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2007-02-09 3:07 PM
in reply to: #683702

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
So I finally did my first swim workout today. I'm not sure if you could even call it a workout, though, I only did about 8 or 9 laps. It's silly that I would have so much anxiety about it! But... I am very familiar with the sport of running---somewhat so for biking--but swimming takes me totally out of my comfort zone. I actually walked into the Men's locker room by accident because I was so frazzled by the pool experience.

After a few minutes, I finally realized that I wasn't swimming with Michael Phelps, and that everyone else in the pool was just like me. It just always seemed like a sport for such elite athletes--but there are people of all shapes and sizes (even ages!) in the pool at my gym.

Running 22-24 miles tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll be hitting the pool again this week

2007-02-09 4:00 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Way to go Mandi. The pool is all technique so be patient. Have a good run this weekend>
2007-02-11 5:21 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Mandi nice week, hit the pool and put in epic run. Great job. How those legs feeling
2007-02-11 5:28 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full

How did the long run go?
I offically start my formal 14 week plan for my first tri tomorrow!!!! Yaaay!

2007-02-11 8:45 PM
in reply to: #686994

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Thanks for asking---It was actually pretty good! It felt WAY better than 20 did a few weeks ago...I guess that whole building mileage thing is indeed a sound philosophy

The next 14 weeks will be a blast! I have had such a good time during the training process. I am so much more focused on nutrition and fitness when I have a training goal. Are you doing anything with a group? Did you get your training plan from this site? a book?

Edited by mlbwalk 2007-02-11 8:54 PM
2007-02-12 4:02 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I'm a single Dad so it's hard to get out and train with a group. I get up at 4:30am to get everything in before my daughter gets up. So, it's just you guys in here and my iPod. I found a lot of triathlon based podcasts that are very interesting that I listen to during training.
I looked at a lot of training plans and ended up purchasing one from It explains all the phases of training and has 3 different training levels for each sport. So, if you're weak in swimming but strong in cycling and running you can do the Level 1 swim workouts and the level 2 or 3 in run and cycling.

2007-02-14 5:30 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
How is everyone's training week coming along?
2007-02-14 11:41 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I had a good strength workout Monday. Nice run yesterday. Today..........well, we're having an ice storm and everything is shut down. I might have to jump on the elliptical at home. I just got the movie "What It Takes" ( so I can pop that in while exercising.

I hear it's nice down in Florida. I had a chance to go to the Daytona 500 this weekend but passed it up. UGH!!!
2007-02-14 12:04 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Nice here today, but it is supposed to be cold(relative term) this weekend.
2007-02-15 4:03 PM
in reply to: #690528

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
My week has pretty much sucked!

I haven't been able to do any kind of physical activity this week, due to a medical condition that is apparently very common (but no less embarrassing!) among long distance runners, weightlifters, truck drivers, and pregnant women.

I have to meet w/ a surgeon on Monday, who has already told me that the Gasparilla Half is OUT for this Sunday. I'm still debating just sucking it up and running through the pain since running can't make the problem any worse.

The surgeon's nurse must be a runner because she scheduled me right away after I told her I was running a marathon in 2 weeks.
2007-02-15 4:33 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full

Don't let it get you down. It's still very early in the season.


2007-02-15 5:23 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Mandi don't stress. Just get yourself healthy. The racing will be there when you are ready. Good luck.
2007-02-16 8:29 PM
in reply to: #687377


Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
wow - 4:30 am! I admire you for being dedicated and doing what you need to do to fit your workout in! That is awesome!
thanks for the web link - I'm going to go check it out!
2007-02-18 4:21 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I get up at 4:30 but usually in bed by 9:30. Thank goodness for tivo!! I can't even stay up late on the weekends.
First week of my training plan is complete! Can't wait until I'm an actual triathlete.
How is everyone else doing?

I hope Mandi is still checking in and gives us an update after her Dr appointment tomorrow.

2007-02-19 5:09 PM
in reply to: #694696

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
All clear to run again!

The doc said no surgery, I just have to wait for my body to heal itself in 2-3 weeks. He said running won't hurt anything, it will just be uncomfortable from time to time.

Ran 40 minutes today to celebrate It's quite amazing that my body didn't feel at all like I hadn't run in over a week. I thought for sure I'd be limping and out of breath. I guess you don't lose it that quickly!
2007-02-19 5:20 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
That's awesome!!!

Sucks that you had to miss your race this weekend. Are you still considering the marathon?

2007-02-19 6:44 PM
in reply to: #696107

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I am absolutely doing the marathon!

Come hell or high water at this point...

Luckily, all of this occured during my 3-week tapering period. Missing a week of running isn't such a big deal when it comes right after the final long training run.

How is week 2 going??

2007-02-19 6:46 PM
in reply to: #696220

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Rob--how 'bout this beautiful day today???? I didn't even need a jacket this afternoon
2007-02-19 7:09 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Week 2 has started out great. It's a rest day. :-)
I'll tell you though that it's very hard to take a day off. I have a stretching tape so I did that today. I figured that was still part of recovery.

I'm glad you're still doing the marathon. Those miles are a great base to have this early in the season. It should really help you with everything else you want to accomplish this year.
2007-02-20 5:30 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Great news Mandi! Glad to hear that all is well and you are back running. The weather is getting a little better everyday this week, great for running. Maybe it was a good thing to miss the race with the marathon around the corner. Better to have a good taper and be ready for the marathon. I am exicted for you. You are going to do great. Steve enjoy the rest days when you have them(I know it is hard). Hope you all have a good week.
2007-02-22 5:28 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Wow....I've had 2 runs this week with the temps in the 30s. It's a heatwave.
I've learned to enjoy those rest days. Training is much different for Triathlon than just running. I love all the training and feel much more alive.

On another note, I'm starting to look for tri specific clothing for my training and races. Anybody have any suggestions?

I hope everyone is having a great week.

PS: Hans, where are you?? I hope you haven't done something too crazy.

2007-02-22 6:23 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Steve i like the sugio and desots stuff, it holds up well and seems to fit me well. glad to hear that you are enjoying that cold! Hans, Erica ? What happened to you?
2007-02-22 1:37 PM
in reply to: #698918

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I'm OK!

We had a blizzard this night/today, but I stayed indoor, working on my bike and trainer. Speed sensor, cadence sensor, power metering and anything else are setup now. The bike is placed in the living room in front of the TV. Time for testing - will do my first work out tonight.

I'll let you know how it went - if I don't fall of my steel horse.

I guess I have to use the treadmill for some days until the weather starts to behave.

2007-02-23 1:54 AM
in reply to: #699585

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Had a nice training. Everything worked fine, but i needed some music.

Did some warm-up, followed by 3 hard intervals, then 3 long intervals and cool down

Can't wait to get back in the saddle.

Weather are getting better, but still snow and wind. The traffic is caos, but that is typically for Denmark when we have snow.

2007-02-23 5:37 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans do you have a power meter?
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