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2007-01-13 5:21 AM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
My favorite beer? Ice Cold and in my right hand out of a bottle - if it fits that category I will drink it. Being from the mid-west and growing up stealing Buds from my dads fridge I have aquired the taste for the working mans brew: Bud Lite, although I do enjoy a nice Corona w/lime from time to time.

Welcome to all!

2007-01-13 2:14 PM
in reply to: #631977

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Ok - My Bio As follows:

Name: James Graham, 36 years old.

Story: I grew up in New Zealand where I lived until after college and working a few years. Moved to London for a 1 year working holiday in 1998. However as these things go I woke up almost 10 years later having never gone home with a wife and two kids and no money. Worked and lived in London for 7years where my employer transfferred us to Zurich for two years. Employer has recently transffered us to Connecticut US in September.

I decided in September I would resume training for Triathlons, I didn't like who I had become and my priorities were all wrong, the first two months were painful, I ached everywhere and was slow at everything. I now have developed a good base and lost 10 pounds. Long way to go though to get to where I have been before and where I want to go.

Family Status: Married to a wonderful South African woman and have two kids, a Girl Taylor who is 4 and a son Zachary who is 2.

Current Training: I am averaging about 300 minutes a week split between cycling/running/swim and try to factor in a little weights. I have now started paying for professional Swim and Cycle group sessions.....which are awesome.

Prior Races: I had done about 20 traithlons, Sprints, Olympics and two half Ironmans (last one in 1997). I had always been a pretty good athelete at school playing Rugby, Surfing a lot and during college was a professional Surf Lifeguard. I have always been a good runner. (PB 10k 38mins and Half Marathon 1:38 which I did at my last HIM)

This Years Races: 2 Olympics and 2 Sprints, I want to build base this year. I am also going to go in the draw for NY Marathon.

Favourite Beer: When I was living in Zurich developed a taste for Erdinger Weiss Beer and Bratwurst. About a million calories in that combination. The Germans make the best beer. I do like Guiness and Carlsberg. American beer I have found on the whole is "like making love in a canoe...It is very close to water" I have developed a taste for Heinken Light and Sam Adams light.

I love and chocalate munckins are my kryptonite...

Cheers all.

2007-01-14 12:47 PM
in reply to: #631977

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Media, PA
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL


 I know this is a bit early to ask a question like this but I was just thinking about it before I jumped on my bike yesterday. With the way transitions work will we need to run a certain amount of distance in our cycling shoes or is there something you put over the pedal cleat to make it easier to run? Only wondering because it is kind of akward to walk let alone run in those shoes.


Hope everyone had a good weekend so far! Back to the grind tomorrow

2007-01-14 4:24 PM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
The answer from my end is Yes and No or maybe. Confused? Yes you will more than likely have to travel some distance dismounted from your bike in the transition area. Some people will leave their shoes clipped into the pedals and take their foot out of the shoe ( Caution - this requires practice, do not do this for the first time on race day or you will surely make an arse of yourself). Some people clip out, bend down and take both shoes off ( time consuming) others will do the duckwalk shuffle with their shoes on to the bike rack. I would recommend the first choice but as I said practice, practice, practice. It also helps if your cycling shoes are easy to get out of. They do make triathlon specific cycling shoes that will help this out.
2007-01-14 4:29 PM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Does anybody have any of the Spinerval DVD's? I have thought about buying a couple but I didn't want to waste my money if they are bogus.

What Spinerval DVD's are the best?
2007-01-15 9:29 AM
in reply to: #654197

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

westwoodrnr - 2007-01-14 3:24 PM The answer from my end is Yes and No or maybe. Confused? Yes you will more than likely have to travel some distance dismounted from your bike in the transition area. Some people will leave their shoes clipped into the pedals and take their foot out of the shoe ( Caution - this requires practice, do not do this for the first time on race day or you will surely make an arse of yourself). Some people clip out, bend down and take both shoes off ( time consuming) others will do the duckwalk shuffle with their shoes on to the bike rack. I would recommend the first choice but as I said practice, practice, practice. It also helps if your cycling shoes are easy to get out of. They do make triathlon specific cycling shoes that will help this out.

I  might just let Brian run the group from now on, he knows what he's talking about. 

