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2007-01-16 9:18 PM
in reply to: #639509

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
I get really annoyed at the pool! I will swim for 2 to 2.5 KLM'S then get out and think i could of swam 3 - 3.5 KLm's but never do! what is with that, it's like im trying to save my energy mentally for something?



2007-01-17 9:18 AM
in reply to: #639509

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Western North Carolina
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
17K/2,500 ft. uphill run coming up this weekend. This will be the farthest I have run at one time (without being chased). Most of my training is uphill, but up until now, I have only done about 6miles and 1,700ft.

One question: I expect it to take 1 1/2 hours -- should I try (for the first time) a gel fuel, or plug away with water. And if I take the gel, how should I carry it?

Also, how do you get a beer(s) to the top without carrying it?
2007-01-17 10:36 AM
in reply to: #639509

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Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Good morning everyone! Well, this early in my training I am not willing to just let some missed workouts go, besides, I enjoy them...

Last night I finally got back into it and it felt great! And I am looking forward to my run/swim brick tonight!

Good luck this week everyone!

2007-01-17 11:09 AM
in reply to: #657475

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

frsully - 2007-01-17 9:18 AM 17K/2,500 ft. uphill run coming up this weekend. This will be the farthest I have run at one time (without being chased). Most of my training is uphill, but up until now, I have only done about 6miles and 1,700ft. One question: I expect it to take 1 1/2 hours -- should I try (for the first time) a gel fuel, or plug away with water. And if I take the gel, how should I carry it? Also, how do you get a beer(s) to the top without carrying it?


Aha, sounds like a lot of fun...not.  You really shoudl be trying out gel before hand on a training run.  If you do use it for the race I would take one 15 min. prior to the start then about 6 miles in maybe.  You can buy a belt, if you have a race belt you can buy hammer gel that has a slot to slide it on your belt and that way you can rip it off and it is all right there.  I have stuck it in pockets, or I play with it in my hand if I carry it.  I can multitask like that.  Beer, I'd suggest the camelback approach! 



2007-01-17 12:48 PM
in reply to: #657475

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Hey frsully - LOL!!! "without being chased..." Definitely, if you're going to be out there longer than an hour, try a gel. If for anything, just to get used to taking them so you'll know what you like and what your system will tolerate for longer endurance events. I'd say start off with some kind of solid food before you start the run (30-45 minutes least 300 calories) then take the gel around 45 min into the event. You'll cruise...they work in approximately 5-10 minutes. Since you'll be taking H2O, try a gel with electrolytes (Power Gel has good tasting ones, GU too.) Once the weather gets warmer, you'll want to move to fluid electrolytes. To carry the gels, buy the single-serve packets (avoid the gel flasks - they're sticky...) If you don't have pockets, take a safety pin & pin them to your clothes - then just rip off the packet and the portion with the tab can stay attached to your clothes. Now, how eco-friendly is that? Like mentioned, Power Gels are good (about 100 calories) but there are all kinds of brands out there and you'll want to try different ones for your taste preferences and what seems to assimilate well.

Beer? LOL Recommendation #1, if a friend is going with you and he's carrying a backpack - slip the beers in his pack without him won't have to carry them... Recommendation #2 - think - catapult!

Edited by alta1110 2007-01-17 4:01 PM
2007-01-17 2:03 PM
in reply to: #657013

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Congrats Julie! That is awesome!!

2007-01-17 3:12 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Overland park/ KC area
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

NICE swim... but I am swimming to catch ya. Thanks for setting the pace for me

Seriously Great job!
2007-01-17 3:27 PM
in reply to: #657475

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
frsully - I would definitely try before you are in a race situation.  I love clif shots (mocha, mocha), but it is an aquired taste and there are so many out there your might want to find something you like that won't make you gag as you are approaching the clouds.  I love clif shot blocks (strawberry), they digest super quick and taste super.  Best of luck and don't start out too fast.  Slow and steady wins the race, isn't that what they say?  Julie
2007-01-17 3:30 PM
in reply to: #658320

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

OH, and thanks for all the kudos about the swim.  It felt nice.  I might try for longer next week, I haven't decided yet.  It is usually what time allows.  Have a super day. 

