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2008-01-25 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1176415

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I started running like this about 3 weeks ago, and it is AWESOME! Running is definetely my strong suit, but I used to get injured quite a bit. Scott recommended I try running like this, and it has changed everything. Not only am I WAY faster, but I am also not sore the way I used to be after runs. I did 8 miles in 60 minutes on a treadmill yesterday, and I don't think my heartrate every went over 145.

2008-01-27 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Wow, with that endorsement I can hardly wait to adjust my running form, rpms and stride.

I got to bike outside today. It was awesome. Spring can't come fast enough.
2008-01-28 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Thanks for the tips Scott! I felt pretty good this morning! Definitely different that how I has been running in the past, but I could see some improvement. 3.5 miles today! HR was a little high with a 172 high and 152 average, but that will come down as I learn to relax a little bit more. I plan on using this technique and get better at it.
2008-01-28 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1179344

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I tried it today as well. mostly in the arm swing and more upright, looking ahead position and it felt good. I did 5 miles but could have done more if I had time. I am having some pain in my calves, almost like a cramping....not sure whats causing that. maybe from trying not to strike on my heels.
2008-01-28 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I tried the running technique today as well. Either I ran much faster than I planned or my Nike+ iPod did not adjust for my shorter, quicker stride. I'll have to re-calibrate to know for sure, but it felt good, even though part of the time I had to break form to tuck my chin down to avoid losing my hat in the wind.
2008-02-08 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I spent my peak training week either sick in bed or dragging myself to my new job where I pretended not to be sick.

Now that I can breath and stand again . . . should I repeat the peak week then go straight into the 10% increase? This sort of replaces the training recovery week with flat on your back recovery week.

Also, my first race is tomorrow morning. Earlier I thought I would have to drop out. Today I am considering whatever feeble attempt I have to offer. It is the Frigid 5 Mile run, which was my first race EVER last year. My major goal was to see a big improvement over last year. My hesitancy in racing is the idea I may not do better at all. I suppose I need to come to terms with that possibility and get out there and see what I can do.


2008-02-08 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1200572

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Sarah Ray - 2008-02-08 7:30 AM I spent my peak training week either sick in bed or dragging myself to my new job where I pretended not to be sick. Now that I can breath and stand again . . . should I repeat the peak week then go straight into the 10% increase? This sort of replaces the training recovery week with flat on your back recovery week. Also, my first race is tomorrow morning. Earlier I thought I would have to drop out. Today I am considering whatever feeble attempt I have to offer. It is the Frigid 5 Mile run, which was my first race EVER last year. My major goal was to see a big improvement over last year. My hesitancy in racing is the idea I may not do better at all. I suppose I need to come to terms with that possibility and get out there and see what I can do. Sarah

Great questions and glad to have you back.  There seems to be a nasty bug going around everywhere.  I have something, but I am still able to train.  I am hoping it doesn't get any worse, though.

As far as training goes, the general rule of thumb is to skip them entirely and move on.  So, I would do as you suggested.   Repeat the peak weak and move on.  Listen to your body.   I would still do the run.  Take it easy and aim for a negative split (i.e. start out slow).  You might surprise yourself.  Many records have come when a runner gets injured weeks before the race FORCING them to not train.  The rest does good.  I wouldn't necessarily shoot for a PR, but have fun and pick up the benefits of racing and being in the crowd again.  All invaluable.  Its hard to go into a race not wanting to PR, but if you know in your mind you are just trying to accomplish other goals (pacing, racing again, nutrition/hydration, clothing, fun), it will be beneficial.  You might surprise yourself, and if you don't, who cares?  Acknowledge and move on!

I have been seriously busy at work, but I am checking this thread and everyone's logs.  The season is kicking off!!!!!!

2008-02-10 11:34 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Guys, just wanted to share that I went ahead and hired a coach to create a customized training schedule for me in prep for the HIM. I was plateauing, feeling lost in my training, and I was also feeling like it was coming at me fast!

I am so happy that I did. We have been in communication since Friday, and I am getting my new schedule tomorrow or the day after I think.

I am also finally feeling better after having had the cough-bug, and I had a foot injury that was plaguing me, but I think it's almost gone. My doctor had me do and MRI yesterday, but I feel confident that it will come back showing a healthy foot! That's what I am manifesting!!!

I just signed up for a Sprint Tri at UCLA here in LA on March 2nd, and I also signed up for the Desert International in Palm Springs which is almost an Olympic, so I will soon be making my real Tri Debut!

I have my Bike Century coming up on March 8th, but I did 72.5 Miles today and it rocked, so that one is pretty much in the bag.

