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2007-04-29 2:03 AM
in reply to: #780182

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
If this is going to be purely American, as most comic book superheroes are, can I lobby for an English character, say Rathergood Man with his trusty side kick, QuiteSatisfactory Boy?

Weigh in day today and I'm nervous! Silly.

2007-04-29 2:51 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Sorry, just don't know the Brit comics.....

Let's see: how bout the tough Knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail--he's there, limbless, blood spouting from each of the 4 former limbs and he says, "Come on, I'll fight ya, it's only a flesh wound. I'll bite ya!" That'll be me inches from the finish at my ironman race! I'll be hypnotising my stupid legs to just walk a few more inches, and there will be like writhing cramps from head to toe at that point as I'll have sweated copious amounts of fluids all day and partly into the night such that I can no longer produce urine. There will be blisters the size of Michigan on my feet, bleeding through the $200 Nikes I'll likely have purchased to look good and match my outfit, which will have been by that point so stinky and wet from perspiration that I will have long ago pitched it entirely (not that anyone minded) and so will also have sunburn blisters EVERYWHERE. My mouth will be so parched, despite the intravenous Gatorade the medics put in at mile 100, that the saliva no longer flows and my tongue has gone numb so I can't speak. Nonetheless, I'll be singing (badly) to Pink, Kelis, Fergie, Alanis, Avril Lavigne (just love her new song, Girlfriend) and even the Beach Boys, having listened to every song on my Ipod Nano at least 3000 times and needing to express myself! I'll probably have the dry heaves and diarrhea, just because that would be so typical of Kali to throw that in, too. And I'll CROSS that finish line, the 3 people left there to welcome me after 16:59:59 and they will GASP in horror, cuz I didnt' even touch on my hair at that point, saying, "It's only a flesh wound!". I think I'll go do that again!
2007-04-29 3:06 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
P.S. I got up at 2:30 am mostly to pee, but also because the hypnosis healing tapes are working REALLY well and I feel great! So I thought I would obsessively check my computer one more time to see if Rob was at work late at night and actually wanted to flirt back with me (no such luck!). So, why, dear Mark, are YOU up, or is it afternoon there? I have no sense of global time.....

Scared about the weigh in, huh? Didja have a spit cup yesterday? The wrestlers used to do that to weigh less on competition day. And they took dioretics and wouldn't drink anything or eat anything. Just walk around spitting all day and looking like bloody hell! But, they would meet their weight requirements and soooo pig out after!!

I myself am going with the lowest weight I caught this week obsessively checking it while semi-starving and putting myself through the ringer with boxing, biking really really fast and running/staggering. Has anyone ever punched 45 minutes???? I mean, that is a feat all in itself! Usually I do like 15 minutes. My arms were more sore than my legs! Even my anterior pelvis muscles were complaining a bit--that little pyramidalis muscle that everyone calls the "core" and you should strengthen it for the run--but just for a bit, cuz the hypnosis is largely working! After the run, like the next day, I was up 3 pounds from inflammation swelling, as that is how you heal. So---I'm not counting it if it's up when I wake up again.

Back to sleep.....and dream of sheep.....what the bleep?.......silliness a heap
2007-04-29 5:32 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Pene, it's mid morning here and we are full swing getting a birthday party organised for three score alcoholic septuagenarians!

Finally got round to weighing myself (i.e. everyone else had gone downstairs so I could stand on the scales in the altogether).

Weight: 14st 5lbs (201 lbs)

Fat%: 26.4

Missed my target by 1lb but actually lost 4lbs this week and dropped my fat% slightly.

I hope to get to 200lbs by Wednesday when I fly to Hong Kong for no other reason than it is a psychological milestone.

Edited by Mark Stanley 2007-04-29 5:32 AM
2007-04-29 6:07 AM
in reply to: #780129

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-04-28 9:00 PM

Back to Basics. I lost 1 lb this week based on wend weigh in.
This afternoon I ran 2 miles.

Nice job! I poked my scale with my toe, didn't like what I was seeing, and edged the thing back under the sink until it was willing to show me better numbers.

And I had such high hopes for this week, too, with my training. But life really does have a way of interfering with your plans, doesn't it?
2007-04-29 6:18 AM
in reply to: #780295

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark Stanley - 2007-04-29 6:32 AM

I hope to get to 200lbs by Wednesday when I fly to Hong Kong for no other reason than it is a psychological milestone.

Way to set the bar for the rest of us!

I understand the psychological milestone -- for whatever reason, 200 is so much lighter than 201. And 199 is even better! Then you'll start thinking 195...190...189...Ain't obsessiveness grand?