Dani - welcome back to the world of training.  So glad you are feeling better.  You know what your body can handle.  So if you are feeling great, go for it.  J

2007-01-17 8:51 PM
in reply to: #657094

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New user

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Is anyone else facing the everyone at work is getting sick? Some days i feel as half the battle to get in a workout is dodging the sick people at work.

Got in a very short brick. 15 minutes on the bike and 1 mile run.

2007-01-17 8:54 PM
in reply to: #639509


Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
jlorusso - I'm in Orlando. Today's high was a nice 71 degrees. The weather has been great for running. Got in the pool today and barely got to a 1/2 mile. Still struggling learning breathing and technique. Still gotta long way to go. Oh, I also have access to a cold plunge. If I could recommend anything it would be to try one. Either that or fill a bath tub with water and a lot of ice. It's great for soreness and fatigue. It sucks for a while to be in it, but you will feel great afterwards. Hope everyone is kickin' butt this week!

2007-01-17 8:57 PM
in reply to: #657475

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New user

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
frsully - 2007-01-17 9:18 AM

17K/2,500 ft. uphill run coming up this weekend. This will be the farthest I have run at one time (without being chased). Most of my training is uphill, but up until now, I have only done about 6miles and 1,700ft.

One question: I expect it to take 1 1/2 hours -- should I try (for the first time) a gel fuel, or plug away with water. And if I take the gel, how should I carry it?

Also, how do you get a beer(s) to the top without carrying it?

Who would be crazy enough to chase you up 2,500ft? I am fan of the cliff shots. Or something like Accelrade with the correct carb to protein ratio's. I have been listening to the Endurance and Nutrition podcasts by Dave Scott. Pretty interesting stuff.

as far as the beer, you could always try one of the old baseball helmets with the straws?
2007-01-17 8:58 PM
in reply to: #639509

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Come and live over here in Victoria, we are having the worst drought on record, the state has almost completly dried up, our Reservoir's are at 3 %, there is fire out of control in 60% of the state and they estimate they will last for the next six months and the smoke is across two states, we have had a state black out of no power yesterday which caused major accidents and deaths also from the fires, so things are pretty grim at the moment here.

Chin up

2007-01-18 11:05 AM
in reply to: #658708

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

I know what you mean about everyone being sick......that seems to be getting better in my neck of the woods, but for awhile there in the late fall and early winter it was almost scary how everyone had a cold or cough.

My advice is to keep working out (good for immune system), get plenty of viatmin C, and Purell, Purell, Purell!!!!!!

2007-01-18 11:28 AM
in reply to: #639509

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Ames, Iowa
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
OK,OK, so I am a TOTAL idiot regarding computers. (Thank goodness for the computer staff who bail me out here at work!!). SO, here's my issue. How do I NOT have my computer tell me every time there's a new message posted here, but still let me be a part of this group?? I tried to "unsubscribe" from threads, but it said I wasn't subscribed to any. Also, is there an easy way to "get" to this group other than always going to the Beginner Mentor forum, and then clicking on Alta's Group?? ummm, while I'm bing does the Log work, too???
A THOUSAND apologies for being , uhhh, s l o w about this stuff!!! THANKS for any help!!
2007-01-18 11:34 AM
in reply to: #639509

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Lompoc, CA
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
I am also glad to hear that missing a day is not too bad. although sometimes I feel like if I am not tired or sore that missing a day makes me feel a bit guilty. I suppose I should learn to enjoy the break.

I downloaded a training program and I think it is going to work out well, but I had to switch the Thursday and Friday training (swim vs. run) to accommodate my work schedule. I hate to mess with the wisdom of those that planned the program... but I've got work. Anyone think that training slightly out of order will hinder my progress? I can't see how it would, but hey... I'm new to all of this!


