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2007-07-17 1:47 PM
in reply to: #889547

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2007-07-17 2:01 PM
in reply to: #889547

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?

Renee - 2007-07-17 8:43 AM Does anyone remember what happened to the locket they found at the Black House when they were cleaning up? The locket that they couldn't open.

I was wondering if that's what Harry is wearing in the picture on the US cover. 

2007-07-17 2:12 PM
in reply to: #889588

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?

Well, assuming I just read the actual Epilogue from the book (and there is no indication to me that it is not a true photgraph collection from the book.  Everything looked 100% legit to me), then I could give you the answer to the question for good .......... in fact I could give you a running list of who survives .......


2007-07-17 2:15 PM
in reply to: #889547

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?

Renee - 2007-07-17 2:43 PM Does anyone remember what happened to the locket they found at the Black House when they were cleaning up? The locket that they couldn't open.

Without going into spoilers ....... and simply going on what was deduced after everyone finished HBP .......

Everyone on HPANA figured that RAB stands for Regulus Black, the locket at Sirius' house is the correct one and if we all remember from earlier in HBP, Mundunguss had a bunch of Sirius' stuff, one of those things was the locket if I remember correctly ......

2007-07-17 2:16 PM
in reply to: #889588

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
naners - 2007-07-17 3:01 PM

Renee - 2007-07-17 8:43 AM Does anyone remember what happened to the locket they found at the Black House when they were cleaning up? The locket that they couldn't open.

I was wondering if that's what Harry is wearing in the picture on the US cover. 

Ooooh! Good call/eye, naners. Dumbledore wore the ring/horcrux after he had destroyed the horcrux in it. It will make sense.

2007-07-17 2:16 PM
in reply to: #889614

Mountain View, CA
Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
Daremo - 2007-07-17 12:15 PM

Renee - 2007-07-17 2:43 PM Does anyone remember what happened to the locket they found at the Black House when they were cleaning up? The locket that they couldn't open.

Without going into spoilers ....... and simply going on what was deduced after everyone finished HBP .......

Everyone on HPANA figured that RAB stands for Regulus Black, the locket at Sirius' house is the correct one and if we all remember from earlier in HBP, Mundunguss had a bunch of Sirius' stuff, one of those things was the locket if I remember correctly ......


2007-07-17 2:19 PM
in reply to: #889614

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
Daremo - 2007-07-17 3:15 PM

Renee - 2007-07-17 2:43 PM Does anyone remember what happened to the locket they found at the Black House when they were cleaning up? The locket that they couldn't open.

Without going into spoilers ....... and simply going on what was deduced after everyone finished HBP .......

Everyone on HPANA figured that RAB stands for Regulus Black, the locket at Sirius' house is the correct one and if we all remember from earlier in HBP, Mundunguss had a bunch of Sirius' stuff, one of those things was the locket if I remember correctly ......

Yes, I recalled that Mundungus had stolen many House of Black possessions. However, wasn't sure if the locket was one of those stolen items.

PLEASE only spoiler-free speculation/responses. Thanks!

2007-07-17 2:21 PM
in reply to: #854812

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
That was, don't worry ....... unlike Spokes, I haven't speed read the first half of the book ...... only the Epilogue.
2007-07-17 2:32 PM
in reply to: #889622

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?

So does anyone know definitively (from the already released books) that Mundungus was in possession of the locket?

I noticed in the British book cover there is a hand holding a sword in the middle of the graphic. Gryffindor's sword? Hand seems to be blackened/shriveled (like Dumbedore's was).

2007-07-17 2:38 PM
in reply to: #889649

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?

I just read that Scholastic is going after the person who posted images of copyrighted material. Don't we call that stealing?



2007-07-17 2:41 PM
in reply to: #889649

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?

The only time it could have been mentioned was when Harry, Ron, Hermione saw him in Hogsmeade trying to sell stuff and he dropped everything.  I don't think there was a specific mention of the locket, jsut things with the Black crest on it.

But IIRC, the locket was one of things Kreacher was hoarding in OOTP???

