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2008-01-25 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1174238

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SF Bay Area
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

I have never really focused on HR. My max HR is 185, and I always train between 135 and 146, with spikes into the 150s. Should I be training at a lower HR as my training time increase per my training plan? Will this make a difference in my performance?


2008-01-25 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
not sure if this helps... might only add more confusion... i have read that training in a certain range (zones) for a race does not always help as come race day, adrenaline and other factors are going to increase your heart rate... thus trying to race in that same range could potentially hold you back? any thought?
2008-01-25 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1175995

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
That indoor "try" at a tri sounds interesting! Perhaps I will think about the one in March.

Thanks everyone for the diet advice. I generally eat well...I DO know what to eat and as a whole, eat healthy, but I tend to give into the sweets when they are around. It's hard to pass on the homemade chocolate chip cookies I make for the kids...and I don't! I can eat just one or two, but apparently the calories still add up. My personal trainer I used last year said I could only have 1 cookie a week. Isn't that pathetic? Are you kidding me?????

Do I have to be nutty about it and analyze everything, such as when to have a protein shake in relation to my workout, etc.??? Not sure I can get into that. It shouldn't be that difficult.

Edited by snady 2008-01-25 9:43 PM
2008-01-25 11:05 PM
in reply to: #1176080

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Joel/Jason -

I have an excel sheet on my work computer that has formulas in it that you can input your Lactate Threshold for the Bike and Run, and it spits out your HR zones based on your LT.  To answer your question Joel, there are a lot of folks on this board and others (myself included) that will tell you that working out in the zone you are is not a bad thing.  However, in order to get more efficient and faster, one needs to become uncomfortable.  To do that I reccomend working interval training into your workouts.

For example, take my running plan (this assumes that I complete it as scheduled!! )

Tues - Speed workout - 5-7 miles

Thurs - Z2/Z3 run - 4-6 miles

Sat - Long run - 12-15 miles

The speedwork on Tuesdays pushes me to the point of puking everytime I do it, but I KNOW that come race day, my legs will be thanking me because they will be less tired, and a heck of a lot faster.

So, short story long, what oyu are doing is great, but I would reccomend to work in interval work in all of your disciplines...your speed will benefit come race day, TRUST ME!

2008-01-26 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1124253

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Okay friends...I REALLY hated running today. i was so not into it. Most days I dislike it immensely. Any suggestions on how to start liking it? When my goal is to run for 20 min, I can run it without stopping (somewhat difficult). If the goal is 30 min., I let myself stop to walk every 10 min. if I need it. I am still what I consider a novice runner, so is the walk/run thing ok and will it hurt my progress??? should i push through at a slow pace? Help! This is definitely my weak sport!
2008-01-26 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Good goals Thomas.  I like #3.  I can't even fathom being raising a child.  Maybe one day....

Ben, you mention speedwork.  Do you think that is something that should be done even at the Ironman level?  Or do you think it would be better to use every bit of training on aerobic base?

Sandy, you're doing good.  I think the walk/run combo is a great idea, not that I'm an expert or anything.  But I have heard of several people doing a walk/run combo in marathons, and very fast too!  It would seem that if you train your body to do both, you would become very efficient.

Hope everybody is having a great weekend!

2008-01-28 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Sandy - The Run/Walk combo has not worked well for me in the past, so I am not a current user of it as a training method.  While I am sure there are benefits, and plenty of people out there to tell you to go that way, I have always been in the camp of running (no matter how fast or slow) the complete milage when training.  When racing, I find that to be a different story, especially in my Half Ironman. 

So, short story long, there is no "correct" way to do it.  If you find that run/walk works better for you, go for it, if running at a slower pace works better then shoot for that.

Clint - I tend to believe that speedwork is a great tool in order to help you get faster at any distance.  Even for some of your shorter runs, I think it would still you a benefit of some speedwork, simply becasue you are getting the milage in, PLUS you are helping your body/legs understand what it feels like to run faster.

2008-01-29 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Thanks Ben.  You'd be happy to know I incorportated some speedwork into this morning's run. Not intentionally however.  Just had to use the bathroom! 
2008-01-29 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1181489

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

jcbolton - 2008-01-29 10:23 AM Thanks Ben.  You'd be happy to know I incorportated some speedwork into this morning's run. Not intentionally however.  Just had to use the bathroom! 


funny...that happens to me all the time too!

2008-01-29 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1181489

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
jcbolton - 2008-01-29 9:23 AM

Thanks Ben.  You'd be happy to know I incorportated some speedwork into this morning's run. Not intentionally however.  Just had to use the bathroom! 

I could tell you some funny stories from High School track and field... but this might not be the best place for that... but I digress!!

Good job on the speed work...

So in march when I have my indoor tri, any word of advice for how to "compete" on a treadmill and on a bike for my timed tri?
2008-01-29 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1177282

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Bought "ChiRunning" today...I sure hope it helps. According to what I've read and the opinions of my running friends at the Y, it's great. Looking forward to learning what I am doing wrong!!


"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." Jim Rohn

Edited by snady 2008-01-29 8:07 PM

2008-01-30 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1182655

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
snady - 2008-01-29 6:48 PM

Bought "ChiRunning" today...I sure hope it helps. According to what I've read and the opinions of my running friends at the Y, it's great. Looking forward to learning what I am doing wrong!!


"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." Jim Rohn

Yes, pleae let us know waht you think about that... I have been curious...
2008-01-30 8:06 AM
in reply to: #1182384

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

SnyderJasonD - 2008-01-29 4:19 PM  All, So in march when I have my indoor tri, any word of advice for how to "compete" on a treadmill and on a bike for my timed tri?