That's exactly right.  You have two choices: (1) learn how to get your feet out of your shoes while riding and then run barefoot to the transition, or (2) unclip with your shoes on and duck walk to transition.  I have Shimano cleats, and I think they're easier to run in than speedplays, but I still get my feet out of my shoes and run barefoot.  Then again, I have tri shoes (basically the same as normal, but with one huge velcro strap across the arch to secure the foot - easy-in, easy-out).  Depending on what type of shoes you have and whether you are willing to pop for tri shoes, getting your feet out may or may not be a big deal.  If you have ratcheting buckles on your shoes, you're going to have to duck walk, those would just be too hard to get out of while riding. 

2007-01-15 9:30 AM
in reply to: #654200

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

westwoodrnr - 2007-01-14 3:29 PM Does anybody have any of the Spinerval DVD's? I have thought about buying a couple but I didn't want to waste my money if they are bogus. What Spinerval DVD's are the best?

I haven't used them, but I know there are a couple that would specifically be useful for triathletes.  One specifically is time trialing.  It's too early to start working on time trialing skills right now, but later in the spring would be a good time to try that one.

2007-01-15 10:22 AM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
There is no way I am qualified to be the mentor of this group. I know just enough to get me in trouble

In a totally unrelated topic, I have the fortune or mis-fortune of getting to take a week off of work starting Jan. 29. ( so goes the auto industry). I would like to take an impromptu, cheap vacation with my wife and son. Preferably to someplace warm. I have searched the net and found tons of beachhouses and condos for rent. Do you guys have any suggestions?

my boy is 5 so there has to be some kid stuff to do
I can drive or fly
warm weather training - bike rental if I fly
I would like to get by on about $1000 to 1300 for the week
2007-01-15 10:42 AM
in reply to: #631977

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Media, PA
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

I did splurge for tri shoes (I spent so much on the bike I may as well get the proper shoes). I have two velcro straps, one over the bridge and one towards the bottom where the toes are.  I was more worried about going from the swim to the bike. I see people who already have their shoes on the bike and somehow slip them on while riding. Is it something that a first timer should try (pending enough time practicing it)? I am thinking along the lines of getting dirt, grass, or mud in the cleats  before hoping on the bike and not being able to clip in properly.


I don't know anywhere warm in January except for the carribean and stuff like that! I am planning a nice little trip for early April to cabo. Figured I can get my wife liquored up for a week and take full advantage of her Wink

2007-01-15 11:38 AM
in reply to: #631977

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Hi Brian - About two years ago we did a vacation in Orlando in the third week of January (27celcius). You can pick up a villa for $700 a week with heated pool etc.

To keep your rug rat busy they have all the theme parks.

Added bonus is the outlet stores where you can stock up on running/Tri clothing for about 50% of the price I pay for them in NY/Connecticut. Sickening the prices.

I have a pinboard at work where there is a lot of vacation holiday homes for rent. I saw one for $700 not occupied in late Jan. Let me know if you want me to forward you the weblink.

Also I got a spinerval DVD with my new Pro-kenetic trainer I wil be using it Tues/Wed will let you know if it is any good.


2007-01-15 11:51 AM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Cabo - I would love to go there but probably not the best place to take my boy. I would hate for him to see me and the wife all liquored up on tequilla.

JG - send me what you got. I am open for anything. We have looked at Orlando.

2007-01-15 11:56 AM
in reply to: #631977

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Ok - Pop Quizz, I believe the last one was everyone's favourite beer.

Given I am on rest day today ot going to be training related

What is everyone’s three favorite movies and why? Mine are..

1/ Wall Street: Great actors. (Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen) and probably the best quote of any movie "Greed is Good". I work in Investment Banking so this movie is on my wave length.

2/ Happy Gilmore - I love anything with Adam Sandler in, he is such a goof and I love golf.