2007-04-29 6:23 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
un tri related question is that ok?

simple dumb aussie guy likes very very attractive aussie young lady taking her to a wedding should i buy a flower for her to wear? im totally useless with this sort of stuff help me!
i can control my racing but not this grrrrr

2007-04-29 6:54 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Heck, if you buy me a flower, I'll go with you to the wedding! Actually, I can't imagine a woman that doesn't like flowers, or at least the thought behind them. Just be yourself and have fun

I didn't like the scale this morning, either, Prof. BUT I absolutely know in my deepest core that I did indeed lose some fat cuz I wrote down what I ate for a few days and what I did and there was indeed some serious calories burned. And I worked hard (for me, not to compare to you other super people). So, all in all, I'm happy. I think I need to find some calipers or something like that. Because the training I have planned for the next month is going to add some serious muscle. So, if the scale just sort of stays the same this month, and I do what I'm thinking, I'll be very much a hardbody soon

Alcoholic septuagenarians---wow! Sounds like a party I'm glad I'm not at! I bar waitressed enough to know that all that drinking stuff is really stupid from a sober point of view. They called me Diane (from Cheers) because I was a college girl. How annoying! Plus, my girlfriends dads wanted me to sit on their laps---ewwww! And no matter how old an alcoholic gets, they don't get any more sophisticated with their drunkness. But, you go have a blast anyway! Better yet, film it and use it for blackmail...........that could be fun. Hehehehe
2007-04-29 6:55 AM
in reply to: #780302

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Malphh - 2007-04-29 12:23 PM

un tri related question is that ok?

simple dumb aussie guy likes very very attractive aussie young lady taking her to a wedding should i buy a flower for her to wear? im totally useless with this sort of stuff help me!
i can control my racing but not this grrrrr


Malphh, I have absolutely no idea at all but well done for thinking about it. That puts you several strides further along the evolutionary scale than most chaps so well done.

I guess that every girl likes to get flowers and every bride likes to be the star of the day on her big day so I would go for a small bouquet to hold or a colour neutral flower for her to wear. Something that shows that you thought of it, but not so much as to dominate.

Either that or have her hold the biggest damn bouquet she has ever seen so that she can't catch the bride's when that is thrown!
2007-04-29 9:45 AM
in reply to: #780302

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Malphh - 2007-04-29 4:23 AM

un tri related question is that ok?

simple dumb aussie guy likes very very attractive aussie young lady taking her to a wedding should i buy a flower for her to wear? im totally useless with this sort of stuff help me!
i can control my racing but not this grrrrr


Etiquette woman here to the rescue:
Unless things are completely different in Aussie world, Im going to come back with a definite NO. Buying flowers to wear was a highschool prom thing that ended then. Unless she is in the wedding party, then she shouldnt be wearing flowers because then people will THINK she is in the wedding party and the bride will be annoyed.

Yes, it is very sweet of you to think about it and you can get her flowers to keep at her home, but not to take to the wedding.

Im just avoiding the subject of the weigh in that should have happeend yesterday because there was an amazing number on the scale yesterday but an appaling one today. IM going to wait a few hours and come back to try again. I know there must be somehting that will change
2007-04-29 10:17 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I think we need to find a resource that discusses exercise physiology in regards to inflammation and water weight in developing muscles. It rather baffles me, too. How can I weigh 145 one day, do 13 miles that day and the next day weigh 148? Gotta be something in the inflammatory process. I know muscles are largely comprised of water, so that just has to play a role. And swelling is how we heal. We just don't notice it when it is distributed across the majority of our large muscles. Not to mention the female factor. Hormones are real and do affect water balance, too, depending on where you are in your cycle. But when I see those increases instead of decreases, I tend to say, what the heck, I'm eating whatever I want then because it just doesn't matter! And then it really is fat gain. Vicious cycle. So, how do we measure this better? I think it's counting the approximate calories consumed vs. used and go with the 3500 calories to lose a pound of fat rule. And stay off the stupid scale for awhile. Just trust that you have been good and lost the fat somehow. Measuring body parts might discourage you, too. They should increase after a big workout. I can always tell, cuz my jeans will be tighter on the legs but nowhere else. It's my legs that I want to lose the fat on, so it gets me down. Oh well. So, Liz, do you use calipers? What do you think of them? I sort of notice that when I lose weight, my body seems flabbier, as in looser skin for a bit. It's sort of icky, but it tightens up soon enough and then I seem a bit more defined.

