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2007-01-24 8:22 PM
in reply to: #665926

San Luis Obispo, CA
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
patricia7 - 2007-01-24 4:32 AM

iswimslo - 2007-01-23 11:07 PM Sorry, I can ramble on about swimming forever. Lynne

Please DO ramble on Lynne, we'd love to hear your tips on swimming as much as possible. How many strokes / lap do you think we should aim for? I always find I swim slower with less strokes, which supposedly is more efficient.

Strokes per lap is a personal thing. If I concentrate really hard on my stroke count I can get it down to about 16 per 25 yds, but if I try to go faster or start to get tired I usually end up at about 20-21.

Here's a good drill to work on getting your stroke count lower and your speed higher. We call it "swolf" - a combination of swimming and golf. It takes a bit of concentration because you have to count your stroke cycles and get your time for each 50. Do it once every week or two noting the results in your journal/log. After you get used to doing it, you should see some improvement your "score".

Swim several (maybe 4-8) 50's taking a short break at each 50.

Count your stroke cycles for the first 50 - a cycle is each time your left hand (or your right hand, but only one hand) enters the water. When you finish the first 50 be sure to get your time from the pace clock (hopefully there is one available at your pool).

Now, add the two numbers together for your par score - for example, 45 seconds plus 25 strokes = a par of 70.

Swim the remaining 50's and count your stroke cycles for each one, adding that number to your time for each one. The goal is to get under your par score on the rest of the 50's.

2007-01-25 1:17 AM
in reply to: #666547

Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi everybody
Living furthest east, I can asure you the sun got up today- so expect her a few hours from now.
First I want to welcome Angelo to the group. I admire your determination - couch to olympic - wow - but as I see you are already well on you way. Good luck with it. Good luck also to you Jeff for your check-up, I hope it's nothing serious so you can get right back to where you left off.
I had another great jog ( in snail-pace of course) today but I must say I'm getting a bit more confused every time I try to monitor my HR. I set the monitor to "hard" because any activity but sneezing sends my HR "flying high". So I was crawling along, constantly checking and being quite proud of myself that I was able to stay just under 153 (HR I thought). I was feeling great.
However after I finished and opened to pandora box, meaning stopping the exercise and see the data - naturally I am most curious about the burnt calories - the watch told me that my max HR was 174 and my average was 147. I was a bit shocked that the numbers were so high.
All along I felt really good, talking to myself to see if I'm huffing and puffing - but no - I could do this without much effort, but then why the high numbers? Turnes out - as I understand now - the 153 limit was not actually HR but a "zone limit". I guess I fooled myself again
My resting puls in the morning is 64 (quite high I bet compared to some of yours)
What's going on?
Anyway, I felt I slight discomfort on my right toes during my jog - just to be surprised when I took my shoe off that my sock was all red town there. One of my toes started bleeding for no apparent reason and made quite a mess.
So keep on watching out for the sun - she's on her way with warm greetings to all of you fom the most eastern member of our group.

2007-01-25 8:49 AM
in reply to: #667159

Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

You said that you are the furthest east in the group. Where are you from? I figured I had to be about the furthest east since I live on the Potomac.

Bummer about the bleeding toe. Maybe we should change our group name to Older and Weird Injuries Group.

I also saw you got a Polar Heart Monitor. How do you like it? I've been looking at the Polar because it can be used with the machines at the YMCA I go to. I've got a Garmin Forerruner, part heart monitor, part GPS. My son keeps asking if he can borrow it. He's away at school. I'd probably never see it again.

In other news, my son told me that when he gets back from Afghanistan, he's going to run a marathon in April, I believe in Maryland. I told him I wasn't quite ready to challenge him yet.

Edited by jbwcpa 2007-01-25 8:57 AM
2007-01-25 11:09 AM
in reply to: #652388


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
I might be the furthest East. I live on LONG ISLAND. About half way between NYC and the HAMPTONS.

Gotta get to the Y now for my 29 min. swim. I'm going to add some arb and weight exercises today.

