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2008-03-31 11:58 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
GREAT JOB Katz!!!!!

You know that you would have shave 10 solid minutes off of your previous year's race if it hadn't been for the asthma! Despite the asthma and the trouble you had on the run, you still shave 4:30 off your time which is a GREAT job!

You are setting yourself up for an excellent season, Katz! Keep it up! Here is to a GREAT 2008 Race Season!!

2008-04-01 10:17 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Way to go Kat!  Sounds like a great race and you should be very pleased.

My first cycling event is in 2 weeks and then I basically have 1 a month; graduating in distance leading up to the PA Dutch 150.  I only have 1 race on my schedule for now and it's in August.  Hope to add at least 1 more when Carl gets his work situation sorted out.

2008-04-01 12:03 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Congratulations Katz!!

I just read your race report and you did awesome!! Keep up the good work, thats a great way to start the season!!

Rich, how's your recovery??

Well guys, Caro and I have decided that we are doing a Half Ironman in May 4! It's called the Gator Half Ironman and it's in Sarasota Florida!! The only thing that scares me is the swim, but I think I'll be able to muscle it through, we'll seee. If any of you are up for the challenge, let us know!!!

Take care,

2008-04-01 10:23 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: The Race Season Is Beginning to Warm Up!
Hey Gang!

KATZ already gotten a quarter IM distance under her belt already this season, Christine is kickin it up a notch with an upcoming 150 mile ride, and Caro & Felipe are doing a half IM! Just think what you were all doing a year ago! Great improvements every where!

Felipe....don't worry about the water....just go out and swim easy and smooth....remember slow is smooth, smooth is faster! Just find a pace that you are comfortable with. You won't gain or loose huge amounts of time on the are so strong on the run that you will make up any time loss! Caro and you can take turns drafting off of each other!

Christine....You are just doing AWESOME! Keep it up.....sooooo proud of everything you are doing!

Felipe et al: The recovery is going OK....of course, I'd like to be on the bike and back in the water, but hey....I had surgery a little over 30 days ago! My therapist keeps on saying...."You're scaring me Rich....there is no way that you should be at this stage this soon after surgery.....he keeps on reminding me that "you're still healing". (I think the therapist is scaring me.......he is huge and could probably snap me like a twig! I'm just waiting for the pain! YIKES!!) :p

Texas dates have been solidified: Arriving 4/28 and departing on 4/30 out of Dallas/Ft. Worth!

2008-04-02 8:42 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

kAt!!! wow awesome race, awesome improvement!!! it's crazy, like rich says, how much we all are right now...Ang did her first marathon as well..i mean real rael accomplishments here...

Rich, soooo good to hear you are recovering quickly...just pace it..pace is the trick

Cris...that sounds liek so much fun...theres an MS 150 RIDE HERE that i would loove to do, but it confilcts with a bunch of stuff!!! It's a ride that goes to the keys and you camp out..its sounds phenomenal! I'm sure your race is similar or even better!!!!

 Yes, so Pipe and I decided to do the Half...i am getting stronger at running and in the bike..I am pretty comfortable with my we shall see how it goes...for sure, we will be drafting of eachother....Since we are still working on the IMFL entry for pipe, we thought doing our first half would be a really FABULOUS memory....i am very excited about it....

We just need to get better at cycling...gosh it's hard for me to bring my heart rate up and to go as fast as my trainning buddies....before I beat em at the run, now in our 13 milers, they drop me at mile 11 as they speed off at 7:40 pace...and Im jsut trying to keep my 8:00 pace...geeezzz~!~~~~~

Rich, if you have any suggestions let me know...

oh one good tip that has been helping me when running is lowering my arms and not moving them as much....making my run "quiet" and lifting my legs using my quads....its a really fun trying to do it.

 everyone have a good one, take care..


2008-04-02 9:23 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Thanks Rich and Caru!  Today I am going to get a tooth evaluated - probably need a root canal - but on the plus side, the pain woke me up early, so I went for a swim!  ;-)  Feels like I've been living on Advil for 2 months - between the knee injury and now this tooth. RICH -- Are you on pain meds?  Does that interfere with your workouts?

CARU -- I lived in South Florida for 3 years and I know the route down to the Keys very well.  I might have to come down for that ride some year.  I'm sure I would love it. I love Florida -- any excuse to visit.

Edited by cmbcwb3 2008-04-02 9:27 AM

2008-04-02 3:06 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey Y'all!  Sounds like everyone is off to a great season...Christine...I had a root canal last year and what a world of difference!  Tooth pain is aweful!  Hang in there.  Enjoy your Century Ride.

Rich, I checked my calendar and I think I can meet up with you when you come to Texas.  I'll PM you my email address so you can give me more information.  I'll even skip work if I have to.

Felipe! Caru!  So you're doing a HIM! guys will do awesome.  Thanks for the running tips Caru.  I'll take any great advice.

Katz, read your race report and you did great!  I can't even imagine trying to run with breathing issues.  2 of my kids have asthma and it's really been tough on them the last few days.  And you completed an OLY and shaved off some time!  Awesome!