3/ Mr Deeds - As above it has Adam Sandler in and also Wynnona Ryder who is a spunk. Funniest bit of the movie is when he buy's everyone in his little New England town a Red convertible Corvette and the cross eyed guy crashes it into a tree..(Seen this movie at least 10 times)

2007-01-15 12:41 PM
in reply to: #654876

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
ajfoster02 - 2007-01-15 9:42 AM

I did splurge for tri shoes (I spent so much on the bike I may as well get the proper shoes). I have two velcro straps, one over the bridge and one towards the bottom where the toes are.  I was more worried about going from the swim to the bike. I see people who already have their shoes on the bike and somehow slip them on while riding. Is it something that a first timer should try (pending enough time practicing it)? I am thinking along the lines of getting dirt, grass, or mud in the cleats  before hoping on the bike and not being able to clip in properly.


I don't know anywhere warm in January except for the carribean and stuff like that! I am planning a nice little trip for early April to cabo. Figured I can get my wife liquored up for a week and take full advantage of her Wink

You can learn to get your feet in and out on the bike, but practice (a LOT) before the race.  For starting, you can learn to run and hop on while rolling and then get the shoes on, or just clip the shoes in, stop, climb on, pedal until you're going fast enough to coast, then strap the shoes on.  The former (run, hop on, strap in) is faster but harder.  In fact, I haven't even tried it yet, but this is my year to learn the flying start, I need to get faster through transition.

I'm no help on vaca spots in that part of the country, sorry.  Florida is always a safe bet, and a manageable drive, but you have to go down to the Keys to guarantee good weather in January.

Movies: sorry to call foul on this one, but I'm a total movie freak and I just can't do Top 3 with no refinement.  Top 3 comedies?  Top 3 inspirational sports movies?  Top 3 dramas?  Top 3 roles for male/female leads?  Top 3 soundtracks in a movie?  I could deal with any of those, but Top 3 lifetime is like asking what are the best 3 songs of all time, the category is just too broad.

For this site, I'll go Top 3 inspirational sports movies: (3) Without Limits - the Prefontaine movie starring Billy Crudup, much better than the Jared Leto version called Prefontaine (Leto will always look like a druggy to me after Requiem for a Dream); (2) Breaking Away - great story about life in Indiana (where I grew up), the Little 500 (a staple of college life in the Midwest) and just a great and inspiring cycling story in general that also manages to be really funny at times; (1) Miracle - probably the greatest sports moment in the history of the United States, and in historical context an absolutely amazing story.  This one could also easily make the lifetime Top 10 list.  If you didn't have a tear in your eye at the end of this movie, you have a heart of stone.  Kurt Russell as Herb Brooks was fantastic, and the fact that this movie didn't win any awards is further testament to the fact that the Academy doesn't actually know **** about movies.

2007-01-15 12:59 PM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
I very rarely watch t.v, movies etc. unless it is sports related so my picks will probably be a bit obscure to most:

1. American Flyers - great cycling movie, early Costner, the chick in the movie has a fine set of apples.
2. 40 year old Virgin - the wife and I laughed our A**'s off the entire movie. A good friend of mine says that when I ride my commuter I look exactly like the guy in the movie ( is that a compliment?)
3. That's bad I can't even think of another movie!!

Anybody heard of Alligator Point, Florida?
2007-01-15 1:44 PM
in reply to: #631977

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Media, PA
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

I am kind of a movie buff too but honestly haven't had much time lately to watch much...

#3- I would have to say "miracle". I am a total hockey freak and also agree with Adam that if that sh*t doesn't bring a tear to your eye in the end then you are truly not a man who enjoys sports!

#2- Gladiator. By far one of the best movies ever made and directed. I would have rather seen a different actor but Russell Crow actually did really well for the role.

#1- BY FAR!!!! My most favorite movie is Braveheart. I think I have seen it over 1,000 times and can still sit there and watch it without falling asleep. I saw it in the movies as a teen and got hooked and actually studied all that crap on the side after I saw the movie. 

Orlando is a good choice... I went there last year the week after xmas with my wife and had a blast. We stayed in the resort area (carribean beach resort). It was well worth the money and yeah your kid will have so much stuff to do you wont  have enough time to do it all!