2007-01-25 12:28 PM
in reply to: #652388

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

I got an email from Malinda and she is ok.  She works for the US Army Corps of Engineers and has been deployed to the ice storm area, the one she wrote about in her logs.  She’s working 12 hour days, making real and meaningful contribution to peoples’ lives.  We’re so proud of her.  Let’s make sure we give her lots of support and encouragement when she gets back.

Lynne, thanks for your swolf drill.  I’ll try it Sat.  I think the #’s mean it’s worth taking 2 extra strokes (1 stroke cycle) if it makes you faster by 1 sec, a very reasonable tradeoff.  

Wolf, and Angelo and Rose and everybody that’s just starting out.  Set yourself up for success – Please Take It Slow and Easy.  When I first started, I made huge gains, started from walking / running around the block to 9 min/mi for my first 10K race.  Then I bought a HR monitor and it basically said I’d been exercising in the “junk miles zone” (145-155 at the time)!  Apparently, I was exercising too hard to build endurance, and too slow to build speed.   It wanted me to exercise at 135 and below, I ran 2 steps and the darn thing went above the zone, I had to WALK.  WHAT DO YOU MEAN ME WALK?  The whole point is to run faster!  I was already capable of 9min/mi for 10K.  But as the volume built, I found myself taking longer and longer to recover, my knees didn’t feel as strong.  Good thing I didn’t get to the point I was injured.  I finally resigned and learnt to run slow, reeeeally really slow, even with WALK breaks.  After a while, I could run 3+hours at 135, I felt strong, with no soreness nor fatigue the next day.  And of course, I could run that much faster at 155.

IF YOU WANT TO RUN LONGER AND FASTER WITH LOW RISK OF INJURY, YOU MUST TRAIN YOURSELF TO RUN SLOW, EVEN WALK.  Trust me, don’t make the same mistake I did.  HR training and testing protocols can be technical and I’m not qualified to speak to the issue, there are many good articles on BT and on the internet so feel free to explore.   For beginners, here’s one of the simplest and most conservative approach (Maffetone):
Maximum training HR = 180 – age.  eg if age 48, max training HR = 132
Minimum training HR = 180 – age -10.  eg if age, min = 122.
Subtract 5 from the max/min #’s if you’re starting out or recovering from injuries.
Add 5 if you’ve been exercising for 2 years w/o injury and have been making progress. 

For those that have raced, runner’s world has a training pace calculator here. Enter you race time and click on training paces.  80-90% of weekly running s/b at the easy pace.

The other thing I’d like to remind everybody is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.  Pain is your body's way of telling you to stop, something is wrong, listen to it.  And HR training is just listening to what your heart rate is telling you. If you feel sore the next day, you’ve done too much.  Adjust the volume accordingly.  Make sure all long / hard workouts are preceded by a rest day and followed by a recovery day. 

Also, weight loss is twice as effective if you eat right and exercise.  Don’t forget the eating part of the equation.

Wolf – What happened to your toe!  Ice it to prevent swelling.  Make sure toe nails are cut, but not too short.  Is your shoes big enough?  I actually have running shoes of 2 different sizes, the smaller one for regular runs, the larger one for long runs because your feet do swell the longer your run.  Some people apply Vaseline to hot spots on their feet prior to their long run to prevent blisters.  Hope you feel better soon.

Good idea to know what your resting heart rate is (first thing in the morning, before you get out of bed).  Mine’s about 48, dropped 15 beats/min over the years.  What’s everybody’s?  I know I’m doing something right when I think of all the extra work my heart doesn’t have to do anymore, 15beats/min, 24/7/365 times #years I’ve to live. 

Wolf is in Negev Desert in Israel, Jeff, 7 hrs ahead of Eastern time zone, I believe.

2007-01-25 1:48 PM
in reply to: #652388

Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi everyone
Thanks for the good advice - Patricia - I'll take it to heart.

My toes are ok - just a cut from a toenail. Looked worse than it is - no problems there.
Yes- I see the sun 7 hours earlier than most of you - and the best thing is's almost a sure bet that there will be sun. We get only avg. 70mm of rain annually. Its perfect now to train outside - in the summer it gets hot though.
I'm waiting for the books I ordered from amazon to get into a more organized training schedule
Happy training everybody...