And then there's the setpoint theory, that our bodies like to be at a certain weight and resist going down past it. Aerobic exercise is supposed to fix that. How much, I don't know.

I ordered the Kevin Trudeau book. Who knows, maybe that will work? Hang in there, girl. You have incredible discipline and a fantastic work ethic, so we'll figure this out. Hey, there's always the subliminal/hypnosis approach! That might come next for me

2007-04-29 10:27 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
re tri notes: my back is really tense. I am scared and I have a little linger headache. BUT I went and watched the tri casue my other friend was racing. It made my heart race in that good way- excited. I am ready to roll, the only option no msatter the time, it to fininsh. BGT
2007-04-29 11:29 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Malphh, I am going to have to agree with watergirl on that one.  Bring her some flowers or something like that to show your intentions, but you dont want to mess around with the wedding.  Brides are an odd species, and you never know what may happen.

You girls are nuts.  First of all, Ironman already is a super hero.  There is even a movie coming out next year about him.  Second, its too nice out to be on here!

Jeanette hows the bike coming?  And Pene you better be getting out on yours

Prof, I actually met your challenge yesterday.  Running in the rain feels great!


So I had my 10k race yesterday.  It was a little cold in the morning, about 50F or so, but no winds.  I ran in shorts and a t-shirt which worked out perfect.  There was a light mist/drizzle the whole time and it made my fat body the perfect temperature that I hardly had to sweat, but wasn't cold.  The course had a good share of hills, and a decent amount of people came out (300 or so).  My goal was about 1hr 15-20 for the race, as the only time I ran 10k was on a treadmill with no incline @ 1hr10, and I ended up finished at 1h4mins, with lots of hills and in the rain.  So I was very pleased with that.  My pace was deadset the whole time, I hit 5k at 32mins, and didn't slow down/speedup at any point.  One complaint I do have though, is they served 'E-load' as a drink, and it tastes like liquiid garbage.


Anyway, its Sunday and my weigh in is ~226-7.  I am going to aim for 220 by June 1st I think. 

2007-04-29 1:36 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

OMG - what ARE y'all on?  You have all obviously gotten into something while I wasn't watcing - and I want some!!!

Weigh in - I am - being honest here - sooo relieved no one (but Mark, of course) had a huge drop - I lost .4 pounds --- right direction, but hardly burning up the record books here.  I like profs way of doing it when you sense the news may not be up to

So:  134.8

Tomorrah, as Miss Scarlett says, is another day. 

Still trying to post a photo - here goes again - many thanks to No. 1 Progeny for managing to get all of me in one frame.  Any mistakes or misrepresentations are mine.


shoetie4.jpg (49KB - 22 downloads)
2007-04-29 3:36 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
did it taking nap writing from bed, will do race report later. BGT time 1:50 ish
2007-04-29 3:53 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Yes it is beautiful out, but I'm STUDYING! Gotta read those zillion KB's of ebooks I paid a pretty penny for. And I'll SHARE So there!

This is interesting: I went to the Y to swim and only did 12 laps because there were three of us in my lane and I couldn't keep up with em. I'm still tired from this past week. So I went and did weights, which I haven't done since Feb. 17 as it turns out. But here's the deal--I got like a BUNCH stronger:

leg press 55 70 150!
leg ext. 30 55 100!
leg curl 30 60 90!
hip ab. 50 70 110
hip add. 50 70 130
chest fly 30 35 60
rear Delt 30 35 60
ch. press 10 10 40
lat. pull 45 65 90
row 40 50 100
ov. press 5 10 30
arm curl 10 30 35
arm ext 5 15 35
ab crunch 35 55 85
back ext 50 70 120

The first column is from Jan, the second Feb and the third TODAY!

Interesting, huh?

2007-04-29 4:20 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
good job BGT! Ill wait for your race report...And great job on the 10K Robb- it sounds like you rocked steady the whole time.

I couldnt run in the rain, believe it or not, because its been Sunny and 60deg here. Perfect weather for a tri workout. So yesterday I swam a mile and then jumped outside and ran 5 miles. I felt good and Im less worried now about finishing an olympic tri. I weighed myself when I got up yesterday and it was 198.5 which is 2lbs down from last sunday, and a total of 3.5 down from when I started watching my diet about 10days ago. I was psyched! After my workout I was 197.5- even better! So I was super careful about eating yesterday, didnt overdo it just cuz I had a hard workout, ate hardly any carbs, etc. And this morning I weighed 200lbs. What the hell??? I would love to believe Pene that its inflammation weight cuz i was sore this morning but its such a strange thing. I guess thats why we're only supposed to weigh ourselves once a week. Although, I have to believe its just an off day and tomorrow i will be back to 198. Right??? I mean, I just rode 35 VERY HILLY miles and went to breakfast and only ate TOFU and vegetables, 1/2 wheat english muffin, hold the home fries and substitute fruit. Ok, and a few bites of my friends french toast.