I have never done an indoor tri, but the format lends itself to strong bikers, as the final results are normally tallied in miles, since the time is a constant.  So, I would go moderately hard in the swim, pound the bike, and then run as effecient and as fast as you can.




2008-01-30 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
What is chirunning?
2008-01-30 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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SF Bay Area
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

What do you recommend as far a modifed weekly training schedule. I was doing the 3x per week for a 20 week training cycle, aimed for doing a tri at the end of April. I have been unable to do this now as I am at the hospital every day at my dad's side. I am able to break away for
about an hour and a half. What I have been doing is swiming since it is my weakest event. Should I just stick with a certain amount of time for swiming and running everyday, and get a bike ride in every now and then? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you...Joel
2008-01-30 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1183579

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

ChiRunning is based on TaiChi. It's a way of running that makes you focus on your core, keeping your posture in line and leaning into a run, landing on your midfoot, as a child does. It is supposed to transform your form and lead to better running with less effort and injury. I land on my heels when i run which is putting the brakes on momentum with every stride, not to mention the injury potential on the knees.

I just started the book today and am on my way out the door to put a few exercises to the test. there is a different approach for treadmill, which is my only option today... -30 windchill...not going outside. This book is mentioned in some running articles on BT.


Edited by snady 2008-01-30 1:24 PM

2008-01-30 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1183685

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

keeping you and your dad in my thoughts...

2008-01-30 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1183685

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Joel - Sorry to hear about your dad, that is tough.  Obviously, it goes with out saying, but make sure you are there with your family.  As far as training goes, since you have a couple months beofre the race I think you will be ok.  It looks like you are geeting plenty of swimming in, and while you may not be as fast as you would like, you most likely can swim the race distance without any issue. 

The way I read your statement, it sounds like you have 1.5 hours per day to break away from eveything?  If that is correct, then I would reccomend the following:

1-2x bike ride - This is the longest portion of the race, and since you have a background in this sport, you are a head of the game

2-3x run (a short, focusing on speed, one long, and if you do a third, then make it a middle distance.

1-2x swim (longer, but mix up the routine)

As far as doubling up the workouts each day, you can certainly do that.  I would do that twice a week with the following:

- Swim/Run - Hard swim (focus on what you anticipate your race pace to be) followed by a comfortable, yet hard run.  Focus on your form, and if you train by heart rate, then keep your HR in z3.

- Bike/Run - This will be the hard one, especially at first.  I would focus on getting a solid hour in for biking, and then jump right on the treadmill (or go out on the road) for a solid 15-20 min+.  With this workout, I would reccomend keeping your HR high in both disciplines.  This will help to teach your legs what it feels like to come off the bike when they are tired and being forced to run.


Let me know if I mis-understood what you had asked, otherwise, try these and let us know how they go.  Keep us posted with the status of your dad as well



2008-01-31 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Best wishes for your father.

ChiRunning.  Sounds cool.  I'm definitely interested to see how that works out for you, Sandy.  You always hear of people trying to learn how to swim through technique, but you don't hear too much on trying to run better through technique.  Maybe you can offer a few tips along the way. 

2008-02-05 5:32 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
just wanted to check in with everyone and soo how things are going, and see if you have signed up for the race(s) that you were shooting for yet?
2008-02-05 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1194725

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone! Where have you all been for the last few days??

Ben, I have not signed up for my race yet...I suppose I ought to though, huh?

I practiced my ChiRunning on Sunday and had a good 2mi. run, without feeling absolutely exhaused (my 10yr old son ran 1 1/4 mi with me without even trying ). At this stage it feels like sloppy running. In other words, by leaning and just letting my feet land naturally underneath me, it feels like I am clomping. I am told that that will improve as I become more comfortable. I noticed that my knees didn't hurt at all. It takes concentration to remember what you're supposed to do, so maybe that's why the time went by so fast!

I have a question about biking..I don't have a bike yet. I am waiting until the weather is right to use it..I can't even try it out, too much snow. So I am stuck with the bikes at the Y...regular exercise bikes or the simulators. They both suck and are nothing like a real bike. Which one is the lesser of two evils??


Edited by snady 2008-02-05 11:42 AM

2008-02-05 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

I'm in the start of my rest week, and my legs are really enjoying the break.  I had the best ride of my life Saturday, and followed it with a really solid brick on Sunday.  T - 10 weeks to Arizona! 

Hope the weather warms up for you guys up north soon!

2008-02-05 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
I have not signed up for any outdoor tri's I have a timed tri March 17th that I am signed up for...

most has been going well... Swimming is being a pain in the arse. I am going to go to a 3 hour session on Satruday to better improve my stroke etc... Tought by a TI coach, but not a 3 hour TI session...
2008-02-05 12:49 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

If you have not yet signed up for your race, I would check the race website to see when registration opens up.  Some of the races take a while to fill, but there are some that will fill up in a matter of a couple weeks from when the registration opens.  I just took a look at the websites for my races this year and thought I woud reccomend/remind the rest of you to do the same.


2008-02-05 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1195358

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED


At this point, any bike is better than nothing.  With that being said, if you have a choice, I would reccomend riding the stationary bikes as opposed to the recumbent bikes, as they both work different muscle groups.  Obviously with the bike you will be buying, you will want to get your muscles ready to use something as close to what you are buying.

Glad to ehar the Chi Running went well, and it is even better to ehar that there was little exhaustion.

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