2007-01-25 1:54 PM
in reply to: #667776

San Luis Obispo, CA
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Patricica -

Thank you for the link to the training pace calculator. I look at Runner's World all the time and I've never noticed that portion of the calculator. This is very helpful!
2007-01-25 2:00 PM
in reply to: #667603

Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi Jeff
hope you son is safe in afghanistan - luckily he is going to be back soon, as you wrote.
I would think it's way too early to even think of a marathon - if all goes well - knock on wood - I shall look into that in 12 months from now (very optimistic plan) . But....Greece is not so far from where I live. Wouldn't it be grand to run the original marathon?
2007-01-25 2:13 PM
in reply to: #652388


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Oh my goodness talk about information overflow - Patricia, thank you so much. I've read your email twice and I think I need to read it a third time to retain all this information. It sounds like you do just as much research as you do training.

Wolf, I love listening to your details on where you live. It sounds so exotic to me. You lied about the sun though - it did not reach us this morning. It has cast a tiny bit of light but absolutely no heat - we are currently sitting at -14 feels like -24 (with wind chill factor) and tonight we can expect -18 and will feel like -27 (with wind chill factor). My parents come from southern Italy and they picked Canada as their new home - IMAGINE- just joking!!!! Canada's wonderful!!! Hope your toe gets better soon -

2007-01-25 2:23 PM
in reply to: #652388

User image

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Sorry about the info overload.  I'm becoming long-winded in my old age, I'll work on being briefer in future.  For those in the US, -14 / -24C translates to 7 / -11F for today, and -18 / -27C is 0 / -17F for tonight.
2007-01-25 4:10 PM
in reply to: #652388

Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Looks like I'm going to live. No amputation required. Fortunately, the doctor didn't find any ligament or cartlidge damage, so he suspects inflammation. Ibuprophren 4 times a day and I should probably go see a podiatrist to make sure I'm not over-pronating. Anyway, it looks like I'll be starting back up tonight or tomorrow. Start with swimmng and then add bike, strenth and finally running over the next two weeks.

70 mm of rain?? I sweat more than that in one workout.

Edited by jbwcpa 2007-01-25 4:11 PM

2007-01-25 6:03 PM
in reply to: #668217

San Luis Obispo, CA
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Great news Jeff. Glad you can get back to training.

Do you stretch on a regular basis? I had major pain in my knees in 2005 and it turned out to be an IT band issue. My IT band was very tight and I needed to do more stretching after I ran and strengthen certain leg muscles. Yoga class helped too.
2007-01-26 9:24 AM
in reply to: #652388


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hello All,

I just got back last night from McAlester, Oklahoma. I work for the US Army Corps of Engineers as a Real Estate Specialist. We have a team that supports the Federal Emergency Management Agency by providing generators to locations without power. The team has worked to install over 60 locations with various size generators. Some locations are still without power today, Friday. Approximately 2,500 customers. My mission was to obtain right of entry permits for the generators. This is a document that allows government personnel and its contractors the permission to be on private or semi-private property (as in rural water districts).

We were working 12 hour days so that cut into training time available. The hotel did have an open pool but it was not heated. There was no way that I was getting in it since it was covered in ice last week.

The Oklahoma Baptist Men Association is pumping out meals right and left. I got to see their operational base. I was amazed at the shear size and the number of people working. The Red Cross is distributing the meals around the area. The Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief Services also has chain saw crews out cutting up the downed trees.

2007-01-26 9:41 AM
in reply to: #652388


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
That sounds so intense - You must be so tired. How wonderful that everyone is helping out - its just under these types of situations that humanity pulls together and does great things. Good for you and everyone that helped out. You must be so happy to be home though. Welcome back.
2007-01-26 11:33 AM
in reply to: #668781

San Luis Obispo, CA
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Welcome back Malinda. Those 12 hour days are killer and make working out so difficult. I'm shocked to hear there are still folks without power. I guess cleanup efforts are not as newsworthy. Hats off to the volunteers!
2007-01-27 11:21 PM
in reply to: #652388

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

Hi all,

Quite a week – a warm welcome to Angelo, our newest member; Wolf is having some fun playing with his new toy, the HR monitor. Great to know that Jeff and Malinda are still in one piece and are resuming training. Malinda, we’re so proud of all your efforts in helping people get their power back in the ice storm affected area. Meanwhile, Lynne, Jennifer and I are quietly building endurance and have all got in at least 4 workouts this week, for the second consecutive week.  Rose, who joined our group last week, wants to run a 5K eventually, and this week has already logged in 8K.  You'll be able to reach your goal in no time, Rose, good job!

