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2007-01-09 6:53 AM
in reply to: #647124

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
starcorp - 2007-01-08 9:22 PM

Hey Dan, how was your race? 

I will try to get my RR done today, but here is some insight.

I didn't train for this race.  I have only done one 18 mile run since November.  Keep that in mind.  :P
I decided to go for a BQ (3:10).  I started out in front of the pace group and joined up with them at mile 4ish.  I hung with them for 14 miles and then my body started to fall apart.  My left leg tightened up and my glutes were rocks.  I had to make a decision at that point.  I could have kept up for maybe another 4-5 miles but then I would have possible injured myself.

It was a hard bullet to bite.  Even though reality says that you have to have in several 20 milers when training for a marathon (let alone 4 weeks of training), I wanted to do go for it.  My lack of fitness and endurace base really showed itself and I had to listen to my body if I really wanted to do what my season requires.  I'm not a marathoner and I can't do it all.  That reality still stings even now. 

I didn't think I was even going to finish, but I decided to cool the jets and make it a postive race (as much as I could).  I smiled at people, high 5's all around, encouraged and motivated when I could.  It's a fine balance when you hurt, but want to make other people not hurt. 

I came in at 3:31.12 and placed 331st out of 16,000.  Looking back, I can't say that I should have expected much more.  My body finally broke and I need to remember that. was a great time and I'm glad that I did it. 

I crossed the line and that is what matters!

2007-01-09 1:02 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

2 things:  RR is up.

And here is another Sponsorship opportunity.  I used this stuff towards the end of the season (Recover Ease) and it was awesome.  Just my personal opinion.


Oh...What is everyone's goal for this year.  NOT Triathlon related.

Mine is to figure out if I want to stay in my current job or go for what makes me happy.  Golden Handcuffs are hard to let yourself out of.

2007-01-09 8:19 PM
in reply to: #647173

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Tri'nNC - 2007-01-08 10:06 PM

Fellas...please pardon my jumping around ecstatically. But I must share my PR tonight...I almost choked when I saw the watch! I had to do 5x100 HARD as one of my sets in the pool and 3 of the 5 came out at 1:36-37. Laughing Unbelievable....I couldn't believe it. Of course I was about to die right at the end of each rep. I could barely swim the length of the pool last June! Thanks for my moment!

 Cash...i worried about what people like your neighbor said...until I was doing a sprint and this pretty overweight older guy with a beard on what looked like a department store bike passed me wearing a big baggy cut off tshirt and some baggy shorts. I then realized all of the people that looked really good on their fancy equipment being passed by the workhorse on the huffy!! No worries keep it up and you'll be passing your neighbor on your $14 tires Laughing.

Great job Ryan!  Hearing about this type of breakthrough workout gives me some hope that I will someday be bragging too! 

2007-01-09 8:23 PM
in reply to: #647344

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Marvarnett - 2007-01-09 7:53 AM
starcorp - 2007-01-08 9:22 PM

Hey Dan, how was your race? 

I will try to get my RR done today, but here is some insight.

I didn't train for this race.  I have only done one 18 mile run since November.  Keep that in mind.  :P
I decided to go for a BQ (3:10).  I started out in front of the pace group and joined up with them at mile 4ish.  I hung with them for 14 miles and then my body started to fall apart.  My left leg tightened up and my glutes were rocks.  I had to make a decision at that point.  I could have kept up for maybe another 4-5 miles but then I would have possible injured myself.

It was a hard bullet to bite.  Even though reality says that you have to have in several 20 milers when training for a marathon (let alone 4 weeks of training), I wanted to do go for it.  My lack of fitness and endurace base really showed itself and I had to listen to my body if I really wanted to do what my season requires.  I'm not a marathoner and I can't do it all.  That reality still stings even now. 

I didn't think I was even going to finish, but I decided to cool the jets and make it a postive race (as much as I could).  I smiled at people, high 5's all around, encouraged and motivated when I could.  It's a fine balance when you hurt, but want to make other people not hurt. 

I came in at 3:31.12 and placed 331st out of 16,000.  Looking back, I can't say that I should have expected much more.  My body finally broke and I need to remember that. was a great time and I'm glad that I did it. 

I crossed the line and that is what matters!

That is a great accomplishment considering the lack of formal marathon training.  It takes a lot of will power to keep going when you body finally hits that point where it is telling you "no more".  But you adjusted, stayed positive and enjoyed the rest of the race as much as you could.  Great job!

2007-01-10 4:44 PM
in reply to: #625456

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Marathons are hard, plain and simple. If you aren't trained, you'll crash. I had to take a few weeks off just before mine, and I crashed and burned with a 3:53. Decent time looking back, but not what I was hoping for.

Anyway, bad news for me. Had been having achilles pain since late October. Finally went to see an ortho today and it's achilles tendonitis. I have a couple of weeks of PT and then see when I can run again. Gonna put a few of my early season races in jeopardy, especially my HIM in April.

Non-tri goal for the year? Nicen up the house. The wife wants some painting and other stuff done on it.