Having the time of my life, and my swimming is even coming along after some private sessions with a coach.

I never thought I would spend the money on having coaches, but man I have to say that the benefits are amazing.

I also love being here on BT, and I think our crew (what's left of it) kicks butt, and I love reading your logs and your updates.
2008-02-11 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Well, I'm a few weeks away from the official start of my HIM plan. Scared as hell, but i know in the end everything will be fine. The weather in Wisconsin sucks right now. It was -6 out this morning when I woke up, kind of hard to get up and go outside. I cannot wait for Spring and Summer to arrive. I think most of the snow should be gone by June!

I was wondering if anyone has some illustrations or pictures of some good streching exercises. I am about as flexible as a 2 x 4. This is an area where i need to see some improvement and i know there are more streches than grabbing your foot behind you rear-end and stretching your quads. Anybody have some good resources?
2008-02-11 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Mikkel - congrats on hiring a coach. I'm a little jealous! Let me know how that changes your workouts and performance. Maybe I can glean some free tips.

Ajotto - one word, YOGA! Either a class or DVD or some of the short BT online videos. Even if you really suck at it in the beginning, you will improve. There is a huge difference in my flexibility just from progressing from one move to the next in a 1 hour class compared to my after-workout stretching. You also receive strength training benefits.

I'm adjusting to my new work/workout schedule. Went to the gym early a.m. planning a short run plus arms and abs. I had to rush to the shower after my run and skip the rest. Next time I will have to go VERY early.

Have a great day!

2008-02-11 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Mikkel -  we have already spoken, but good stuff.  Keep us updated on that foot, too.  And please share any knowledge, etc. that you learn from your new coach that might help all of us.  Also, I am pretty sure that March 2nd will be the first event for our group, so we will be watching closely.  Be sure and do a race report for that.  Great way to capture thoughts, learn, and get input from others.

Ajotto - Sarah is right.  Yoga is awesome.  Although, I don't go as often as I used to, I still use all the stretches I have learned from classes I have taken.  Down Dog, up dog, lotus sit, child pose are all good ones.  There are also some great stretches in runners world on their web site.  Calves are usually a problem, so I always do the calf stretches from there.  It looks like you have the quad stretch.  Hamstrings are always tight, so down dog is good, as well as laying on the back and taking a towel and lifting a leg up and stretchign it as far as possible, then a little further, while still being comfortable.


2008-02-11 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I have a question for scott and the group concerning the use of snorkles in practice and events. I used one in the pool today at the direction of my coach in order to work on my stroke without having to worry about breathing. at such an early stage in my development I needed to break down the various elements (arms, kick, breath, head position) instead of trying to master all at one time. this really helped me today and and I feel like I turned a corner but still not ready for any real distance.

the question is do people ever use snorkles during a race? is it even allowed? I hope to not need it but would rather use it, given the opportunity, than miss a race.

any thoughts?
2008-02-11 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1206013

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I don't have an answer about the snorkel since I haven't done any races, but I do have an update on my foot...

Not good...

I have a stress fracture in my metatarsel (little bones on top of the foot) - not good. So after about 30 seconds of freaking out, I reached out to my coach (after having spoken to my doctor about it). The good news is that it doesn't hurt when biking or swimming, and it's been getting a lot better over the past week. My coach thankfully has a lot of experience in these things (she's won Ironman Hawaii in her age group 7 times!!!), so I will now be water running, and I will also skip my Century race (biking), just to conserve energy to heal.

We're redoing my training schedule to reflect this injury, but as Scott said, injuries are a part of this sport, so you just learn to deal with it! Never have truer words been spoken...

It probably also jeopardizes my Sprint Tri, so I may have to find another one.
2008-02-11 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
sorry for your bad did you break it anyway
2008-02-11 10:30 PM
in reply to: #1206394

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I broke it running...went too fast, too soon. Going out to buy an aquabelt tomorrow, and will in the pool running like an old man starting this week. One thing is for sure, I am certainly getting comfortable in the water
2008-02-12 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1206013

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

AngeloS - 2008-02-11 5:17 PM .... the question is do people ever use snorkles during a race? is it even allowed? I hope to not need it but would rather use it, given the opportunity, than miss a race. any thoughts?

Angelo - I am pretty sure that snorkles CAN be used during races.  I actually saw a guy in one of my Olympics (pleasant prairie '06) and at first I thought it was illegal.  But when I asked around, everyone said that it is actually allowed according to USAT.  I guess they must not see it as a competitive advantage.