2007-01-15 4:19 PM
in reply to: #631977

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San Clemente, CA
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
sorry for the lack of participation over the last couple of days but the job and the home life have kept me off the computer most of the weekend. I finally had a couple hours here to catch up with the postings and about to plug in the workouts. I was off the computer but was able to at least get in a workout each day.
Beers: I have experience here. Budweiser Rep in college (basically meant I had to make sure the kegs were kept full at the soroities and fraternities. oh yeah and I had to bring along the bud girls for any special events that may have been happening). Did I mention I got paid. When my college career came to an end I realized my once six-pack was now a partyball, it was time to pass the torch. I lost the weight pretty quick but that was 15 years ago and the party ball is back which is one reason you guys are fortunate enough to have me in your group.
Favorite Beers
1 Beer - Guiness on Draft (I usually stop for this one every 3 months when I take my car in for its 3000 k oil/filter change convienetly located next to the irish pub)
2 Beers - Flat Tire (neighbor turned me onto it) not to light not to dark
3 or more Beers - Usually Corona with a lime.
Not really a beer snob just letting you guys in on my habits. I will drink any kind and would have to agree that Free Beer is Probably the best Beer.

Favorite Movies
Does Porn count? (just messing with you guys)
1) Boiler Room. I have my own Brokerage Company and sales is my life. Nothing like a great movie to get you motivated at work. "I dont need you as a customer, I value you as a customer" "ABC's = Always Be Closing"
2)KILL BILL. Something with the way that guy (Quinten Tartanteno) makes a movie. VERY Violent and Very Bloody but Never get tired of watching it. You may even hear me whistle the song from time to time.
3)Moulon Rouge - I guess thats my femine side coming out. But there is nothing like a great musical. The first time I watched this was because the wife made me. Went out the next day and bought the thing. (I think they call that MetroSexual).

On a side note. James welcome to the group. "Once were Warriors" definetly in the top 5 for Movies. (NZ film). I would have named my first born child Tamora but the wife nixed that idea when she finally got pregnant. (Now we have Christian and a second son (1 month) named ELI).

We have a great group here and thanks for the inspire me's and coaching tips.

2007-01-15 6:33 PM
in reply to: #655446

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Keith - Yes Once were warriors is an excellent NZ movie and to be honest is pretty close to real life in some of the poor Sth Auckland slums.

I believe classic line in the movie is "Cook the man some eggs B*tch."

I actually have a very funny story about it when that movie came out in NZ I was a senior in college and flatted off campus with three other friends. We got really Pis*ed up one night and decided it would be a good idea to mimick the beer opening skills on that movie. For those that haven't seen the movie the lead actor uses an egg slice to tap the side of a litre bootle of beer and then flip the top off with the egg slice.

Worked well except, we did this on small bottles of beer, which instead of taking off the tops. Actually cut of the neck of the bottle, needless to say we all woke up the next day with cut lips from trying to drink beer out of broken bottles....

Recommend all watch this movie, it is very good if some what sad at the end...

2007-01-16 9:55 AM
in reply to: #631977

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San Clemente, CA
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Definetly good people - You Kiwis. Spent 2 months in NZ with the then girlfriend now wife traveling both Islands. Hostels and Campgrounds along with the many stays at friends we met along the way. Its amazing how friendly and genuine the Kiwis are. We would literally meet them at a campground and be staying at their house 2 days later. Still keep in contact with a few of them. Been 10 years since we were there but will go back some day. You people have "NO WORRIES". Just one question for you. Do you do the HAKA before your races? I would love to see some video of that if its your ritual. Take Care and good to have a Kiwi amoung the group.
2007-01-16 10:00 AM
in reply to: #631977

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

Just a quick note for everyone on this (f*cking frigid in Colorado) Tuesday morning.  I don't want to be too cheesy, but I do want to send out these basic thoughts and reminders every now and then, especially for you guys that are new to this, or have been off the plan for a long time.  And the basic thought this week is to be vigilant and watch the consistency of your workouts at this time of year.

I can tell from the waning crowd at my gym that the New Years resolutions are wearing off, the excitement to lose weight and "get back in shape" has tapered off, and people are settling back into not giving a sh!t.  And the fact is, that's pretty easy to do this time of year.  It's cold.  Days are short.  Work is hectic again after the holidays.  That 5 lbs you picked up over Christmas is probably gone, or mostly gone.  Summer feels like a long g*d d*mn way away, and race season feels like it will never get here.  So it's easy this time of year to kind of lay back, take it easy, and get in some of your workouts, but not all of them, and start making excuses and justifications to yourself and others why that's no big deal. 