2007-01-10 6:44 PM
in reply to: #649788

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Regina, Saskatchewan
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

I had tendonitis last year. Went for physio for what seemed like forever but was able to run through it all. Painful but you just kept running, did stretches and strength exercises. After a period of time I just told the physio guy I think I am just going to have to learn to live with the pain and irritation forever. He agreed and we stopped our sessions. Crazy thing, it just went away.

The trainer was the personal trainer for Donavon Bailey so he knew what he was doing when it comes to running. My feeling is you are adding so much volume to your body so quickly --- it takes years to build a strong endurance base. You're going to have injuries until you do. Be patient and try to train smart --- coming from a guy who's going through the same thing --- just a different injury right now.

I have a freind who is 65 and just won his age group @ Kona. He has been a runner for 26 years and will do his 100th marathon this year.  He has only done tri's the last 2 years. He never gets injured and everyone calls him a machine.  The reality --- he has the endurance base.  You will get there.  

2007-01-10 6:59 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Regina, Saskatchewan
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Goals for this year beside Tri's. Nothing that is extraordinary. Too busy doing this, lol.

Just want to maintain balance in life and be a good person. Things overall are pretty good right now. I am active in our local club which keeps me busy. Have volunteered for the Provincial Board which now gives me some insight as to how we are organized and funded through Sports Canada (government money). Once I accomplish some of my own athletic goals I could possibley help out at the amateur level. The world holds so much opportunity, you just have to get involved.

Edited by starcorp 2007-01-10 6:59 PM
2007-01-10 8:53 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Ryan great job on your personal best.

Marvanett, I have to hate you for the next 38 seconds. I have been training for months, already one one 20 miler and an 18 miler and am hoping to break 5 hours on Super Bowl Sunday.

You dont train and get 3 and a half and could dream of Boston. OK I like you again now.

Genetics and a long previous base and tri training will get you to your level.

What did you do in the Navy? My dad was an Annapolis man and retired as a Capt.

You are right I have Bontrager tires, and they seem ok for what I do now.

Yep golden handcuffs are hard to break, but if you can make enough to live on doing what you love, I would recommend that route. Of course the woman in your life will have a say in that too.
2007-01-11 7:45 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
I found this today. Its an excel spread sheet for tri training. Dunno if you guys have something better for this, besides the log on this website. Maybe its just overkill. I have used David Hays excel sheet callled runlog for a couple of years and like it. Keeps track of my shoe mileage as well.
2007-01-15 8:47 AM
in reply to: #651546

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Cashmason - 2007-01-11 7:45 PM I found this today. Its an excel spread sheet for tri training. Dunno if you guys have something better for this, besides the log on this website. Maybe its just overkill. I have used David Hays excel sheet callled runlog for a couple of years and like it. Keeps track of my shoe mileage as well.

Is there such a thing as overkill in this sport?

2007-01-15 10:14 AM
in reply to: #647962

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Marvarnett - 2007-01-09 2:02 PM

2 things:  RR is up.

And here is another Sponsorship opportunity.  I used this stuff towards the end of the season (Recover Ease) and it was awesome.  Just my personal opinion.


Oh...What is everyone's goal for this year.  NOT Triathlon related.

Mine is to figure out if I want to stay in my current job or go for what makes me happy.  Golden Handcuffs are hard to let yourself out of.

A non-tri related goal for this year.  Well my job is good, aside from expanding my skill set there the only other thing I want to focus on is helping my wife grow a little business she set up.  She sells gently worn children's clothes on eBay.  It all started with her selling the clothes for our two boys that they had outgrown.  Then one of her friends found out what she was doing and wanted to sell her daughters clothes so my wife set up a consignment deal with her.  Her friend was impressed with the results and by word of mouth my wife ends up with 3 more customers.  She has been quite busy so I want to do what I can to help her out. 

2007-01-15 12:11 PM
in reply to: #654797

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

A non-tri related goal for this year.  Well my job is good, aside from expanding my skill set there the only other thing I want to focus on is helping my wife grow a little business she set up.  She sells gently worn children's clothes on eBay.  It all started with her selling the clothes for our two boys that they had outgrown.  Then one of her friends found out what she was doing and wanted to sell her daughters clothes so my wife set up a consignment deal with her.  Her friend was impressed with the results and by word of mouth my wife ends up with 3 more customers.  She has been quite busy so I want to do what I can to help her out. 

Lots of money to be made off selling on Ebay. We know someone who does it full time and does so well she pays people to list stuff for her.

2007-01-16 11:59 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Getting quiet in here. Are we supposed to be talking on the blogs?

One more long run then taper madness begins for me.
2007-01-17 6:42 AM
in reply to: #625456

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
No Cash, you're right. It has gotten quite. And I apologize for that. I've been off in la la land the last couple of days.Yes, we should be inspiring each other every couple of days, but at the same time posting big stuff on here too. Case in point...I think we all need to go to Shaved Wookie's blog because he's having shoulder trouble.Cash, which HR scheme did you decide to go with this season?
2007-01-17 3:46 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
I am using the Maf heart rate method through my marathon on SuperBowl Sunday. After that I think I will switch to Friel's method and see how that works.