My first tri is in May.  I'm feeling really good about my training.  I'm actually feeling comfortable in the water.  On my swim yesterday, I felt my feet come out of the water a few times!  I'm not a sinker!!!!  That's huge improvement for me.  My weight is steady...would like to lose a few more pounds though...pure vanity reasons...I'm taking an all ladies trip to Mexico and I need to fit in the "thong bikini" I bought!!!   

Happy Training everyone!  Go Team!


2008-04-03 7:29 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Really Angie?  A THONG bikini?  I bet Rich and Felipe would love to see a pic of that when you get back.

I've lost 10 lbs.  Have 10-15 more to go.  I can't wait to get on some of these rolling hills -- RICH, I should feel a difference on the bike with a 10 lb weight loss, right?

2008-04-03 4:01 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

I wouldn't even know where to shop for a thong bikini!  If Target doesn't have it...I don't buy it...I did get a bikini that ties on the sides though!  Does that count???  It has a little bling bling on it too!  WOOHOO! 

Congratulations on losing 10 lbs.  That's awesome...

2008-04-04 12:40 AM
in reply to: #1312636

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
cmbcwb3 - 2008-04-03 7:29 AM

Really Angie?  A THONG bikini?  I bet Rich and Felipe would love to see a pic of that when you get back.

I've lost 10 lbs.  Have 10-15 more to go.  I can't wait to get on some of these rolling hills -- RICH, I should feel a difference on the bike with a 10 lb weight loss, right?

Ohhhhh Christine! You are sooooooo bad! If I looked at another women in a thong bikini, my wife would start slugging me in the shoulder that was just fixed.....OUUUCHHHH! But, I'm bettin that Angie looks hot ......Felipe......can you look for me! LOL!

In answer to your queston about feeling the difference in loosing 10 lbs. You bet you will! Pick up something that is equivalent to 10lbs. and carry it around for several hours. Imagine not having the 10lbs on the bike. It may not seem like there is a difference going up and down the hills, but where you may really notice the difference is after your bike ride. You may not feel as tired or warn out.

Have a good one everyone!

2008-04-04 9:09 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
I would definately love to see!! Angie, we can decide whether it qualifies as a bikini or not but u have to show me! LOL!

Christine, congratulations on losing that weight, it definately makes a different, I have lost about 7 to 8 pounds as well and I can definately feel the difference running and it sure made a difference in my marathon. So keep it up!!!

Guys, there is a HIM in Texas towards the end of June, we should all do it, or try to find a race where we can meet up and race together!!

Hope all of you have a great weekend.


2008-04-04 1:56 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

What HIM is in Texas at the end of June?  I'm thinking of doing the Longhorn HIM in Austin at the beginning of October.  I haven't fully committed yet, but I'm seriously thinking about it.   It would be fun to race together.  I don't think I'll have enough time to train for a HIM in June, but I would love to cheer you and Caru on...let me know where it takes place.  I'll start making my signs!



2008-04-04 3:46 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

OMG, pounds off makes all the difference...i gained some and the little gut (thankfully)  is dissapearing...but let me tell you when i run with it, ggeeeeezzz....hahahahaha you are definately faster without it!!!1


guys I say, YES to a texas race.... i mean, I guess that is the most "central", i mean cris, andi and rich would be the ones that would have to travel the most...oh and us (im such a summy)!

lets maybe try and find an Olympic one taht way all of us can do it???


ok guys, so proud of everyone's progrss...!!!! yey!!! 


give options on races and times, even if its at the end of the we can all save $ and do it! and I totally say BRING the bikini pics!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha

mwak wmak have a good trianing weekend guys 

2008-04-04 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1316627

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

A Texas olympic distance race sounds awesome to me!! We'll probably need to have our fearless leader Rich let us know when he might be ready to race again - I'm thinking mid-summer or later? I'm currently planning on doing the Austin Triathlon on Labor Day (September 1) here in my neck of the woods.  That was a very fun race last year.  There's also the Hi-Fi Tri in Galveston on October 25 in Galveston, TX. It'll be run by the same folks who did the Lonestar and will be doing the Longhorn later this year - really top notch folks.

Angela, what races are going on in your part of the state?

2008-04-07 2:52 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

I know I'm fitting into suits I haven't fit into in more than 5 years!  Planning my first official outdoor training ride for the end of this week and we'll see how the weight loss and spin classes pay off.

I would LOVE to race in TX but current financial situation calls for frugality (is that even a word?).  Plus my spring/summer schedule is pretty booked.  But I would totally put a group olympic race on my schedule for 2009!  Florida or Texas both work for me. I would love to meet y'all.

2008-04-14 8:25 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey Rich!  Thanks for the socks!  I wore them in honor of you on my long bike ride yesterday - nice!  And that was a PR for distance for me, too - 66.1 miles!  And it was a hilly, windy ride.  I'm sore today, mostly in my back and shoulders.  My legs actually don't feel so bad - I'm surprised!

Speaking of shoulders, how is yours doing? Been thinking about you a lot and wondering how you're holding up.  Give us an update, please!

2008-04-14 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1335706

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Katz!