2007-01-18 11:36 AM
in reply to: #639509

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Ames, Iowa
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

I know that some of you are great swimmers, but I, for one, am NOT. But I finally got up enough nerve to ask for the help I so seriously need for the swim part. Tonight I get my first swim lesson with a reportedly GREAT swim trainer. I haven't had a swim lesson for 40 years or more!! I am SOOOOO scared!!! Mostly afraid he'll just watch me swim and say "you want to do TRIATHLONS??? WRONG!!!!!". gulp. So send me good mental vibes at about 4:30 midwest time! My running and biking and strength training are REALLY going well this winter, though, so that's something to celebrate!! THANK you all for being such a wonderful part of this group!!!!!!
2007-01-18 11:51 AM
in reply to: #659324

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Lompoc, CA
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Good for you for getting yourself a lesson and taking proactive steps to improve your swimming! I am not "fast and furious" in the water, so I kind of feel your pain. You can rely on my positive vibes coming your way!
2007-01-18 2:46 PM
in reply to: #659312

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

ridenrundoc, you can paste this link under links in your quick link preferences (top button next to your mini calendar and name it Alta's group or something wittier.  To not get the email notifications, click on the control panel button (next to home button above your info box in the top left and go down to email preferences and click no for the two areas where it asks if you want email notifications by default (for personal messages and for the other email notification that I can't quite recall at this moment)  Good luck.  Julie


Any other questions about the log ask away, it took me forever to figure everything out (the colors on the mini calendar, how to blog, not reply to others inspires so they can actually read them w/o going back into your log, etc.)  Glad to help.  I am a bit of a BT junkie.

2007-01-18 2:47 PM
in reply to: #659695

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
ok, how do you post planned workouts into the training log???
2007-01-18 2:50 PM
in reply to: #659324

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

ridenrundoc, swimming will come with time and practice, last year I didn't even know you could or should breath on both sides.  Duh, and with a lot of practice I can comfortably swim for fairly long distances.  I will have to let you know how much actual improvement I have made after the initial getting kicked in the face at my first race, but hopefully it will go smoother than last year, where I swam mostly breaststroke because I was a bit freaked out.  I am sure you will do awesome.  Enjoy!  Julie

2007-01-18 2:57 PM
in reply to: #659700

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
ChicagoMan65, if you click on the ? above your goals and click on general logging procedure, go down to the spot where it says training plans and click on for more info click here.  It will explain how to use or import a plan and then go to your control panel and I think change actual log to planned log.  Good luck.  I feel like such a computer geek.  Julie
2007-01-19 9:47 AM
in reply to: #639509

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Western North Carolina
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
I was reading the thread in the forum about H2O/nutrition bottles for the bike, and I think I have decided on my set up for the 17K -- I will staple two gel packs on my bike helmet chin strap which will have a six pack of beer velcro-ed on top (ala baseball hemet comment) with a straw twisted through the chin strap and taped to my cheek.

On the serious side, since I am using this as a training run, I am going to use gels for the first time. If I have a bad reaction, it'll give me a good excuse to stop the pain. Am I correct that I should wait to take them just before I come to a water station? In this case, 3mile and 6mile will be my plan. Any input?
2007-01-19 9:55 AM
in reply to: #639509


Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Another decent run last night. 6 miles in a light rain. 45 minute workout that was pretty intense. Lots of power movements and muscle endurance exercise. Gonna do some swimming and hopefully get to the bike today. Looking forward to having a rest day tomorrow!!
2007-01-19 10:13 AM
in reply to: #660557

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

Looking forward to a swim workout with our not so local tri group tomorrow a.m.  Always fun getting up on your days off at 5:30 a.m. !  Good luck with your workouts everyone!

Edited by trYgrl 2007-01-19 10:15 AM
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