Im off to take a long well deserved nap and maybe when I wake up Ill weigh 150 lbs. hahahahha.
2007-04-29 4:51 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Congrats Rob and BGT! Way to go, guys!

C--you skinny little hardbody! Look at you! That's not traditionally speaking the most flattering pose and you look great. Lose any more and you'll look sick! Nice hair, too. Mine is straight, straight, straight--ick. Oh well. Could stick my finger in a light socket--nah.

Good job losing everyone! I wonder how many pounds total we'll lose as a group by June 10? Any estimates?

Okay, my little girl was screaming at me before, so I couldn't type much. So far, my studies have produced the following regarding speed work: to get faster, you need to be stronger. So that means a weights program and they said to go with the most weight you can do and still be able to do 5 of them. If you can't do 5, it's too much. If it's easy to do 5, you need to increase the weight. And it's more of a static contraction-- a hold than it is more reps. that gives you more improvement in strength. Other hints include flexibility work, ie yoga and certain drills to lift your legs up high while running, doing hurdles, etc. Also Pylometrics, which is a term I was totally unfamiliar with, but was doing anyway! You skip, forward and backward and jump rope and hop on one foot and do straight up jumps and stuff like that. (see my post earlier where I skipped and went backwards with my little girl at the track and did 8 miles total!) And then there's something called carioca, which I still don't totally get, but I think it's good for abductors/adductors/IT bands. And it's good to stretch the psoas, which I knew but wasn't remembering to do. And take glutamine (thanks, Sean) and use foam rollers (Sean, again), and do epsom salt baths (been doing that) and alternating cold/hot showers or use ice after workouts. And massage. There's a lot of information, so this will take me awhile to sift through, but those are the real highlights. Then it gets really technical about the actual day to day plans (18 different ones!). I'll try to get you all more stuff later.

So now I have my baselines for speed and strength and we'll see in a month or so if anything improves!

And Rob, whatever do you mean I better be getting out on my bike? Why? Gonna actually come and train with me this month? From a selfish point of view, that would just be the cat's meow, cuz I think you would really push me and I sort of need that. It's just so hard to keep pushing yourself--too easy to justify quitting too early. But, hey, no pressure man! I'd love to come up that way, but I would go bankrupt and my kids would miss too much school, etc. Or maybe you are just teasing me
2007-04-29 7:24 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay did race report, go to my logs and hot the race reprot listed on today. I think that will get you there, if I am wrong let us know.
So focused in training, I have not read much, I will get in there and play catch up. ROBB great job, my first 10k is in 6 days, any words of inspiration?

Here is what I wrote under overall how do you feel/ what will you do next time section:
my mind, it wanted to quit as so many points. My heart and my head was not as deep into this race as I was the first time I did it. I feel like this was a mid-semester report before the minnieman outdoor tri. In swimming, I did better than I thought I would for time but I need to prepare for open water swimming when I can not push off the wall. Biking, I need to get out, do some outdoor 13 mile rides with my clips and drop some mad time, I need to get it down by 5-10 min. And in running, I need to learn how to spread my kick out over the length of the race like Tom said. How can I take my running to the next level in terms of speed? So yeah it was good but it also let me know what I need to do.

2007-04-29 10:44 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Pene, great tips on the speed work.  Edurance comes from running, but speed is all muscle which comes from running but also strength training.  Look at any sprinters schedule and you will see they are pushing more weights than anything.

BGT good race hun!  As for your 10k, all I can say is find a pace that won't tire you out early.  The first 3k should feel like a warm up, the next 3k should feel good and heating, and the last 3k should be tough but still strong.  Also find its easier to fast-walk when drinking water so you dont spill it all over yourself lol


Today I hurt.  One of those all body aches.  And I am actually glad to feel it because it reminds me of when I started training.  The first time I did the trails here the next day I felt like this because my body wasnt conditioned for it, but now I do it and its fine.  So this tells me that a 10k is still a good push that requires rest, kind of a bench mark to work on.

2007-04-29 11:22 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BGT- Good tri, Does it feel great to get a time in?

Robb- Good 10 it was but listen to your body.