2007-07-17 2:42 PM
in reply to: #854812

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
I'm a little late to the party here - and I don't have nearly the memory or analysis level of other people here - but I don't think that Harry will die. At the end of the day, these are still kids books, and it seems unlikely that Rowling is going to go for something other than a fairytale happy ending.
2007-07-17 2:46 PM
in reply to: #889673

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
Daremo - 2007-07-17 3:41 PM

The only time it could have been mentioned was when Harry, Ron, Hermione saw him in Hogsmeade trying to sell stuff and he dropped everything.  I don't think there was a specific mention of the locket, jsut things with the Black crest on it.

But IIRC, the locket was one of things Kreacher was hoarding in OOTP???

I can't remember. Just remember that they found a locket, nobody could open it. Either Kreacher or Mundungus made off with it. Or it's still lying around the house somewhere.

Speculated about the locket with my nephew that one of our regulars might wear the locket and become possessed, like the way Ginny was possessed when she was in possession of Tom Riddle's diary. I think it's unlikely but not entirely so.

DANG I can't wait for the book to come out!

On Friday, Barnes & Nobles is handing out wristbands starting at 7pm for people wanting to buy the book. Books will be sold in order of your wristband (numbered?) but only if you've reserved the book (I have). I'm going to get my wristband at 7p then come back after 11p to get the book at midnight.

Edited by Renee 2007-07-17 2:47 PM
2007-07-17 2:46 PM
in reply to: #889673

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?

While they may (with a long shot in hell) be able to find the person, the fact that it is out and all over the place now (flood gates opened .... one person puts it on their hard drive and then even if it is taken off the net by a host, it still exists somewhere else).  So it can pretty easily be found.  Took me about a minute to find the Epilogue.

Unfortunate that it was leaked, but in this "modern" age, that is pretty much the norm.

I knew DD was killed before HBP came out because in like a 2 hour period the bets that he would be killed were 100x what they were at other times, adn all from one localized area newr the UK publisher ..... go figure!!

2007-07-17 2:50 PM
in reply to: #889689

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
Daremo - 2007-07-17 3:46 PM

While they may (with a long shot in hell) be able to find the person,

Actually, not such a long shot it seems. The user in question has been temporarily banned from the site and the site has been subpoened to release the identity of said user. They will also have IP address information which, I'm sure, will be part of the subpoena.

I wasn't commenting on if it can be found - just glad that they will find the culprit.

Edit: Seems they have already released the identity of the culprit. Too bad they can't send him/her to Azkaban!

A spokesman for Gaia told Bloomberg that it had complied with the subpoena, turned the name over to Scholastic, removed the material and banned the user from the site.


Edited by Renee 2007-07-17 2:53 PM
2007-07-17 2:50 PM
in reply to: #889673

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
Daremo - 2007-07-17 9:41 AM

The only time it could have been mentioned was when Harry, Ron, Hermione saw him in Hogsmeade trying to sell stuff and he dropped everything. I don't think there was a specific mention of the locket, jsut things with the Black crest on it.

But IIRC, the locket was one of things Kreacher was hoarding in OOTP???

I, too, don't remember there being any specific mention of the locket in the things that Mundungus stole.  I think JKR would have mentioned it, had he taken the locket.  But, she just mentioned the stuff with the Black family crest.  I think I do remember Kreacher making off with with locket, though.  I'm going to go home and check tonight.

Is Mundungus still in Azkaban?  Or did he get out?  I can't remember. 

2007-07-17 2:52 PM
in reply to: #889616

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
Renee - 2007-07-17 9:16 AM
naners - 2007-07-17 3:01 PM

Renee - 2007-07-17 8:43 AM Does anyone remember what happened to the locket they found at the Black House when they were cleaning up? The locket that they couldn't open.

I was wondering if that's what Harry is wearing in the picture on the US cover.

Ooooh! Good call/eye, naners. Dumbledore wore the ring/horcrux after he had destroyed the horcrux in it. It will make sense.

My second thought was time turner...but that wouldn't make much sense. 