Don't want to switch heart rate schemes in the middle of my training for this event. Doubt there is enough time for it to make any difference now anyway.
2007-01-18 12:40 AM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Applied for the wicked fast and javelin teams.

Tried to apply for the Polar team, but didnt think I was active enough for them. Too bad I would have liked to represent them at events, as I like heart rate training.

2007-01-18 8:33 AM
in reply to: #625456

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

That's great to hear!  I used Recover-Ease last year and it helped a lot. 


2007-01-18 12:47 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Kaneohe, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Thanks for the inspires, guys. I was injured (and still am in a small degree) but I really dont' have any excuse not to be training other than I let myself get lazy during my recovery. I'm back to work now and that should help me get back in the swing of training since my schedule will be more regimented (and my bedtimes earlier). I hope to contribute more soon. Thanks again.
2007-01-18 12:58 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Wookie Wookie Boobookie...Bananna Fannay Foficky...

Glad to see you're back at work.  Now get at it you!  (that's my gentle side talking)

2007-01-18 1:17 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

With a wife as pretty as that, getting to bed early should be easy. Getting to sleep early, not so easy.

Glad to hear you are on the mend. Look forward to hearing about your tri releated workouts.

3 of my brothers in law were cops, one a sgt, one a detective and one a precinct captain. All in different cities. I was usually the only male non cop at the parties and golf outings.
2007-01-18 7:09 PM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Woot my first bike crash! Landed in soft sand, felt like landing on pillows. No Injuries to me.

Left shifter (Sora) doesn't work now, so took it into the bike shop for the first of 2 tune ups I am allowed after buying the bike.

Was doing an S turn on the beach path and hit some loose sand. Maybe the Michelin tires would have gripped better than the stock Bontragers that came on the bike.

I just cleaned the chain for this first time this morning too and broke the chain cleaner. Not a good biorhythm day for the bike I guess. Think I was spinning the chain too fast. Oh well could have been lots worse.

Maybe get a Park Tool cleaner next time instead of the one made by Pedro.


2007-01-19 6:14 AM
in reply to: #625456

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Regina, Saskatchewan
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full

Training through your injuries - sometimes it works - sometimes it don't

All of 2005 I had tendonitus in the ankles. I went to physio most of the year, trained with the injury and finally decided to stop the physio and live with it. It was somewhat painful to run but thats the way it is. Voila it went away.

This year I developed hip soreness and an inner shin splint. I kept training, stretched a lot, went to physio and it never got better. It constantly felt like someone had kicked me in the leg. Anyway, its likely a stress fracture and I can't run or do any impact training for another 5 weeks. Sucks big time, that will be 4 months total. Upside, I now have no pain and am a lot more flexable from the stretching.

Any of you been in the same boat and do you have any advice on water running, etc. I've watched people do it, doesn't seem like much of a workout.

2007-01-19 7:45 PM
in reply to: #660286

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
starcorp - 2007-01-19 7:14 AM

Training through your injuries - sometimes it works - sometimes it don't

All of 2005 I had tendonitus in the ankles. I went to physio most of the year, trained with the injury and finally decided to stop the physio and live with it. It was somewhat painful to run but thats the way it is. Voila it went away.

This year I developed hip soreness and an inner shin splint. I kept training, stretched a lot, went to physio and it never got better. It constantly felt like someone had kicked me in the leg. Anyway, its likely a stress fracture and I can't run or do any impact training for another 5 weeks. Sucks big time, that will be 4 months total. Upside, I now have no pain and am a lot more flexable from the stretching.

Any of you been in the same boat and do you have any advice on water running, etc. I've watched people do it, doesn't seem like much of a workout.

I was considering trying some deep water running since I've learned of my knee injury.  I think it would be a good way to augment a regular running routine to maintain fitness and I have read articles in Runners World and on BT that it is a good way to cross train when recovering from an injury. 

2007-01-20 12:33 AM
in reply to: #625456

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Water running does not feel like much of a workout, but according to injured friends it does help keep you in shape.

I tried it once, got frustrated and gave it up, but I didnt have the proper belt, I just tried to do with an old life preserver we have around here for boating.

23 Miles today running. I am so NOT ready for the marathon in 2 weeks. Had to walk several times the last couple of miles. Lots of niggling aches and pains.

Well ready or not, the day will come and I will race it the best I can. Dan could do it twice and be finished before I am. Hope he saves a bagel or banana for me, as those are often gone by the time I finish.
2007-01-20 5:03 AM
in reply to: #661501

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Regina, Saskatchewan
Subject: RE: Marvarnett's Group - Full
Hey Cash you will do just fine. We always have aches and pains before a long race. Look at the mileage you are putting in to train. You should be tapering around here I would think which will get rid of some of that. Make sure you taper ... a coach once told me you should feel like a race horse on race day, haven't been let out on the track enough and are raring to go.
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