But if you want to do well in races next summer, if you want to change your lifestyle and get healthy again, and if you want to stick with this, now is the time to push through and make sure the habit is solidly formed.  For most of us, we're not even a full month into the training.  It'll take another month or so until the training habit is fully formed and getting the workouts done is like hitting auto-pilot.  We'll get there, but we're not there yet. 

Don't fall into that trap of making excuses to take an extra day off.  Don't slack off on the consistency.  Pay attention to your sleep and diet right now.  Keep your intensity low to moderate, but get the volume in with 90-95% consistency.  Get in the base training now, and when spring roles around and you can get back outside, the workouts will be more natural and enjoyable, and you'll have the base fitness to really challenge yourself physically to go faster and longer.  You'll be surprised next summer to see the difference between the athletes that worked consistently through the winter, and those that farted around doing 3 or 4 days/week of mediocre workouts.  The difference is night and day. 

Okay, done preaching.  Everyone is looking good right now, I just know that the excitement is going to wear off, or has worn off, and when it does you have to buckle down and be vigilant.

Happy training.

2007-01-16 10:39 AM
in reply to: #655002

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Hey Brian - As promised see link

Looks like they have availability when you are looking for. Given you are going to be a late booking if you were interested in this place you may get a discount you should certainly ask for one..

Adam - Agree with everything you say on your prior post. The amount of times I have fallen off the wagon after a good start to the year. Not in 2007, not this time....
2007-01-16 11:07 AM
in reply to: #631977

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Media, PA
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL

Good advice Adam, at times I wake up in the morning thinking "I don't want to go do this sh*t, I want to sleep in an extra hour" but I still force myself out of bed and that will not become a habit until about another 4-6 weeks so I just have to buckle down and keep getting my fat @ss up! My wife is helping me out too forcing me out when I don't want to. She is good motivation for me. Everyone don't slack off. We have a strong group here and we can all help eachother thru this base building period. Never give up and keep going hard!

2007-01-16 11:31 AM
in reply to: #631977

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Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
I will go back to what I told my cohorts here at work:

Don't make a new years resolution, MAKE A LIFESTYLE CHANGE!

A person has to make ( staying healthy, getting healthy or whatever phase you are in) it a lifestyle. You don't have to be totally absorbed with it like some of us ( everyone guilty raise their hand) but you do have to schedule it in to your day as a requirement and not an after thought. I have been at this running gig along time now and if I don't get my "fix" on a regular basis it starts to eat away at me. Just ask my wife.

Right now with swimming being really tough on me I have had to dig deep a day or 2 to make sure I went to the pool. The really cool thing is , when I get there and get in the pool I love it.

2007-01-16 12:31 PM
in reply to: #656333

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Media, PA
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL



... Then  have a beer???? Surprised

2007-01-16 12:46 PM
in reply to: #631977

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Hi Guy's - Just wanted to share an extract out of an e-mail my Tri-Coach sent me after the swim session last week.

You can watch the drill we did last night on

The site is pretty cool and offers tons of films on different drills.

If you do not have a pair yet you should buy a pair of zoomers. A lot of websites carry them, we recommend the zoomers, the blue ones
If you want to get some paddles we recommend the finis

There is an optional item you might want to get
It is a tempo trainer and will help you build consistency in your stroke rate and help you concentrate on other parts of the stroke.

I have ordered the Zoomer fins and the Finis paddles.



2007-01-16 2:40 PM
in reply to: #631977


Subject: RE: Gearwhore/himself Group - FULL
Sorry guys
The cold Colorado weather has my damn trucks frozen up over half the state. Frist chance to sit down and see whats happening before I sneak off to the pool.

Vacation: My choice would be around Orlando area with DisneyWorld and excellent fishing for bass this time of year.

Movies: Just saw Invincable, an excellent football movie and worth watching. Also have just seen the Illusionist with Ed Norton. This is also a decent move. Beerfest was dumb but silly enough to keep my attention. The 2 Kill Bill films are fun and if you are reallin into something different Rob Zombie's Devils Rejects is a fun one.

Now for another question: The seat on my bike is a difficult set up, I have moved it back, forward, tilted up and down and level and have also changed seat post elevation but the postion still seems wrong. Any suggestions wold be a great helpp

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