Glad you got the socks! If everyone remembers the challenge in December, I still have socks to get to everyone...just need your mailing address. I'll send them to you.

Shoulder is doing OK. I still keep scaring the physical therapist. I've maxed out the dumb bells for bicep rehab. Am up to 40lbs on one arm pull downs and 20lbs on a lateral pull down exercise. Up to 60lbs on tricep pulldowns, too. We haven't started working on overhead range of motion yet. I'm at the end of the healing stage. Once doc gives a green light, the physical therapist will start "hurting me"!

BUT, I started hurting the physical therapist. I got him to start running...teeeheeteeeheeee! He is up to 30 minute runs now. (He use to run about 20 years ago, but stopped.) I walk in to the office and he just says...."I'm hating you right now" as a big smile crosses his face and then proceeds to explain why.....legs, calfs and feet are hurting. I got him to buy new runnng shoes.....

Now that I think of it....who's the physical therapist here! Hmmmm!
2008-04-14 2:34 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Katz...66 miles!  Awesome must've been the socks from Rich!  He just inspires everyone...even his PT guy!  That's great Rich...I'm sure you'll have the entire office doing a triathlon before you leave the place.  So glad to hear you're doing well. 

2008-04-16 1:32 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Rich...thanks for the socks!  I can't wait to wear'em on Sunday for my brick!  WOOHOO!
2008-04-17 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1342446

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
yoblondie - 2008-04-16 1:32 PM

Hey Rich...thanks for the socks!  I can't wait to wear'em on Sunday for my brick!  WOOHOO!

You're welcome! Enjoy them!!!

To everyone that hasn't received socks, send me a PM with your address and I'll send them. They are the official "Pasadena Triathlon Club" cycling socks.


2008-04-21 6:42 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

RICH -- Just e-mailed you my address.  You can never have too many pairs of socks and those sound cool!

How was everyone's training weekend?  Anyone race?

2008-04-21 4:01 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey Group!  I ran a 10k this past weekend and did awesome!  I shaved off over 6 minutes from last goal this time was 57 minutes.  I ran 6.2 miles in 54:15!!!!  That's about a 8:43 pace!  I was stunned coming across the finish line.  I was 8th out of 31 in my age group and 206 out of 439 overall.  I think this season is going to be good for me...lots of PRs!  If not, at least improvements in all disciplines...Heck, I have no where to go but up!   I'm just amazed at how my body is able to handle this endurance/workout/training stuff.  It's now such a part of my life, I couldn't imagine NOT training for something.  It gives me purpose and a way for me to be with just me!  Selfish...maybe, but I feel great!  I hope everyone is doing well...enjoy the spring weather with flowers blooming!


2008-04-21 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1352577

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
yoblondie - 2008-04-21 4:01 PM

Hey Group!  I ran a 10k this past weekend and did awesome!  I shaved off over 6 minutes from last goal this time was 57 minutes.  I ran 6.2 miles in 54:15!!!!  That's about a 8:43 pace!  I was stunned coming across the finish line.  I was 8th out of 31 in my age group and 206 out of 439 overall.  I think this season is going to be good for me...lots of PRs! 


OUTSTANDING, Angela! Now I have a draft off of you when you run! That is a fantastic job Angela! And absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of! You were smokin girl! KUDOS! Keep it up! I LOOOOOOOOVE to hear successes like yours!

You are my HERO!

2008-04-23 11:02 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL



FRAKIN AWESOME JOB!!! YOU ARE JUST LIKE KICKIN IT!!! CONGRATSSS!!!  T-11 and its  our first HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 Rich, whats the status on the shoulder??


oh, BTW, i swwam with my wetsuit for the first time yesterday OMG!!! WAS THAT FREAKIN PHENOMENAL OR WHAT??? IT IS AMAZING!!!!!! I AM in looooooooooooooove with wetsuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hope everone is spankin it out there!!!!!!!!! 


2008-04-26 3:16 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Gang!

Got clearance to get back on the bike....went for a ride this morning! Wooooo Hoooooo! Was checking for soreness, stiffness, or sharp pain. None experienced. Will see how my shoulder is tomorrow. So hopefully I can run and bike. Next step.....getting back in the water!
Not sure when I will be able to get back in the water, but soon hopefully! Still experiencing some pain when simulating an overhead swim stroke. Need some more work on it!

Angela! My sincere apology! I got my itinenary for this coming week's trip to Richardson......they have me booked solid from 8:00 AM in the morning until 9:00PM at night. I'm VERY disappointed that I'm not going to be able to get over to see you in person. I have a 7:05 flight out of LA/Burbank and arrive at Dallas/Ft Worth about 12:00 Noon. Someone from the office will be picking me and a co-worker up and taking us right to the Richardson office for meetings and facilitation sessions that I'm conducting. There is a dinner meeting scheduled with some department heads. On Tuesday, I'm in an all day facilitated meeting that takes us through dinner until 9:00 AM. I'll be back in the Richardson office on Wednesday and driven to the airport for a 7:30 PM flight out of Dallas/Ft. Worth.

Next time I'm in Texas, I will block off time ahead of the agenda so that I can get over to see you!
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