I’d like to propose that every week or two, we discuss an important issue that’s relevant to our goals. If each person contributes 1-2 points, that’ll give us 8-16 salient points on each topic. I’ll combine all our wonderful ideas in one summary post (1st post on this page which I’ve reserved a spot), our "collective wisdom" so to speak. At the end, we’ll have a souvenir and something we can take away for future reference. This should help all of us as we’re not all at the same stage in our training. I think we want to focus on quality, not quantity. Obviously, we don’t want to spend too much time on this, as our #1 priority is working out.

Shall we give this a try and see where it goes? Let me start off with the issue of weight loss / maintenance. Here are the 2 things that work best for me, that if I do them, chances are weight loss / maintenance will follow:

Most effective weight loss / maintenance strategies:

  1. Weigh myself regularly, say every week. No denial. Feels great when it goes down. When it creeps up, time to cut out the wine and cheese.
  2. Do a race that’s the same every year. Racing keeps us training. The same race makes it easier to compare our fitness level year over year and with others in our age group. I’ve done a certain 5K race with my hubby in downtown Toronto every year for the past 7 years or so, and both of us have been able to maintain our weight during this time. My hubby is not a triathlete, but 5K is manageable even for him. After the race, we walk to our favourite breakfast hang out, where we watch the half-marathoners and marathoners do their thing. There’s a celebratory atmosphere in the entire downtown, really makes you feel alive.
  3. … give it some thought and tell me what works best for you and I’ll combine and post at the beginning of page. Try to be specific, eg instead of "eat right", say "eat no more than xxx meals per day" …

Future topics – please suggest:

  • Best ways to improve your swim
  • Best ways to improve your bike
  • Best ways to improve your run
  • Best ways to avoid injuries

Edited by patricia7 2007-02-01 10:34 PM

2007-01-27 11:47 PM
in reply to: #652388

User image

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

I'm going on a 1-wk ski trip to Aspen, CO tomorrow.  This will be my last post for the week, and may not get to post much next week.   I haven't received any suggestions or nominations for awards, so I'll make the executive decision.  This week's award is for the coolest idea - the winner is Lynne, for her "swolf" drill.  I've heard of it before, but never really understand what it does.  When I tried it today, I gained a totally new appreciation of the interaction between efficiency and speed - efficiency is a two edged sword, you really have to experiment.  Thanks Lynne for the idea.  Here's the award standing thus far:










1. most inspiring training session – Jan 17








2. toughing it out








3. coolest idea – "swolf"








Overall winner – TBA









Happy training, 

Edited by patricia7 2007-02-01 10:35 PM
2007-01-28 1:46 AM
in reply to: #652388

Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi all from the sunny desert - the temperatures you guys are reporting are shocking. We are in our 20 C. The sun is shining the birds are singing and everything is perfect.
Malinda - welcome back from your mission, helping to restore power after an ice-storm. You can be proud of yourself for doing this important and meaningful work.
Much more meaningful than what I am doing, for sure.
Jeff - how ya doing? Happy news I hear. Good that it's not as serious as I looked a couple of days back.
Patricia, Lynne and Jennifer our strike force, can you hear my faint voice of encouragement and admiration from far behind you? Great work you are doing and one day I want to be just as good as you are now. I probably can just dream about it because, for one, I am a lousy swimmer. By the way are there folks doing triathlons who only swim doing breast-strokes?
Rose, I also love Canada. My kids spent one year in Ottawa and I visited in march. We went skating on the canal and had an awesome time together – skiing and all.
Did you ever visit southern Italy where your parents are from?
Patricia – I am green from jealousy. Not just because of your top fitness, but because of going skiing for one entire week. Originally I am from the Alps and skiing is the sport I do best. That's all I did during winters until I left my home country to explore the world. So happy skiing and ...hals und beinbruch – that's german - meaning come back in good health. Literally it means break your neck and your leg but it is meant the other way around. Don't!!!
These germans …it' difficult to understand them sometimes.
Happy training to all of you
2007-01-29 9:33 AM
in reply to: #667776