2007-07-17 2:52 PM
in reply to: #889649

Mountain View, CA
Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
Renee - 2007-07-17 12:32 PM

I noticed in the British book cover there is a hand holding a sword in the middle of the graphic. Gryffindor's sword? Hand seems to be blackened/shriveled (like Dumbedore's was).

It doesn't look to me like the hand is blackened or shriveled. BUT it does appear to be a sword with a big ruby on the end (which I believe Gryffindor's had) AND if you look closely, to the left of Harry's head are some wisps of what looks like grey/silver hair. The hand holding the sword seems to belong to the same person as that hair--and the hand holding Harry's shoulder. The skin looks rather bluish/deathly, so it could perhaps belong to a risen Dumbledore. But maybe that's wishful thinking.

2007-07-17 2:53 PM
in reply to: #889706

Mountain View, CA
Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?

Is Mundungus still in Azkaban? Or did he get out? I can't remember.

Did he even go to Azkaban? Clearly I need to reread book 6... 

2007-07-17 2:53 PM
in reply to: #889716

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?

Woah.  Cool!!  Missed that.  But, it looks like a house elf.  Dobby? 

puellasolis - 2007-07-17 9:52 AM
Renee - 2007-07-17 12:32 PM

I noticed in the British book cover there is a hand holding a sword in the middle of the graphic. Gryffindor's sword? Hand seems to be blackened/shriveled (like Dumbedore's was).

It doesn't look to me like the hand is blackened or shriveled. BUT it does appear to be a sword with a big ruby on the end (which I believe Gryffindor's had) AND if you look closely, to the left of Harry's head are some wisps of what looks like grey/silver hair. The hand holding the sword seems to belong to the same person as that hair--and the hand holding Harry's shoulder. The skin looks rather bluish/deathly, so it could perhaps belong to a risen Dumbledore. But maybe that's wishful thinking.

2007-07-17 2:54 PM
in reply to: #889689

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?

Our B&N did the wristband last time as well.  My wife waited in the line from like 4:30 on, then I took over after work, and I still didn't get into the 1st 100 ....... and they did not let in the order of the band, merely by "groups" of like 1 - 50, 51 - 100, etc.

It would be too much of a cluster f--k to try and get everyone in numerical order ......

I still didn't get mine until about 12:30 or so and I was in the 100's.

2007-07-17 2:54 PM
in reply to: #889716

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
puellasolis - 2007-07-17 3:52 PM
Renee - 2007-07-17 12:32 PM

I noticed in the British book cover there is a hand holding a sword in the middle of the graphic. Gryffindor's sword? Hand seems to be blackened/shriveled (like Dumbedore's was).

It doesn't look to me like the hand is blackened or shriveled. BUT it does appear to be a sword with a big ruby on the end (which I believe Gryffindor's had) AND if you look closely, to the left of Harry's head are some wisps of what looks like grey/silver hair. The hand holding the sword seems to belong to the same person as that hair--and the hand holding Harry's shoulder. The skin looks rather bluish/deathly, so it could perhaps belong to a risen Dumbledore. But maybe that's wishful thinking.




















GOOD EYES! Now that you point it out - that's DOBBY!!!!!!!!!! (I'm guessing) or a rehabilitated Kreacher? My money's on Dobby.


Edited by Renee 2007-07-17 2:56 PM
2007-07-17 2:55 PM
in reply to: #854812

Mountain View, CA
Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
Ahhh yes, good call, folks. Dobby it is! It really was just wishful thinking about Dumbledore.
2007-07-17 2:56 PM
in reply to: #889719

Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
puellasolis - 2007-07-17 9:53 AM

Is Mundungus still in Azkaban? Or did he get out? I can't remember.

Did he even go to Azkaban? Clearly I need to reread book 6...

Yeah.  For impersonating an Inferi (sp?) or something.  I think... 

2007-07-17 2:59 PM
in reply to: #889731

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Is Harry going to die?
Logic would tell Harry that once he remembers that the locket was in the Black house that he just orders Kreacher to bring him the locket ...... he must obey an order from Harry as his master .....
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