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2008-01-15 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1157196

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
TT bike is not necessary for any means especially if you are doing shorter races and also ones with alot of hills. Try out triathlons for a year. You like them then invest in a better bike that is what I did. Trek makes a nice entry level TT bike

Wetsuits are good if you need them. where are you racning? I can send you info on wetsuits if you want. Let me know. Wetsuit cap I never used one the only cap I use is the one you race with.

Hope all this helps so far,


2008-01-15 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1158148

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
higer reps lower weights...

I would do core work.. 2-3 times a week I would lift now beacuse still early in the season.

2008-01-15 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1123186


Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Name: XGUERILLAX/Shawn Langdon

Age: 30

Intro: Hi Mike I was excited when I saw that you are in West Chester I was hoping that I might be able to join your mentoring group. I'm a 30 year old male from Philadelphia who has become interested in giving sprint Tri's a shoot. I just bought a Bianchi Volpe for a Trans-America tour ride next summer after I graduate. I plan to throw some aero bars on it and get a new wheel set with some slicks. Do you think this might be sufficient for now Mike?

Now for the vitals: I'm a bigger guy around 5'11" and 290, but I work out frequently at the gym. I have been doing the fairmount park loop twice for a total of 17 miles each ride. My time so far has been around 1hr:10mins(not sure if that is a decent time at all). I was going to give a bike run a shoot this week but it is supposed to be so cold I'm not sure what to do. I work full time and go to school full time so a lot of spare time is hard to come by, but I feel really dedicated to tring to make this work.

I will probably have a ton of questions(that seems to be my way), I like to know as much as possible. Any advice/help you can send my way is much appreciated.

Also if there is anyone in the Philly area who is training and looking for anyone to train with ever, just hit me up.

2008-01-15 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open


i can help you

send me your email i send you some info on my tri club

[email protected]

also feel free toa sk me any questions..

2008-01-15 10:16 PM
in reply to: #1158732


Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Hey Mike,

Thanks for offering help, I totally appreciate it. So I guess my first couple questions would be:

1. Do you think Bianchi Volpe is sufficient for the time being? Right now I just want to do Tri's for fun and a personal challenge.

2. Is 17 miles in a hour ten minutes a good starting point?

3. What would you suggest doing as far as riding and running on the cold snowy/rainy days? Is the bike at the gym fine.

4. Lastly if I showed you my weekly work and school schedule would it be to much to ask for you to suggest a training routine for my free time?

My e-mail is [email protected]

Thanks again

2008-01-16 3:36 AM
in reply to: #1153242

New user

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
I've been running on a treadmill for right now. I'm a punk, it is cold outside!! But when it warms up some, I do try to get out and pound the pavement. I will definately be outside thw whole month before my April race (if weather holds up). Without getting mentally tired, I'm not quite sure maybe 3 miles ;(

2008-01-16 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1123186


Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Dear Mike,

My name is Diana, and I would love to be a part of your group. I moved to Easton, PA this past for a new job and would like to learn more about Philly training and racing opportunities. I am also running the Boston Marathon in 2008. I would be interested asking you about how I can combine training for Boston and a May 70.3 (specifically the time between the marathon and the 70.3).
Let's see...what else can I say. I am a new college professor, and a relatively new triathlete. I am 5'6'', 125. I started running in 2004. Since that time, I have completed four half marathons and two marathons. Last summer I completed a few local sprint triathlons and got toally hooked on the multi-sport lifestyle.
I am currently building my base for the Florida 70.3 this May. I will likely try a second Half Iron in the early fall, something more local this time. Between those races, I will be doing some sprints and Olympic distance races. My long-term goal is Ironman Wisconsin in 2009.
Right now, swimming is my weakest discipline. I just started swimming last summer. I have built up to about 1500 yards as of now...still a long way to go for 1.2 miles. I am working at it hard and try to get in the pool three times a week. Lafayette has really nice facilities.
Beyond triathlon, I also cross-train in Tae Kwon Do and ice hockey. I am a goaltender in hockey and a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. What can I say...I am a sports freak.
Please let me know if you have space in your group for me :-) Thanks!

2008-01-16 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1158823

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
xguerillax - 2008-01-15 11:16 PM

hope these answers help

Hey Mike,

Thanks for offering help, I totally appreciate it. So I guess my first couple questions would be:

1. Do you think Bianchi Volpe is sufficient for the time being? Right now I just want to do Tri's for fun and a personal challenge. any road bike will work as long as you are comfortable riding it and it is fit for you..

2. Is 17 miles in a hour ten minutes a good starting point? want to biuld volume in and you can work on speed.

3. What would you suggest doing as far as riding and running on the cold snowy/rainy days? Is the bike at the gym fine. I would use a spinning bike at the gym more realistic

4. Lastly if I showed you my weekly work and school schedule would it be to much to ask for you to suggest a training routine for my free time? sure....send it to me.

My e-mail is [email protected]

Thanks again

2008-01-16 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1158923

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Make sure you dress warm......

I love running outside.

tredmill put it on 1% incline
2008-01-16 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1159594

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

I am running boston as well. It dpends how much you are training for boston. A marathon and triathlon training are differnet,

2008-01-16 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1123186

New user

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

Any tips on swim technique, particularly the following:

1) Breathing - How often (i.e. number of strokes per breadth)
2) Form
3) Arm entry in the water

Also, any other swim training tips or workouts would be helpful.