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
patricia7 - 2007-01-25 12:28 PM

IF YOU WANT TO RUN LONGER AND FASTER WITH LOW RISK OF INJURY, YOU MUST TRAIN YOURSELF TO RUN SLOW, EVEN WALK.  Trust me, don’t make the same mistake I did.  HR training and testing protocols can be technical and I’m not qualified to speak to the issue, there are many good articles on BT and on the internet so feel free to explore.   For beginners, here’s one of the simplest and most conservative approach (Maffetone):
Maximum training HR = 180 – age.  eg if age 48, max training HR = 132
Minimum training HR = 180 – age -10.  eg if age, min = 122.
Subtract 5 from the max/min #’s if you’re starting out or recovering from injuries.
Add 5 if you’ve been exercising for 2 years w/o injury and have been making progress. 

Ok, I am trying to understand this heart rate idea. At age 48, on the bike heart rate monitor, it showed that about 70% was 125. For weight loss, it wanted my heart rate lower than that. From 125 to 140 was for cardio training. Am I better going long and slower or trying to get up some speed? I don't want to be wasting the training time.

My gym is still full of the New Years resolution people and the gym has cut available time on the cardio equipment down to 30 minutes. How can I maximize the time available? I am not a good swimmer but the lap lanes are mostly open or shared with only one other person. Yesterday, every weight machine had a person on it most of the time. We had the New Years resolution time then 2 weeks of ice when nobody went to the gym or anywhere outside of daylight hours so the new people came back for another try.

2007-01-29 12:09 PM
in reply to: #671143

San Luis Obispo, CA
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

I'm not qualified to answer your heart rate questions, but I do have some suggestions regarding gym overcrowding/time limits on the equipment.

If the pool is not crowded and you can split a lane with one other person or swim by yourself TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SITUATION. There is nothing better than to be able to do your swim workout without having to worry about sharing the lane with 3 or 4 others. Also, it is the perfect time to work on your swimming because there is NO pressure from your lanemates. You can go as fast or slow as you want. Done correctly, you can still get a good cardio workout in the pool and it's non-impact, which is good for us older (and wiser) athletes.

The pesky time limit on the cardio equipment calls for a little more creativity. How about a "brick" (2 parts of the triathlon in one workout). Try 15-20 minutes on the bike followed immediately by 15 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical. Eliminates the time limit situation AND gives your body the feel for moving from the bike to the run. If you don't have gym employees that enforce the time limit and it isn't super busy, then just go beyond the 30 minute limit. My gym has time limit signs posted everywhere, but if there are machines open, then I usually always go over the time limit.

As far as the weight machines, just work yourself into the rotation as best you can.

Can you try to go to the gym at other times? I've found very few crowding issues at my gym early in the morning, but at 5:00 p.m. you can't even get a parking place! Some days are busier than others too. Do a little observation while your there and you should be able to find a less busy time.

How is the weather? Can you do your run outside?

Be patient. The New Year's resolution crowd should start to thin out over the next month.
2007-01-29 1:35 PM
in reply to: #671453


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Can you try to go to the gym at other times? I've found very few crowding issues at my gym early in the morning, but at 5:00 p.m. you can't even get a parking place! Some days are busier than others too. Do a little observation while your there and you should be able to find a less busy time

I have been going to the gym at 5:15am. I live in a bedroom community so I think that is part of why the gym is crowded so early. Don't even think of going at 4:30 -5pm because if your child is in afterschool care, they will take care of your child until 6pm. The place thins out considerably when the childcare comes to a close. Same situation in the later morning. They offer child care from 9-11.

I am just waiting for the weather to clear up a bit more before venturing outside much. This morning it was only 32 degrees with ice still. Today at lunch it was up to 50. The trails next to work are soggy. I can't wait to get back out.