Today my crosstraining was playing Baseball, planting tomatoes, and playing frisbee with the neighbors dog. LOL LOL LOL However I am not logging that. LOL
I was with family and could not talk about tri's as their challenge, LOL sarcastically
it didn't work too well.
It's thundering and lighting out right now so I have my window open to look at the newly planted tomatoes, they havn't drowned yet.
I am back to swimming tommorow. YEA. I am actually really excited about this!!
The pool was closed for repair work. I wonder if it will be freezing cold or a warm 70. If its cold you stay warm by swimming Faster. Hopefully its cold so I can feel ready for a cold swim in about a month.
Here comes Dolphin Woman!!!!!!

2007-04-30 2:13 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
As pertains to soreness: my research from the speed stuff and experience is take a cold shower followed by a hot one, or soak in very hot bath of epsom salts and massage out those sore hams and calfs. There are also the foam rollers that one can get from Powersystems and use on the muscles. And there is a stick called an intracell that works great pre and post workouts (except I forget to use it). Not to mention the hypnosis network CD's for accelerated healing--they really do help, but your body still has to do the healing work, the tape just speeds it up. And, don't forget the essential fatty acids found in Flax and fish oil. There is a Danish study using Udo's oils for athletes that I found tonight when researching inflammation weight gain. It's rather amazing how much their endurance increased using the stuff! Like a triathlete could just go and go with his training 7 days a week, a boxer went from being exhausted after 90 minutes (I can totally relate) to going 2.5 hours with his workout. It just shows how important having those oil is in terms of limiting the arachodonic acid pathways that lead to inflammation, tissue toxicity and exhaustion. I KNOW this stuff, but forget to apply it! So, watergirl, and everyone else, TAKE YOUR OILS TO LOSE WEIGHT AND INCREASE ENDURANCE AND MUSCLE WHICH LEADS TO MORE SPEED. Cuz I think some of you just skip over my long posts without reading them and I don't blame you

I'm up at 2 am ish to do my file work that my secretary demanded I do this weekend or else! I procrastinated until now and so will go pee, drink my Starbucks Frappuccino Mocha (I've been largely off the stuff so it should work better for me) and WORK for a change. Well, I work physically very hard daily pushing on people and working out their trigger points in the muscles and I mean, it isn't light work, but I just hate the paperwork that goes with insurance. Everyone feel sorry for phoenix girl here.............
2007-04-30 6:00 AM
in reply to: #780572

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
watergirl777 - 2007-04-29 5:20 PM

So yesterday I swam a mile and then jumped outside and ran 5 miles. I felt good and Im less worried now about finishing an olympic tri. I weighed myself when I got up yesterday and it was 198.5 which is 2lbs down from last sunday, and a total of 3.5 down from when I started watching my diet about 10days ago. I was psyched! After my workout I was 197.5- even better! So I was super careful about eating yesterday, didnt overdo it just cuz I had a hard workout, ate hardly any carbs, etc. And this morning I weighed 200lbs. What the hell??? I would love to believe Pene that its inflammation weight cuz i was sore this morning but its such a strange thing. I guess thats why we're only supposed to weigh ourselves once a week. Although, I have to believe its just an off day and tomorrow i will be back to 198. Right??? I mean, I just rode 35 VERY HILLY miles and went to breakfast and only ate TOFU and vegetables, 1/2 wheat english muffin, hold the home fries and substitute fruit. Ok, and a few bites of my friends french toast.

First, great brick workout, and a tough bike ride. You feel strong, now, don't you?

As for the diet, well, maybe you should have had the home fries. I know, I should be advocating more fruit, but if they came with the meal...well, thats just wasteful. Next time, I'll have breakfast with you and I'll eat them.
2007-04-30 6:05 AM
in reply to: #780902

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-04-30 12:22 AM

I am back to swimming tommorow. YEA. I am actually really excited about this!!

I hear you on this. Was in the pool yesterday for the first time in 10 days. I'm a bit stiff this morning, but it felt good to just swim. And it was a good swim, too, until I felt something stick onto my arm, and when I stopped to take a look at it, saw it was one of those 4" band-aids. At least the scab wasn't on it. Did the person who wore that thing into the pool really think it was THAT waterproof?
2007-04-30 6:07 AM
in reply to: #780890

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-04-29 11:44 PM

As for your 10k, all I can say is find a pace that won't tire you out early.  The first 3k should feel like a warm up, the next 3k should feel good and heating, and the last 3k should be tough but still strong.  Also find its easier to fast-walk when drinking water so you dont spill it all over yourself lol

That's how I do it, too.
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