like you can handle it and your technique is staying good.  It may be that you can gain distance more quickly at first, but you might get to the point where you can't increase as much.  The training plan is a pretty good guideline, but sometimes you can do a little more.  I would make sure that you are focusing on keeping technique good and not forcing yourself to increase distance as much if you don't feel like you can.

The training plan that Erin linked to has been posted on the site a lot recently and I know people have had good success with it.  Again, I would just make sure you pay attention to how you feel.

Hope this makes sense.  If not, I'll try to clarify when I'm not on cough syrup with codeine.   

2007-01-05 1:41 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I'm hearing a lot of affirmatives that it can be done, which is encouraging. Obviously, as was recommended by many, I will pay close attention to form and comfort, rather than distances.

Maybe I'm biting off a bit more than I can chew, but after looking at where I am, I believe I can realistically do a HIM in September, and I even picked one out that I'm going to research more: "The Great Illini Challenge" in Illinois. The race is only like an hour and a half from my sister's so I could stay the weekend with her. Plus, it's on a Saturday (I made a promise to my wife to really minimize/avoid racing on Sundays b/c of church/family commitments).

The only hard part of all this is getting the cycling miles up to snuff in the next 9 months, but I think it'll happen.
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