With that said, I think they are a good training tool, especially for someone learning the stroke from scratch.  This guys snorkel was cool in that it went behind his head, so I am pretty sure he could site OK.  I would be worried that a snorkel would be restrictive in a race, in more than one way:  a) you need to be sighting every once in a while and by looking up and around, you may get water in the thing.  b) These OWS get kind of crazy, and again with all the water splashing around, I would think you would get water in there again.

I have raced and watched many triathlons and have only seen one person use it, so I am not sure how effective they are.  But if it gives you the confidence, then you may want to try it.  Definitely try it in the open water first.  I would lean towards using it in the pool to get your confidence, and then get your breathing down with out it.  Hopefully, there is enough time for that.  I always lean towards taking time from something else that are strengths (running, biking, weights) and using that time working on a weakness.

Hope that helps.

2008-02-12 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Mikkel - That sucks.  I was a little afraid of something like that.  But you have the right attitude.  You will definitely learn some mental fortitude doing the aqua running.  I was just reading an article in RunnersWorld where this 40 something age grouper did aqua running for month with great results.  I have heard other good stories.

Good luck and stay positive!

2008-02-12 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1206920

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I hope that this tool allows me to finaly get comfortable in the water and become able to breath without it. but I would rather use it in the race if I have to than miss the race all together.

the snorkel I used goes from the mouth up the center of the face then towards the back of the head (pretty odd looking) so there's little chance of getting water in it. since I'm a scuba diver and avid recreational snorkeler I wouldn't have any problem clearing water from the snorkel should I get water in it anyway.

I just want to be ready in march and not drown during the swim =)
2008-02-12 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Hey, I just found this thread on BT....  Take a read...

Snorkel Swimming

2008-02-12 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1207231

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
schmize - 2008-02-12 12:42 PM

Hey, I just found this thread on BT....  Take a read...

Snorkel Swimming

actualy I have joined this conversation on a few points...there's some good info. in fact someone who has a snorkel for freestyle but never uses it said he will send me his this week. gotta love BT
2008-02-21 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Not really saying much here, but wanted to bump the tread to peak everyone's interest. I offically start my HIM plan next Monday. Tonight I am going to the Bon Jovi concert with my wife, celebrate my 37th birthday on Saturday, spend time with my twin daughters on Sunday and then train like hell on Monday.

20 week plan, pretty balanced with a peak of around 10 hours of training during the week. i am throwing in some longer rides to work as long as the weather is nice. Swimming I a comfortable with, i need a lot of work on the run and the bike. I really want to crank up my running skills this year and be able to throw down some decent mileage.

That is all. Hope everyone is working their plan. Go Git em'!!!

2008-02-26 2:59 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Ajotto - Do you mind if I call you Ajotto? - Just kidding, I can't keep up with any of you guy's names. Happy 37th!! Doesn't it feel good to start a mapped out training plan? Keep us posted on your progress.

I'm back in the saddle again . . . at least I will be after I pick up my bike from the LBS today. My Sunday ride ended before it began. I think there may have been a wreck between my daughter's bike and mine that went undisclosed and prevented me from riding.

I have a duathlon a week from Sunday. I wish I was better prepared than I am, but I may always wish that. It was my first du last year and I decided to 'leave it all on the course' even if I finished last. I did just that and felt nauseaus and cold the rest of the day!! I will be happy to finish in the same time but just feel better when it's over.

Ready to race - Sarah - you can call me Sarah :-)
2008-02-26 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Sarah - good luck on the race! My first Tri is on April 6th in San Diego. It's an International Distance. I am on week 2 of my new 13 week training plan, so I am still in the base phase AND recovering from my stress fracture. I have made some huge leaps in my swimming during the past two weeks. Gone from struggling, to totally enjoying it. Still have to tweak my technique even more, but it's amazing to feel comfortable in the water. Can't wait to hear how the race went.

2008-02-27 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
my first event is coming up quick, on March 15. I'm pretty nervous about it but I can't imagine anyone not being nervous about their first race. I've been training specificaly for the distance in this race. today I managed to swim the required 400 meters in about 14 minutes so that makes me feel better. I think by the 15th I shouldn't have any problems at least finishing but I won't be very fast. I'll be able to catch a few people on the bike and shouldn't be last. then I have an event in june with an 800 meter swim so that's the next goal.....
2008-02-28 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I decided a few weeks ago to apply to some of the companies who have teams and sponsor benefits for triathletes. Last night I got an approval e-mail from Team Javelin! I'll be honest, I don't know anything about the company but it's pretty neat to be accepted even if it's mostly just marketing for them. The member benefits aren't great....$25 gets me a Team Javelin race uniform and decent discounts on gear. Anyone else heard of team javelin or applied to them?

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