2007-01-30 2:08 PM
in reply to: #667985


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
rblahuta - 2007-01-25 3:13 PM

Oh my goodness talk about information overflow - Patricia, thank you so much. I've read your email twice and I think I need to read it a third time to retain all this information. It sounds like you do just as much research as you do training.

Wolf, I love listening to your details on where you live. It sounds so exotic to me. You lied about the sun though - it did not reach us this morning. It has cast a tiny bit of light but absolutely no heat - we are currently sitting at -14 feels like -24 (with wind chill factor) and tonight we can expect -18 and will feel like -27 (with wind chill factor). My parents come from southern Italy and they picked Canada as their new home - IMAGINE- just joking!!!! Canada's wonderful!!! Hope your toe gets better soon -


Always shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars. ...
2007-01-30 6:45 PM
in reply to: #652388

User image

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

Hi all,

Just checking in from Aspen.  Weather is mild (9F / -12C), sun is shining, highest vertical in US, easy access to 4 great mountains, no lift lines, great restaurants, very classy - no wonder Aspen is one of the top ski destinations in US!

Yes Wolf, skating at the Rideau, the world's largest naturally frozen ice rink, is one of those quintessential Canadian experience not to be missed.  It's apparently equivalent to the size of 90 Olympic sized rinks.  About this time every year, weather permitting, they hold a triathlon - 8k skate, 4.5k ski and 5k run.  Wouldn't mind doing that one of these days.

I'm no expert in HR training.  But in answer to Malinda's question, most research indicates that staying in the aerobic zone (125-140 according to your bike monitor), is most effective for cardiovascular training, the major benefit of exercise.  Even though it may burn less % of fat than HR<125 (so called fat burning zone), it burns more absolute fat and overall calories in a 30min workout and so is very effective for weight loss.  The Maffetone formula provided in my example gives an aerobic zone of 122-132, which, as you can see, is quite comparable.  Don't forget you can use the BT training log to calculate the heart rate zones.  Hope that helps.

Edited by patricia7 2007-02-04 8:43 PM
2007-01-31 1:20 AM
in reply to: #652388

Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi everybody
Yes – the sun came up again today so we have another day ahead of us which we can use for…exercising of course.
I started my day with a very slow – even slower than I already am – walk up the serpentines. I become a bit of a joke of the neighborhood though when people see my "racing" along.
"What are you doing"? "I'm walking". Why do you suddenly walk? I haven't seen you walking before." "I'm training for a triathlon as a matter of fact". " Oh, really, isn't that supposed to be tuff"? "Yes it is". "But why are you walking then? Can one walk a triathlon"?
I walked really slow and stayed within the recommended HR – yes!!
Never mind everything else. I have an issue with my Polar watch though. - Jeff, that's to answer your question if I like it or not. I like it but I have some problems that may not be relevant to you. My first watch (F6) had a glitch – not illuminating the dial completely, leaving a wide bar across the dial unilluminated... - is there a word like this?. I exchanged it yesterday and the "new" one does not illuminate anything at all…. due to a low battery – in a new instrument! Quite annoying I must say.
Happy skiing in Aspen, Patricia. It sounds wonderful.
Everybody else – keep up the good work you are doing.
2007-01-31 8:26 AM
in reply to: #673673


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi everyone, yes the sun came up here too. Only -6C today (high) and with wind chill feels like -15 C (balmy day). Everything is covered in snow so it is quite beautiful - but it is very icy so any outdoor activity is not a good idea.
Wolf you beat me to Ottawa because I have never been. I have actually seen very little of Canada even though I have lived here for 40 years (born in Italy) and yes I have been to the sunny south of Italy many times because my father is 1/10 and his whole family is in Europe. I lived in Rome for 1 year after I finished University (1983/1984). Best year of my life. I have seen a bit of Europe (Belgium, France, England, Switzerland, Germany (Oktoberfest) Poland, Greece and of course most of Italy) but I have never been to Israel (the holy land) which of course I will have to do in my lifetime. I should make a list of all the things I need to do in my lifetime... Run 1/2 marathon, visit Jerusalem.... Have you ever been to Italy?

Anyway back to work I go (reality) - have a great day everyone.
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