2008-01-16 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1159859

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
swimming is not my strong point.

I usually breathe every 3 strokes.

Where do you swim? can you find a master program? They are usually very helpful

I know the total emerson stuff is good for swiming,

2008-01-16 8:11 PM
in reply to: #1123186


Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Right now I don't have any paticular races I'm aiming for is that something that I should do, our wold you say I can train just to train?

2008-01-16 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1160752

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
I would shoot for a race makes it easier to keep focus on an event.

2008-01-16 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1160760


Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
So once I find a race I want to shoot for how many months should I give myself, considering it will be my first race ever. I have yet to start swimming, biking and running I know I can do alone but I need to try and tie them together. Friday is going to be a big day for me I'm going to do a 17 mile ride and then try a 5k run right after. Wish me luck everyone. I'm excited and nervous as hell.

I see my trainer friday morning, I'll probably have him go light with me cardio and leg wise. So I can save myself for teh bike/ride. I was thinking low impact stuff in the pool. Any suggestions?

2008-01-16 8:28 PM
in reply to: #1160780

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
6 months in a pick a late jun-jul race..


2008-01-17 12:46 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Hey Mike,

If your group is not yet full, I'd like to join!!

My profile:

My names is James Nissen and I am a 10 year procrastinator (sp) of the sport of Triathlon! ) I am 34 years old, 6' 0" 214 lbs. on a large frame and I have been working out for approx. 3 weeks now. I started the week between Christmas and New Year's as resolutions are always ment to be broken...................just figured I'd do it on my own terms. From ages 13 - 17 I was an avid cross-country cyclist and it was nothing for me to ride 100 mi. per day on a trip...............just at about 10-12 mph though! ) Never was much of a swimmer, but can keep from drowning. I never much enjoyed running either, but I ran cross-country in high school only because it was a requirement to play baseball and basketball. I have actually started to enjoy running, albeit on a treadmill.....................still a bit nippy in Illinois to hit the road.

Workout: I have no "method to my madness", which I guess is where you will come in. I have been pretty consistent working out 6 days a week, however, much of that has been cardio. I am up to 2-3 mi. p/day on the treadmill run without stop, 20-30 min. on a stationary bike and some light weight training. I have not yet began to swim. My "small town" fitness center does not have a pool, however, there is a indoor pool in an adjacent town.................guess I need (2) memberships! ( Even though I was a cyclist in my youth, I sold both of my touring bikes years ago, so I don't even own a bike at this, a long way to go.

Family: Married, 3 daughters, and a cat.

Goal: June 21st, 2008 will be my first Triathlon. Tremont .25 mi. pool swim, 12 mi. bike, and 5k run.

I guess this is where I ask: "Where do I go from here"?

Looking forward to your respose!!

2008-01-17 6:09 PM
in reply to: #1162103

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

I would get into a pool and see if you can get a bike.

Start off slow you do not want to over do it early.

2008-01-18 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1159859

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

I am following the BT HIM 20 wk program and I really like the swim work outs. There is a master's coach at the pool I swim at and he has given me enough pointers to get started. I may join the program latter?

If you wish to trade suggestions I am open.

Good work out: 30m to 1 hour example.
WU 400yds
MS 1500 to 2800 yds there are many MS workouts. for example 8x100's 75Easy-25hard 50-50 25-75 and 100 hard. Repeat ; 200 easy; 400 pull; etc...
CD 200 yds

Here is another one copied from my Training program: Pick out what you like ...
Endurance 75 minute 3350 yds
WU: 400
4 * 300 w/:30 rest
- Idea here: 1st swim moderate straight
- 2nd even split 150's
- 3rd descend 100's
- 4th descend 75's
2nd should be faster than the first and 3rd fast than 2nd so on…
100 loosen ( easy)
10 * 25 kick 0:10 RI
600 pull w/ paddles
8 * 75 on evens (2,4 etc) middle 25 is fast and on the odds 1st and last 25 fast - rest is 15"
CD: 200

Edited by gparris 2008-01-18 11:46 AM
2008-01-18 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

Interested in joing your group. Based in philly with a running backhground and am transitioning to Tri's. Will be doing my first at the philly Ins Tri in June 2008 ( Oly). Swimming is my challenge and need to build endurance on the bike. Looking for pointers and moral support! Have 6 months of training data on my log.

Let me know

2008-01-18 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1164168

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open


where do you swim


2008-01-19 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1164180

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Hey Mike

Roxborough Y. Started swimming again in November.


2008-01-19 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1123186


Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Hey Mike,

I was planning on trying to get out to Villanova on Sunday's to swim with the valley Forge Masters. My question is this is there anywhere in the area to get swim gear, and also is there a such thing as a male's swim tops. Like I said in my intro I'm a bigger guy and would feel more comfortable in one. Not sure if that's a normal question, but anyways.

Also should I be training with aero bars right now? If so any paticulars you can suggest that are easily removable?

I just posted up a work out routine I did on friday can you take a look and give me some feed back?

Thanks, Shawn
2008-01-19 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1165670

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

try tood hollow in paoli for swiming stuff and also perfromance bike for the aero bars. You could probably get a cheap pair of clip on ones.

The workout looked good. Remember you are just starting out. Keep it up.

2008-01-19 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1165495

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Good good

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